Raiders QB Bruce Gradkowski "Ready to Rock and Roll"

Oakland Raiders quarterback Bruce Gradkowski no longer has an opportunity to wrestle the starting job away from Jason Campbell, but he does have a clear path to the top back-up job, beginning on Saturday night against San Francisco.

"Yeah, I feel good. I'm ready to rock and roll," Gradkowski said, according to Vittorio Tafur of the San Francisco Chronicle. "Shoot, I miss it. I've been champing at the bit. I'm just excited to get back out there this weekend."

Gradkowski took over the starting job last November, leading the Raiders to wins over the Cincinnati Bengals and Pittsburgh Steelers, Gradkowski's hometown team. In seven games, including four starts, Gradkowski completed 54.7% of his 150 pass attempts for 1,007 yards, 6 touchdowns, and 3 interceptions, compiling a passer rating of 80.6 to go along with his 108 rushing yards.

Two torn knee ligaments ended his season, and Gradkowski has battled a torn pectoral muscle and strained groin during the off-season and training camp.

With Campbell locking down the starting job, Gradkowski has an opportunity to cement the #2 job ahead of Kyle Boller (19-of-30, 203 yards, 1 TD, 94.2 rating this pre-season) and Colt Brennan.

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