Hall of Fame LB Rickey Jackson Praises Patrick Willis

Former New Orleans Saints linebacker Rickey Jackson will be inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame on August 7, and in a wide-ranging interview with Mike Detiller of the Daily Comet, disclosed who he feels is the best linebacker in the present-day NFL.

"There are some real good linebackers today in the league, but a lot of them just do one thing real good and they aren’t the complete package," Jackson . "For my money, Patrick Willis out in San Francisco is the best. He’s a real humble guy, smart, and he makes plays all over the field. What separates him from the rest is that he is real good against the run and just as good dropping back in his coverage spots. A lot of guys today can’t do both. Some just want to rush the quarterback and they are good at it, but with Willis, there is nothing on the field he can’t do.

"Another thing I like about Willis is that he doesn’t want all the attention thrown his way. He doesn’t act up out on the field and he is all business. You can tell he is a team oriented guy and a good leader for the 49ers."

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