49ers LB Patrick Willis Stuck Up for Alex Smith

After San Francisco 49ers head coach Mike Singletary called out quarterback Alex Smith following the team's 31-6 season-opening loss to the Seattle Seahawks, Pro Bowl linebacker and team captain Patrick Willis came to Smith's defense.

"I've been in that situation before, and I know how he feels," Willis said Friday, according to Kevin Lynch of the San Francisco Chronicle. "It looked bad from a fan's perspective...But did the receivers run the wrong route? Did the offensive line get the right block? (Smith) works hard, he's been through a lot, and we're all in this together."

As dysfunctional as the 49ers have seemed thus far, with Singletary smelling a rat within the team's Santa Clara headquarters, Willis' defense of the quarterback is a sign that the locker room is still together.

Smith undoubtedly struggled in Seattle (26-of-45, 225 yards, 2 INTs, missed a wide open touchdown), but that cohesiveness in the locker room may have contributed to the 8-play, 82-yard game-tying touchdown drive Smith led the 49ers on against the New Orleans Saints on Monday night.

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