The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Packers vs 49ers

Aaron hands out the Good, the Bad and the Ugly from the Green Bay Packers thrilling Week 3 win over the San Francisco 49ers.  




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12 points

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NitschkeFromTheGrave's picture

September 27, 2021 at 12:14 am

1) *J. Alexander's pick. His afterburner speed was amazing.
2) *Defense showed improvement, but...
3) *A. Roger's gets the job done with :37 on the clock in the 4th to set up Mason's kick.
4) *Mason's walk off field goal and an exciting win.

The Bad:
1) *A. Roger's is not spreading the ball around to the point he is rarely looking at receivers other that D. Adam's.
2) *D was better but started letting us down in the 3 and 4th quarter.

The Ugly:
1) *Defensive ARM TACKLING. It's got to stop.
2) *Ref's one-sided picky calls against the Packers. Then when Adam's gets hurt there is no call when there probably should have been.

All in all was an exciting game to watch and good to feel proud of the win, team and cohesive improvement. On to Lambeau with Pittsburgh incoming...

Go Pack....

Now...Where is my F***ing Cigar?  

Go out there and HIT someone will ya ?

6 points
baldski's picture

September 27, 2021 at 01:25 am

Joe Barry for Mayor of Green Bay.

1 points
edp1959's picture

September 27, 2021 at 09:12 am

So you liked that last drive where they couldn’t hold the the lead. Why does ARod have to score 30 to win?

1 points
Thegravedigger's picture

September 27, 2021 at 08:37 pm

because its 2021. its borderline impossible to cover in this league. and guys were injured. z smith, barnes, kevin king. when they went to dime instead of bringing in a 4th corner they brought in henry black. subs were in. but this defense won the LOS. thats all you can ask for. niners got some bs penaltys, and if deebo isnt a monster, Jaire breaks up that pass on 3rd and 10. they were also gifted 7 points on that non grounding call. that was a sack. its not easy to cover in this league when you cant even touch the other guys. big plays will happen in the nfl. you just have to make big plays on defense too. because the offenses are gonna get theres. its just what it is now.

0 points
PatB's picture

September 27, 2021 at 03:03 am

Fully agree about Nijman. He's a guy that I really wanted (not necessarily expected) to pan out. Some fans wanted to cut him in the preseason based on one play — a play where he got beat but still kept his body between the defender and the QB. For him to play as well as he did in his first significant regular season action against a tough defensive front is fantastic.

15 points
packerbackerjim's picture

September 27, 2021 at 04:32 am

Good: reminding my packer buddy who was pessimistic about this game, that in 1989 GB beat a much better Niners team when I was the pessimistic one.
Bad: Hate to whine about the officiating, but holy shit I thought MLF was going to have a stroke.
Ugly: Special team screwing up at just the worst possible time.

9 points
MarkinMadison's picture

September 27, 2021 at 05:09 am

Good: I thought this was the game plan we were going to see against New Orleans. Maybe they were saving it. Maybe they didn't think they needed the quick throws in the first half with Jenkins on the edge instead of Nijman. Whatever. Nijman didn't die. Nijman had some nice footwork and redirection of rushers past the QB. Bosa got some pressure but didn't change the game. There were no ball-stripping hits on the QB from any direction. There was no #12 lying motionless on the turf. First time starter at LT, two rookies on the inside, a DL with players all the way along it; this could have gotten ugly. So I'd say "good" on the whole dang line - including Tonyan with his chips. (Honorable mention to the whole defense for a great first half. The second half, a brilliant play-caller had their number.)

Bad: The reffing. From the NFL: "Once a pass has been released by a passer, a rushing defender may make direct contact with the passer only up through the rusher’s first step after such release (prior to second step hitting the ground)." I haven't re-watched the tape, but the announcers showed the slow-mo and said Jaire took one step. Yet they accepted that the penalty was legit. One step - that is just football and guys need to be o.k. to play. And then on the flip side the helmet-to helmet against Davante was just horrible. Even if you are old and out of position as a ref, you throw that flag and let San Fran challenge it because you can see Davante laying on the ground like he just got hit in the head. And the grounding non-call. But really, just bad, bad, bad.

Ugly: I'm going Special Teams coverage here at the end of the first half. That play changed the whole flavor of the game. We went from Packers dominating to 49ers with momentum. No doubt about it.

8 points
dekan51's picture

September 27, 2021 at 10:33 am

Yes, ST sucked, but they did get it together after the half. There were no players flying downfield running right past the returner. They stayed sound and in their lane....

3 points
Thegravedigger's picture

September 27, 2021 at 08:43 pm

as much as i love davante and hated that hit, even he said it wasnt helmet to helmet. hes fine with it. so am i. and no. you dont just start throwing flags on shit you cant even see. because san francisco cant challenge a penalty. you keep it in your damn pants. this league is not about the zebras. they need to be involved much less. he didnt see the play, it was unfortunate, but you dont just start throwing flags when your not sure. there would be a damn flag every play based on that logic. sorry im probably nit picking your comment. i just dont want to see more yellow beanbags on sundays. but at the same time, these mother fuckers cheat alot. holding especially is out of control in this league. you dont just throw a flag because a guy is holding his head if you didnt see the play tho. if the league deems that hit dirty, than they can punish the guy now.

0 points
NickPerry's picture

September 27, 2021 at 05:57 am

The Good....

I'm right there with Nagler and have to admit when I'm WRONG. I made a comment before the game that I'd be physically ill if Josh Nijman played. I was also wrong when I thought he play RT because I thought in NO WAY would he play LT. Josh played his ass off and held up well. The 49ers kept Bosa on him much of the night and Josh held up as did the ENTIRE O-Line.

MLF... Excellent game plan AND they stuck to the run. Rodgers for the most part stuck to the quick passing game.

Aaron Jones... He played a hell of a game. Running behind a O-Line with a 3rd string LT (Who didn't play like it). Two rookies and a 2nd year Guard.

Rodgers and Adams... Are you kidding me, just lethal.

The Bad... None... I'm just too happy!

The Ugly... No call on the hit to Adams. Are you kidding me Jerome Berger? The PI call on Stokes?? The OBVIOUS grounding call that WASN'T made before the half???

11 points
nygary's picture

September 27, 2021 at 06:06 am

I have bashed the D-Line for the last 2 weeks. But last night they played really well and I am happy to eat crow. Hope they can hold up all season.

6 points
Tundraboy's picture

September 27, 2021 at 08:39 am

I’m Ok with crow. I ate a lot last night, not so bad.

1 points
rstain99's picture

September 27, 2021 at 06:25 am

Good: O line held up pretty well
Bad: Barnes, injury prone ? refs were too much part of the game on both sides, but some in end against GB were horrible
Ugly: Why didn't they kick the ball on the ground at end of first half change momentum no question. clock management is terrible to GB the last 4 plus mins without a TO that's on MLF

Stokes nice game did his best sorry King your out maybe special team player as Sullivan is also a head of you now. 6-3" fast should be good just no sack. Fresh start him elsewhere
MLB Campbell nice game best cheap FA they've got in years.
TJ Slaton had some snaps
Joe Barry gets a B Defense looked better

3 points
Cubbygold's picture

September 27, 2021 at 06:54 am

The Good...

Stokes permanently replacing King. Incredible performance from oline, great play calling and execution by MLF and the offense in the first half to neuter SFs front 7.

The bad...

Packers second possession in the 4th quarter. Momentum shifting, defense starting to get gassed, ball in Rodgers hands... Obviously the time where you want to run some of your best plays, roll some clock, get a few first downs. Or... chuck it deep 3 times in a row and be forced to punt after burning all of 30 seconds.

WTF is Rodgers doing burning second half timeouts like theres no way they could be useful late in the game.

Special teams preventing the blowout.

The ugly...

That PI call on stokes up the middle leading to a huge TD for SF. That's the type of call that creates conspiracy theories.

9 points
Cubbygold's picture

September 27, 2021 at 06:56 am

Forgot one... Ty Summers is terrible, absolutely lost. Shanahan not going directly at him more often was a big mistake. Kittle had his way with him.

0 points
Since'61's picture

September 27, 2021 at 08:32 am

Cubby, Rodgers was not burning timeouts. The play calls were coming in late and the blocking assignments were not set based on the SF defensive adjustments. Better to use a TO rather than take a penalty or have a turnover forced because the blocking assignments are not set.

It's actually a smart move to take the TO when you, as the QB, know your team has not had a chance to set their blocking assignments. It prevents turnovers and injuries, not to mention a delay of game penalty.
Thanks, Since '61

5 points
Cubbygold's picture

September 27, 2021 at 09:50 am

Sure. Better to call a timeout than to run a bad play where your team is unorganized.

Not getting calls in quickly and being disorganized goes beyond Rodgers, so it's on everyone involved in that.

The lack of a timeout could have really burned them late.

1 points
Since'61's picture

September 27, 2021 at 11:46 am

Agree,it could have burned them. Fortunately, Rodgers was able to work with 37 seconds and no timeouts.
Go figure. Thanks, Since '61

0 points
Philarod's picture

September 27, 2021 at 07:26 am

GOOD: Hard to limit it, as it was a great team win.
Props to Alexander for his smart, athletic pick (even if he didn't play a great game by his All-Pro standards), O-line was pretty good, defense played a good game (for who they are what now), MVS made a nice TD grab, and well, it sill came down to late heroics from Rodgers, Adams and Crosby.

BAD: Long kickoff return (allowed) before halftime.

UGLY: I hate to complain about the officials, but too many bad calls and head-scratching non-calls, most of which went the Niners' way. Fugly.

3 points
Spock's picture

September 27, 2021 at 07:32 am

The Bad and the Ugly were both the same. This was the worst officiating I've seen since the (Is it still too soon?) "Fail Mary" game - and those were replacement refs. Loved the grit the Packers showed in the game. As others have said the Packers beat two teams last night: the 49ers and the refs.

3 points
Packers0808's picture

September 27, 2021 at 07:56 am

The Good just one thing, oh lots of them, just want to mention seems to me people over looking, CAMPBELL was all over field!

7 points
PackfanNY's picture

September 27, 2021 at 08:04 am

The Good: The Game Plan. Outside of the one pass, pass, pass possession they stuck to the run ENOUGH and got the ball out quickly. The offensive line despite not having Bakhtiari and Jenkins held up. Only gave up one sack. They gave major help to Nijman. Check out the HIT, I think it was Tonyan literally destroyed Bosa. I was shocked they didn’t mention on broadcast but it was a pancake.

The Bad: The defense giving it up at the end. Yes, the officiating sucked and really worked against us but…anyone watching the game saw it coming. You could feel it. Too many missed tackles where 2 or 3 yard gains become 7 and 8. Still hopeful but they need to clean it up.

The Ugly: I know no one wants to blame officiating but c’mon. This was one of the worst called games in years. The pass interference penalties lead teams to just throw it up and hope for a flag. The PI on Stokes was egregious. The receiver fell over his own two feet untouched! Yet they miss the head blow to Adams right in the middle of the field. I get pushed harder in the supermarket than the Alexander roughing the passer penalty. Yes it was BAD both ways but that is not an acceptable EXCUSE for the league. Period. Horrific.

4 points
Fubared's picture

September 27, 2021 at 08:43 am

The good. Pass D played best game in years because King was out. O line looks more like seasoned vets then rookies and miss mosh replacements.

The Bad. The niners pass rush. Didnt seem to formidable to me. Matter of fact the Pack took it to them from the start of the game and really came out swinging not cowering to a team that was supposed to be almost unbeatable. Good job.

The Ugly. The officiating was the worst I've seen in years. They got it wrong all night long in favor of the 9ers. If I didnt know better the head ref may have had money on the game? The NFL will not do anything because the ref was someone of color so they of course wil l not face scrutiny. Did his damdest to screw the packers.

5 points
Tundraboy's picture

September 27, 2021 at 08:48 am

Maybe the ref was a relative of Jerry Rice. But I was wondering if he was being paid off.

1 points
Johnblood27's picture

September 27, 2021 at 09:28 am

I rarely agree with your take, but you hit the nail directly on the head here.

Booger being a person of color will mitigate the leagues response. The NFL will issue some sort of watered down milquetoast statement and that will be that, but the repercussions related to gambling and game influence by officials took a huge hit last night. The league should suspend Booger for a game at least and publicly reprimand the entire officiating team for their performance in prime time. After all, it was a very public display of inept and possibly criminally influenced officiating.

The NFL will take a black eye and be under much scrutiny relating to gambling and official influence because of the game last night.

The NFL tied their next big revenue jump to association with gambling and now they need to draw clear lines of distinction, yet I highly doubt they will because of skin color and preferential treatment. We shall see...

-1 points
PackerAaron's picture

September 27, 2021 at 02:25 pm

Jeff Triplette was by far one of the worst officials the NFL has ever trotted out and was never disciplined. GTFO with this "They'll take it easy on Boger because he's a person of color" nonsense.

Inept officiating has been around forever.

2 points
Johnblood27's picture

September 27, 2021 at 06:36 pm

Take youe azzhat take and get yourself the hell out.

You got yours, I got mine.


Your'e just a fanboy with a platform.

0 points
PackerAaron's picture

September 27, 2021 at 06:43 pm

Now type it (on my website) without crying.

0 points
Johnblood27's picture

September 29, 2021 at 08:25 am

Weak... as usual.

Your woke is broke and you're a joke.

"your website" is nothing without the people who come here. Those that do visit have their own opinions and they are not always wrong. They will not always provide an echo chamber for you. Try to remember that.

I do not come to this website to hear your drivel, I come to read the other authors' and posters' contributions who have more insightful and supported takes. God bless Al and Ken and Andy Herman and Since 61 and Dobber and Nick Perry, and...

I do not always agree with them either as I am sure they do not with me, but at least they don't have arrogant, pushy, holier-than-thou, I-know-more-than-you attitudes about it.

Enjoy "your website", I know I will continue to.

0 points
PackerAaron's picture

September 29, 2021 at 08:30 am

I'm not the one pushing racist bullshit with absolutely zero evidence to back it up - though I'm not surprised. That's your whole M.O.

0 points
Johnblood27's picture

September 30, 2021 at 10:03 am

Typical Lib response. "You're a RACIST!"

Yeah, right... like you know a damn thing about me.

My comments were almost exclusively concerned with gambling and the NFL.

I mentioned a societal trend and you ignore the gist of the comment and scream right past the line of reasonable debate to the "You're a RACIST!" card that indicates a vacant thought process about the real issues at debate.

You are a joke, it is no wonder to me why the major media outlets of Wisconsin punted on your "talents" and you now are simply a junior partner to the poster boy for ADD-ritalen-autistic wonderkind...

Have a nice day. Take the last word, Im OUT of this conversation. GPG

0 points
PAPackerbacker's picture

September 27, 2021 at 09:00 am

The good - The OL and the defense getting pressure on Garoppolo and finally getting some sacks. The offense coming out strong at the beginning of the game. And Mason Crosby. The Packers overcoming a very bad officiating game and winning anyhow with a walk off field goal.

The bad - Leaving points on the field by going for it on 4th and 1 instead of kicking a field goal. The special teams let down just before the half.

The ugly - The officiating. Phantom call of interference by Stokes. helmet to helmet hit on Adams that was not called, intentional grounding on Garoppolo that was not called. And then questionable calls that were called in the 49ers favor.

1 points
Since'61's picture

September 27, 2021 at 09:09 am

The Good: Solid games plans on offense and defense. The Packers won both sides of the LOS. Rodgers, Jones, Adams, they know they're coming and yet they can't be stopped. Defense played physically and with a sense of urgency. Alexander, spectacular play to make the pick, Clark, Campbell who is all over the field, Stokes, great job for a rookie CB. LaFleur getting into the officials faces for their miserable officiating.

Bad: KO coverage breakdown which gave life to the 49ers.

Ugly: Terrible officiating. The non-grounding and non-helmet to helmet call against Adams were among the worst non-calls I have ever seen. if the league is so concerned about player safety then the officials should be able to make that call after watching the play on the monitor or that call should be made from NY. If the player safety rules are not going to be enforced what's the point.

Rodgers is taking heat for the second half 3 and out but he had Adams on the first play and should have had the helmet to helmet call against Adams. On the second down pass MVS pulled up and left the game probably with a hamstring injury. Third down Rodgers had Adams but overthrew him. It happens, can't score on every drive. Bad timing. But remember the play that Adams took the helmet to helmet hit was the same play that opened the FG winning drive later in the 4th quarter. So it's a good play.

All in all great team effort for a full 60 minutes. Hopefully we continue to see it every week. GPG! Thanks, Since '61

2 points
Johnblood27's picture

September 27, 2021 at 09:37 am

Good - A GBP victory on the road against a quality opponent, The play of Rodgers, Jones, Adams and the young OL, especially Yosh Nijman. I love MLF showing some fire, displaying that the game means something to him, I feel that has been lacking, nice to see him having his players backs vs the officials.

Bad - Under utilization of Dillon, Tonyan and secondary WR. ST coverage before the half. Missed tackles again, arm tackle attempts and hesitancy when multiple GBP players are around the ball carrier. Just GO Get Them!

Ugly - Me. I am having to admit that I WAS WRONG on Rodgers not playing all out for the GBP. He demonstrated true leadership throughout the game last night and he was the number one reason the Packers won that game. I still feel that trading him this past off-season was the right move to make from a return value and impact perspective, however my take that he would not be all-in this season was WRONG, and I admit it here and now. Crow is bitter and stringy...

3 points
Since'61's picture

September 27, 2021 at 10:23 am

Johnblood - I think/hope that Rodgers reaction to the winning FG will stifle the thinking that Rodgers is not all in.

Don't be so hard on yourself. Everywhere we look these days there are alleged professionals, politicians, celebrities, sports personalities, CEOs, public servants, doctors, et. al, who don't live up to expectations. It's just one scandal after another. As Packers fans we need to look no further than Favre with his annual retirements and sexting scandal to find an example and a potential precedent for Rodgers.

Rodgers has his eccentricities no doubt. But I've been following sports too long to get upset over any player missing OTAs after 16 seasons in the league. I believed that if Rodgers returned he would be all in for the Packers because he has always been driven by his competitive nature (the so called "chip") and because I believe that he has always practiced hard and plays hard. Many don't like when he chews out or stares down a teammate but I see it as him expecting excellence on every play from every player and I prefer to see that our QB has a fire in his belly and wants to win. Leading is not just about cheerleading. It is actually about guiding, supporting and yes sometimes driving your colleagues to be better than they think they can be.

Put some syrup on the crow, make it easier, you deserve it. Be positive, I for one think that we are on our way. GPG! Thanks, Since '61

1 points
greengold's picture

September 27, 2021 at 10:01 am

Shake it off, Johnblood27. That offseason was filled with the most insane info, much of it wrong, but it left all of Packerland questioning... with regards to the most important position on any NFL team.

Agree with your takes.

Aaron, you're not the only one. I had zero confidence going into this game. Zero. I'm glad they flew to SF on a short week and punched them in the mouth. That is statistically a very difficult feat for any team pulling out a win while traveling West. Matt LaFleur had his guys ready. Phenomenal coaching by LaFleur and his staff.

On the GOOD, how about Brian Gutekunst, loading an OL that had lacked depth with high quality, young talents? They impressed the hell out of me.

Another GOOD: Chicago Sports Radio today... The Bears had a total of 47 yds v. CLE - that's for the entire game. 6 of their 11 drives resulted in negative yards. They averaged 1.1 yds/play, the 2nd lowest total by any NFL team in this century. Fields had 1 yd. passing for the entire game... enjoy.

4 points
Since'61's picture

September 27, 2021 at 10:30 am

greengold, good post. Thanks for sharing the stats from the Bears game. Either the Bears are terrible or the Browns have a truly great defense. Either way I don't think that I have ever seen such stats from an NFL game in my lifetime.

Like you I was very impressed with the Packers OL play against SF and I thought the same team played with grit and emotion for the entire game. Kudos to MLF, Barry, Stefvanich and the entire coaching staff. We still have a way to go but the Packers have come a long, long way since Week 1 against NO. GPG! Thanks, Since '61

0 points
4thand1's picture

September 27, 2021 at 10:22 am

Good, Packers ability to produce O-linemen. Like Nags I thought A R would be running for his life.
Bad, Refs in west coast games= blind asshats.
Ugly, D Adams hit, guy should be fined and suhspended for a game or more. Lets see what the chicken shit league office does.If Adams sits , the Pack loses.

1 points
Leatherhead's picture

September 27, 2021 at 10:29 am

The Good: We scored 30 points, on the road, against a decent team, with a cobbled together line.
Mason Crosby.

The Bad: All the faint hearted fans who had no faith

The Ugly: edp1959 constantly ranting about the defense.

-1 points
Coldworld's picture

September 27, 2021 at 01:10 pm

I have to admit I have been very doubtful about Barry’s acumen. Yesterday was definitely a riposte. If it continues, I will be very happy to admit that he can function as a coordinator.

0 points
Handsback's picture

September 27, 2021 at 10:33 am

The Bad will be if the coaches and players think this game is an indictment on how good they are....
I want to say the margin for winning would have been greater with better field calls from the refs, but again the Packers must pound that ball in order set-up their passing game. The ground game will help Rodgers in the passing game and allow the defense to rest. More 7-8 minute drives and hammer the other teams defense in the 4th qtr.

What Rodgers and the team did on their last possession was magic...and shouldn't be confused with "let's do that every series". Compare that series to their possession before when they settled on a FG and the 49ers got a TD to get the lead. Can't depend on magic every game. Need the mentality to put the other team away.

The Good was Nijman and the DL looked much more aggressive. The defense as a whole looked better. Yet lots of room for improvement.

Ugly was the refs....

1 points
Houndog's picture

September 27, 2021 at 11:11 am

The Good: 1.) A pieced together O-Line that played very well against the Niner's front four.
2.) The game plan, get the ball out quickly and don't abandon the run.
3.) Finally some life from the D-Line, and hearing the names Preston Smith and Rashan Gary called for something other than being crushed was refreshing and a nice change. kenny Clark was great, and thank the NFL Gods for DeVondre Campbell.

The Bad: Special teams, still, and counting! Why does GB refuse to hire and pay a good ST Coach?

The Ugly: The Refs, for both teams, but one could complain they seemed biased against the Packers. The 2nd Stokes PI was total horseshit, and the hit on Adams was near criminal.
I hope Jimmie Ward has some money saved up, he gonna' need it come Tuesday!

-1 points
PatrickGB's picture

September 27, 2021 at 11:14 am

The good- The win of course.
The bad- The officials.
The ugly- I am still working on my recipe for crow. (Hint, garlic makes it worse)

1 points
Thegravedigger's picture

September 27, 2021 at 01:39 pm

were all eating some of that crow my friend. that saints game was just so bad, and after an offseason of drama, to come out like that, its hard not to over react.

0 points
Thegravedigger's picture

September 27, 2021 at 01:37 pm

the good. we outbullied the 49ers. the same asshole 49ers that have been bullying us for years now. they usually beat aaron jones up early, to the point where hes wobbly by the second half. he took his licks, but the niners took more licks. the packers fronts on the both sides of the ball outbullied those bastards finally. theyve always been considered "soft, finess" and they proved last night that they could play man football as well as finess football. as a fan, as a true football fan, theres nothing better than watching that. they did it to tenesee last year, but part of that was the snow i believe. this was on the road. THE BAD. that damn kick return. Kittle just breaking thru henry black at the end there. he was out of position alot, hope to see vernon scott in the dime next week. THE UGLY. obviously the officials. they gave us one nice call early to lazard that seemed iffy. but fucked us on so many more, that cost alot of points. but they overcame the refs, the noise on the road, and the bully ball assholes in san francisco. and oh yeah, lafluer finally outdueled uncle kyle. you know he wanted that shit.

0 points
PyschoDad3's picture

September 27, 2021 at 02:09 pm

Not much to add to the above really, all the previous posters have it pretty well covered. Earlier this week, I was reminded of the quote by Mike Tyson, about "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth". There were a couple of times last year when this was precisely the case with the Packers. The Tampa game in particular, after Rodgers threw the pics the team just folded the tent. However, last night, maybe just maybe, we saw a different team emerging. Last night they punched someone else in the mouth for a change. Let's hope its the beginning of a trend!.

1 points
mbpacker's picture

September 27, 2021 at 02:14 pm

The Good: Great team win with contributions from many players and staff to have them reved up to play.
The Bad: I'm with Nags, myself for doubting we could win this game under the circumstances.
The Ugly: The officiating and the ONE special team breakdown which changed the momentum of the game, but at least it was the only one glaring breakdown. So that was good.

0 points
mrtundra's picture

September 27, 2021 at 07:22 pm

Good: Mason Crosby; Aaron Rodgers; Davantae!; Davantae's toughness; Our O Line; DeVondre Campbell; MVS; Aaron Jones; Our Defense; Jaire's INT; MLF's game plan.

Bad: ST's play on the big run back just before half.

Ugly: Officiating crew. Awful calls on Stokes; No flag on Ward's helmet to helmet hit on Davante; No flag on Garrapolo for Intentional Grounding inside the 10 yard line.

0 points