Make Or Break: Players Who Will Have A Decisive Season With the Packers In 2023

This will be an important season for the Packers to evaluate their own players

The 2023 season will be an evaluation year across the board for the Green Bay Packers. Considering how they have been cautious to invest in this version of the team, it’s clear the team will use this season to clean their salary cap extra spending in the last couple of years, while they also analyze what their young players can do with more playing time.

But the year will be particularly important for six players on the Packers roster. It’s time to establish themselves as part of the team or they will probably play somewhere else in 2024.

AJ Dillon
The Packers made a questionable decision in 2020, drafting Dillon in the second round, projecting Jamaal Williams’ departure in free agency a year later. And while Dillon is a good running back, his limited role behind Aaron Jones hasn’t justified the investment yet. Now, Jones agreed to a pay cut and stayed in Green Bay, and Dillon is going to the final year of his rookie deal. It means the younger running back will finish his rookie contract without being a full-time preferred starter. Dillon is a good player, with almost 2,000 scrimmage yards and 14 total touchdowns in the last two seasons. If he wants to stay in Green Bay, he'll probably have to outplay and outperform Jones, so the front office would have the option to move on from the current starter and re-sign Dillon to a longer-term contract.

Josiah Deguara
Take a look at the Packers depth at tight end: Josiah Deguara, Tyler Davis, Austin Allen, Nick Guggemos. That's suboptimal, for sure, and that's why the Packers have had contact with most of the top tight ends of this year's draft class. However, players demand some time to develop at this position, so Deguara will have a real role in 2023. And this is also the last year of his deal. While Deguara has been a useful player when given chances, his role has been strict, and this season will probably be his best chance to show he can be a full-time player. If he doesn't do that, the player or players drafted in 2023 will end up being the long-term solutions.

Josh Myers
There's zero doubt the Packers made a mistake taking Myers over Creed Humphrey in 2021, when basically everyone thought Humphrey was the better prospect — he was 30 spots higher on the consensus big board. But this is the past. The present is Myers is coming from two seasons where he's shown good signs, but lacks consistency — and consistency is the most important thing for offensive linemen. If he doesn't improve this year, the Packers will probably be forced to test Zach Tom at center while David Bakhtiari and Yosh Nijman are both on the roster to play the tackle spots. Myers might still have a chance at guard, but this is a decisive year to define his role in Green Bay.

Darnell Savage
The make or break year for Savage should have been in 2022, but the Packers strangely decided to take his guaranteed fifth-year option, so now there's little motivation to move on from him, unless the Packers are able to include him in a trade. With a $ 7.9 million salary, Savage will start at safety, where the Packers have not many options anyway. He finished last season as a slot corner, but with Adrian Amos not back, indications from the coaching staff are that the team will test Savage at his original spot again. 

Sean Rhyan
Rhyan had to make a difficult transition, from college tackle to NFL guard, which isn't a simple move for everybody. But he's 22 years old, too young and talented to give up after just one season. He didn't play on offense in his rookie season, but now he'll have the training camp and preseason to show he's better. If he does, maybe he finds a role as a starting right guard or a preferred backup interior lineman. If he doesn't, Rhyan will be another failed third rounder for the Packers.

Eric Stokes
Stokes' make or break season is not exactly about his time in Green Bay. He will most certainly be in Green Bay at least until 2024. But after a solid rookie season in 2021 and a down year in 2022, it's time for Stokes to show he can be a good starter in the league and create a top duo with Jaire Alexander. As 2023 is his third season in the NFL, it's a specially important moment for Stokes because the Packers will have to make a decision on his fifth-year option next offseason.

Photo: Bill Streicher-USA TODAY Sports


Wendell Ferreira covers the Green Bay Packers for Zone Coverage and Cheesehead TV. He is a Brazilian journalist with over a decade of experience covering the NFL, soccer, NBA, and MMA. Follow him on twitter at @wendellfp  




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3 points

Comments (89)

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BirdDogUni's picture

April 18, 2023 at 11:33 am

I am of the opinion we should never give a RB a second contract. I know we love Aaron Jones and AJ Dillon, but the business side says we should draft RBs, run the wheels off them their first contract, and then draft another one. Unless we can sign them to a reasonable contract, it is better to let them walk, take the comp pick, and draft another RB.

4 points
Coldworld's picture

April 18, 2023 at 11:39 am

I’d never say never, but it’s very close to that. Jones needs to be used as a much more diverse weapon in the offense to justify it. As a pure RB, that’s a hell of a lot to pay, even though he’s a guy I like having in the team and in the locker room. Perhaps LaFleur’s post Rodgers O will show us why.

3 points
T7Steve's picture

April 18, 2023 at 02:11 pm

You're right, but I feel for these guys. They're like my family. Too bad we have to have a cap. Guys like OJ and Jim Brown defined their teams, gave the NFL its start, and I can't imagine them playing anywhere else. That's not even talking about all the Packers we grew up with.

The business side of the NFL is harsh.

On the other hand, it lets stars move from losers to try to get a ring, so it works both ways.

3 points
Doug_In_Sandpoint's picture

April 18, 2023 at 11:42 pm

Could you imagine OJ playing for SF for two seasons?

1 points
cdoemel's picture

April 19, 2023 at 01:44 am

I feel the same. Some people are OK with thinking of these guys as a meat market. And that’s fine. I enjoy getting to know their faces and stories.

2 points
StarrtoRodgers's picture

April 19, 2023 at 02:23 am

"I feel the same. Some people are OK with thinking of these guys as a meat market. And that’s fine. "


You are right to feel the same.

It really is not fine that people look at these players/workers/slaves/entertainers like they are commodities for sale/trade. Just like it is not fine that any worker is looked at as a commodity to be used to enrich parasite greed and war provoking war profiteering Billionaires.

We become desensitized to the fact that the players are human beings not commodities for sale and also lose sight of the brutality of the game. The Guardian put out a very informative article back in January - see below.

Football is part of the bread and circuses the Billionaire Parasites who own us feed us so they can divert our attention from their greed, war making and exploitation of us and potential awakening of the masses and the justified retribution..

They appeal to our most primitive instincts - attraction to violence - modern day gladiators killing one another. A step above gladiator fights to the death and Christians being fed to the lions.

Football is our escape from the miserable realities of life under the thumbs of these Parasites.

Guardian article I mentioned earlier:

Injury pay cuts and limited leverage: five brutal truths about NFL contracts (published in the Guardian 1/17/23)

Getting injured often leads to a hefty pay cut

The NFL Network journalist Ian Rapoport reported that Hamlin’s four-year, $3.64m contract was due to earn him $825,000 this season but contained a clause to pay him at a lower rate of $455,000 while on the injured reserve list. In other words: a 45% salary cut because he suffered a cardiac arrest doing his job. And that is pretty standard for injured players.

In a sport this violent, the question is not whether a player will get hurt, but when. According to a 2017 Harvard analysis, the mean injury rate in the NFL is 5.90 injuries a game, compared with 0.45 in MLB, 0.16 in the NBA and 0.59 in the NHL. The enormous health risk means teams don’t want to commit to the kind of long-term, guaranteed deals seen in other sports. But that risk is exactly why financial security is so important to players. They’re expected to play hard all the time – and yet they could be one tough tackle away from a massive loss of earnings. The new collective bargaining agreement (CBA) agreed in 2020 raised the number of regular-season games from 16 to 17 and expanded the playoffs from 12 to 14 teams. And more games means more injuries.

-2 points
Rebelgb's picture

April 19, 2023 at 09:33 am

Um unlike most gladiators NOONE forces players to play in the NFL. I wonder why they do it? Hmmm could it be money? Get a grip.

0 points
StarrtoRodgers's picture

April 19, 2023 at 02:47 pm

Um unlike most gladiators NOONE forces players to play in the NFL. I wonder why they do it? Hmmm could it be money? Get a grip.


"Get a grip"?

No, you should face reality. Go try out, maybe that will help, if you make the team or its practice squad you will learn something. What are your odds?

"Why they do "it" - go into football as youth and as they grow and age to play at a Power Five College Conference Level of competition subject themselves each week to more and more potentially crippling injury, brain damage and death?

Because for the great majority of the 1,696 that make it to the NFL, college "educated" or not, for the average less than 3 year "career", the alternative for them and their family members is a NON LIVING WAGE for the Walton family Billionaire Parasites - who also happen to own the Broncos - or simply homelessness on the streets and malnutrition (and all fast food is malnutrition).

There have been hundreds of stories of young NFL players who along with their entire families were at different points in their lives homeless living in the streets and/or living in their cars - like millions of other Americans - and those are only the stories that somehow are briefly published on page 27, etc. or some small corner of the paper. It is not in the 31 Billionaire NFL Owner Parasites' interest to focus on these facts or those in the Guardian article below.

NfL rostered players each year: 32 * 53 = 1,696 workers (out of a US population of 320 million people)
NFL practice squad 32* 16 = 512 workers

Average NFL career for the rostered player = less than 3 years.
Average NFL career for the taxi squad/practice squad that never makes the 53 man roster = even less

Pay for the practice squad - $12, 000 per game for 1st and 2nd year players or $204,000 in totality if they are there for 17 games.

Starting pay for the ordinary drafted rookie - whose career on average will last less than 3 years - is in 2023, $750,000, before federal and state and local tax (which will be used in large part for Billionaire Parasite war profiteering thousands of miles away or police here in the USA). So after tax, what is left of that $750,000 - maybe $400,000 for the those of the 1,696 whose careers last 1 year and chances are they walk away crippled in some way - like those that I know personally.

As for crippling injuries, brain damage and risk of death and health care and insurance - cheese head tv doesn't allow web links, but google the story or many others with a little searching to get around the 31 Billionaire Parasites and their and their propaganda/public relations/lies and their paid talking head propagandists/"public relations"/liars:

Injury pay cuts and limited leverage: five brutal truths about NFL contracts (published in the Guardian 1/17/23)

Getting injured often leads to a hefty pay cut

The NFL Network journalist Ian Rapoport reported that Hamlin’s four-year, $3.64m contract was due to earn him $825,000 this season but contained a clause to pay him at a lower rate of $455,000 while on the injured reserve list. In other words: a 45% salary cut because he suffered a cardiac arrest doing his job. And that is pretty standard for injured players.

In a sport this violent, the question is not whether a player will get hurt, but when. According to a 2017 Harvard analysis, the mean injury rate in the NFL is 5.90 injuries a game, compared with 0.45 in MLB, 0.16 in the NBA and 0.59 in the NHL. The enormous health risk means teams don’t want to commit to the kind of long-term, guaranteed deals seen in other sports. But that risk is exactly why financial security is so important to players. They’re expected to play hard all the time – and yet they could be one tough tackle away from a massive loss of earnings. The new collective bargaining agreement (CBA) agreed in 2020 raised the number of regular-season games from 16 to 17 and expanded the playoffs from 12 to 14 teams. And more games means more injuries.

1 points
TKWorldWide's picture

April 19, 2023 at 07:51 am

I know! It’s where the business side and the human side clash.

Hate to say it but getting emotional is bad business. It’s a (healthy) young man’s game. Recent history frowns on running backs getting big second contracts.

MAYBE the committee at RB will help to keep them both healthy and productive. Oddly, how many times last year did you hear “we’ve got to get the ball to Jones more”? How come (seemingly) nobody was saying “they are wisely avoiding overusing 33”?

1 points
dekan51's picture

April 18, 2023 at 05:27 pm

My reason the Pack should have passed on resigning AJ is that he fumbles too much, esp in big games. That's not gonna change....

1 points
Rebelgb's picture

April 19, 2023 at 09:34 am

Agreed. Love Jones. He is an amazing human being. Opposing defenses in big games know they need only put a big lick on him in a big spot and he will turn the ball over. I dont see that changing.

2 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

April 18, 2023 at 06:35 pm


3 points
WestCoastPackerBacker's picture

April 21, 2023 at 04:30 pm

I for one have LOVED watching Aaron Jones play during his second contract. They just didn't get enough out of him on his first deal, b/t McCarthy not playing him and some injuries. I was nervous that injuries would keep him from living up to his second contract, but he's been both an exciting and productive running back. And he's a true presence on the team as well, humble and well-loved by fans and team mates.

I don't care whether a younger back would have been cheaper. Football is entertainment; that is the only purpose for sports in our lives (it's a business for some, but entertainment for fans). I find Jones to have been one of the more entertaining players I've seen on the field during his career. I love that they kept him and didn't see RB just as a chess piece on a board to be replaced by a younger chess piece.

0 points
Coldworld's picture

April 18, 2023 at 11:45 am

Stokes needs to get healthy and then be allowed to play tight coverage as he did with remarkable success as a rookie. That’s up to health and Barry.

Deguara needs the H-Back role to be fully incorporated in this O. LaFleur wanted him any both he and Gute were clear that that was why they pounced on him. If it is, then maybe he proves why. If not he will be gone next year. He isn’t a true TE in skill set or physique. Will LaFleur give him a platform from which to succeed?

Rhyan is a cipher. He’s not proven himself as a preseason player and clearly had issues about which they aren’t talking. He’s got to get his head on straight and prove he can handle things first. If he does he’s the equivalent of an extra 3rd day draft pick—a prove it type who’s blown the year his actual pick suggests. If he doesn’t show up in the off season with the right mindset, he may not make it to August. Up to him.

Myers needs to put it together. He should have more stability and he should be challenged by Tom, Jenkins and, hopefully some new addition. Injury set him back in year one. The handling and injury impact affected year two possibly. Up to him and the coaches to show they can handle it.

Dillon averages 4.3 yards per carry. I think he gets more black than justified. However, if we wanted a back to run out of the shotgun, we probably picked the wrong type. That usage is on LaFleur, not him, as was the offensive design inviting run blitzes and defenders packed in the first ten yards. To still average 4.3 is actually impressive. What can he do if used in a way that seems more suited to his style and physique? Again, over to you LaFleur: time to get the most out of talent, not make it swim upstream.

Savage is just ill suited to what Barry seems to want from his safeties. My concern is that so are most if this draft’s prospects. Guys that can do everything ILB/CB and deep are so rare. Absent giving Woodson an elixir of youth, I fear for any unless Barry learns from last year and allows guys to focus on what they are good at.

15 points
MooPack's picture

April 18, 2023 at 09:31 pm

Yep, that pretty succinctly sums it up.

1 points
TKWorldWide's picture

April 19, 2023 at 04:09 pm

In paragraph 5, did you mean Dillon gets more “flack’ than justified?

0 points
BirdDogUni's picture

April 18, 2023 at 11:50 am

Would it be the biggest turn around in Packer's history if Sean Rhyan were to come in this year, and actually be our + RG starter and lock it down for a decade?

What if someone were to sign Nijman to an offer sheet and Gutey is planning on moving Bakh post 1 June? If Gutey is projecting the loss of both Nijman and Bakh, I would assume our 1st round pick would be an OT. If we have both Nijman and Bakh, I am not expecting a 1st round OT.

Our 1st round pick might be a good indicator of how they feel about our OL, depending on who is left on the board when we pick.

8 points
Coldworld's picture

April 18, 2023 at 12:02 pm

Really not a good year for OTs. Possibly none would have been first rounders in last year’s draft. Later developmental depth maybe, but I’d focus on C and G. There we need competition. Myers isn’t established in merit and there’s only questions behind Runyon. Jean Delance may actually have some upside as a G, but that’s not enough competition added!

-1 points
Blockdoc's picture

April 18, 2023 at 11:19 pm

Not a good year for tackles? I whole heartedly disagree! I have no idea where you get that they would not be considered first round picks in last years draft, I have never seen that. Could you post a link to where you got this information?

0 points
Blockdoc's picture

April 18, 2023 at 11:19 pm

Not a good year for tackles? I whole heartedly disagree! I have no idea where you get that they would not be considered first round picks in last years draft, I have never seen that. Could you post a link to where you got this information?

1 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

April 18, 2023 at 06:39 pm


I do not see anyone signing Nijman to an offer sheet. I think that is pretty safe! I do have a strong belief that Bachtiari is gone after June 1st. Another OT is needed regardless to challenge the 2nd tier guys, but I am thinking somewhere in round 4.....maybe 5. Can we hit another home run similar to Zach Tom, or David Bachtiari?

-1 points
Blockdoc's picture

April 18, 2023 at 11:21 pm

Its too late for a team to sign Nijman to an offer sheet. He signed his tender. So he's safe and will be Packer for the year. Bak is not going anywhere after the Packers redid his contract this off-season. Maybe June 1st next year, but not a chance that happens this year.

2 points
fthisJack's picture

April 19, 2023 at 07:41 am

I think our OL will be ok as long as Bahk's knee doesn't flare up. I would still like them to add the Road Grader from Tennessee to their OL. That could free up a trade for Bahk after June 1. Also adding a good blocking TE and WR to the line will improve their run game and take some pressure off Love. I'd like this team to have more run blocking chops to take advantage of AJ and AJ.
Darnell Washington and Rashee Rice are 2 guys i'd like to see on this team. Really good blockers that could add to the run game as well as targets for Love.

-1 points
croatpackfan's picture

April 18, 2023 at 12:04 pm

AJ Dillon - I believe he prove himself in short to goal situation. He surely needs at least half of the hole to be able to push pile 3 to 5 yards. If OL can not do their job, I do not think any RB could succed. I say, keep him for team friendly contract, unless he heavily underperform in 2023 season.

Josiah Deguara - I believe he will surprise many Packers fans next season. He has very good hands, knows to find a soft spot vs defenses and he always get at least few additional yards.

Josh Myers - He started well, but first his injury and than that stupidity with drawning the play clock to zero make him looks much worse than he can play. I believe he will show that he is the legit center. Do not forget that ladt 2 seasons ACR was not able to extort even one offside. That was because opponent D players knew his habbit and was able to react at right time to get advantage over Packers OL, especially center who has to snap ball first than to react to opponent.

Darnell Savage - lets see what announced changes Joe Barry will make for 2023 before we make "prediction" how Savage will play. I suspect his fall happend because of improper use.

Eric Stokes - See what I wrote for Savage and give some time to Stokes to heal properly before we will make any judgements on him.

Now ACR & Jordan Love time: 🙊

3 points
Blockdoc's picture

April 18, 2023 at 11:28 pm

I agree on Duguara. With Rodgers gone, we might finally be able to see Deguara utilized in the role he was drafted to play. Lafluer fell in love with his college tape and had big plans for him in his offense, Rodgers unwillingness to run that scheme has really hurt Josiah's development. I am excited to see him on the field more this season.

As for Stokes, I'm hoping last years experiment is over. He did well his rookie year, but they tried to mess with his technique to get him more interceptions. Stokes lost a lot of confidence last year after tearing down his technique and trying to rebuild him. That is why he went on IR for the season instead of coming back to play at the end of the year.
If he can play this year without trying to get his head turned around, he will go back to his rookie form. I haven't heard anything yet on how what the plan is with him this year, but there was a some really strange circumstances about that with Jerry leaving.

0 points
splitpea1's picture

April 18, 2023 at 12:16 pm

Love isn't included at the top of the list?....Because if he doesn't make it, this franchise is going to be temporarily broken with potential upheaval looming in the FO and coaching ranks. Love will finally get his chance at a full evaluation, and the only thing that could throw a monkey wrench into it is an injury--and then what?

8 points
mnbadger's picture

April 18, 2023 at 12:22 pm

Great point splitpea1.
Not sure how the author, myself and previous posters missed it, but the article and list could have even started there.

4 points
StarrtoRodgers's picture

April 18, 2023 at 05:20 pm

"Great point splitpea1.
Not sure how the author, myself and previous posters missed it, but the article and list could have even started there.

Splitpea and Mnbadger (and several others who have written the same thing in this post),

The Article not only could have started with Jordan Love, but SHOULD have started with Jordan Love.

2023 is the Make or Break Season for Jordan Love - and consequently the Make or Break barometer for the Packers future 3 years as QB is every football team's most critical position and if Love fails this year it will take at least 3 years, if not much longer, for the Packers to find a QB that can consistently carry the Packers to the playoffs as fans have become accustomed to the last 11 of 15 years.

And during those 3 years of searching for a new Packer Franchise QB, the Packers without Rodgers and without a top 10 QB will not be going to any playoffs as 20+ years of not drafting a wide receiver, running back or tight end in the first round and instead drafting largely for defense - picks that hasn't produced top 10 defenses and hasn't provided the Packers with game breaking all pro weapons on offense either. No top defense, no franchise QB anymore to rescue the team and no All Pro game changing offensive weapons - doesn't sound good in combination. Rodger hid all of Gutekunst and Murphy's shortcomings behind stellar mistake free play.

Contrary to what Packer Management - in COLLUSION with the other 31 Billionaire Parasite Owners - is disseminating as PROPAGANDA to demonize the free thinker Rodgers and also protect their positions of power, Jordan Love will now be in his 4th year as Rodgers was in 2008 and should be expected to match or exceed Aaron's performance.

Aaron despite playing through injury to right throwing shoulder at Tampa in game 4, was near the top of 32 QB starters in nearly every passing category, but 2008 Packers due to loss of 3 significant defensive starters to injury - Cullen Jenkins, Atari Digby and Nick Barnett gave up nearly 100 more points than 2007 and Packers finished 6-10.

Jordan this year will be playing with 3 second year receivers, Rodgers in 2008 was not only playing with a 2nd receiver in James Jones and a 3 year receiver in Greg Jennings but rookies in Jordy Nelson and Jermichael Finley, both who did not start and Finley hardly saw the field (6 catches)..

Rodgers also had but one veteran receiver, Donald Driver, 33 years old on the downside of of his career. and tight end Donald Lee, nothing to write home about - comparable to Josiah Deguara in talent.

Jordan should have also been provided veteran wide receivers by the resigning of Lazard (Jet cap hit $3.2M), Tonyan (Bear cap hit $2.6 M) Lewis and Cobb, but Brian Gutekunst GM knows THE COST OF EVERYTHNIG AND THE VALUE OF NOTHING - INCLUDING THE VALUE OF INTANGIBES OF FREINDSHIPS, MENTORSHIIP AND LEADERSHIP of veterans that are actually still out performing just about every receiver - Cobb YAC and fewest drops per target - and tight end - Lewis blocking and making the clutch downfield catch against the Dolphins - on the Packers. Packers currently have $22.4 M in Cap space - 4th highest in the NFL - and can gain about $8M more in cap space with conversion of game active and workout bonuses into signing bonuses. Brian should have signed these veteran receivers and tight ends - and Jarran Reed (Seahawks $3M cap hit) and Kyrs Barnes (among the Packer best tacklers - Arizona $1M) as well - and when first able to do so back on March 13th

Jordan should be held to the same standard as Aaron in 2008 and measured against Aaron's 2008.

If you look at the year by year 2000 through 2022 NFL statistics for total QB performance from Stats Muse - totals for all 32 teams quarterbacks - you will notice that quarterback performance numbers have improved significantly. This is in no small measure to the continuous rule changes to protect quarterbacks and create more offense and scoring.

If you compare 2008 totals for all QBs - Aaron's 1st year as a starter - to 2022's totals for all QBs, you will notice the following:

Passer Rating - has increased 7.1% (Aaron's 93.8% in 2008 would have been 100.4% in 2022)

Pass Attempts per season has increased 9.3% (Aaron's 536 in 2008 would have been 586 in 2022)

Completion Pct. - has increased 5.2% (Aaron's 63.6% in 2008 would have been 66.9% in 2022)

Yards per Attempt - has increased 1.4% (Aaron's 7.5% in 2008 would have been 7.6% in 2022)

Yards per Game - has increased 4.5% (Aaron's 252.4 or 4,038 yards over 16 games in 2008 would have been 263.88 or 4,486 yards over 17 games in 2022)

TD% per pass attempt - has increased 7.6% (Aaron's 5.2 % in 2008 and 28 TD passes would have been 5.6% in 2022 and 32.5 TD passes in 2022)

Interception % per pass attempt: has fallen 17.1% (Aaron's 2.4% in 2008 would have been 1.9% in 2022)

Interceptions: have fallen by 10.2% (Aaron's 13 in 2008 would have fallen to 11.6 in 2022)

Keep these numbers handy as we compare Jordan in his 4th year relative to Aaron in his 4th year in this Ignorant, emotion based Packer Management trade goes through.

-8 points
bottlefliper's picture

April 19, 2023 at 12:55 am

Your post are funny and good for trolling and entertainment. But call a guy who hates education and science, who thinks the worlds is flat and asks Rogan for help is a "free thinker" is really funny. AR may be weak and afraid of planes but is that enought to make him a free thinker. So talking BS makes someone a free thinker. So you are a free thinker as well, right. Or other guys who actually hate to think. Woddy is a free thinker too. Never had a thought all his life, So that should fit AR as Johnson has some really strange friends who hate even more to think, just like 12. He thinks only about himself anyway.
We got it, you like looosers who loose every important game since 10 years even he had way more help then any other QB.
Good luck with your free thinking and your propaganda for the need it like hell.

"Emotion based" is also funny with absolut no sense in it, but I bet you know all about "emotion based", more than anyone else on this site. Thats what "free thinkers" running one since they got noting else. No date or facts at all. Just emotions and victimehood...

0 points
Packerpasty's picture

April 19, 2023 at 10:00 am

your blabbering its no better than his is...your no more right or wrong, plus you seem to be a prick..

1 points
croatpackfan's picture

April 19, 2023 at 05:57 am

I can't resist:
"Passer Rating - has increased 7.1% (Aaron's 93.8% in 2008 would have been 100.4% in 2022)"

Wow, passer rating (QBR) is now prrcentage? As free thinker/tanker you trully believe there is more than 100%? Like, lets say 56 catches out of 55 passes?

"Yards per Attempt - has increased 1.4% (Aaron's 7.5% in 2008 would have been 7.6% in 2022)"

My math says to me that 7.6% is 0.1% in comparition to 7.5%. Not 1.4%. And there is no use of % when you are comparing 2 result expressed in %.

Very good free thinking. Like Earth is the center of the universe and Sun is circling around flat Earth carried on the elephants backs who stand on what?

Aaaaaah, so many laughable claims with no knowledge or logic in them.

0 points
Rebelgb's picture

April 19, 2023 at 09:41 am

Good sites, and I have always considered this one of them, can ban idiots like this. Im talkig to you Cheesehead TV. Ban this dudes IP please. For the love of God!

-1 points
Coldworld's picture

April 18, 2023 at 12:54 pm

If Love gets hurt we get a better pick next year, just as if he fails, which is a possibility. It’s equally possible that LaFleur without Rodgers is shown to be incapable. This is a year to test and winnow out the wheat from the chaff while nurturing the good for the future while we recoup some cap flexibility.

It could go well or it could go badly for more reasons than Love, but it had to happen—that’s the position recent FO decisions rendered inevitable with the Rodgers extension—and we have to see it play out.

9 points
stockholder's picture

April 18, 2023 at 01:02 pm

Better pick- Expect it

-6 points
TarynsEyes's picture

April 18, 2023 at 01:35 pm

It's an already understood scenario for Love, however, Love gets two years to prove himself.

6 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

April 18, 2023 at 06:42 pm

In whatever trade occurs with AR it is my hope the Packers end up with a Zach Wilson, or Trey Lance, or Sam Darnold. Getting an experienced & young QB thrown in on the deal is huge & would eliminate the Packers needing to use a valuable draft pick for a back-up QB.

-2 points
PatB's picture

April 18, 2023 at 07:15 pm

I expect the team to pick up Love's 5th year option which makes him the presumptive starter in 2024. In that case this is not the make-or-break year for him — but if he plays poorly, then 2024 will be.

If he plays poorly both years, then yes, the new president will need to make a lot of changes.

0 points
StarrtoRodgers's picture

April 18, 2023 at 08:19 pm

"I expect the team to pick up Love's 5th year option"

Pat B,


The Giants did not pick up Daniel Jones 5th year option last year and Jones had 37 starts at that time - 36 more than Jordan.

That $20M option for the Packers is guaranteed and $20M salary cap hit in 2024 and in all probability- based on all data points and observations to date - by the end of game 6 or 7 we will all know that Jordan is not the Packers next franchise QB

Watch the couple games that Jordan Love played against Power Five Conference teams and his Kansas City and Lions game and Eagles game (where the Eagles were conceding the short pass and not blitzing) and the Love exhibition games and then compare them with Hendon Hooker and Rodgers,

Check each QB out on Youtube against Power Five competition:

Jordan Love:

October 5, 2019 - Utah State vs #5 LSU (the entire game is on youtube)

Love 15 for 30, 0 Tds, 3 interceptions, 130 yards passing and an ABYSMAL 20.1 NFL Passer Rating!!

Burrow 27 for 38, 5 Tds, 1 interception, 344 yards passing and a 127.6 NFL Passer Rating!
Aaron Rodgers:

Aaron Rodgers sets record - No. 7 Cal vs. No. 1 USC (October 9, 2004) | NCAA Football Highlights (on youtube)

Rodgers: 29 completions in 34 pass attempts for 267 yards and 1 TD and 0 Interceptions and NFL Passer rating of 109.1 , outplaying 2004 Heisman Trophy Winner and 2004 National Champion USC QB Matt Leinhart.

Lenhart: 15 completions in 24 pass attempts for 164 yards and 2 TD and 1 interception and NFL Passer rating of 93.0.

Everyone should watch the game tapes and videos of Hendon Hooker and then compare them with the game tapes of Jordan Love.

Chris Simms, NFL QB and son of Phil Simms - I am sure you know both - rates Hooker as the 3rd best QB in the draft and says he should be drafted in the top 15 in the first round.
He says he ran an NFL offense at Tennessee and his just turned 25 age is irrelevant.

NFL Draft 2023 QB rankings: Hendon Hooker, Tennessee | Chris Simms Unbuttoned | NFL on NBC

Watch Hendon Hooker vs. Alabama and National Champion Georgia the last 2 years and then watch Jordan Love against top competition - LSU in 2019. Watch Aaron Rodgers against #1 ranked USC and note the differences. Video is out there for the COMPLETE games on Youtube.

Hendon Hooker | 2022 Highlights

You can see Cedric Tillman and Jalin Hyatt as well.

Hendon Hooker (Tennessee QB) vs Alabama 2022

I am not worried about Hooker's ACL - look at how quickly Joe Burrow recovered from his ACL tear that he injured i week 11 in November 2000 - he was back for game 1 in September 2021.

-7 points
PatB's picture

April 18, 2023 at 08:37 pm

I am assuming the front office likes him more than you do.

7 points
StarrtoRodgers's picture

April 18, 2023 at 11:48 pm

"I expect the team to pick up Love's 5th year option"

Pat B,


The Giants did not pick up Daniel Jones 5th year option last year and Jones had 37 starts at that time - 36 more than Jordan.

That $20M option for the Packers is guaranteed and $20M salary cap hit in 2024 and in all probability - based on all the data points and observations we have of Jordan in the NFL games he has played and in any games against Power Five Conference teams - we all know by the end of Game 6 that Jordan is not the Packers franchise QB of the future.

Watch the couple games that Jordan Love played against Power Five Conference teams and his Kansas City and Lions game and Eagles game (where the Eagles were conceding the short pass and not blitzing) and the Love exhibition games and then compare them with Hendon Hooker and Rodgers,

Check each QB out on Youtube against Power Five competition:

Jordan Love:

October 5, 2019 - Utah State vs #5 LSU (the entire game is on youtube)

Love 15 for 30, 0 Tds, 3 interceptions, 130 yards passing and an ABYSMAL 20.1 NFL Passer Rating!!

Burrow 27 for 38, 5 Tds, 1 interception, 344 yards passing and a 127.6 NFL Passer Rating!
Aaron Rodgers:

Aaron Rodgers sets record - No. 7 Cal vs. No. 1 USC (October 9, 2004) | NCAA Football Highlights (on youtube)

Rodgers: 29 completions in 34 pass attempts for 267 yards and 1 TD and 0 Interceptions and NFL Passer rating of 109.1 , outplaying 2004 Heisman Trophy Winner and 2004 National Champion USC QB Matt Leinhart.

Lenhart: 15 completions in 24 pass attempts for 164 yards and 2 TD and 1 interception and NFL Passer rating of 93.0.

Everyone should watch the game tapes and videos of Hendon Hooker and then compare them with the game tapes of Jordan Love.

Chris Simms, NFL QB and son of Phil Simms - I am sure you know both - rates Hooker as the 3rd best QB in the draft and says he should be drafted in the top 15 in the first round.
He says he ran an NFL offense at Tennessee and his just turned 25 age is irrelevant.

NFL Draft 2023 QB rankings: Hendon Hooker, Tennessee | Chris Simms Unbuttoned | NFL on NBC

Watch Hendon Hooker vs. Alabama and National Champion Georgia the last 2 years and then watch Jordan Love against top competition - LSU in 2019. Watch Aaron Rodgers against #1 ranked USC and note the differences. Video is out there for the COMPLETE games on Youtube.

Hendon Hooker | 2022 Highlights

You can see Cedric Tillman and Jalin Hyatt as well.

Hendon Hooker (Tennessee QB) vs Alabama 2022

I am not worried about Hooker's ACL - look at how quickly Joe Burrow recovered from his ACL tear that he injured i week 11 in November 2000 - he was back for game 1 in September 2021.

-3 points
Blockdoc's picture

April 18, 2023 at 11:29 pm

Love is the real deal. Everyone in the front office knows it. Don't be worried about Jordan.

1 points
mnbadger's picture

April 18, 2023 at 12:27 pm

I totally disagree with the premise that " . . . If he (Dillon) wants to stay in Green Bay, he'll probably have to outplay and outperform Jones"
I don't think he was ever drafted to be RB1 in this offense.
Maybe he could evolve into that, but most teams have at least two backs with carries and receiving opportunities split somewhere between 75/25, 66/33 and 50/50 between the two.
IMO, AJD can justify 50% or less of the total opportunities. If AJones is healthy, I prefer Dillon at 33% personally.
I think he stays based on his $ demands only.

8 points
Rebelgb's picture

April 19, 2023 at 09:42 am

Agreed. Not sure where OP is coming from with that. Dillon was NEVER meant to be RB1.

0 points
BirdDogUni's picture

April 18, 2023 at 12:37 pm

Plus whatever draft picks we might gain from a trade:

15: R1 P15 TE Darnell Washington - Georgia
45: R2 P14 RB Jahmyr Gibbs - Alabama
78: R3 P15 WR Jonathan Mingo - Ole Miss
116: R4 P14 TE Luke Schoonmaker - Michigan
149: R5 P14 WR Matt Landers - Arkansas
170: R5 P35 WR Bryce Ford-Wheaton - West Virginia
232: R7 P15 OT John Ojukwu - Boise State
235: R7 P18 EDGE Ali Gaye - LSU
242: R7 P25 S Ronnie Hickman - Ohio State
256: R7 P39 EDGE Ochaun Mathis - Nebraska

-8 points
Coldworld's picture

April 18, 2023 at 01:00 pm

Not bad if not able to trade back. Though I think Washington is an overdraft, I increasingly fear anyone available then will be if there is any accounting for need. I particularly like rounds 3 through 5. Those are players who fit and could help. Shoonmaker too, though he’s not my favorite TE who might have been available and perhaps overdrafted by a round. I might have taken a S like Robinson instead of him or Mingo in a perfect world.

0 points
TKWorldWide's picture

April 18, 2023 at 02:27 pm

I am routinely seeing Washington available at 45.
I highly doubt he will last that long.

4 points
BirdDogUni's picture

April 18, 2023 at 05:31 pm

If he's still on the board at 28, I don't see the Bengals passing on him.

Just saying.

2 points
Leatherhead's picture

April 18, 2023 at 01:26 pm

I like the idea of loading up the offense, because that's what makes the
most sense to me. A new QB....let's give him a toolbox and put him to work.

There's an RB from Pitt named Abikanda. All he did last year was lead the NCAA in TDs.

I would not take Darnell Washington at 15, and I'm about to take him out of my top 50. And this was a guy that had wowed me before the combine. But if we want to improve the offense, and we want a TE who will be a featured piece in the passing offense, getting a half-dozen or more targets a game, then there are better choices .

If we don't want a featured TE in the passing offense, then we can get guys later.

The idea of Kincaid is becoming more appealing to me. He's flexible enough that we could use him split out, or on the move. He's kind of like a compromise between a TE and a big WR, and defense's are going to have to find somebody to match up on him.

0 points
Untylu1968's picture

April 18, 2023 at 01:59 pm

It may sound crazy, but I'll beat the drum to draft Jake Witt, with one of our 7th round picks. His upside is worth the risk!

2 points
TKWorldWide's picture

April 18, 2023 at 02:28 pm

And a 7th round “risk” is no big deal anyway!

3 points
MainePackFan's picture

April 18, 2023 at 04:17 pm

Bird, if we are drafting a RB early, I'd take Bijan at 15. I think Washington will still be there at 45. If he isn't, take Laporta. Love the Mingo pick though.

0 points
WestCoastPackerBacker's picture

April 21, 2023 at 04:35 pm

All offensive skill positions until the 7th round? What team are you drafting for? This looks nothing like GB's drafting history . . . . ever!

No to the first round TE, no to 3 WRs again in one draft. No to waiting until the bottom of the barrel to pick defense, and no to picking no one to shore up the defensive line.

1 points
BirdDogUni's picture

April 18, 2023 at 12:43 pm

Went BPA throughout:

Add whatever picks we get from trading AR12 if applicable.

15: R1 P15 DL Jalen Carter - Georgia
45: R2 P14 TE Darnell Washington - Georgia
78: R3 P15 EDGE Andre Carter II - Army
116: R4 P14 S Jordan Battle - Alabama
149: R5 P14 S Brandon Joseph - Notre Dame
170: R5 P35 WR Bryce Ford-Wheaton - West Virginia
232: R7 P15 WR Matt Landers - Arkansas
235: R7 P18 RB Evan Hull - Northwestern
242: R7 P25 LB Dee Winters - TCU
256: R7 P39 OT John Ojukwu - Boise State

-1 points
stockholder's picture

April 18, 2023 at 01:00 pm

Are you kidding me.?
Would Gutey really take a DL if he dropped.
Great draft - Just never going to happen.

-3 points
Coldworld's picture

April 18, 2023 at 01:05 pm

If Carter drops he’s the BPA but he may be off some boards all together for off field reasons. If not off ours, I’d very much see him as a Gute type as being a level above in potential. I don’t think that opportunity arises, unfortunately.

I do like the rest of the draft. Actually more than the first BDU one. We should be very happy if it fell that way.

1 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

April 18, 2023 at 06:45 pm

Why wouldn't Gutey take what many consider the #1 player in the draft in Carter? I mean the streets of GB are much less populated for drag racing than probably any other NFL city. It would be a win-win situation! If Carter was sitting there & available even though I have been a huge proponent of going offense in the draft I'd be very pissed if they did not draft Carter. Frickin hell?

1 points
Leatherhead's picture

April 18, 2023 at 01:06 pm

I always like your mocks, BDU, because you go outside the box and you game so many scenarios.

I haven't done many that have us just going straight vanilla without moving around. but this one shows that if you don't fall in love with a particular player or position, and stay loyal to your board, you can have a pretty good harvest.

That's 10 guys you picked, including 4 in the 7th round, and IMO at least 5 of these guys would dress out. This guy Ford-Wheaton is absolutely a guy you want to take a late pick on, but he's going to need coaching and isn't likely to provide help this year.

IMO, this particular mock makes the 45 man roster stronger, but it doesn't really make us much better offensively, and I think that's where we need to improve the most if we want to win the division.

0 points
Coldworld's picture

April 18, 2023 at 01:11 pm

We need to pick for the future not the now in later rounds. This team needs to develop talent for 2024 and beyond. This draft does that potentially. It may help this year, it may not, but if it helps the future then it helps when we might actually have worthwhile chances. Screw a worse pick this year—don’t pick to be a little better now.

In any case, I think this draft would help us now. Carter, if we are so lucky, helps us now. Washington solves the blocking and offers at least some threat upgrade on Lewis. I can’t see Carter being worse than Garvin and co. from day one. Then he’s adding deep threats and safeties. Cant see that not helping competition and options either.

1 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

April 18, 2023 at 06:51 pm

LH & CW,
Oh my Gawd!

What we need to do 100% is draft for the future. We need to draft guys who have incredible upside to them. Difference chippers! Guys with huge upside! Serious potential! All this dropping back to get more picks is driving me nuts. We NEED difference makers on offense. Guys who scare the living @hit out of defenses. A JSN, or a Quentin Johnston, and a Dalton Kincaid, or a Luke Musgrave. Maybe a Bijan Robinson who is used creatively and just as much as a receiver as a running back. If it is an OL than a Darnell Wright, or a Broderick Jones. Let's go for it and nail it! We are shooting for excellence and a Super Bowl in the next 3-years, so let's get some difference makers, particularly on offense! Jordan Love is the real deal and he simply needs some real talent at WR & TE in this draft.

0 points
TKWorldWide's picture

April 18, 2023 at 02:29 pm

Which website for this simulation?

1 points
BirdDogUni's picture

April 18, 2023 at 05:35 pm


0 points
Blockdoc's picture

April 18, 2023 at 11:38 pm

Like the Washington pick in round 2. I don't see him falling that hard. Lots of disagreement about the tight end value in the draft with a lot of contradictions. The same people who say that Travis Kelce is a highly valuable offensive weapon are saying that they would not take a TE in the first round. If you want that weapon, your going to pay for it. Smart GM's know this and there WILL be a run on TE's at the end of the 1st.

Interesting you have Carter at 15. I can't deny his talent, but I want nothing to do with that kid. People say Aaron is a headcase, Carter will be Antonio Brown. He has already declined to meet with any team outside of the first round. I would not trade up to get a kid with that attitude and lack of intelligence. ANY TEAM can trade up to get him, and he just missed out on that. He couldn't finish his combine drills either, first player to ever give up in the combine. He screams entitled. Not a team player. He is off the draft board. Having said that-someone will take him in the top 10.

Your mock has a ton of talent. You would be one heck of a GM to pull that off!

1 points
TKWorldWide's picture

April 19, 2023 at 08:03 am

Totally valid concern.
Is he going to be another Antonio Brown?
Or will he be Warren Sapp?
(Why not just ask him?) Ha!

1 points
fthisJack's picture

April 19, 2023 at 07:58 am

First 2 picks not going to happen where they are slotted.

0 points
stockholder's picture

April 18, 2023 at 12:58 pm

BROKEN!- I'd move on from all of them.
Trade them ASAP-

Myers to Guard? - Bust
Stokes over Douglass?- Bust
Savage over Bench. - Bust
DeGuara is no weapon- Bust
Rhyan- A waste of time - Bust
Dillion- Time to go backwards here.
Give it to Jones. Forget Dillion.

-9 points
Blockdoc's picture

April 18, 2023 at 11:41 pm

Savage over bench-lmao

Don't give up on Stokes yet. Don't forget that the staff tinkered with his technique last year in an effort to get his head around to secure more interceptions. If they let Stokes cook and do what he does, he will be a shut-down corner who doesn't get many picks. If they keep trying to fix what isn't broken, they will break him.

0 points
PatrickGB's picture

April 18, 2023 at 01:26 pm

Myers might have been overdrafted. Stokes has flaws that a good coach might fix. Savage is slow to react but fast on the field. DeGuara might be a victim of his position. Rhyan looks like Tarzan and plays like Jane and may not have grasped his position change. Dillon was also overdrafted but has some value. Enagbare probably has low ceiling but has some potential. I am all in favor of second-third or fourth year jumps. It’s not like the team can afford to replace them with FA’s this year.

2 points
BirdDogUni's picture

April 18, 2023 at 02:20 pm

Hear me out: Anthony Richardson falls to 15, Washington Commanders and Seattle Seahawks and the Minnesota Vikings didn't want to pay the price to move up to draft Richardson, so Gutey drafted him. Once Gutey pulled the trigger, the Washington Commanders traded for Lamar Jackson, giving the Ravens the 16th Pick in the Draft. The Ravens then call Gutey and trade 16 and 22 for Anthony Richardson.

Plus whatever picks we get for trading AR12.

15: R1 P15 QB Anthony Richardson - Florida (Traded to Ravens for 16 and 22.)

16: R1 P16 RB Bijan Robinson - Texas
22: R1 P22 TE Darnell Washington - Georgia
45: R2 P14 EDGE Will McDonald IV - Iowa State
78: R3 P15 WR Jonathan Mingo - Ole Miss
116: R4 P14 TE Zack Kuntz - Old Dominion
149: R5 P14 TE Will Mallory - Miami
170: R5 P35 WR Bryce Ford-Wheaton - West Virginia
232: R7 P15 WR Elijah Higgins - Stanford
235: R7 P18 OT Ryan Swoboda - Central Florida
242: R7 P25 EDGE Tavius Robinson - Ole Miss
256: R7 P39 FB Hunter Luepke - North Dakota State

Figure we can get a Safety or CB or DL with the AR12 pick(s).

-1 points
stockholder's picture

April 18, 2023 at 03:42 pm

Cross off Mingo- Rashee Rice was
just brought in on an Official visit.

0 points
BirdDogUni's picture

April 18, 2023 at 05:42 pm

Personally, I'd much rather have Mingo.

2 points
PatrickGB's picture

April 18, 2023 at 04:35 pm

An interesting idea about the draft trade. Yet (as much as I like the guy) I don’t see us drafting Robinson. However, the other picks look good. And I like the value in second round picks. But what do I know?

1 points
Blockdoc's picture

April 18, 2023 at 11:43 pm

The industry standard is to trade the pick not the player. Like the creativity, but it doesn't work like that.

2 points
fthisJack's picture

April 19, 2023 at 08:04 am

You doing the mushrooms again?

1 points
ko40489's picture

April 18, 2023 at 03:19 pm

When will it be the make or break season for the GM who drafted all these guys (as well as all nonexistent 3rd round picks)?

3 points
Coldworld's picture

April 18, 2023 at 03:32 pm

Probably not for a while, because at the moment he’s a little ahead of the curve.

1 points
Blockdoc's picture

April 18, 2023 at 11:43 pm

After Murphy leaves
If Love performs, whenever he decides to retire

1 points
jhtobias's picture

April 18, 2023 at 03:49 pm

The Joe Berry Hiring has absolutley destroyed a promising darnell savage career.

Darnell Savage was absolutley one of the best young playmaking safties but 2 years with berry has washed that away.

Stokes when healthy needs to be able to play to his strength man to man .

It is just mind baffling joe berry is still dc and that is on lafluer.

8 points
StarrtoRodgers's picture

April 18, 2023 at 05:45 pm

Can't disagree.

The soft and zone coverages not only hurt the performances of Savage and Stokes, but Jaire and Rasul too.

2 points
Packers0808's picture

April 18, 2023 at 04:06 pm

DeGuara has a lot of upside I believe and he was basically ignored by Rodgers. For some reason Rodgers did not favor him or trust him. Hope the Rodgers thing get done soon!

2 points
PatrickGB's picture

April 18, 2023 at 04:37 pm

Am I allowed to say amen on a secular web page? 😉

1 points
StarrtoRodgers's picture

April 18, 2023 at 05:31 pm

"Great point splitpea1.
Not sure how the author, myself and previous posters missed it, but the article and list could have even started there.

Splitpea and Mnbadger (and several others who have written the same thing in this post),

The Article not only could have started with Jordan Love, but SHOULD have started with Jordan Love.

2023 is the Make or Break Season for Jordan Love - and consequently the Make or Break barometer for the Packers future 3 years as QB is every football team's most critical position and if Love fails this year it will take at least 3 years, if not much longer, for the Packers to find a QB that can consistently carry the Packers to the playoffs as fans have become accustomed to the last 11 of 15 years.

And during those 3 years of searching for a new Packer Franchise QB, the Packers without Rodgers and without a top 10 QB will not be going to any playoffs as 20+ years of not drafting a wide receiver, running back or tight end in the first round and instead drafting largely for defense - picks that hasn't produced top 10 defenses and hasn't provided the Packers with game breaking all pro weapons on offense either.

No top defense, no franchise QB anymore to rescue the team and no All Pro game changing offensive weapons - doesn't sound good in combination. Rodger hid all of Gutekunst and Murphy's shortcomings behind stellar mistake free play.

Aaron despite playing through injury to right throwing shoulder at Tampa in game 4, was near the top of 32 QB starters in nearly every passing category, but 2008 Packers due to loss of 3 significant defensive starters to injury - Cullen Jenkins, Atari Digby and Nick Barnett gave up nearly 100 more points than 2007 and Packers finished 6-10.

Jordan this year will be playing with 3 second year receivers, Rodgers in 2008 was not only playing with a 2nd receiver in James Jones and a 3 year receiver in Greg Jennings but rookies in Jordy Nelson and Jermichael Finley, both who did not start and Finley hardly saw the field (6 catches)..

Rodgers also had but one veteran receiver, Donald Driver, 33 years old on the downside of of his career. and tight end Donald Lee, nothing to write home about - comparable to Josiah Deguara in talent.

Jordan should have also been provided veteran wide receivers by the resigning of Lazard (Jet cap hit $3.2M), Tonyan (Bear cap hit $2.6 M) Lewis and Cobb, but Brian Gutekunst GM knows THE COST OF EVERYTHNIG AND THE VALUE OF NOTHING - INCLUDING THE VALUE OF INTANGIBES OF FREINDSHIPS, MENTORSHIIP AND LEADERSHIP of veterans that are actually still out performing just about every receiver - Cobb YAC and fewest drops per target - and tight end - Lewis blocking and making the clutch downfield catch against the Dolphins - on the Packers. Packers currently have $22.4 M in Cap space - 4th highest in the NFL - and can gain about $8M more in cap space with conversion of game active and workout bonuses into signing bonuses. Brian should have signed these veteran receivers and tight ends - and Jarran Reed (Seahawks $3M cap hit) and Kyrs Barnes (among the Packer best tacklers - Arizona $1M) as well - and when first able to do so back on March 13th

Jordan should be held to the same standard as Aaron in 2008 and measured against Aaron's 2008.

If you look at the year by year 2000 through 2022 NFL statistics for total QB performance from Stats Muse - totals for all 32 teams quarterbacks - you will notice that quarterback performance numbers have improved significantly. This is in no small measure to the continuous rule changes to protect quarterbacks and create more offense and scoring.

If you compare 2008 totals for all QBs - Aaron's 1st year as a starter - to 2022's totals for all QBs, you will notice the following:

Passer Rating - has increased 7.1% (Aaron's 93.8% in 2008 would have been 100.4% in 2022)

Pass Attempts per season has increased 9.3% (Aaron's 536 in 2008 would have been 586 in 2022)

Completion Pct. - has increased 5.2% (Aaron's 63.6% in 2008 would have been 66.9% in 2022)

Yards per Attempt - has increased 1.4% (Aaron's 7.5% in 2008 would have been 7.6% in 2022)

Yards per Game - has increased 4.5% (Aaron's 252.4 or 4,038 yards over 16 games in 2008 would have been 263.88 or 4,486 yards over 17 games in 2022)

TD% per pass attempt - has increased 7.6% (Aaron's 5.2 % in 2008 and 28 TD passes would have been 5.6% in 2022 and 32.5 TD passes in 2022)

Interception % per pass attempt: has fallen 17.1% (Aaron's 2.4% in 2008 would have been 1.9% in 2022)

Interceptions: have fallen by 10.2% (Aaron's 13 in 2008 would have fallen to 11.6 in 2022)

Keep these numbers handy as we compare Jordan in his 4th year relative to Aaron in his 4th year in this Ignorant, emotion based Packer Management trade goes through.

-8 points
Blockdoc's picture

April 18, 2023 at 11:44 pm

Nice insight

0 points
bottlefliper's picture

April 19, 2023 at 01:15 am

AR never covered up for anything. AR made never his team mates better. AR never carried the team if he needed to. Even he got paid for it, 15% of the cap, he played like 5% sometimes 6%.
In 2011 it was not AR alone. In the SB the D carried the Packers. Woodson and Clay outperformed theit contracts and many more.
1 title in 20 years is not hard to beat. Mark Murphy has twice as much titles as AR.

So glad we got the Packers back finaly and the joy of watching footall with my kids even if we win all the time it just can get up.

0 points
StarrtoRodgers's picture

April 18, 2023 at 06:39 pm

""When one CENSORS the independent thoughts of Packer Fans - whether they are pro trade or against the trade or pro management or critical of management - you are left with Echo Chamber of people patting each other on the back and shutting out other points of view and often the truth."
STR, of all the things you have posted (some I agree with, some I don't) this is a spot on statement which I wholeheartedly agree with. Not just here at CHTV, but in all of our public discourse, we must open our minds to others point of view in order to keep check of our own.
As far as Rodgers and Love go, I am a fan of both. I see no benefit in disparaging either one. The Packers made their decision, and as a Packer fan I will trust they have made the right one, even if I disagree with it."

Dear MainePackFan,


As I have written many times, my fellow DIE HARD Packer fans have been watching and attending Packer games at Lambeau and travelling around the country to see the Packers since the days of Starr in the 60s.

We have seen quite a bit over those 60 years.

We NEVER NEVER NEVER boo a Packer player - or any football player - no matter how badly they are doing because we recognize - as the Guardian article below points out - that they risk their lives, brains and bodies to crippling injury for these bread and circuses (including football games) that are fed to us by the Billionaire Parasite Owners of society to divert us from revolting at their exploitive parasitic doors. We will always do nothing BUT CHEER the players and Jordan Love is no different - we watched every Packer exhibition game and every Packer regular season game together and ALWAYS ALWAYS do nothing but CHEER the Packer players.

We do know reality though and we know that in our society EVERYONE IS A TRADEABLE COMMODITY for profit and no one is untradeable and it is not the Billionaire Parasite owners or their Marine in Business suit - the Suits - that bring the a value and Parasitic Owners and Management parasites that live off the value the warriors/players/slaves/entertainers create on the field.

This Jordan TRADE QUESTION is a serious topic and question - AS EVERYTHING HAS ITS PRICE - if provided enough quality compensation there is an acceptable price for every player, including Jordan Love.

What would a trade of Jordan Love bring the Packers in draft choices and players?

What would a Packer fan accept as trade value so good to accept a trade of Love?

Look what the Panthers just paid for unproven talent.

The Panthers just traded their 2023 1st round pick - 9th overall pick - and their 2023 2nd round pick - 61st overall pick - the Panthers 2024 1st round pick and the Panthers 2025 2nd rounder and their Star 26 year Receiver DJ Moore (the 1st round - 24th overall pick -of the Panthers in 2018, who has caught 364 passes for 14.3 yards per catch over 5 years) to the Chicago Bears for their chance to draft a QB - Young, Stroud, Levis or Richardson.

More is known about Jordan Love - who had his college career, PLUS 3 years in the NFL- than any of these 4 QBs

So if Young or Stroud or Levis or Richardson are worth 4 draft picks, the 9th overall pick in 2023, 2nd round pick in 2023 (the 61st overall pick), 1st round pick in 2024, the 2nd round pick in 2025 and a young star wide receiver, what do you think Jordan Love who is less of unknown with 3 more years experience is worth?
Jordan Love in the minds of NFL GMs is just as "proven" as Young, Stroud, Levis, Richardson and other QBs.

What would Jordan Love bring the Packers in trade compensation?

What would a Packer fan accept as trade value so good to accept a trade of Love?

Guardian article I mentioned earlier:

Injury pay cuts and limited leverage: five brutal truths about NFL contracts (published in the Guardian 1/17/23)

Getting injured often leads to a hefty pay cut

The NFL Network journalist Ian Rapoport reported that Hamlin’s four-year, $3.64m contract was due to earn him $825,000 this season but contained a clause to pay him at a lower rate of $455,000 while on the injured reserve list. In other words: a 45% salary cut because he suffered a cardiac arrest doing his job. And that is pretty standard for injured players.

In a sport this violent, the question is not whether a player will get hurt, but when. According to a 2017 Harvard analysis, the mean injury rate in the NFL is 5.90 injuries a game, compared with 0.45 in MLB, 0.16 in the NBA and 0.59 in the NHL. The enormous health risk means teams don’t want to commit to the kind of long-term, guaranteed deals seen in other sports. But that risk is exactly why financial security is so important to players. They’re expected to play hard all the time – and yet they could be one tough tackle away from a massive loss of earnings. The new collective bargaining agreement (CBA) agreed in 2020 raised the number of regular-season games from 16 to 17 and expanded the playoffs from 12 to 14 teams. And more games means more injuries.

-7 points
Blockdoc's picture

April 18, 2023 at 11:46 pm

The Packers will not trade Love. There have been several offers over the last couple seasons. Love is the real deal, even Rodgers admits this.

1 points
Packerpasty's picture

April 19, 2023 at 09:58 am

I guess Packer fans will soon see if this is true...some said Hundley was the next big thing too..

0 points
TKWorldWide's picture

April 19, 2023 at 07:57 am

I like Dillon but am mildly disappointed with him. When drafted, his comparable was Steven Jackson, one of my all-time favorite runners. Big, bruising, good speed. Vastly underrated hands.
His 40 time was a tick faster than Jones. Do your eyeballs agree with that?
He was described as running “hard, but not violently”. Totally agree with that.
Second contract? Gotta be team friendly. Can probably be replaced with a mid round choice.
We shall see.

2 points
Packerpasty's picture

April 19, 2023 at 09:59 am

I dont think he see's the proper hole or running lane at times...its nice that he's a brute but a little more finesse would help..

2 points
Jeff Hayes's picture

April 19, 2023 at 06:52 pm

I thought Myers did okay last year he just needs to have confidence in himself as a pro center, he has to take the leap, rhyan should be tried at RT in my opinion, Stokes is a good corner but he takes plays off and needs to stop. I think they draft 2 safeties this draft, I got them taking Johnson rd 2 and Brown in the 4th

0 points