Yes, Aaron Rodgers Is Hurt

The great mystery is finally revealed. QB1 is indeed hurt and listed on the injury report. 

After Sunday's loss to the Lions, Aaron Rodgers was asked twice if he was hurt. Both times he insisted he was fine. 

That doesn't seem to be the case. 

Rodgers was listed as a Limited participant on Wednesday's injury report with a right shoulder injury. Yes, the throwing shoulder that put the ball in the air 61 times this past weekend. 

In other injury news, left tackle David Bakhitari was listed as a limited participant with a knee injury, while right tackle Bryan Bulaga was listed as Did Not Participate also due to a knee injury. 

Let the holding of breath around Packers fandom commence. 




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Comments (31)

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Evan's picture

November 18, 2015 at 04:41 pm

Part of me is relieved. At least it explains, to some degree, his struggles lately. I doubt very much he got injured against Detroit. I'm thinking the Broncos game. He took a beating and was shown wincing and grimacing quite often in that game.

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EdsLaces's picture

November 18, 2015 at 04:45 pm

I'm with ya. Kinda relieved as well. To think he's just played this bad for no reason has toyed with my emotions.

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RCPackerFan's picture

November 18, 2015 at 04:51 pm

That's my thoughts exactly. We could all see he hasn't been the same player. His throws aren't as crisp as normal. And in this last game he overthrew WRs, and threw balls into the dirt.

Maybe taking a little rest in practice will allow it heel up more.

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zoellner25's picture

November 18, 2015 at 05:27 pm

The O-line should be proud of getting his ass killed the last few weeks.

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RCPackerFan's picture

November 19, 2015 at 08:42 am

Yeah, the OL hasn't done him any favors, but also the WR's not getting open hasn't helped.

That is a lot of the reason why so many of us are calling for changes in the play calling. To do stuff to get WR's open more.

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RCPackerFan's picture

November 18, 2015 at 04:42 pm

That would explain his inaccurate throws of late. There have been a few hits the last few games that I questioned if he got hurt on. I think one was in the Denver game that you could see it on a close up that he was hurting. The last 3 games his play hasn't been where we are used to seeing.
Hopefully it's not serious and he will be able to get playing back to the level we are accustomed to seeing.

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Queenlizzie13's picture

November 18, 2015 at 04:48 pm

Doesn't quite explain some of the hesitancy w/ throws this year (which were present earlier than the Denver game) - but definitely explains the inaccurate throws the last few games. Agree he got hurt in Denver. He was wincing then. Get that shoulder fixed AR and your head on straight and we'll be a high-flying offense again.

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zoellner25's picture

November 18, 2015 at 04:50 pm

Right shoulder, left ankle, pride.......

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Evan's picture

November 18, 2015 at 04:51 pm

In reverse order of severity, I'd imagine.

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Since'61's picture

November 18, 2015 at 04:53 pm

I just posted on the stock report article that Aaron was hurt. I have previously posted here that I thought Aaron was playing through an injury and it turns out to be his right shoulder. I picked up a subtle difference in his throwing motion during the 1st half of the Denver game. To me it's been a little worse each week since. I'm not sure when he was injured, possibly before the bye, who knows. This at least eliminates all the ridiculous speculation about his stats or trusting receivers or Olivia as the reasons put forth for his recent poor play. In any case, injured or not, if he is going to play he needs to execute. Time for the OL to step up and get their jibs done. No excuses, any further injury to AR ends our season for sure. Go Pack! Thanks, Since '61

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PETER MAIZ's picture

November 19, 2015 at 04:23 am

The offensive line is pretty banged up too. Three show up in the injury report.

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NashvilleCheesehead's picture

November 19, 2015 at 05:52 am

Actually four out of five show up.....

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croatpackfan's picture

November 19, 2015 at 12:45 pm

Yes, Since, you were right, but now, I ask you, would you say it would be wise if Packers rest Aaron against Lions and play that game with Scott Tolzien, letting Aaron to heal? I think Scott would play little easier in that game than injured Aaron...

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Since'61's picture

November 19, 2015 at 10:23 pm

Croat - it is difficult to answer because I am not seeing Aaron practice during the week. I'm sure that Aaron is telling coaches that he can play. Coaches and doctors are observing him practice and providing treatment during the week. MM must believe that even with his current injuries he gives the Packers a better chance to win than Tolzien. Personally I would rather have Rodgers playing at 70-80% than Tolzien at 100%. Why? Because Rodgers makes good decisions with the football and he can change plays at LOS. He gives us a better chance to win. Look at the record of backup QBs in the league this season. Very few win games. Dallas is 0-7 without Tony Romo. The Eagles just lost to Miami without their starting QB. A few weeks ago 5 backup QBs started games for their respective teams and they all lost. Back up QBs rarely win in today's NFL. They may get their team through a game if they play great defense and/or have a strong running game. At this point without further information about Rodger's injury I would not play Tolzien, but that could change at any moment if Rodgers gets worse. Thanks, Since '61

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croatpackfan's picture

November 20, 2015 at 03:03 am

I have to agree with you that we do not have enough information, so it is hard to be certain in any claim. As I'm not sure if the decision to play comes from Aaron more than from Mike McCarthy or Tom Clements, it may as well be like that.
Lets looks at injured first QB, how many games they won? Like e. g. Andrew Luck, or Ben Rothlisberger (also, Steelers 2nd back up QB won some games didn't he?).
It is medical fact that even if you treat the injury, if you will use injured part you will for sure make trhat injury more severe. That is why injured spot hurts. You can avoid that pain by painkiller, but you will make nothing else but more and more damage to the injury...
As I told earlier, I like to watch Aaron playing. But not the way he played last 3 games. And, if we say that Broncos ambushed Packers, Aaron is playing worse from game to game, which suggests that his injury is progressing in the wrong direction!

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Archie's picture

November 22, 2015 at 11:27 am

So knowing that 12 had a bum throwing shoulder, GBP coaches had him heave it downfield 61 times?! Apparently there is no limit to how stupid our coaches are.

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Packer_Pete's picture

November 18, 2015 at 05:22 pm

What' it's not totally Olivia's fault? My world view is totally rocked now...

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zoellner25's picture

November 18, 2015 at 05:27 pm


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packersbrewers's picture

November 18, 2015 at 06:32 pm

Call me a cynic but I have to question if this is just something they are saying to explain the offensive problems and get the media to shut up.

He has taken a beating the last few weeks so it is very possible, but part me starts looking at it sideways when it just pop up all of a sudden. But who knows.

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Razer's picture

November 18, 2015 at 06:36 pm

Perhaps his shoulder is sore from throwing 61 times. He hasn't played well for at least a month so I'm guessing that his confidence is the worst thing hurting.

Better hope that he comes out of it on Sunday because the Vikings are playing well and Adrian Peterson will be running all over this defense.

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Bearmeat's picture

November 18, 2015 at 07:00 pm

To tell you the truth, I'm somewhat relieved. At least there's a BIG reason the offense has been so bad. Get healthy and ready to make a playoff run. Who cares about the bloody division.

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7th Rounder's picture

November 18, 2015 at 08:08 pm

Did anyone watch MMs presser? He basically explained why Rodgers wasn't listed on the report the last few weeks, its because Rodgers doesn't want anyone to know. Well the cats out of the bag now. Jason Wilde just couldn't let it go, he had to keep pushing and pushing.

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Mojo's picture

November 18, 2015 at 11:30 pm

Agree that Rodgers was injured weeks ago. He was driven into the turf a couple of times and displayed noticeable agony.

Don't agree with the posters expressing relief that this explains his recent throwing woes. On the contrary this is distressing to me.

If he was hurt a few games ago, then it appears the injury isn't getting better. Could linger the rest of the season. In fact it could get worse, especially considering he's going to be taking more contact as we go along, with no bye week to rehab.

Shoulder/arm injuries to QB's are a bad thing. Especially to their throwing shoulder.

Keep thinking about hard-throwing baseball pitchers and how often their arms breakdown. QB's are the closest thing in sports, except they have to take hits from 300 lb hard charging defensive players.

Arod is In his 30's now and the accumulation of career hits has to take a toll.

It will be interesting when this season is over if it comes out that this injury was affecting his throws.

Regardless of his uneven recent performances, without ARod this season is truly over. If the injury lingers or needs surgery then the window on this era might be close to shutting.

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Queenlizzie13's picture

November 19, 2015 at 07:48 am

I am only relieved in the sense that it provides more of an explanation for his struggles as of late. Not relieved in the sense that the injury is a good thing at all. Shoulder is not good at all. Wilde also thinks Rodgers has an issue with a lower leg injury as well - which I think is more recent than the shoulder and would explain why Rodgers did not run for it last game.

But it is not good - all of these injuries. This is the third consecutive season where Rodgers has been injured. Not good.

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Dan Stodola's picture

November 19, 2015 at 01:58 pm

Rodgers had a right shoulder injury his 1st year starting and it wasn't the rest of the year. That injury seemed much worse by comparison, tho shoulders are difficult to say w/o a specific diagnosis. I don't see it as lingering issue yet, but it would depend a diagnosis on this injury.

Too early to start spreading your bad news. Its nice to have a reasonable explanation for his play lately.

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MCM's picture

November 19, 2015 at 08:18 am

It's week 11, everyone is hurt.

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WinUSA's picture

November 19, 2015 at 10:02 am

Injuries have been a huge factor...I have said that in several of my postings...with some armchair QBs asking me of 2011 the was an "anomaly" and that "we should be able to overcome these obstacles" Bull crap.

This team is beat up even worse than 2011... the "next man up" verbal fodder is just dribble.

There is absolutely no way that a team can dominate or successfully compete like they would if they were at full strength capacity .

The offensive line has been playing on guts alone for weeks.....We have lost our starting best WR and have gone on five weeks with at least two other receivers on the pines.... our starting TE has been out all season. Half the games we have been playing with at least two of the starting CB/S out.

Now we are advised that Rodgers is injured. should have been obvious the man was injured...and like my comment or not...he should have been bench during the Lions game...not because he isn't a great QB, but because in the long run of the season it would have made sense to rest him and let him heal rather than getting wacked some more.

Go on give me the thumbs down...I just call them the way I see them!!!!!

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Archie's picture

November 22, 2015 at 11:35 am

Injuries are never an excuse. All teams have them. If 12 is so hurt we can't win with him (See last 3 games), why are we playing him? If the answer is he gives us a better chance than going to our #2 then something even bigger is wrong. We drafted 12 10 years ago. We should have a competent #2 by now. And if we don't, why didn't we bring back Hasselback? He is 2-0 this year.

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WKUPackFan's picture

November 19, 2015 at 11:20 am

Never want to see AR or anyone injured.

However -It does give me the lucious opportunity to publish Olivia Munn's tweet for the benefit of the Big T's of the world: "Playing it fast & loose with the journalism @RobDemovsky. Your professional skills are must be having personal problems at home."

I really shouldn't enjoy this so much.

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D Ernesto's picture

November 19, 2015 at 04:15 pm

If he is too hurt to play in confirms my theory that morons coach this team. We got two guys on the bench who have shoulders who aren't hurt. Are we not suppose to have the BEST players who are able to play play so we can like WIN THE FREEKIN GAME.

Its not me who has noticed that a lot of talent is sitting on the bench in favor of higher draft picks who are not performing. On this team pre season performance is not indicative of if you play.

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Alfredo Martinez's picture

November 19, 2015 at 05:47 pm

its brett hundley time...

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