Packers Reduced Bigby's RFA Tender

Green Bay Packers restricted free agent safety Atari Bigby allowed June 15 to pass without signing his one-year tender worth $1.759 million in base salary for the 2010. By doing so, the Packers had the option of reducing the tender to 110% of his 2009 base salary.

Bigby signed the tender last week when he reported to training camp, and according to NFLPA records, Bigby is scheduled to earn $1.6995 million in 2010, a 10% increase over his $1.545 million salary from 2009 and a $59,500 reduction in his '10 compensation.

Bigby, who is seeking a long-term contract extension, injured his ankle during the team's conditioning test and is currently on "Active/PUP". Bigby is expected to compete with third-round safety Morgan Burnett for the starting strong-safety job next to Nick Collins.

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