WE LOST??? Packers After Dark reaction to playoff exit

Season 2 of Packers After Dark kicks off with Tyler welcoming CHTV contributor Mark Oldacres to discuss the Packers loss in the Divisional round to the 49ers. 

Packers After Dark is a late night, unscripted podcast hosted by CheeseheadTV's social media manager, Tyler Herrick. Season 2 kicks off with Tyler welcoming CHTV contributor Mark Oldacres to discuss the Packers loss in the Divisional round of the playoffs.






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Comments (45)

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PearlyBakerBest's picture

January 23, 2022 at 08:02 pm

Aaron Rodgers lost this game. PERIOD. He wrote the narrative in the off season. Then in the regular season. And then he shit the bed in the post season. Again. Watch the tape.

3 points
Lphill's picture

January 23, 2022 at 08:26 pm

Rodgers had a field goal blocked then a punt blocked and returned for a TD ?

-1 points
Ikrispy's picture

January 23, 2022 at 08:47 pm

No, that was special teams. Rogers was responsible, in short, for not moving the offense, for expecting to be able to hold the ball waiting for the big play and not get sacked and for barely being able to get passes to receivers. One play; if he had hit Jones in stride on the long pass before the half, Jones scores, GB wins.

5 points
OldSchool69's picture

January 23, 2022 at 10:20 pm

Totally agree. Special teams continue to fail. Why at this point in time is Drayton allowed to fail. I've read his prior experiences, which are respectable but his performance as head coach of special teams is horrible. You don't do things right some of the time, you do things right all of the time. That's how champions are made. Sound familiar....? And while we're at it Brian Gutekunst is also to blame for letting this special teams disaster continue all season long. Rogers didn't have a stellar game, but the blame is as stated. The offensive line adjustments for this game, another LaFleur screw up. Last year the field goal, this year the O-Line meddling. Fix it before Rogers leaves, the Packers have NO QB to backfill, Love is no backup. If Rogers leaves....this Packer team is in SERIOUS SERIOUS trouble.

0 points
dblbogey's picture

January 23, 2022 at 10:34 pm

And if Rodgers stays, they are in salary cap hell resulting in the loss of some very key people and the inability to pursue free agents.. Trade him, get what you can.

4 points
PearlyBakerBest's picture

January 23, 2022 at 10:45 pm

They are in salary cap hell regardless.

1 points
NickPerry's picture

January 24, 2022 at 06:04 am

That's true but trading Rodgers would get them a long ways in getting it cleaned up.

IF Rodgers wants to be the highest paid, one of the highest paid, the Packers HAVE to trade him. Adams wants $27 million plus, you have Alexander coming up and Jenkins as well. Do you really want to get rid of Amos, the Smiths, and go ahead and fill in the blank.

Watching the tape of the KC vs Buff. game. Just saw that long TD by Hill with just over a minute to take the lead. IF Adams had that kind of speed, then maybe you give him $27 million but he doesn't.

Maybe you Tag him and trade him or just let him walk. Either way the numbers say the Packers are in rebuild mode. Lets hope Love is the answer. We still HAVEN'T seen the REAL MLF offense, we've watched a variation. I guess we find next year if some of the draft capital we get for Rodgers will be needed for another QB.

1 points
PearlyBakerBest's picture

January 23, 2022 at 10:06 pm

Sorry LP. Special teams gave up 7. Points not scored are not points gained by the opponent. 1 for 10 on td scoring drives. 1for 9 on fg scoring drives. This is what he held out for. This is what he ransomed for. This what the team gave in and screwed the cap for. He had the d. He had the players. He shit the bed.

I hate to agree with a deplorable like Taryn but he can’t win the big game. Winners win. And when the moment strikes, he fades. The record speaks.

4 points
dblbogey's picture

January 23, 2022 at 10:30 pm

He obviously said no such thing. Rodgers did not play well. He did not do what MVP's do, get it done.

2 points
Irish_Cheesehead's picture

January 24, 2022 at 05:59 am

If you watched the Chiefs-Bills game you saw some MVP level QB play on both sides. In comparison, Rodgers looked old and slow.

3 points
bjkdad44's picture

January 25, 2022 at 08:15 pm

Old and Cold!

0 points
canadapacker's picture

January 23, 2022 at 08:57 pm

Go back to the Queens site. Sorry - but you are full of it.

-2 points
egbertsouse's picture

January 24, 2022 at 08:08 am

You Canadians. Still talking about the Queen.

-1 points
Tex49's picture

January 23, 2022 at 09:49 pm

10 points at home in the playoffs says Pearly is right. We knew the special teams was abysmal but even a mediocre Rodgers game would have nullified the effect.

0 points
OldSchool69's picture

January 24, 2022 at 08:44 am

The special teams gave up 10points.....10pts. at home. Its a number that Drayton apparently loves. At one point thats how many he had on field. First order in off- season...FIRE DRAYTON.

3 points
Ikrispy's picture

January 23, 2022 at 08:57 pm

Complain all we want about the abysmal special teams play. We expected it to be bad. The offense was, based on all the analysis and commentary on this site, expected to be better than 10 points. Honestly, we really shouldn’t be surprised, Rogers’ ego is too big to allow himself to just take what the defense gives him and patiently move the chains. That’s always been a problem for the Pack against teams with a solid pass rush.

0 points
canadapacker's picture

January 23, 2022 at 09:23 pm

Despite the offense's poor play - if not for the poor play of special teams - we win 13-6. Defense played out of their mind. Blocked punt for a TD - blocked chip shot field goal. We may have expected some sort of improvement in special teams - had 2 weeks of practice to get the blocking in order - and at least run in our lanes on kickoffs. Sorry you developed a hate on for ARod over his vaccination and offseason antics - not a fan myself. But we won 13 games against one of the hardest schedules. So give it a break.

9 points
OldSchool69's picture

January 24, 2022 at 01:05 pm

1000% agree...going into playoffs Rogers is an MVP candidate..now the brunt of blogger hatred. 10pts flatout given up by Drayton's special teams. Blame him, Lafleur and Gutekunst. BTW...coach Drayton...heyheyhey we need one! Holy cow!

0 points
White92's picture

January 23, 2022 at 09:01 pm

Not sure why you weaken 2 spots on the O-line by having a guy start a position he hasn't played all year after coming off injury.

12 points
dblbogey's picture

January 23, 2022 at 10:36 pm

That made no sense. Just plug in Yosh at LT, Taylor at RT and go.

3 points
OldSchool69's picture

January 23, 2022 at 10:48 pm

You can not simply plug-n-play with the most important part of your offense, the O-Line. Making these changes, screwing with the chemistry might work in week 5-9, but not in playoff runs....big mistake.

5 points
Packers1985's picture

January 24, 2022 at 11:25 am

Exactly what i felt when i saw turner as the LT. Too much shuffling of the oline breaks the chemistry.

2 points
blacke00's picture

January 24, 2022 at 07:36 am

Absolutely! The 5 "best" players are not necessarily the "best" unit"! I've been told for decades that the O line plays a unit. In that unit unit cohesion is most important. Another blatant incident of "over thinking". One of Ted Thompson greatest failings.

4 points
blacke00's picture

January 24, 2022 at 07:36 am

Absolutely! The 5 "best" players are not necessarily the "best" unit"! I've been told for decades that the O line plays a unit. In that unit unit cohesion is most important. Another blatant incident of "over thinking". One of Ted Thompson greatest failings.

0 points
michaelturi's picture

January 23, 2022 at 09:06 pm

Was the game plan really for AR to take 5 step drops and hold the ball while looking for #17? I hope not, if so this falls on coaching. However, I think AR went rogue. The first possession was scripted. It looked like a good strategy. Sorry, but I say trade #12 and maybe #17 and retool. LaFleur bears a lot of fault also for not addressing ST.

10 points
Rossonero's picture

January 23, 2022 at 09:29 pm

I still lay the blame at the feet of Special (Stupid) Teams with the 10 point swing on two blocked kicks in this game.

However, Rodgers completely ignored all of his other receivers, as Cobb and Lazard each one target. That is just bat shit crazy. He was just looking for Adams and nobody else, playing hero ball. I don't know what he was thinking or what LaFleur was thinking.

9 points
canadapacker's picture

January 23, 2022 at 09:57 pm

Totally agree - and funny thing we saw that with Dallas , Arizona and Phillie - no teams played to their strengths until the game as pretty well over

3 points
Tundraboy's picture

January 24, 2022 at 09:00 pm

We only played to our strengths for about a quarter. Aargh

0 points
dblbogey's picture

January 23, 2022 at 10:44 pm

I don't disagree, but part of our problem for about 3 years is we have DeVantae and then a bunch of #4 or worse type receivers. We all tend to overestimate our own players, but MVS has done very little in his career and has had injuries. St. Brown does nothing and is usually injured. Cobb is old and finished. Lazard is the best of the bunch, and he's really just pretty average. We have questions at tight end as well. Trading Rodgers could fill a lot of holes and the cap savings is huge.

4 points
Fubared's picture

January 23, 2022 at 11:11 pm

could have had some very good receivers to join Adams but Gutt took love and no receivers in that draft.
St Brown they kept. I used to watch him at ND and he dropped a lot of critical passes and saw him pulled from games for it. How the hell we drafted this clown is beyond me but he is one of many losers being seleted by our GM. Kevin King? Missed big parts of two seasons with serious shoulder injuries.
Cant remember the TE from Wisconsin but he had several severe concussions in college and we took him thinking he could take an NFL beat down. OUr GM's pay no attention to injury records and thus why this team always led the league in injuries.

-1 points
Todd's picture

January 24, 2022 at 12:19 am

TE from Wisconsin? Got your facts wrong. It was Sternberger from Texas A&M.

0 points
Rossonero's picture

January 24, 2022 at 01:40 am

Totally agree. I want Rodgers gone - not because I don't like his talents, but because we've reached a point of diminishing returns from the standpoint of his massive salary vs. the salary cap hell we are in. Plus, he doesn't want to be part of a rebuild, so that's good news to me -- trade him and sell high, and by doing that, we should get WAY closer to getting the cap healthy again and keeping (hopefully) most of this team intact.

0 points
Hematite's picture

January 24, 2022 at 07:04 am

Those are my thoughts right down to the final period.
It's time to sweep Rodgers and his contract right out the door and move on.

-1 points
Fubared's picture

January 23, 2022 at 11:06 pm

Ya if your Cobb Lazard, St Bonehead. MVS, you got to be pissed that he ignores you and only looks at Adams and your the second or third option and if your not completely open, he throws it away.
These guys bust their asses in practice and expect to be part of the game. Only throwing to Adams is saying you dont trust the others.

2 points
Rossonero's picture

January 24, 2022 at 01:42 am

Agreed, which is funny since Rodgers is usually bitching about not trusting the new young WRs. It's time to turn the page. I hope they trade him and get a bunch of draft picks.

0 points
Tundraboy's picture

January 24, 2022 at 09:01 pm

Some leadership let alone team player.

0 points
canadapacker's picture

January 24, 2022 at 12:06 am

There are whole bunch of people on this site - other than he'saPayne -that havent been on before and are spouting off their hatred. And He'aPayne is dumping on our receiver corps again - even though Lazard, MVS (until he was hurt) Tonyon ( until he was hurt) Cobb ( until he was hurt) all were contributors over the regular season. Deguara and the Big Dog ( fumble against San Fran) also were key in the runblock game although I admit that Deguara has not developed as much as the team figured. So it is no wonder that AR targeted Adams - but that in my opinion something that Lafleur should have worked out long ago.

2 points
Crankbait's picture

January 24, 2022 at 12:44 am

Here is a nugget for all to chew on:

The sports reporter in me won't let this Packers choke job go. I dug deep early this morning to file this report before the other reporters found this nugget. There was one man who could have prevented this loss from happening. His name is Darren Rizzi.

Who the heck is that, you ask? Well, the foundation for this loss actually happened back in 2019 when Matt LeFleur and/or the Packers brass didn't hire Rizzi, who was respected and had an excellent reputation from his years as special teams coach with the Miami Dolphins. Rizzi was one of the most highly sought assistant coaches in the NFL during the 2019 offseason.

NBC Sports Pro Football Talk's reported back in May of 2019 that LaFleur reportedly tried to sign Rizzi as his special teams coach when he was assembling his staff, but was unable to land him because the Packers low-balled Rizzi on a contract. Rizzi eventually signed a three-year, $4.5 million contract to coach the New Orleans Saints’ special teams. Instead, the Packers hired Shawn Mennenga as their special teams coach.

Mennenga's résumé was definitely not as strong as Rizzi's, and according to reports at the time, wasn’t even LaFleur’s second choice after Rizzi. However, Mennenga had previously worked for Mike Pettine, who was retained as the Packers’ defensive coordinator at the time, and that led to Mennenga getting the job.
Obviously, we all know how poor the special teams unit was under Mennenga. The Packers finished 29th in Rick Gosselin’s annual special-teams rankings in 2020 and ranked 26th in 2019. He was fired on Jan. 29, 2021. Then, in LaFleur's infinite wisdom, he saw the need to replace Mennenga with his assistant Maurice Drayton, who took the Packers special teams even deeper into the abyss. We all witnessed what happened in the Divisional Round Playoff last night and all season, that I don't have to rehash those facts.

Meanwhile, Rizzi, who has 28 years of coaching experience, including the aforementioned 10-season stint with the Dolphins from 2009-18, has placed five special teams players on six Pro Bowls, including Saints return specialist Deonte Harris and kicker Wil Lutz in 2019.

According to the Saints website, Rizzi coached six players to the NFL All-Rookie team in the past eight years, including Harris in 2019. Rizzi's special teams units have finished in the top half of NFL writer Rick Gosselin's annual special teams rankings in all 10 years that he has served as a coordinator, including first in 2019 and fifth in 2020.

The Saints website went on to say that in 2020, Rizzi fielded a special teams unit that ranked first in opponent punt return average (2.3) and second in opponent kickoff return average (17.2), sixth in kickoff return average (25.4 avg.) and ninth in punt return average (10.2 avg.), while ranking third in opponent average starting position after kickoffs (23.8-yard line) and ninth in average starting position after kickoffs (25.9-yard line). Despite missing seven games with injuries, Harris had a 12.2 punt return average and 27.3 kickoff return average. Lutz (Week Five) and punter Thomas Morstead (Week One) each were named NFC Special Teams Player of the week once.

All the while this was going on in New Orleans, Green Bay was spinning its wheels in the muck and getting deeper and deeper in trouble. So, you want to blame someone for this loss? You have to go back three years to what could have been. You didn't know the name Darren Rizzi before you read my report, but I bet you'll never forget his name now. The Packers should have never let Rizzi leave the building until they paid him and he would have been worth every single penny.

NBC Pro Football Talk's website, SI.com, the New Orleans Saints website and NFL.com each contributed to this report.

3 points
OldSchool69's picture

January 24, 2022 at 03:44 pm

Crankbait is absolutely correct. But for all the Rogers haters out there…breathe deep…inhale exhale inhale exhale….he’s not the reason Lambeau’s lights are done for the season. Saturday’s meltdown came at the hands of three people alone….not the MVP QB candidate A.Rogers. M.Drayton#1, MLF#2, and Gutekunst#3. Drayton lost us 10pts…a definite game changer during any game and especially during a playoff game. A blocked field goal for -3, a blocked punt for an instant -7 and…….and fielding only ten players for SanFran’s game winning kick. PeeWee football teams are better prepared than that circus act! All season long SP teams have been a reoccurring issue but MLF and Gutekunst apparently didn’t see the importance in fixing this disfunction. Now, you are the #1 seed in the playoffs. You’ve got two weeks to fine tune your drive for success and this sh*t happens. Holy cow, how much more unprepared can a unit as such get? To all the Rogers haters out there, he did not ‘shit the bed’….good grief. Granted, he did not have a great game. Did he throw a pic, no. Did he fumble the ball, no. Did he scramble for his life, yes. Did he kiss the turf, yesx6. Did he ever stop competing thru the course of that game, NO. Plain and simply the special teams…they were AN F’N DISASTER. They are the reason Lambeau’s lights are done for the season. As someone else on this site quoted,….special teams…they ‘shit the bed’.

2 points
Packerlifer's picture

January 25, 2022 at 10:12 pm

With Sean Payton quitting today as Saints head coach his people will be looking for jobs so maybe another chance at Rizzi for the Packers.

0 points
Shinesman's picture

January 24, 2022 at 03:33 am

I have to say that I agree with a lot of what you guys had to say. However, I also disagree with some of it. Anyways, here is my 2 cents:

The core is coming back. The entire OL, both RBs, and most of the defense. This is a better starting spot than most rebuilds.

If anyone needs extending, its Devondre Campbell and Jaire Alexander. We haven't had a true ILB since Desmond Bishop and the fact he came in and played lights out showed exactly why its important, and even crazier why the front office openly admits it feels that ILB isnt a crucial piece. We have never had the leagues top shutdown corner, ever. Jaire is exactly that. He is young and must be kept.

I think we do what the Ravens and Tampa did when they won with Dilfer and Brad Johnson, go all in on an amazing defense, and put together an offense that maybe scores 20 a game.

I also understand either way if Rodgers is back. If he isnt, ok; if he is, ok. I like him, I think he does have one bad game per post season, but this time the special teams added to it. I could see if he or the organization decided to part ways or even to stay. But regardless, he would need a paycut.

Teams mentioned as trade partners were interesting. I saw the eagles listed because they have multiple 1sts. Honestly, if they could fleece the eagles for a 1st, 2nd, and 5th... plus Minshew.... deal. They are desperate and dumb enough to do something like that.

Love is just not the guy. I know you guys are positive people, but he has shown literally nothing. Nothing. He threw a screen pass into a running backs feet in his start in KC. Not to avoid a loss or penalty, but just because he is that inaccurate he hit the guys feet at 4 yards away. It was a bad pick, the sooner we admit that, the sooner we heal.

I really didnt like the talk of Rodgers putting everyone through drama. Remember, he didnt leak anything about the private scuffle between he and gutekunst. That was someone within the FO, either high up or just a staffer who hears conversation. Rodgers wasnt happy it leaked and didnt want the drama. He wanted it all to be behind closed doors. So blaming him for the drama is absolutely misplaced.

I lived through the Favre/Rodgers changeover as a diehard. Trust me, this is not the same. Anyone who likens the Rodgers/Love situation to that is just ignorant. Completely different set of circumstances and people.

I think we went all-in, until we had a chance to go "all-er in" and failed to sign OBJ. The man wasnt washed and immediately causes a nightmare with he and Adams on the field. Would have made the difference in the SF game.

We definitely have made three straight exits as the better team, but it is what it is. Like you guys said, I dont think there is any organization in pro sports worldwide that has more "what-ifs" than the Packers.

Good night and good show.

0 points
Houndog's picture

January 24, 2022 at 07:47 am

Good morning,
Way too many good post here to comment on them all, so I'll throw a few things out there.
Rodgers did indeed 'shit the bed', again, but some of that lands on coaching. The O-Line was in disarray cuz they shuffled the entire line instead of playing what got them there, Yosh Nijman. The run blocking sucked. MLF calls the plays, and he, like us was seeing other receivers open while Rodgers continued to force the ball to Adams. Is MLF afraid to tell Rodgers what needs to be said, "you're f#@%king up, open your eyes"? We're in big trouble if he is!
I know who Darren Rizzi is, and I didn't need to look him up. He's the excellent ST coach that 'Magic' Mark Murphy low-balled with a ST coaching offer, so he could buy more real estate and build more snow-slides.
I wrote a few weeks ago that I think MLF has a bit of McCarthy in him as he shows too much loyalty to shitty assistants, and then there was the uninspired play on Saturday night, another McCarthy trait, so part of this falls on him..
Then there's Gutekunst who now has the job that Ron Wolf turned down in the mid-80's when Dominic Olenjiczak offered him a 'half-GM-job'. Wolf wanted full control or nothing, and got that when Bob Harlan took over, he's now in the HOF. Gutekunst is a Yes man that went along with shitty ST's, he should have stepped up!
Now, everything goes through 'Magic' Mark, the same shit-show that an 80 y/o Olenjiczak couldn't let go of nearly 40 years ago. A guy fancying himself a real estate mogul running a football team makes perfect sense, to Murphy! Gutekunst, Ball, and the others are his puppets.
Rodgers, if not already gone will be gone soon, and there's no real QB waiting in the wings like there was behind Favre. The salary cap will cost us starters and a couple Pro-bowlers this year, maybe Adams, it's a mess. Keeping guys like Campbell and Douglas will not be easy, and then, how much did Rodgers trade value drop on Saturday night?
There will be an overhaul, a dismantling, a rebuild, whatever you want to call it, how deep it goes remains to be seen, but maybe it should start at the top.

1 points
Booner's picture

January 24, 2022 at 08:24 am


3 points
albert999's picture

January 24, 2022 at 09:33 am

Nobody gives a damn if Rodgers wins MVP…worst loss of Rodgers career…..He might own the bears BUT San Francisco owns AR in the post season 0-4

2 points
alex's picture

January 24, 2022 at 12:16 pm


0 points