Extra Cheese: Let the hate flow through you

Aaron chats with Packers fans after Day 2 of the 2020 NFL Draft.

Earlier this evening, I held my Packers chat over on our YouTube channel. You can catch the replay below.

Be sure to subscribe to the channel if you'd like to participate in future chats.




9 points

Comments (128)

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jeremyjjbrown's picture

April 25, 2020 at 12:51 am

"Let the hate flow through you"

LOL, this draft is blowing our minds. Clearly MLF and Gute value different things than Todd McShay tells us to value.

All I know is MLF led what I thought was an 8-8 team to 13-3 and the NFC Championship game. Some of you all said this was a 6-10 team and I didn't argue it. MLF has a big ass smile on his face for each pick.

So even though I never saw this coming it's what MLF wants.

5 points
PackFlip's picture

April 25, 2020 at 03:00 am

Slit my wrists. Hate this team. Hate football.

-4 points
jeremyjjbrown's picture

April 25, 2020 at 10:33 am

Being here is optional.

4 points
Bure9620's picture

April 26, 2020 at 01:40 pm

Hahah, that is a true statement.....

0 points
HankScorpio's picture

April 25, 2020 at 06:04 am

"MLF has a big ass smile on his face for each pick.

So even though I never saw this coming it's what MLF wants."

Yeah, sure. His face while on camera is a perfect window into his true feelings.

Free advice: Don't play poker.

2 points
jeremyjjbrown's picture

April 25, 2020 at 07:21 pm

Yeah, I'm sure he was faking it. It's all a huge conspiracy that MLF looked happy with the picks when he really hates them.

What a bunch of BS.

1 points
HankScorpio's picture

April 25, 2020 at 08:39 pm

Not a conspiracy. Just simple public relations training for the public faces of the franchise.

1 points
Bure9620's picture

April 26, 2020 at 01:10 pm

They are all happy about picks, Harbaugh was first pumping, chuckie had a microphone, the only poker face was Belichick and his dog

0 points
flackcatcher's picture

April 25, 2020 at 11:53 am

Don't worry about it. Last night my family thought I was going crazy from laughing so hard. PFF types thought this was 'their draft'. (LOL) Gute busted THAT bubble pretty fast. In the future PFF and gambling will collide with the NFL and the wreckage will be impressive, but that's for another day. Two quick points. One: As GM Gute's job is to acquire talent that works best in the system he has selected to use. He hires. He fires. End of story. It's all on him, if he fails he is gone. We see his work product on the field every week during the season. Two: Last year that product ended up in the NFC championship game. For those questioning his judgement. Well, good luck with that...

2 points
Harold Drake's picture

April 25, 2020 at 01:44 am

Dear Mr Nagler,

It is inflammatory to declare that the negative reaction to the Packers' "unexpected" (the most charitable term one could use) draft picks in the first three rounds is a manifestation of blind hatred. The public outcry is fueled largely by the very rational and very justified shock at NOT choosing WRs, ILBs, or OTs which were the most obvious needs to not just fans but to well-informed and serious NFL analysts. Whether it's Tony Dungy or Jay Glazer, NFL pundits have by an overwhelming majority slated the Packers' picks - especially the absurd decision to draft Jordan Love (and trading away a fourth round pick to move up to take him) with the Packers' first pick. It is not "hate" and the need to vent our collective coronavirus cabin fever angst which drives Packer Nation (by and large, judging by social media reaction) to condemn Gutekunst for creating an additional source of friction between management and Aaron Rodgers, but the utter lack of comprehension at the decision to begin the transition process when Rodgers has three years (and an option year) remaining on his contract.

Further, the Pack is coming off a 13-3 season and a victory over the Seahawks in the divisional playoffs, a record NO ONE expected. Though Rodgers is not the QB he was five years ago, and it seems faulty mechanics possibly owing to repeated injuries may be partially to blame for his statistical decline, he is still a very effective and highly skilled QB that 90% of NFL teams would die to have. (I am sure New England would love to trade for AR and Bellicheck would find some elite WRs to weaponise the Patriots' passing attack with Rodgers at the helm!!!)
Moreover, the Pack went 4-12 in the season prior to the drafting of Rodgers and Favre was already hinting at retirement, so the context in which the Packers chose AR that year is very different from the context in which Love has been selected as the heir apparent.

Therefore, Packer Nation has considerable rational justification for criticising the draft picks not merely because they defy expectations but because they lack sound judgement. It is not because of a blind, irrational need to vent hatred that the Packers' fan base (although it is hard to assess the actual numbers pro and con unless someone collects poll data from actual tweets and posts which are admittedly statistically invalid) is furious at Gutekunst and his seeming neglect of what were widely seen as serious deficiencies on the roster - i.e. WR and ILB.

CHTV fans in particular may well be surprised at your equanimity in the face of this bizarro world draft. Simply saying that "no one knows anything" (a la William Goldman with reference to the movie industry) is a platitude rather than a coherent response. There is a probabilistic basis for choosing certain players who fill specific positions on a roster. If there seems to be a lack of elite receivers to complement Davante Adams, then there is a logical basis to choose a WR in the draft to fill that need. The same applies to the ILB position which you yourself have maintained is a long term weakness and seeming blindspot in the organisation.

So why are you playing possum and not embracing at least some of the collective puzzlement and grief over Love et al? Many of us regard you as our unofficial spokesman - that is why we are tuning in to CHTV and your ExtraCheese broadcasts. It seems you are trying to find reasons to rationalise the Gute horror draft 3.0 instead of criticising his choices or at the very least giving credit to Packer Nation for our collective lack of comprehension over these three appalling picks.

You have, however, been correct in your assessment that the selection of the Dillon and Deguara reflect the ongoing philosophical transition away from the McCarthy era spread offence to Lafleur's Shanahan hybrid play action variation. But even if we accept this new strategic paradigm, choosing Love does not fit into this scheme. The Packers still need an elite No. 2 WR. The Packers still need help at OT or ILB. With all due respect, you seem to be ignoring these issues or at least would rather not attack Gutekunst and simply accept his draft strategy as a fait accompli.

In the end, we have more important things to worry about, of course. But in terms of allowing ourselves to enjoy the distraction of throwing ourselves into the football sub-universe and the Packers microcosm, we need to be more forthright, less opaque, and at least address the palpable gloom in the room. Remember that we rely on you to at the very least channel some of our grief, sift through the evidence, and give your preliminary verdict on Gutekunst's turn to the dark side.

Go Pack Go!

10 points
PackFlip's picture

April 25, 2020 at 03:01 am


-3 points
Harold Drake's picture

April 25, 2020 at 03:35 am

I just read your comment on the Deguara pick and you declared that this is a terrible draft. Therefore you're agreeing with what I said. I don't understand why you're telling me to quit???

-1 points
Packerpasty's picture

April 25, 2020 at 03:27 pm

you have an excellent post, never mind the cheerleaders who tell you to "quit"...that dude can stuff it..

1 points
Packerpasty's picture

April 25, 2020 at 03:27 pm

f**k you... we can have an opinion same as you...go give Gute's a back rub or something..

0 points
GVPacker's picture

April 25, 2020 at 07:19 pm

You post was very interesting but my only criticism would be your describing Jay Glazer as an "NFL Analyst". He's more of an NFL Gossip Columnists!

0 points
codakera's picture

April 25, 2020 at 03:48 am

Dear Mr Nagler, I, codakera, hereby declare that there is exceptional reason as to why the green bay packers should continue to solely rely upon one aging and injury riddled qb.
The QB aforementioned is none other than Arod. He has stated that he has no intention of leaving, nor any intention to physically break down. Given the testimony of one Arod. It is the grand entitled-towns verdict that one arod shall not be challenged, nor shall one arod have to ponder nor concern himself with any such competition. Thus no potential arod incumbent shall be drafted nor signed as to persuade, vex, or in anyway inconvenient the present arod and his dealings or arrangements with the green bay packer organization.

0 points
Harold Drake's picture

April 25, 2020 at 03:53 am

I love your comment. Very funny! But I don't think AR is quite as decrepit as you would suggest. I simply think - like the vast majority of professional NFL commentators, which is not necessarily compelling - that drafting a QB this year is premature. Don't you think that taking a WR or ILB would have helped this team this year? Love is not going to start a game for at least two years!

7 points
fastmoving's picture

April 25, 2020 at 04:59 am

Nagler is spot on, like most of the time and seems like a even better person with perspective and good wit.
But you Harold, used a lot of words for not much.
We dont need a WR, because we had a better group than most. The problem was on the other side of the pass and everyone (who was willing to admit the true) could see that. If AR has one or two years as a top 20 QB left, we will be fine with the passing attack.
ILB maybe, WR nooo way. Our guys were open a lot the last 2 years. Have speed, size and good enough hands. AR needs to hit them or should I say to use them.
Nobody knows the next couple of years how the draft turn out, but Love was a good pick with great upside.
And for the mantra: someone who has at least some brains, knows that we really dont know anything for sure. Generally spoken. Thats why the Orange its such a looser among a lot of other strange things.

-5 points
Nate-1980's picture

April 25, 2020 at 01:57 pm

Congrats, you just made one of the most idiotic replies on here.. Lost all credibility when you said our wide receivers are better than most teams haha..:)

1 points
Packerpasty's picture

April 25, 2020 at 03:32 pm

wow, what an idiotic statement on the Pack WR's, who other than Adams, are universally acknowledged as crap....you cheerleaders are funny as hell...

1 points
Leatherhead's picture

April 26, 2020 at 02:10 pm

That crap caught a lot of passes for a lot of yards and some a TDs. Lazard, and Kumerow, made some key plays in some close games.

I will never understand why a “fan” feels the need to shit on our guys.

-1 points
fastmoving's picture

April 26, 2020 at 06:35 am

Maybe you should watch some fottball games, but I guess it would not help a lot. Or maybe you should have tried some sports 40 years ago, so you knew a little bit more.

Dont do disinfectant........but very smart post anyway. So I guess I loose my first place to a guy with all the credibility in the world. Other than that is credibility out of the windows since a couple of years, since the smart have a voice.

-2 points
13TimeChamps's picture

April 26, 2020 at 01:37 pm

You might want to learn the difference between 'looser' and loser and 'loose' and lose.

1 points
fastmoving's picture

April 26, 2020 at 06:40 am

Man, now I see, you are from Florida. Sorry, that explains everything. Sorry and dont mind. Do your thing you will make it big........someday.
And sorry again, wont repley to your post never ever........

-2 points
Nate-1980's picture

May 01, 2020 at 02:59 am

From Florida so it makes my outlook irrelevant, ha.. From Oconomowoc bro, you’re dumb for even projecting people from Florida are all dumb, wow..Moving slow I see..

0 points
Michael Nault's picture

April 26, 2020 at 12:19 pm

I don't think our recievers are as bad as you may think. I think a lot has to do with Arod not wanting to throw up a 50/50 ball, or throwing his recievers open, he simply refusees to throw anything that might get intercepted. I fricking hate that. So I think we have recievers here and hell, if Rodgers don't use them, it's on hm. Run the ball then ,make him use them and do it the coaches way, not the ego way. Not a huge Rodgers fan. Great QB, but too much ego on the field

0 points
Bure9620's picture

April 25, 2020 at 06:42 am

That's funny

-1 points
marpag1's picture

April 25, 2020 at 05:26 am

LOL. He's got an opinion, bro. Deal with it. And to be honest, I like his opinion better than yours. It's not close....

5 points
Savage57's picture

April 25, 2020 at 07:27 am

Holy shit!

A manifesto.

1 points
Packerpasty's picture

April 25, 2020 at 10:59 am

excellant..maybe if we drank as much beer as Nag's our outlook would be different...in fact after watching this shit show of a draft I think I will hammer down a beer or two...

2 points
gates6181@msn.com's picture

April 25, 2020 at 12:08 pm

Excellent, well thought out...I could not have said it better...

1 points
Nate-1980's picture

April 25, 2020 at 01:50 pm

Harold I couldn’t have said it better, perfect assessment of how I feel.. Well except for Nagler being a spoke person for my team, I’m good on that one.. Go Pack

2 points
PackFlip's picture

April 25, 2020 at 02:55 am

Just quit this team. Bye. Don't miss us. Night

-13 points
Harold Drake's picture

April 25, 2020 at 03:56 am

Glad you support free speech!

4 points
Packerpasty's picture

April 25, 2020 at 03:28 pm

who's "us"...you and Gutes???

1 points
marpag1's picture

April 25, 2020 at 04:31 am

Honestly, no hate from me. I'm starting to "see it" more and more. In it's philosophy, it's sound. The only question that remains - obviously - is whether or not these picks will fulfill their expectations.

Actually, I kind of like it.

3 points
GBPDAN1's picture

April 25, 2020 at 04:46 am

I was hoping we'd pick up some missing pieces this offseason to get past the Niners. That didn't happen, unfortunately.

This is going to be an interesting situation monitoring Rodgers mood with regard to the Packers eagerly trading up for his replacement, rather than supply him with more talent, in the first round . I hope this development doesn't effect the locker room .

PS; what is a Super chat and why must it be repeated constantly?

3 points
HankScorpio's picture

April 25, 2020 at 06:07 am

It is hard work to got into a historically strong WR draft with a screaming need for a WR and not get a WR before #175 overall . But Gute has positioned himself nicely to do that.

Wait, did I say "hard work"? I meant epic incompetence.

9 points
Nate-1980's picture

April 25, 2020 at 02:02 pm

Haha, eggszackery, you get a thumbs up from me fine sir..:)

0 points
Packerpasty's picture

April 25, 2020 at 03:33 pm

excellant, obviously a man who knows football, although it doesn't take a genius to know this draft by the Packers stinks..

-1 points
4thand1's picture

April 25, 2020 at 07:20 am

It has been said in here over and over last year, that AR was ignoring open receivers. Coaches watch film and maybe its true. When Devante got hurt, the ball did get spread around and this team didn't fold. This is our receiving corp for now.
Davante Adams
Devin Funchess
Eq St. Brown
Allen Lazard
Jake Kumero
Malik Taylor
Reggie Begelton
Darrius Shepherd
Who is the true number 2 ?

2 points
Bure9620's picture

April 25, 2020 at 06:30 pm

Lazard, Funchess is 3

0 points
PhantomII's picture

April 25, 2020 at 09:39 pm

Until proven otherwise RB A. Jones

1 points
Patrick's picture

April 26, 2020 at 01:24 pm

It's Reggie Begelton, he will be Good, mark my word, you heard it Here!

0 points
13TimeChamps's picture

April 26, 2020 at 01:43 pm

About 20 times actually.

0 points
egbertsouse's picture

April 25, 2020 at 07:23 am

Actually, Gute just acknowledged what we all know deep down, this team is a paper tiger, a bunch of pretenders that over-achieved last year but have no chance to get to the show in the next few years. So he’s planning for the future.

3 points
aljohn_w@yahoo.com's picture

April 26, 2020 at 06:27 am

Green Bay is the only franchise in sports where a general manager could make the moves Gute has made . Why you may ask ? Because no other franchise in sports has thousands of people waiting for season tickets and no owner to answer to. A guaranteed full stadium and weak management can allow a general manager to take risks most would not . A guaranteed full stadium means win now is not necessarily a good thing

0 points
Lphill's picture

April 25, 2020 at 07:26 am

Absolutely a bust of a draft , Gute is a failure , Packers defense to be lead by Oren Burks and maybe fill in with some un drafted nobodies. But sugar coat it CheeseheadTV.

1 points
Leatherhead's picture

April 25, 2020 at 07:35 am

Run more, pass less. Some of you are slow to catch on.

5 points
Bure9620's picture

April 25, 2020 at 07:56 am

Not me Leatherhead

0 points
Leatherhead's picture

April 25, 2020 at 09:51 am

We’re kinda like the Lone Rangers on this. I got 20 downvotes for saying we weren’t going to take a WR or OT early. But it’s very apparent to me that we’re going to pass less and run more, and I’ve tried to explain it to people, but some folks aren’t able to connect the dots.

Their only vision for this team is Rodgers slinging it to superduper WRs. They don’t understand the paradigm shift.

4 points
Nate-1980's picture

April 25, 2020 at 02:09 pm

Broken record is skipping again I see..

-3 points
murf7777's picture

April 25, 2020 at 11:13 am

Not me either, it’s obvious what he wants Just hope the players he picked are going to Excell.

2 points
flackcatcher's picture

April 25, 2020 at 12:24 pm

The short story is combo of rule changes and defensive evolution has blunted most of the pass first systems in the NFL. West coast types schemed for 20+ yards on quick slants and skinny posts. Today's defense schemes to take that away with combo coverage of man under and zone over. The weakness in today's defense is in the 10+ gap beyond the LOS. Makes the FB and TE even more important with blocking and pass receiving in that gap. In many ways, MLF and others play action schemes is a return to basics. That's what this early round draft is about.

2 points
Packerpasty's picture

April 25, 2020 at 11:01 am

works good especially when your 20 points down...

0 points
Duneslick's picture

April 25, 2020 at 12:10 pm

We dont agree with it or how it is being done.

-1 points
PhantomII's picture

April 25, 2020 at 09:50 pm

I don't care if they run it or pass it move the chains is what got Brady so many titles. You have to do both and running it also means having a Bad "A ".. Defense to keep the other offense in check and if that don't get fixed for good, running the ball is still an "L".

0 points
bigGuy's picture

April 25, 2020 at 07:36 am

I get all the issues with wanting a wr out of the draft. But realistically Rodgers wouldn’t throw to him anyway. It takes several years to get Rodgers “trust.” I also see some veterans becoming available, which actually could provide more instant production than a rookie. You draft what you feel are the best football players with the Draft. It’s not a waiver wire.

11 points
4thand1's picture

April 25, 2020 at 07:47 am

The trust thing has always been there. I think AR trusts Lazard, Kumero. Devante for sure has his total trust and undivided attention. If we drafted a rookie he may not have gotten the ball for 2 years. We'll see what Funchess brings, remember Gute has done really well with FA signings.

3 points
marpag1's picture

April 26, 2020 at 06:54 am

I would say that the "trust thing" is massively overblown. You say that Rodgers trusts Lazard. Really. How long did it take for that to happen?

0 points
ReaganRulz's picture

April 25, 2020 at 07:49 am

I do like the physicality of our 2nd and 3rd rounders. They are both strong and powerful...more like bruts and we need some of that. Day 3 should be interesting.

4 points
Packerpasty's picture

April 25, 2020 at 11:00 am

yah, wonderful football bodies like you'd find in a bar somewhere...big and strong means nothing in the NFL..these dudes were WAY over drafted...

1 points
Duneslick's picture

April 25, 2020 at 11:56 am

TE 6-3 242 undersized and now he a beast. Right

-2 points
Nate-1980's picture

April 25, 2020 at 02:12 pm


0 points
prison4's picture

April 25, 2020 at 07:59 am

BG is making Ted Thompson look very good right about now

8 points
Greengenius's picture

April 25, 2020 at 08:11 am

Some things to think about.
1. The Packers did not have an adequate back-up QB until this draft. Most teams have to spend significant dollars on back-up. Now we have both a back-up and potential successor.
2. The league is changing to smaller, faster linebackers. A big strong back makes that a defensive weakness.
3. The Packers have not had a strong blocking tight end in a long time( except for the aging Mercedes Lewis).
That has been a glaring weakness that is now being fixed.
4. The o-line has several back-ups that could develop into good players. The need for draft help may be overstated.
5. Not getting high pick receiver is disappointing but could still be addressed with free agents or trade.
6. Inside linebacker and d-line still need to be addressed. Free agents or day 3 draft can still improve that.

Bottom line is the will be better than last year.

5 points
leche's picture

April 25, 2020 at 10:28 am

1. Good teams generally don't have adequate backups because a backup caliber QB isn't generally going to make enough of a difference to matter. Successful teams, by and large, are successful because their QB stays healthy. Successor is also largely irrelevant and a focus on a successor shifts assets away of making the current team better. Teams are shifting toward 'rebuilding' when they draft a new QB rather than throwing a new QB into an already established team
2. Sure, but RBs are a dime a dozen regardless. Aaron Jones was a 5th round pick. 2nd round is too much draft capital for a RB that isn't projected to be 'great'
3. No issue with Deguara.
4. More than a successor to Rodgers we need a successor to Bakhtiari
5. Sure... But that's even more future draft capital... Though the board didn't really flow nicely for us in this regard yesterday anyway.
6. Day 3 draft isn't going to get us anything more than depth/development players for either of these positions. We had an opportunity to upgrade ILB with Patrick Queen on Thursday, but it looks like we're seriously going to roll with Burks as a starter. And that's going to be a problem.

This team will absolutely not be better than last year. This draft probably makes 2022 better than 2021 though. So yay...?

3 points
stockholder's picture

April 25, 2020 at 08:14 am

I don't like the Persuasive thinking. Following the draft is a glimpse into the future. And I feel that when you draft a guy with 17 INTs. You have a right to criticize the pick. Losing Draft capitol year after year is just another question mark. Reaching is the same thing. And what we've seen, is reaching through 3 drafts now. How can so many Draft Guides be wrong, and Gutey so right? I stated before the draft we would see Gutey out of his mind. WHY can't he go by the BOOK. This wasn't anything close to BPA. The best draft guru' take the best player regardless of need. Following football drafts all my life. I kept wanting those players my guide talked about. Well now we have a GM who only wants people to think "ITs all about Him". He's only Lying to himself now . Making everyones job around him that much harder. Gutey's Glory I jest. But nothing is more apparent. Picking a Practice Squad player; over his pre draft talk of wanting LBs and Wrs. WAS A. LIE! This isn't draft poker! It's a GM who is changing the hopes of every fan. The careers of players! (showing them the door.) The snow balling of the press for answers. I've been a packer fan since childhood. Football people know Football players! Never have I seen a worst draft. Gutey dropped the ball again. He has to be ignoring GBs scouting program. Leaving me only to write: Gutey has his head up his ass at draft Time.

2 points
Packerpasty's picture

April 25, 2020 at 11:02 am

Because he has "smartest man in the room" syndrome...easy to see..he's a frikin' genius..

1 points
Lare's picture

April 25, 2020 at 11:21 am

So is Green Bay's Scouting Department so poor or are they good and Gutekunst is simply not listening to them?

1 points
Fubared's picture

April 25, 2020 at 08:14 am

I saw almost every team but the Packers get healthier. I blamed Ted for years on cheap ball. Loving the 5,6,7 picks and trying to avoid the first and second round heros who costs da moooney. By drafting these losers for sure Murphy has the leverage to saw, hey you were lucky we took you, no one else may have so sign on the bottom line and thank your god.
A Jones would be an idiot to run his arse off this year knowing his replacement is on the team now and he aint going to be re-signed.
All I know is the Vikings got rid of some capital, acquired a ton of picks, reloaded and will be very very very competitive for years to come. The pack will unload the latent to avoid big money and reload to with late round picks.

0 points
Fubared's picture

April 25, 2020 at 08:14 am

I saw almost every team but the Packers get healthier. I blamed Ted for years on cheap ball. Loving the 5,6,7 picks and trying to avoid the first and second round heros who costs da moooney. By drafting these losers for sure Murphy has the leverage to saw, hey you were lucky we took you, no one else may have so sign on the bottom line and thank your god.
A Jones would be an idiot to run his arse off this year knowing his replacement is on the team now and he aint going to be re-signed.
All I know is the Vikings got rid of some capital, acquired a ton of picks, reloaded and will be very very very competitive for years to come. The pack will unload the latent to avoid big money and reload to with late round picks.

-3 points
Houndog's picture

April 25, 2020 at 08:26 am

Oh C'mon everyone, give Gutekunst some credit,
Making Ted Thompson look like a Draft Guru is not an easy thing to do, to succeed takes a lot of hard work, incompetence, and repeated fuck-ups.
Gutey's doing great!

11 points
Packerpasty's picture

April 25, 2020 at 11:06 am

excellant!!!! Put a clown in charge expect a circus!!

0 points
Leatherhead's picture

April 26, 2020 at 02:25 pm

So now we have to shit on the Executive Board.

0 points
febnyc's picture

April 25, 2020 at 08:38 pm

I loathed TT and his midwest conservative demeanor Each year we ride on AR's back and HOPE for success Last years championship game was a disgrace But this draft was an absolute abomination As long as seats are filled management will accept finishing near the top And the all or nothing philosophy to get AR the help he needs that was demonstrated by the 49's will never be realized in GB. Makes me disgusted Guess I'll pull for hometown Jets and Giants

-1 points
13TimeChamps's picture

April 26, 2020 at 02:02 pm

Don't let the door hit ya......

0 points
Doug_In_Sandpoint's picture

April 25, 2020 at 08:33 am

This draft has been unexpected so far, I’ll give it that. It looks like MLF and Gutekunst have a destination in mind and moving there faster than many are comfortable. I actually think last year’s success my have contributed to their ability to make the transition quicker. 13-3 with a coach having his feet firmly straddling 2 systems was actually remarkable. It may have provided a bit of freedom to make the transition in hyper-speed rather than a 4-5 year “giving AR the talent to run the system we have become familiar with” as his skills decline. Instead, I think we can expect the new-look will be complete for the 2021 and 2022 season with ARod either completely on board or gone soonafter. There’s a new sheriff in town.

8 points
pack1487's picture

April 25, 2020 at 08:44 am

It's one thing to draft players that match your offensive philosophy, which is totally fine and what all team's do but the problem is the reaching. I saw Nagler comment on Twitter a couple of times that ESPN was wrong on not having DeGuara ranked or who cares what they think.

The problem with this attitude is it's not just ESPN as his own draft guide had him ranked as the 11th best TE in a very weak class and they took him in the 3rd.

When you trade away your only 4th round pick to move up to draft a QB and then reach with your 3rd round pick, you can't be mad at fans hating the outcome so far.

6 points
Duneslick's picture

April 25, 2020 at 11:53 am

Not to mention not taking 1 player that fill their top four needs in the first 4 rounds

2 points
muskiesting's picture

April 25, 2020 at 08:50 am

The reality is that we lost the 49ers because of our lack of run defense. In this Current stage of the NFL, it is embarrassing that we were dominated in the NFC championship game by a team that only threw the ball nine times. In this offseason, we have we have done extremely little to address that.

7 points
wildbill's picture

April 25, 2020 at 04:01 pm

Except KC gave up well over 6 ypc in the super bowl against them and won by more than one score. Our offense didn’t show up at all until the game was out of hand. We won numerous games last year where people ran all over us. Yes we need to play the run better but to put the blame if the two SF losses just on the defense is very short sighted

3 points
FAN24583's picture

April 25, 2020 at 08:54 am

BG and MM and looks like ML all need to go, if you want to rebuild let's start with the front office....! Let's look at MM's era...2007 - present, 2 hall of fame QB's with 1 SB appearance/win. And that was 10 years ago, and you are choosing to rebuild 4 years early with a HOF QB still on your roster who wants to win now! MM you are a disgrace! Anyone who doesn't think so, you are entitled to your opinion but I really don't care , my opinion will never change. This team has been a circus ever since you were hired. You created this mess!! If you and BG have such a vision for the future, apparently it is ion contrast with most packer fans and I am sure most packer players, then have the guts to trade #12, don't let him wither away while you rebuild. Only the blind spineless loyalist will support you. MM you are on the clock!

-2 points
Johnblood27's picture

April 25, 2020 at 10:15 am

MM is certainly NO Bob Harlan!!!!!

His replacement should be getting loose and ready to step up.

I will shed no tears when the strings are cut on Howdy-Doody!

-2 points
Bure9620's picture

April 25, 2020 at 12:10 pm

We went 13-3 after his changes and to the NFCCG...........

1 points
Packerpasty's picture

April 25, 2020 at 11:07 am

I can't wait for the whole bunch to go away...but first build another sledding hill...

-3 points
13TimeChamps's picture

April 26, 2020 at 02:09 pm

In the time frame you referenced...since 2007...GB has more regular season wins and more playoff appearances than any team other than NE. That's your idea of a 'circus'?

0 points
pack1487's picture

April 25, 2020 at 08:57 am

Also, with the direction of the teams offense wanting to run run run, that's all fine and dandy but when you're down 27-0 at halftime, you may need to scrap the playbook and start throwing the ball. They've added no run stoppers or someone that can help in the passing game so again, not sure why those upset are being called haters when they haven't addressed these areas of need.

4 points
Cwilly's picture

April 25, 2020 at 01:34 pm

Great point! Not everyone drinks the green kool-aid. The packers have a history of wasting hall of fame quarterbacks so even if Love is the next great successor it won’t matter. This is the only organization to waste 25 years of stellar qb play with two super bowl wins and 3 appearances. The Giants have the same in less time and the Steelers as well. If there aren’t any significant changes to the middle of the defense by the time the season starts this team might break the record for most rushing yards allowed in a single season.

0 points
Houndog's picture

April 25, 2020 at 09:39 am

I agree with pack1487,
I'm done trying to analyze the "trade up for Jordan Love" fiasco, or the quality and value of the other two players. OK, the Pack went 13-3 last year, against a schedule of 3 or 4 teams with winning records, and in most games, even against the worst teams, they looked bad doing it
The facts are that the Packers' defense sucked last year, and thus far the Packers have ignored that. To call the middle of the 2019 'defense a sieve would be kind and a huge understatement. The Packers have ignored the LB position for what seems like forever, and like his good buddy Ted, Gutekunst is doing the same. Patrick Queen was there for the taking and when they traded up we had hope. Then Gutey took a clip board Jockey and the shit started flying. Rightfully so!
Maybe worse is that they haven't sniffed at any help for Kenny Clark, and he'd be a fool to sign an extension only to be beaten to death with another couple years in GB.
Replacing Bulaga should at least be a consideration wouldn't you think, try to protect AR, maybe? I'm not even gonna' touch WR.
Scoring 30 - 40 points a game is fun to watch, when it's not your opponent doing it.

5 points
Dragon5's picture

April 25, 2020 at 09:57 am

Pettine gone after next season.
LaFleur gone in two, maybe three seasons.
Gute bought himself more time with the Love pick.
Murphy is basically a wolf in sheep's clothing as a commercial real estate developer in his PFO role.
Goods odds our MVP this year will be Crosby--take him in the last round of your FF draft.
The only thing worse than Packer Nation overvaluing/hyping players like deities is management mirroring that behavior by committing the crime of misappropriating draft capital; clearly Gute lacks sound judgment when it comes to the perspective of value as executor of the draft process. His unbecoming rationale is almost senile-like; after the past two drafts and the signing of an obvious washed up Graham, I feel confident he is the Joe Biden of NFL GMs (and we thought Ted had that role locked up in his latter years)...apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

2 points
stockholder's picture

April 25, 2020 at 09:59 am

(hyping players like deities is management mirroring that behavior by committing the crime of misappropriating draft capitalIt's). Exactly why Sherman was Fired. And it's Exactly why Gutey should be fired. (His unbecoming rationale is almost senile-like). Agree.

-1 points
Packerpasty's picture

April 25, 2020 at 10:56 am

and I say he will be in a couple of years along with boy wonder Matt

0 points
Houndog's picture

April 25, 2020 at 10:07 am

I agree with most of what you said,
but I haven't heard Biden suggest that people should drink (or mainline) Draino, bleach, 409, Lysol, or sit in some giant microwave oven.
Even if Biden is senile, it's not the same as being a complete idiot.

-2 points
Dragon5's picture

April 25, 2020 at 11:02 am

Houndog, I'm non-partisan:) To all, may I suggest reading Martin Armstrong's blog daily...you will learn a lot; it is still your choice whether to believe; perception is one's reality


-2 points
Qoojo's picture

April 25, 2020 at 11:46 am

Get your moronic political shit out of here.

2 points
Leatherhead's picture

April 26, 2020 at 02:27 pm

Fake news. He never said people should do any of that. He was throwing out possibilities. Only a moron would think he was telling people to do that.

0 points
greengold's picture

April 25, 2020 at 09:59 am

Fantastic breakdown, Aaron. Well said. Kudos.

3 points
Qoojo's picture

April 25, 2020 at 10:16 am

You are all getting upset over dice rolls that you don't even know the value of. You just think you know the value of it because some fortune teller told you the value, or you personally read the tea leaves.

I imagine that they try and get a couple DL/OL backups and LB from the rest of the picks.

1 points
Packerpasty's picture

April 25, 2020 at 11:04 am

scouts are fortune tellers?? hmmm...I thought they watched lots of tape..

0 points
Qoojo's picture

April 25, 2020 at 11:56 am

You seem to have missed the point. Not even the scouts know for sure how a pick will pan out. The talking heads on TV and journalists that assign grades are the fortune tellers.

1 points
Duneslick's picture

April 25, 2020 at 12:02 pm

Whoa wait a minute. Its much more about the positions that were taken. 4 rounds and not 1 of the major position needs taken. WR OT ILB DT even CB. That's not tea leaves. That is obvious.

0 points
Qoojo's picture

April 25, 2020 at 12:14 pm

I agree about the positions. Arguably, backup QB is/was a position of need. TE was another need position mentioned before the draft.

If you think about it with both backs in last year of contract, RB is a position of need. It looks like Williams is the one gone next year.

We shall see what the later rounds hold.

1 points
leche's picture

April 25, 2020 at 10:31 am

From my perspective, all of my hate and anger about this draft is focused on what appears to be a difference is vision... IMO, this team should be looking to prioritize winning a Super Bowl next year and punting on 2023 if we need to. This draft seems to focus on the latter for reasons I don't fully understand (I have my guesses that I'm not going to bother stating right now)

As I've mentioned several times, the Patriots found success in the last few years of Brady's tenure by prioritizing each of those years at the expense of the future and every Patriots fan ever is happy they did. We're doing the opposite and I have no idea what our expectations are, but mine is that we're going to get opposite results for seemingly obvious reasons.

2 points
canadapacker's picture

April 25, 2020 at 01:34 pm

Totally disagree - but the Patriots had 3 things going for them - firstly they are willing to take chances on projects - and if they dont live up to the Patriots way - they just say goodbye - and sometimes it is really quick - they dont let the projects get in the way. Secondly they pay their good guys but never the market value ( and it was pretty easy when Tommy wasnt breaking that bank - smart on this part). So when guys wanted market value they let them go and get paid. Thirdly they always scouted and coached very well - now Bill B does it his way and that is why nobody - except maybe Bill Obrien has found success away from the Pats - and the highly touted guys have really flopped. There has always seemed to be something about his way - but we will see now that he is without Tom B and he is getting near the end of a pretty long run - whether he can keep that up. But I dont think that we have punted - as I explained previously - one first round pick doesnt make a team or break a team.

2 points
Demon's picture

April 25, 2020 at 06:58 pm

One first round pick does in fact make or break a team when your:
1st round pick from 2016 Randall is no longer on the team
Your top pick from 2017 is Kevin King (injury prone, mediocre starter likely gone after this season)
Your 2nd round pick from 2018 is Jackson a flop.
Your top pick 2019 was Gary a project who didnt start as a rookie and wont this year either.
This years 1st round pick will hold an IPAD for 3 years minimum.

Do you still think it is ok to use a 1st round pick on player to develop? If so you are a fool!

0 points
Leatherhead's picture

April 26, 2020 at 02:22 pm

And yet we made the Championship game in2016 and 2019. We went 6-0 in our division, which almost never happens.

Maybe things aren’t really as bad as you think they are.

Love will be our starter in two years. Look at Rodgers contract. TGR has already explained this very clearly but I guess you didn’t read that.

0 points
Packerpasty's picture

April 25, 2020 at 10:54 am

two more years and boy wonder Matty and gute will be hitting the road...please trade Arod and guys like Bak...they deserve better...

-3 points
Packerpasty's picture

April 25, 2020 at 11:06 am

Drink more think less

-2 points
Duneslick's picture

April 25, 2020 at 12:11 pm

Look like Gutes motto

1 points
canadapacker's picture

April 25, 2020 at 11:09 am

First off let me say this - I just abhor Mike Florio and his less than insightful commenting - on pro football, He is a legend in his own mind. Now that being said I must admit that I hated the drafting of Love in round 1. But after some thought - whenever AR has been hurt - even with Matt Flynn - we have not been a good team. Unlike some other teams - can you say the Eagles. Secondly - a first round pick doesnt guarantee a successful team - especially the Pack - with a few notable exception - starting in 2005 - AR, Hawk, Harrell, Rajji, Matthews, Bulaga, Sherrod, Perry, Jones, Dix, Randall, Clark, Alexander, Gary, Savage Jr.

So with the large number of flops ( and guys who played a few years and were moved), how can making a number one pick be the key ingredient for success especially at 30 overall. My point is - we need to find some gems today in the later rounds and ensure that we pick up some of the few free agents out there both undrafted and guys that have not been resigned. I think that CM3 might be a stop gap in the middle on limited snaps and since there was no JJ Watt types available - we probably didnt miss anything other than maybe a receiver.

3 points
Adorabelle's picture

April 25, 2020 at 11:54 am

With the 2020 college football season in doubt the packers needed to take a qb now or wait until about 2023. The rest of the picks just show the new offensive philosophy. A big bruising back and 2 tight end formations. I doubted all along they would get a high capital receiver as this team is not going to be built that way.

5 points
Nate-1980's picture

April 25, 2020 at 02:13 pm

If we wanted to waste and overdraft a blocking te, why not just resign Vitale ? He got peanuts from the Pats !

2 points
Oppy's picture

April 25, 2020 at 03:01 pm

Watch some videos of our new "blocking te". He's a pretty good receiver.

2 points
Oppy's picture

April 25, 2020 at 03:13 pm

I love watching Packers fans freak the eff out every draft.
Every draft, everyone is up in arms, and within a few days, most opinions change somewhat, and by training camp, most all perceptions have changed completely.

Does it look like a good haul so far? Nope. Who cares? I can't control it. Does it mean it's actually a bad draft? No telling! even if it was.. I can't control it.

All I can actually control is how often I re-read all the freak-out posts from people who apparently have a crystal ball and know exactly how it should have gone. And trust me, I re-read them as much as possible. You people keep me in stitches.

4 points
Packerpasty's picture

April 25, 2020 at 03:24 pm

all I know is that they obviously do not care about winning now or in the next couple of years...and I'm still freaked out over taking Gary up where we did...waste...

0 points
Adorabelle's picture

April 25, 2020 at 04:57 pm

He has hit upon it! These guys are actively trying not to win. They are actually deep state agents paid for by the B$^rs to try and destroy the Packers.

Granted last year they were so bad at their job that the Packers accidentally won 14 games. But this year for sure!!

2 points
nygary's picture

April 25, 2020 at 04:04 pm

oppy that was funny.

0 points
Nate-1980's picture

May 01, 2020 at 02:27 am

Oppy, I’ll be waiting ha..

0 points
Packerpasty's picture

April 25, 2020 at 03:23 pm

practice squad...wanna bet.

-1 points
GatorJason's picture

April 26, 2020 at 09:43 pm

Even a senile TT couldn't FU a draft this badly.

Love = Bortles. I think Blake is an unsigned FA but wiley Packers got Love for only a first plus a fourth. Brilliant!
Dillon = D. Henry after two more years in NFL. He'll help Packers but price was too high given other needs.
Deguara = very solid 6th round pick. Should help ST.
Packers 4th = Best ILB available except Packers gave it away to steal Bortles . . . I mean Love.
Martin = FA athlete on speed dial list for every team in NFL. Should be on PS except Packers need ILB bodies now.

Other NFL teams are mad at Packers for taking sleeper picks they wanted but Gutekunst outsmarted them by taking them two rounds early.

Talent gap between Viqueens and Packers just got wider.
I need to go outside and get some fresh air even at risk of getting CV.
I think I may have gotten CV watching the draft. Not feeling well.

7 points
Pack66's picture

April 25, 2020 at 05:09 pm



Maybe Tightwad Te...."GUTE" should be given the benefit the doubt...
Rodgers is an OLD MAN....and not what he used to be....this team needs to REBUILD...for the future..

Just the DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT......hahahahahahahah

What's the matter?

The Primadonna at QB is not happy?
Isn't he a team player? Or is it all about him....????

#12 is NOT bigger than the Green Bay Packers...

Maybe he should RETIRE already....(sound familiar?)
Or better yet, I think the VIKINGS would take him....maybe....
Definitely the LIONS, or BEARS even....

He better get behind GUTE.....and Coach LeFleur

Who the HELL does he think he is...????

hahahahahaha ha.

Waaah...we AROD needs receivers...waaahhhhh whaaaa

I watched that playoff game against SF....
They couldn't stop S*H*I*T*

The need Defense Defense Defense....

-6 points
Difer's picture

April 25, 2020 at 05:37 pm

I’m any event, there’s a fair chance the 2020 season will be shelved due to C-19.

1 points
4zone's picture

April 25, 2020 at 10:24 pm

Uhhh, what just happened??????

0 points
4zone's picture

April 25, 2020 at 10:43 pm

Now I just read our list of picks a bit ago, only seeing the 1st one live. Not a single one of the, except Love, was even a thought before today. Didn't see this one coming.

First thought was that we are gonna max out ARs remaining career by running the ball like the Wisconsin Badgers. My second thought was, we may have just seen a legit BPA draft for the first time. I dunno, I'm not a talent scout. A third thought, I bet we do a lot better on third and ones from now on. And fourth, looks like we're getting serious about the future of the interior offensive line.

We did pretty good last year and the guys we drafted should give us solid depth and some real completion for some starters. Not sure how long we'll have to wait to see any action, maybe 2021. But for now, with our FA additions this off season, and an expectation for some steps up by a few guys. We should be in the mix again.

1 points
WisconsinStrong's picture

April 25, 2020 at 11:47 pm

This is my favorite Packers-related podcast ever. Thank you, Aaron, for helping us to understand this draft, the evolution of our team, and the true meaning of being a Packers fan. I have been distraught by the hate. True fans love their team. It's that simple. Too many Packers "fans" are following the Wisconsin and U.S. trends of hating and desiring to harm their fellow neighbor (cf., COVID protesters in Madison and elsewhere clamoring that "some lives are expendable"). I will always root for the home team and for the good guys to win.

2 points
Norm's picture

April 28, 2020 at 07:18 am

As has been repeated ad nauseam, it is impossible to judge the Love pick (or any for that matter) for a few more years. But if the past few years of our backup QB play and the Eagles experience with Nick Foles has taught us anything it's that having a quality back-up QB can make or break a season (especially a 17 game season). The odds of ARod not missing any games over the next 2-3 years is close to zero. We can't just concede all those games, however many there are. None of us knows if Love will be the answer but it will be interesting to watch and find out. I for one am optimistic.

2 points
leche's picture

April 26, 2020 at 02:59 pm

Just seems a poor assessment of risk/reward, IMO

The odds Rodgers misses any meaningful amount of time are what they are, but the odds Love is enough to make improve on that situation are still super small at first and grow every year. The potential benefit as a meaningful backup just isn't there.

Love being judged for what he is in the post-Rodgers era is fine, but if it means punting on the rest of the Rodgers era, it's not really worth it anyway.

Why fans are happy to be not terrible in 2024 if it means they won't win a Super Bowl until then just doesn't add up to me at all. I'd be much happier if we wont a Super Bowl in the next year or two and endured a couple of shitty years post-Rodgers, than being consistently good but never good enough from now until then.

And the odds of us winning one in 2020 (or even 2021) after the draft we just had are super small... And the odds are unfortunately against Love panning out into a Super Bowl winning QB as is (nothing against him, just the way that probability works).

We're basically betting in order to not have the worst possible outcome and it's costing us the best possible outcome. And I just don't understand why that's a good decision

0 points