Steelers Speak Out Against 18-Game Season

Pittsburgh Steelers players generally oppose the NFL's push for an 18-game regular season, Scott Brown of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reports.

"Hate it," Steelers wide receiver Antwan Randle El said. "I'm not going to say we don't gain anything, but we lose more because we're already talking about health and concussions and all of these different things going on. To add two more games is just going to add to the injury list."

Steelers linebacker James Harrison tells Brown that his six-year, $51.175 million contract would void, as it was based on a 16-game regular season, while safety Troy Polamalu thinks players would go for it if player contracts become guaranteed.

"I guarantee you that every player would say, 'Yeah, if you guarantee us contracts, we'll have a 20-game season.'", Polamalu said.

For more thoughts on the 18-game season from the Steelers players and Pittsburgh-based agent and former NFL player Ralph Cindrich, click here.

For the record, I am opposed to any changes to the schedule. 16 regular season games is enough, and while four pre-season games aren't required for fans and star players to get ready for the regular season, they are critical for younger players trying to get a foot in the door. Decreased prices for pre-season games is a more acceptable option than decreasing the opportunities these players have to improve and make NFL rosters.

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