Buccaneers to Limit Winslow's Workload

Though he's expected to be cleared medically, Tampa Bay Buccaneers tight end Kellen Winslow will have his training camp workload reduced, reports Rick Stroud of the St. Petersburg Times.

"I think he’ll be off and on," Buccaneers general manager Mark Dominik said of Winslow's availability this summer. "Again, he’s going to be able to practice and do everything. We just want to get Kellen to the season and let him go. I know what Kellen can do. Whether he goes once a day, whatever he does, I think we'll just monitor him closely and adjust it accordingly. We're not worried about limiting him that way."

Winslow led the Buccaneers in receiving with 77 receptions, 884 yards, and 5 touchdowns in 2009. With 2010 draft picks Arrelious Benn and Mike Williams projected to start at receiver, Winslow will be counted on to be a veteran target for second-year quarterback Josh Freeman.

After undergoing a sixth procedure on his right knee, Winslow worked out on his own in San Diego, opting not to attend the team's Organized Team Activity sessions or off-season workout program.

Stroud adds that Winslow has spent the past month working with Freeman.

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