Panthers RB DeAngelo Williams Discusses Future

Provided a new collective bargaining agreement is reached, Carolina Panthers running back DeAngelo Williams is scheduled to be a free agent after the season.

Despite the presence of 2008 first-round running back Jonathan Stewart and 2009 fourth-round pick Mike Goodson, Williams would like to stay with the Panthers, Joseph Person of The Charlotte Observer reports.

"I think it’s a proven fact that you need more than a couple tailbacks to get through seasons sometimes," said Williams, who had back-to-back 1,000-yard seasons entering this season, but gained just 361 yards on 87 carries before he was placed on injured reserve on November 17 with a sprained foot.

"I’d love to be a Carolina Panther. But if they don’t want me here--or not that they don’t want me here--if they have other things that they have to do," said Williams. "Because there’s a lot of stuff that has to be done here, and they’ve got to address those issues."

For more from Williams, including how the status of running backs coach Jim Skipper could affect his own future, click here.

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