Cory's Corner: Whom Do You Trust?

The truth lies somewhere in the middle between Aaron Rodgers' truth and the Packers truth. 

Who is telling the truth?

“I wish that in the beginning of the offseason that had been the conversation because I love direct communication,” said Aaron Rodgers on the “Pat McAfee Show” on March 15 about not being in communication with the Packers. 

Then Monday happened. At the NFL league meetings in Phoenix, Packers general manager Brian Gutekunst had something else to say. “Our inability to reach him or for him to respond in any way,” said Gutekunst. “I think at that point, I had to do my job and kind of reach out (to other teams) and understand that a trade could be possible and see who was interested.”

OK, it doesn’t take a doctorate degree to read the tea leaves here. When Rodgers made his big revelation to Mr. Tank Top, we were getting Rodgers’ truth. Now Gutekunst just gave us the Packers truth. 

What actually happened is somewhere in the middle. What we do know is that the relationship between both sides has spun out of control and it does need to end. But that doesn’t mean that the Packers are going to accept a leftover grilled cheese sandwich and some fruit snacks as trade compensation. “He’s a premier player, so getting premier picks back for (premier) players is important.”

I agree with Gutekunst. The Packers cannot bend. Rodgers has won the NFL MVP two of the last three years. The Jets have been a wasteland at quarterback. If the Jets think they can win the AFC East with Rodgers, then there is a price for that. 

I honestly don’t see an end to this for quite some time. If Rodgers gets traded after June 1, the dead cap hit is $15.8 million. If Rodgers gets traded before June 1, that number is $40.3 million. The Packers have $24.5 million reasons to wait.

At this point, there is nothing else to say. Rodgers gave us his side and Gutekunst has given us the Packers’ side. The divorce is on the horizon. Both sides wanted this to be warm and fuzzy but when has a breakup ever been warm and fuzzy? It gets ugly. Words are said and feelings get hurt. Of course, time will heal all wounds when Rodgers comes to Lambeau Field. The crowd will give him a rightful standing ovation as they put his name and number in the Ring of Honor — probably at halftime of a Chicago Bears primetime game. (I mean, why not own them for one last game?)

Rodgers may return fire at Gutekunst, but does it really matter? Both sides know where they stand with the other party. Rodgers doesn’t think that the Packers truly wanted him back in 2023 and the Packer never thought that Rodgers’ heart was truly in it for the 2023 season. 

I don’t know if Jordan Love is going to be great, good, average or awful. But I think a great first step is bringing Aaron Jones, Christian Watson and Romeo Doubs to California to get their timing down. That tells me that Love knows that he is hungry and he cannot do it all alone. 

And that was Rodgers’ biggest downfall. He thought he had to do it all by himself, when in fact, that simply wasn’t true. At some point, even the elite have to trust their teammates if they are to succeed. 

But who are we supposed to trust now? 





Cory Jennerjohn is a graduate from UW-Oshkosh and has been in sports media for over 15 years. He was a co-host on "Clubhouse Live" and has also done various radio and TV work as well. He has written for newspapers, magazines and websites. He currently is a columnist for CHTV and also does various podcasts. He recently earned his Masters degree from the University of Iowa. He can be found on Twitter: @Coryjennerjohn


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13 points

Comments (281)

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stockholder's picture

March 28, 2023 at 06:28 am

It’s ugly- Gutey Lies. We know that.
It started with No negotiations.
PER- The reworking of Contracts.
The release of his friends.
But take your time! While we screw your ass.
They wanted Rodgers to play for Nothing.
Because thats the thought here now.
We're not going anywhere. But Down.
Change must happen for Gute.
Solution:- A contract is a contract.
Who cares if they get a consolation pick.
Either he comes back, or he retires.
The impact is hurting Rodgers just as much
As the packers.
The Egg is on the Face of this Administration again.
First #4 now #12. The show goes on.
And so do the Lies.

-35 points
bottlefliper's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:14 am

AR got no friends, just some guys who might think they need him. Thanks God a guy who is not 1% Packer People is gone.
Dont care since 5 years, cant believe him one word since 2013 since all that crap started. Thats why most people are so glad we got rid of him. Not the losing got him, his off the filed antics did

Lomardi would had gave up 5 first rounders just to get him out of Green Bay......

-3 points
TKWorldWide's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:51 am

On another note, how does one “flipe” a bottle?

-1 points
greengold's picture

March 28, 2023 at 11:22 am

You have to roll the "r."

2 points
BirdDogUni's picture

March 28, 2023 at 05:59 pm

He must be a Bar Tender. Male AOC?

I had a full-time job as a bartender as an Airman in the O club, RAF Lakenheath, UK, in addition to my Police Duties. I could flip a bottle of booze with the best of them after 4 years. I bought my first brand new car with the tips after 2 years. '86 Mazda 323 GT-R with a 5 speed, sunroof, tax free, and paid cash... Picked it up in Rotterdam, Netherlands. Took the Ferry across the North Sea both ways.

Great memories.

1 points
WestCoastPackerBacker's picture

March 28, 2023 at 10:51 am

Assuming you mean 100% Packer People? Because Rodgers is at least 1% packer people. And that's like not expecting someone who works at Apple Computers to ever take a job with a competitor because of needing a change of scenery.

These guys are all Packer people while in the Green and Gold and then they are other people. Why? Because GB doesn't want them any more and that hurts. All the way back to Ryan Longwell, who went to MIN when GB didn't offer him a dime. He came back to GB to retire, saying it was the best place to play in the NFL. If Rodgers got the feeling GB wanted to move on, he was probably right, and he had to decide whether to retire or try with another team. Gutey has painted a nice picture of Rodgers not returning his calls, but if Rodgers was intuitive about where GB was at, I can see why he didn't want to talk to Gutey. Gutey can call them "conversations," as if it is two-sided, but if GB wanted to move on to Love, then it was actually just an announcement, described as a conversation.

3 points
greengold's picture

March 28, 2023 at 05:28 pm

His losing lost me.

The guy hasn’t smelled a Super Bowl in more than a decade.

3 points
SensualInfluence's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:21 am

Hold it together. You’re embarrassing yourself

3 points
marpag1's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:30 am

"They wanted Rodgers to play for Nothing."

LOL. Dude, they gave him the first $50M/year contract in the history of the league...

15 points
stockholder's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:34 am

That was then, this is now.
Age = Almost Gone.

-9 points
marpag1's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:40 am

LOL. Well, I stand corrected then! Stockholder has spoken!

Tell us more about these recent negotiations in which the Packers wanted to reduce his salary to "Nothing" ...

Stop talking out of your ass.

10 points
stockholder's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:46 am

He offered to change his contract.
Wasn't that before the 35 roster holes?

-8 points
bottlefliper's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:53 am

AR would never give anything to some else, be alone the Packers or worse........the Packers Fans.
Look as his friends, if you want to use the word here, Rogan, McAffee, Portnoy....that tells you all you need to know. Borderline egomanics who are never been too smart....

-2 points
TKWorldWide's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:57 am

Who are never been too smart?

4 points
dobber's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:06 am

Shh...he's on a roll.

5 points
TKWorldWide's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:49 am

Withdrawn. LOL

2 points
BirdDogUni's picture

March 28, 2023 at 06:12 pm

LMM%'inAO TK...

Him trying to dog McAfee, who is a millionaire businessman is quite funny though.

1 points
DanL's picture

March 28, 2023 at 11:17 am


-1 points
MainePackFan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:45 am

Yeah, the play for nothing comment made me laugh. That being said, the Packers won't be paying 50M. They only paid Rodgers 42M last year. No doubt that second year hit was by design.

Who knows what the restructure will look like when the trade is done. I suspect it will look much different then it does right now.

3 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

March 28, 2023 at 11:47 am

What they actually gave him vs what the cap hits are arent the same thing. He got a huge chunk of cash last year and will get another one ($58.3 mil) as soon as his option is picked up by packers. All that money is pushed out onto 2024 and 2025 salary caps which is why he becomes impossible to move after this season.

0 points
stockholder's picture

March 28, 2023 at 11:59 am

Who pushed it there.
The damage was done by the FO.
Not the QB. The idiots in charge.
Fire them.
We need Fairness and Truth brought back too GB.

-3 points
MainePackFan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 04:35 pm

Rodgers was paid 42M last year. The cap hit was 28.5M for 2022. He's getting paid almost 60M this year, which the rest of 100M fully guaranteed part of the contract. The Packers won't be on the hook for that when the trade happens. Hence, they have not paid him 50M in a year.

2 points
jannes bjornson's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:57 pm

The only reason he is being moved is the Money.

1 points
Oppy's picture

March 28, 2023 at 10:36 pm

Maybe the only reason he got that money was because the FO wanted an easy explanation for why they are moving him.

Maybe the real reason Rodgers is being moved is he's a cancerous diva who's getting older and the team is done with him and his baggage. It's alot easier to explain the reason you're divorcing a 4 time MVP is because you can't afford the sticker price than to tell the world he's a p.o.s.

-2 points
fair_weather's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:33 am

Entertaining as always, SH.

6 points
jurp's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:38 am

But borderline disturbing...

3 points
greengold's picture

March 28, 2023 at 11:24 am


Feels like I'm going to lose my mind...

(Special prize: Give The Flaming Lips with Stardeath and White Dwarfs cover of Borderline a listen to. OMG!!! Saw them close with that at the Riverside Theater years ago. They opened with a cover of Black Sabbath's Sweet Leaf!)

Carry on.

1 points
jannes bjornson's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:35 am

News from Outside the Cult:
finchy74 says:
March 26, 2023 at 12:07 pm
I’m amazed by the loyalty that Pack fans have for the front office. After Rodger’s renaissance under LeFleur and a 13-3 season, they trade up to reach for Jordan Love (a guy everyone had as a 2nd/3rd round talent) instead of trading up a few spots higher to draft JJ (and a likely SB championship). So high draft capital spent on a guy who could never help the current team get to a SB.

Then in an era of the NFL where it’s critical to take advantage of a QB’s rookie contract to allow for better roster construction, they sit Love on the bench for 3 years. In the modern NFL this is nothing less than abject incompetence at managing a roster. And that happened because…

..The front office allowed AR to dictate terms and at a time where Rodgers had substantial worth in a trade, and they resigned him to an enormous contract with a large % of the money guaranteed which would inevitably result in narrowing the field of potential trade partners.

And now after a season where Rodgers played the majority of the season with an injured hand, a collection of receivers that were either rookies or ready to enter the old folks home, and a massively underachieving defense, the front office and coaching staff gets a collective pass while Aaron Rodgers is the villain for the crime of being openly eccentric.

Makes a ton of sense.

-3 points
jurp's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:40 am

Rodgers could've showed up for OTAs. Rodgers could've worked with his new receivers after the draft and before TC. Rodgers could've sat while his thumb healed...

All true, and all contradicting your news from INSIDE the cult.

9 points
jannes bjornson's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:27 am

THEY said it. I am just the messenger. "It is not a Lie, if I believe it" George Contanza.

2 points
WestCoastPackerBacker's picture

March 28, 2023 at 10:55 am

Agree overall, but it was the market that dictated the terms of a guy coming off 3 seasons in a row with 13 wins and back-to-back MVPs. That is a rare, extremely rare accomplishment. No GM would have wanted to trade a player than just won back to back MVPs, and looking at the deals signed since that one, Rodgers' deal is going to look reasonable in a very, very short time.

2 points
jannes bjornson's picture

March 28, 2023 at 01:05 pm

Buy Low...Sell High...

4 points
MainePackFan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 11:36 am

"News from Outside the Cult:"

That's pretty good jannes : )

2 points
jannes bjornson's picture

March 28, 2023 at 01:04 pm

danke schoen...

0 points
Eric Zenk's picture

March 29, 2023 at 05:02 pm

1. You reveal a bias against the Packers management and speculate a lot based on your comments not supported with any factual data or creditable sources.

2. Fact: The Packers front office did try to draft Jefferson:

3. Fact: When they couldn't jump up to get Jefferson, Gutekunst traded and moved up to draft Love b/c drafting a QB, (since the Wolf era) was a hallmark for Wolf/Thompson, Gutekunst mentors.

4. Fact: At the time Gutekunst drafted Love, Rodgers had a 'Down' year in 2018, which by Rodgers own account was below his 'standards' and it occurred again in 2019. However, when he was questioned why he has had two 'Down' years as a starting QB, he quipped: 'Down years for me are career years for most quarterbacks.'

5. Fact: Gutekunst had no idea Rodgers would win MVP status in 2020 & 2021. He drafted Love in April of 2020, Rodgers had the first of two MVP seasons 8 months later. Hind site would have been great, but wasn't an option for Gutekunst. He had to go with what he saw on the field.

6. Fact: Gutekunst back tracked his comments about his 'hand-shake deal' to trade Rodgers after the 2021 season when MLF and Murphy concluded they wanted Rodgers back b/c Love had not shown enough to that point to move on. Gutekunst wanted to move on according to a report by ESPN Reporter Rob Demovsky, who said Gutekunst lost the opportunity to trade Rodgers when MLF and Murphy, (the final authority) sided with MLF.

7. Fact: Rodgers used his new found leverage in 2022 to return with a huge contract and the control he wanted. You are correct, the Packers brass created this mess, the coaching staff screwed up a lot during the playoff losses in 2011, 2014, 2016, 2020 and 2021. Rodgers, when he had one of the best offenses in the NFL in 2011, 2014, 2016, never made the plays Tom Brady or Patrick Mahomes made in the championship games where both those QBs have 9 SBs combined. So, the relationship between the Packers and Rodgers had played out long enough, and most fans wanted to move on, and if they are being unbiased know there is plenty of fault to go around for everyone. But to do that the bad guy, (in your opinion based on no factual data), Gutekunst has to clean up this mess. Most Packers fans are just that - they support the Team because as Lombardi said the Team always comes first. Players come and go so no one player is above the others. Rodgers lost me when he lied about being 'vaccinated' when in fact he was 'immunized'. The CDC's definition of both terms are completely separate. But Rodgers lied to cover up his lie he thought no one would figure out, but was later caught by the media for lying about his vaccinated status, while endangering other players, coaches and staff duirng the COVID crisis. And the Packers supported him 100% during that fiasco and some said enabled his behavior from that point forward.

0 points
Lootstone's picture

March 30, 2023 at 03:32 am

I agree with everything you said until the very end. If you knew the shots were conveniently rushed, new technology induced w. a carrier called graphene oxide (which graphene alone is a new tech and highly conductive), and something that has been very well documented to cause side effects for "some" people... The cdc is a joke and changed their definitions during the pandemic. The fact that he said immunized and everyone, literally everyone, associated that with getting the shot proves the bias that everyone assumed when the vaccine was introduced during this flu-pandemic. Propaganda is real and the pandemic displayed beautifully the goal of politicians in power. The sooner the world understands this shit was by design to get people to fall in line and blindly trust the gov., the sooner we can get back to freedom.

If you trust the shot, that's fine, just don't assume you get to push it on to others. That's called medical malpractice and goes against the laws in place post WWII of medical bodily autonomy. Record high death rates are being recorded all over the world that are unexplainable lately (a new phenomenon), look it up. It's not a coincidence. Just people going along with a narrative of not truly taking personal responsibility and leaving other people alone. My grandmother developed heart palpitations, my neighbors cancer coincidentally came back, list goes on and on. Me, no shot, had covid twice, fought it off with vitamin C and zinc like most people who understood it was a flu and the variants were mild. Where on the news did you hear exercise or get vitamin D, which is massively important for your immune system? No instead we used some of the healthiest people on the planet as poster boys for how necessary this new "shot" was.

You get the shot, you can still get covid, and still spread it with no diminishing results other than personal symptoms... So why push it onto others?? Shame and propaganda for reasoning why the gov needs more power and you need less freedom. Freedom is rarely lost overnight.

This is one area I can be proud Aaron was my QB for. He helped wake people up to the charades that were duping so many people, and he stood his ground. Just cause you and everyone else misinterpreted, "immunized," doesn't mean he was at fault.

0 points
jurp's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:37 am

Well, you just called Gutekunst a liar, which is technically libel. This ranks a 10 on the Litigation Meter. Congratulations - I haven't had to dust that one off in QUITE a while.

If Rodgers were (note the use of the subjunctive here) willing to renegotiate his contract, he would've done so in order to facilitate the trade to his desired team. Naive, much, stockholder? I realize you're over 80, but come on, man, use your brain.

"They wanted Rodgers to play for Nothing."
Seriously? You're not saying that you actually believe this? Wow.

1 points
stockholder's picture

March 28, 2023 at 11:33 am

Jump -It's time you and the others see the truth behind this.
Gute took Love to get rid of Rodgers.
Had Rodgers played out his contract.
The packers would have got a Comp pick. (3rd)
It put Gute in CONTROL!
Gute cost us the Super-bowl when he took Love.
And the Contract bought him the Time to
Continue his control over Rodgers.
Now they're No longer talking #1s.
Which he would have got from Denver.
Because Rodgers will use the retirement talk to get out.
And when they find Loves back-up;
it will cost them
whatever they get from the Jets.

-3 points
jannes bjornson's picture

March 28, 2023 at 01:22 pm

Love gives him another excuse to hang around and buy time for HIS next Contract. Rodgers play presented a gift to Gutedkunst, Low-Ball and LaFluer. Murphy's crew stays in place. In Five years, with a MVP quarterback, Gutey did not bring Home another Lombardi Trophy. The leftovers made the King pick over TJ Watt, not Ted. He was incapacitated at the time. The extension to A. Jones was not prudent. The brain trust did not have to put two years on his new deal, it was Bonus Money to be shuffled down the road on the annuity. The Rodgers' trade is about trying to recover some CAP.

1 points
Jordan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 02:19 pm

I was immunized.

0 points
BirdDogUni's picture

March 28, 2023 at 06:20 pm

Happy for ya!

-1 points
Razor's picture

March 28, 2023 at 04:47 pm

Everyone pay attention — Stockholder has the scoop — nice work — put him in charge!

1 points
Eric Zenk's picture

March 29, 2023 at 02:37 pm

Stockholder (I am one as well). The difference between Rodgers and Gutekunst is Rodgers lied on record, Gutekunst has not to this point. And your comment regarding Gutekunst lying is nothing more than speculation and your disdain for Gutekunst and the Packers brass about how ‘players’ were not treated well.

As a reminder, Aaron Rodgers on the Pat McFee show said this when explaining his ‘immunized’ versus ‘vaccinated’ status: “I’d been ready the entire time for this question and had thought about how I wanted to answer it. And I had come to the conclusion I’m gonna say, ‘I’ve been immunized.’ And if there’s a follow-up, then talk about my process. “But, (I) thought there’s a possibility that I say ‘I’m immunized,’ maybe they understand what that means, maybe they don’t. Maybe they follow up. They didn’t follow up. So then I go the season (with) them thinking, some of them, that I was vaccinated.” Here's a clue:
vaccinated and immunized do not have the same definitions according the Merriam-Webster.

I challenge you to find one statement where Gutekunst has deliberately attempted to slip a ‘lie’ by the players, coaches, or fans. Whereas Rodgers, being the guy who thinks he’s always the smartest guy in the room or on the field got caught in a lie, plain and simple.

So, sit there and be upset at the Packers GM, brass etc., based on your speculation, but know this, most of the players you defend for mistreatment by the Packers make a heck of lot more money than the combined salaries of all commentators on this blog. This is not up for discussion. It’s a fact.

All of those players had a choice to move on after their rookie contracts expired, but most didn’t. Why is that? Because they were paid very well. They signed a contract they were not required to sign with a lot of zeroes at the end of each check they cashed.

I signed an enlisted contract for the Armed forces, deployed three times to combat areas and my paychecks would be considered spending cash for most Packers players. I risked my life each time.

What did they risk? Maybe injury. Yeah, I have two of those as well with two back surgeries, which are service connected injuries. My point, you have an axe to grind with the Packers. Admit it and move on b/c nothing you mentioned in your tirade is based on any evidence or factual data.

1 points
NickPerry's picture

March 28, 2023 at 06:30 am

"Rodgers doesn’t think that the Packers truly wanted him back in 2023 and the Packer never thought that Rodgers’ heart was truly in it for the 2023 season."

I don't think there's a doubt in the world Rodgers heart wasn't in it. Every year now it's "Rodgers Watch", will he or won't he? When a player has one foot in tomorrow and one foot in yesterday he's shitting all over today. There's no middle ground there.

I'm not so certain Rodgers "Heart" wasn't in it last year either. The man gets a $153 million dollar extension while he still had a contract in place. That was the Packers informing the WORLD where their heart was. Rodgers on the other hand doesn't even have the respect for the organization OR his teammates to show up before Training Camp.

It doesn't need to me anymore complicated than that.

30 points
murf7777's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:49 am

NP, you’re right about the Packers committing to him for 3 years with that large contract. That’s just one reason why I believe Gutey.

I stated this right after Rodgers spoke from out of the darkness and I’ll say it again. I don’t believe Rodgers, why? Because he said how much he loved everyone in GB about 5 times and he contradicted himself during his talk on Pat Mcafee. Rodgers is disingenuous and was playing us fans for sympathy……what a joke. He wanted us to think he was the victim, even though he stated in the show that he wasn’t. Manipulation? YES. I did get quite a few down votes, but I will stand by my statement and believe I’m right.

It even looks like Rodgers had talks with the Jets before he went into the darkness.

14 points
marpag1's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:56 am

"I don't think there's a doubt in the world Rodgers heart wasn't in it"

Depends on what time you are talking about, Nick. Here's what Rodgers has freely admitted to McAfee:

1) At the end of the season, I (Rodgers) thought the Packers wanted me, and I was 90% certain I would retire.
2) When I came out of the darkness retreat, it seemed that the Packers didn't want me, and all of a sudden, I want to play again.

So in other words, by his own admission, when the Packers wanted him, Rodgers doesn't want to play, and when the Packer decide to move on, then whammo - now he's all fired up to play again. ARod said it, not me.

Cool. Have fun with the Jets.

16 points
TKWorldWide's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:07 am

The ONE thing I’d like to know: he said before the darkness he was 90% sure he’d retire.

What I’d really like to ask him is, what was that retirement % RIGHT AFTER the darkness and BEFORE he “got the feeling GB didn’t want him”?

Admittedly, not certain, but, I think what happened was after the darkness he got his phone back and that was how he found out “from friends around the league” that GB was shopping him. He is a notorious “chip,on the shoulder” kind of (complicated) fella.

So, without factoring in the “being shopped” factor, where was his retirement % right after the darkness?

3 points
jurp's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:42 am

After Brady retired Rodgers had no intention of retiring this year. Not. A. Chance.

4 points
LambeauPlain's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:53 am

I believe this^^^was the basis of the epiphany in the dark to shelve 90% retirement plans for the "intention to play for the Jets".

2 points
TKWorldWide's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:51 am

You mean the Brady retirement?

1 points
LambeauPlain's picture

March 28, 2023 at 01:01 pm

You bet! Rodgers entering the HOF with the GOAT? The comparisons!

Brady 10 SB's and 7 Lombardi's. Rodgers one SB and one Lombardi in 2011?

His hubris could not abide that.

0 points
greengold's picture

March 28, 2023 at 12:42 pm

Not a knock on you at all, but, reading this & other stuff from The Drama Files, I'm constantly saying to myself, "Who the F cares? The guy is a douchenozzle."

Aaron Rodgers is so full of shit. Enjoy that, Jets.

You know what I'm REALLY anxious to see? If Big Dog comes back to GB, or if he follows along with AR to the Jets..???

Is Mercedes Lewis really all-in with AR??? As much as AR is with him??? I don't know.

He might see his chances are better with this 2023 Packers team than the shit storm the NYJ are about to embark on with AR at QB1. If that happens??? whoooooo-eeeeeeeee!!!

That I'd find highly entertaining. Rodgers being dissed by the Big Dog???


-3 points
BirdDogUni's picture

March 28, 2023 at 10:18 pm

Sure Marcedes can't wait for those 7 targets next season. SMH

0 points
fthisJack's picture

March 28, 2023 at 02:32 pm

He got the "feeling' that the Packers didn't want him anymore. That's where the problem lies. He could have met with Gute like a man and put all the cards on the table. But he's a chickenshit. He can't get along with his family let alone his bosses. He has to gaslight them and make them look like the bad guys. Good riddance Aaron.

Gute said in his interview that they don't necessarily need a number one draft choice to get the deal done. There goes 13. I'm going to be very pissed when they get out negotiated by the Jets! The Jets!!!

-4 points
Guam's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:00 am

You got a thumbs up from me NP as Rodgers has too often in the past played loosely with the truth ("I've been immunized") for me to give him extensive credence. However I might quibble with your statement that "the Packers informed the WORLD where their heart was" with the $153 million contract. That wasn't the Packers, it was Mark Murphy.

I make that distinction because I believe there has been a schism in the Packer front office for a while now with Gute in the camp of wanting to trade Rodgers and Murphy wanting to retain him. Rodgers would certainly have been aware of that schism and given his narcissistic need for support and love, I suspect that had something to do with his lack of buy-in last year as well as going forward. Granted given the size of the contract he should have been all-in, but human motivation can be a funny thing and Rodgers is a "complicated fella".

As with many divorces, this one is complicated and potentially messy. However I am firmly with Gute - the Packers should have traded Rodgers last year and gotten great value for a guy in the twilight of his career.

4 points
6packerfans's picture

March 28, 2023 at 10:49 am

Agree 100%. Aaron is the most over rated QB of all time!

-4 points
WestCoastPackerBacker's picture

March 28, 2023 at 11:08 am

This is a pretty ridiculous statement. First, you have to define "over rated". Who is doing the rating? Your cousins? Do your cousins rate him too high? The media? Fans? Opposing defenses? Because if you use raw stats, Rodgers is simply one of the highest rated QBs of all time. It's a rare accomplishment to win as many games as he did, win a Super Bowl, win with poor defenses, win with half the team injured, win with himself injured, to have the best rating of all time on picks. Only Mahomes comes anywhere close to Rodgers on a stats level for completion and QB rating and TDs to picks. And then there's the 4 x MVPs. Only Peyton Manning has more MVPs. Rodgers has more than Brady, indicating his relative importance to the team versus Brady's (played on teams with better defenses).

So, it would be very difficult to over-rate Rodgers unless you said he was the best to ever throw a football. You could get some real argument about that. But nobody who knows football would argue he's not in the top tier of talent and accomplishments. Pure mastery of the game, ridiculous accuracy, and crazy game-winning Hail Marys, among other exciting things for fans to watch.

4 points
barutanseijin's picture

March 28, 2023 at 03:42 pm

His playoff numbers are not so dazzling
, especially in the later rounds and there are some really awful games in his resume. He’s good enough to rack up a pretty passer rating against chump teams like the Lions and Bears in the regular season but not good enough to put up a victory against Brady, Eli or Seattle in the playoffs. Overrated? The evidence suggests he is.

0 points
BirdDogUni's picture

March 28, 2023 at 10:36 pm

He's the best pure passer in the modern era, no doubt in my mind.

He also could've played better in big games. Too many times he's just not lived up to the billing of one of the best to ever play the game. He won plenty of games. Given us quite the memories, and I'm not arguing the FO couldn't have done a better job putting weapons around him, but when we needed him to step up the most, he wasn't able to.

FO putting up with terrible DCs isn't his fault either, so there's plenty of blame to go around and we've had our share of mismanagement in games as well. Sad it comes a year late, but trading AR12 is the absolute right move in my opinion.

I actually wish him well which is more than most around here seem to do. Just hoping Love meets up with him in the Super Bowl in a couple of years. Can't wait for Sul to pick 6 him!

; )

2 points
Handsback's picture

March 28, 2023 at 06:50 am

I guess I’m in the group of don’t give a s—-!
Time to move on and enjoy the season of Love.
Just MHO

16 points
Coldworld's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:30 am

“Sometimes good things fall apart so better things could fall together.” Marilyn Monroe

7 points
LambeauPlain's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:28 am


And "If I'd asked my customers what they wanted, they'd have said 'Don't change anything.'" - Henry Ford

0 points
fthisJack's picture

March 28, 2023 at 02:44 pm

"The future ain't what it used to be." Yogi Berra

2 points
Savage57's picture

March 28, 2023 at 06:53 am

In situations like these, the question I always ask myself is to dig deep into the root of their motivation.

In Gute's case, it's his interpretation, in his role as the team GM, of how to best attend to the needs and interests of the Packers.

In Rodgers' case, it's his interpretation, in his role as one of the top NFL QB's, how to best attend to his own needs and interests.

The truth, subject as it is these days to convenient manipulation, isn't as important as to why someone would act and who benefits from their doing so. Gute probably understands the Packers will be a weaker team minus Rodgers, but is still acting in line with his fiduciary interest to the team, even at potential risk to his continuation of his role with it.

3 points
LambeauPlain's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:03 am

Yes. One is invested in themself, the other in the organization's future.

I am thinking Gutey is putting up with being an Assistant GM to Acting GM Murphy with the expectation, that soon, he will be a GM with total responsibility and authority to run the football operation. Like TT and Wolf were. Shoot, even Sherman had more power!

I will venture Gutey never believed the Football Committee structure Murphy put in place "temporarily" back in 2018, would still be in place 5 years later.

But Murphy is gone within two years, so until then, Gutey will be a good corporate soldier and play the long game.

3 points
Leatherhead's picture

March 28, 2023 at 06:03 pm

"""Gute probably understands the Packers will be a weaker team minus Rodgers,""""

I can't get onboard with that. Going back to the home loss against SF, when we were the #1 seed and had a bye week, and then through the 17 games last season, Aaron Rodgers has been a very average 8-10 QB who has been especially poor in the two elimination games, where he is 0-2.

That's who we're replacing. Not the current MVP, not the HOFer. A 39 year old guy who isn't taking us anywhere we want to go and it's time to let somebody else drive the truck. Especially when it looks like he's going to be really good at it.

1 points
SinceLombardi's picture

March 28, 2023 at 06:57 am

I don’t think Rodgers was thrilled with his chances for winning in 22 or 23. At his age that’s the bottom line.
He has a chance with the Jets in a really good division. The Packers are a poorly coached team. Without superior talent they look bad. I don’t think the rest of the ( non Rodgers) MLF era will go well.

-1 points
Coldworld's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:55 am

If that’s true though, that was foreseeable a year ago.

3 points
LambeauPlain's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:18 am

Foreseeable...and called risk analysis. And you foresaw this risk earlier than most.

I only have opinions of the actual truth of things, and I still believe Gutey foresaw this too and was more than willing to pull the trigger with Denver, but was overruled by Murphy (who was heavily influenced by MLF).

I believe during and after the season, Rodgers was increasingly more ambivalent, less invested in the team and more distracted than ever. I believe Gutey was finally able to prevail on Murphy. Murphy even said last week "I have been sworn to secrecy about the Rodgers trade."

6 points
greengold's picture

March 28, 2023 at 04:03 pm


0 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:56 am

Frankly, I don't think AR felt like he was going to win QB1 out right in 2023, which prompted him to behave the way he has.

The only reason AR kept playing thru the end of the season is that Jordan Love has no game experience. You have heard Gutey say over and over that Love needs game experience and you are not going to throw him in those critical games down the stretch when your chances of post season are hanging by a thread.

-2 points
greengold's picture

March 28, 2023 at 04:04 pm

... with the chance being the kid brings home a winner, and into the playoffs.

0 points
Razor's picture

March 28, 2023 at 04:50 pm

Wow, are you and Stockholder related?

0 points
RCPackerFan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:00 am

"Who Do You Trust?"

I trust no one.

"Who is telling the truth?"

Both and Neither. They are each telling their version of the truth, and 1/2 truths. Like Rodgers "I was 90% sure I was going to retire, then decided to turn it around." I don't believe that is true. And the Packers "we tried to get a hold of him and couldn't". Umm, when did they try to get a hold of him? Was it during the darkness retreat when he didn't have his phone? Because Rodgers said that when he came out there was a change in things. So if that is when Gutey tried getting a hold of him and he didn't get a response, that is telling 1/2 the truth. Meaning that they did try to get a hold of him, but they didn't get a response back because Rodgers was away from his phone.

Essentially we are watching a divorce. The truth is none of us will know what really was going on behind closed doors. Unfortunately we are not the fly on the wall seeing what the reality is, so we are all here trying to speculate what the truth is. When friends get divorced the best thing to do is not to take sides in the divorce. Just move forward. There are going to be many he said/she said things. Like he or she cheated on us, when in reality no one cheated.

We are Packers fans and will continue to be. We just need to move on. Don't need the drama, just get this trade done and move on.

-2 points
bottlefliper's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:43 am

When its like a divorce you have to say that AR started cheating after the honeymoon was over. But as a halfway strong cheater, he always blamed everone else. And he played the victime with such joy and I have to admit, he is really good at it......

3 points
RCPackerFan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:20 am


2 points
murf7777's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:59 am

RC….I agree it’s hard to see who is telling the truth and/or half truths. Looking the facts thou leads me to believe Gutey is telling the truth.

Let’s be the Jury for moment.

Rodgers admitted that GB told him they wanted him to keep playing and retire a Packer during his exit visit.
Packers committed the largest 3 year contract with much guaranteed to Rodgers just last year.
Rodgers stated he loves all of us in GB during the Pat Mcafee show multiple, maybe 5 times. Overkill.

When just looking at those 3 facts, I can draw a fairly decent conclusion that Rodgers is the one not telling us the truth.

Also, subjectively and not fact, during the show Rodgers stated he wasn’t a victim, but then why did he portray himself as a victim? That’s my opinion of how I felt he came across during the interview.

7 points
RCPackerFan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:22 am

I would say Gutey is mostly telling the truth. But likely not telling the whole truth.

For example, "we couldn't get a hold of him". Well, when did the try getting a hold of him?

We don't know all the truths and never will. At this point, its just time to get the trade done and move on.

6 points
croatpackfan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 10:04 am

Murph, remember when I wrote, after Mark Murphy said "we are not idiots" who is saying that? Idiots!

"I'm not a victim!" is always said by victim!

-1 points
Philarod's picture

March 28, 2023 at 10:49 am

"Also, subjectively and not fact, during the show Rodgers stated he wasn’t a victim, but then why did he portray himself as a victim? That’s my opinion of how I felt he came across during the interview."

Sounds like the Chris Rock Netflix special!
I say that only partially tongue-in-cheek, as nearly everyone tries to spin narratives their own way, but it's sometimes easy for the viewer or reader to spot those inconsistencies.

On the Pat McAfee Show interview, it seemed that Rodgers was being honest, and I had (now dwindling) hopes that this split will go about as well as possible. But if the deal is held up for days, weeks, even months, this could get quite ugly.

4 points
murf7777's picture

March 28, 2023 at 05:59 pm

Phil, at first I felt the same thing about Rodgers being honest, but after thinking about it I came to a different conclusion. People don’t say over and over how much they Love something…..Look at the facts, not his ability to act. He’d make a good politician. That’s my thoughts.

0 points
Coldworld's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:01 am

“We are Packers fans and will continue to be. We just need to move on. Don't need the drama, just get this trade done and move on.”

Yes. That’s the only healthy thing to do. We will never know exactly how both sides got themselves to this point. It’s very clear that it’s just past the point if no return. The sooner the final separation is official the better for all of us.

5 points
RCPackerFan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:24 am

We really don't know how we got here. I mean we know that drafting Love started this whole thing. But we don't know what was said, what their conversations were like or anything.

Either away, we are here. lets get this trade done.

4 points
fthisJack's picture

March 28, 2023 at 03:08 pm

Yes it got to be a mess and the divorce should have been completed then. Rodgers complaining they didn't give him enough weapons like Cobb, OBJ, wa wa wa. Management isn't catering to his every whim and they caved and gave him a truckload of money. We have the same scenario now except its going in the opposite direction. He wants out because they didn't kiss his narcissistic ass and beg for forgiveness after his darkness retreat.

0 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:00 am

The only thing I agree with is "we just need to move on. Don't need the drama, just get this trade done and move on".

There is zero question Gutey is telling the truth. He is in a corporate position representing the Packers & reports to Murphy, who reports to the Executive Committee. He had better have documentation to his attempts. This is the face of the organization and you just signed him a year ago to a $150 million dollar contract. You better know that Gutey damn well tried and documented everything. This was probably a daily conversation with Ball, Murphy & LeFleur. No doubt, all four of these guys tried communicating with AR. Last offseason all four flew out to meet with AR at his home.

Transparency & honesty.....bull shit! True colors have been shown finally!

-3 points
RCPackerFan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:56 am

You can agree or disagree with what you choose.

I think Gutey is mostly telling the truth. But did he frame things so that it makes them look better? I believe so.

This is a both sides deal. It isn't all Packers or all Rodgers in this situation. That is essentially what I'm saying. We are hearing parts of truth, but not the complete truth from both sides.

4 points
Bearmeat's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:51 am

And what if one of the friends was a total piece of shit for the last half decade? Should you take sides then? Or just be happy for the one who was abused that they're out of that relationship. Methinks the latter.

Rodgers has been a piece of shit as a human being for a loooooong time. Since 2014, and outside of 1/2 of 2016 and 2020, he has been a top 10 QB, but not an elite QB. 2021's MVP was a "who else are we gonna give it to." award.

The Packers (and us) are well shot of him, and I'm going to enjoy watching the clown show in Jests land this year.

-2 points
RCPackerFan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 10:14 am

Obviously its based on each situation. And we aren't talking about abusive relationships. Thats something entirely different.

I disagree with you that he is a piece of shit human. Just because you disagree with him over stuff, doesn't make him a bad person. I don't know him. But from what I have heard from people is he is a caring person.

You can say what you want about the MVP, but he earned it. Regardless of how you feel, he earned it and was the MVP. I don't get why people don't think he earned it that year.

Regardless, you do what you want and cheer how you want. I'm not going to tell you what to do.

5 points
Bearmeat's picture

March 28, 2023 at 10:28 am

He was a very good QB in 2021. Not a game changer. The fact is, MVP has become a QB award, and there wasn't an outstanding QB that was better than him in 21. The real problem is that he choked in the playoffs (again) and then obfuscated.

If you're gonna be a DBag, you'd better win to back it up. He hasn't. Bye, Felicia.

-3 points
RCPackerFan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 10:35 am

How has he been a dbag?

4 points
Bearmeat's picture

March 28, 2023 at 11:17 am

His Self justifying/slamming others constant appearances on Pat McAfee's show the past 3 years alone was nauseating. And there has been much, much more. Who's the problem, the many guys he's struggled with? Or the man in the mirror?

-3 points
RCPackerFan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 11:33 am

Why do you watch him on the show if you don't like him?

Who are the many guys he struggled with? Jennings, Finley. Who else?

4 points
Bearmeat's picture

March 28, 2023 at 01:00 pm

McCarthy. Gutekunst. Murphy. Any WR or OL that isn't "HIS" guy. Plenty of people off the field, as evidenced by his many McAfee and few Rogan interviews.

And that's just getting started.

-2 points
barutanseijin's picture

March 28, 2023 at 03:54 pm

He won the MVP in 2021 because Mahomes had an off year.

1 points
jannes bjornson's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:55 pm


1 points
Packers0808's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:01 am

Rodgers. Sit him on the bench and let him shine helmets!

5 points
murf7777's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:46 am

I assume you are joking……That wouldn’t be a good thing for the Locker room. It would be toxic.

2 points
Packers0808's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:50 am

Yes I am joking, polishing apples might be better! Just fed up with all the drama who said, who said that! Just get something settled one way or another.

1 points
BirdDogUni's picture

March 28, 2023 at 06:28 pm

*Issue him a Bane Mask with no opening... (JK)

Would be fun watching 12 on the sideline if we were winning.

0 points
greengold's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:04 am

I don’t care. I’m done with the drama queen.

(Searches draft profiles on Taco Flavored Doritos for my pick at #13)

-2 points
bottlefliper's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:46 am

I would say he is more of a crybaby than a dramaqueen but of course he is both more than anything.............

4 points
bottlefliper's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:07 am

This is 100% who AR is.......perfekt about his whole life.
Where conspiracy theories become his life and his mistrust on everything and eveyone. But its the media, the GM, the Packers FO, the Rookies, the US goverment, the planes. Most of the time he is the one to blame with all his throwing everyone under the bus all the time. Even its indirect, passiv aggresiv or over his "inner core". So he can always say......."ITS NOT MY FAULT...WHAT DID I DO"???

How much victimhood can you play when you got nearly Billions form the Packers, even when he did not play up to his contract? But even with all this, you will find some guys who defend the undefenable.

So wonder where we are in general.

And for the Packers, could you imagine how the "the Packers wasted AR Prime crowd" would defend him if had won some important games since 2011??? AR wasted the Packers prime and got paid more than most for it.

3 points
Tekraut17's picture

March 28, 2023 at 11:03 am

Ok so we can all agree AR isn't perfect and neither is your spelling....AR wasn't the reason that we lost to SF in the conference title game and he's also the reason we didn't win other games when he refused to pass to wide open is what it is. Move on.

5 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

March 28, 2023 at 11:57 am

The heck he wasnt. He didnt a score a single point in the first half. Had a pick and a lost fumble. Maybe if he scored some damn points, it puts a little pressure on the 49ers and maybe its a different game. Instead, Rodgers was every bit as bad as the defense and did nothing until the 49ers defense was playing prevent in the 2nd half. Hes been shut out in the 1st half of 2 different NFC Championship Games. And everyone blames the defense lmfao.

0 points
dobber's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:13 am


4 points
marpag1's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:19 am


-1 points
RCPackerFan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:33 am

Laughing at the 1 downvote you got at this point. Apparently someone doesn't want to move on.

-1 points
jurp's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:44 am

I believe we all know who that is.

2 points
RCPackerFan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:54 am

i just know it wasn't me because I don't vote lol.

0 points
greengold's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:59 am

LOL. I didn't do it!!!!

This cracks me up... (stockholder walks off elevator).

-1 points
RCPackerFan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 11:16 am

That's what someone that did it would say.



2 points
BirdDogUni's picture

March 28, 2023 at 06:30 pm

I down vote all my good comments so sh doesn't feel lonely. ; P

-1 points
marpag1's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:19 am

"What actually happened is somewhere in the middle."

Sorry, but like most people, I don't take clichés as evidence. What evidence do you actually have that Gute's story or ARod's story is not exactly true and correct? Or maybe I just missed that amongst all the aimless rambling about how Jordan Love needs to invite people to California, or about what the proper trade compensation should be.

3 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:03 am

You obviously have never been an executive in a corporate setting reporting to top management who in a situation like this would be micro managing and wanting proof.

-1 points
marpag1's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:16 am

So as long as you're talking about wanting proof, allow me to reiterate: What evidence do you actually have that Gute's story or ARod's story is not exactly true and correct?

And if you're saying that Gute is telling the truth and Rodgers is not, how on earth does that support the weird claim that 'the truth is in the middle?'

7 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:47 am

I have no evidence nor does anyone else. Furthermore, no one will likely ever produce proof.

My position is Gutey works in a corporate setting and is held responsible. AR whether you like him or not is the face of the organization. They committed to AR with a guaranteed contract a year earlier for $150 million. The GBP's have made a huge commitment to AR. A falling out would make huge headlines like it has that would be negative. Gutey reports to Murphy who is going to want proof. The Executive Committee is going to want proof from Murphy & Gutey. Gutey is not playing solo here and fabricating as he knows he is under the microscope internally, but also on a national media front. To me it is so very obvious Gutey not only is being honest, but he is carefully holding back sharing all he could. AR's name will be on the ring of honor in a few years.

There are probably daily conversations and meeting about AR in the offseason. Everything begins and ends with AR. Just like with all of us amateur draftnics you cannot plan and lay out any cohesive draft plan, or FA plan without knowing about AR.

-4 points
marpag1's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:51 am

So you're suggesting that NFL teams and GMs (or corporations and CEOs) never lie or mislead?

3 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

March 28, 2023 at 10:03 am

I am only talking about the GBP's and not speaking for other organizations owned by some zillionaire. There is the GBP way and AR is their future Hall of Famer. This is too big for Gutey or the Packers to lie and to play games. There is a lot riding on this, and no I believe it is inconceivable Gutey/Packers would lie about this. Before they would lie or fabricate they would simply say they "do not discuss personnel matters." However, as you suggest....if the Packers were going to mislead/fabricate something it sure as hell had not be where the other party has documented proof (phone records) that you are lying & misleading. Think about that for a minute! This is all i need to know!

Phone records and text messages can be kept by both parties. Both Packers & AR. Do you think for one moment if Gutey/Packers were lying that AR would not provide copies for proof to show he was right and Gutey was lying? If Gutey is lying then it is up to AR to go on his weekly show and provide some type of proof. It should be easy to do! The Packer organization would not lie and run a risk of being exposed to the world. PERIOD!

-3 points
MainePackFan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 12:18 pm

"Phone records and text messages can be kept by both parties."

Knock, seriously, this isn't really a divorce case lol. This isn't some life or death situation. It's two sides trying to win the battle of public opinion. At this point they all should STFU : )

3 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

March 28, 2023 at 02:13 pm

True Maine! True!

I guess I have been suppressing to the best of my abilities (& maybe not so well) how I feel about AR for several years now & Guteys response simply jives with what I have believed to be true all along.

Trade can't come fast enough! Trust me...I won't regret the trade, or be one who says....dang it...maybe we should have kept AR.

The bigger question is with everyone who is anyone being at the Owners meeting & the AR & Jets trade talks dominating NFL many teams are going to approach the Packers? How many teams might say we would like to throw our hats in the ring because they realize they might be able to get AR at reduced price?

-1 points
Packerpasty's picture

March 28, 2023 at 11:12 am

funny stuff...people in corporate positions and settings never lie...they are experts at twisting a story to their way...there are many lying, two faced people in management ask any blue collar worker...

4 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

March 28, 2023 at 11:49 am

Packerpasty.....I totally agree with that statement! People are people regardless of position or power.

I just firmly believe with everything going on and being under a microscope not only within the organization, but throughout the world/media that the Packer organization (as Gutey is the face of the organization representing them) is being very transparent on this. I don't see how there is any other way as the consequences are too vital & important!

0 points
Bitternotsour's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:52 pm

Green and Gold is the face of the organization. The G logo. That's it boss. There'll always be a new head in the helmet. Faces of the organization wind up addicted to painkillers, sending unwanted 4" dick pics to reporters, and lying to a room full of reporters about their vaccination status. The "faces" change, the colors run true.

There is and there will always be a new sheriff in town.

-1 points
bottlefliper's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:23 am

The AR clowns get played since 10 years and they dont get it. No wonder you can never be crazy enought to got fans..........and sport is the minor problem

2 points
PatrickGB's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:24 am

I know how to solve that puzzle. Maybe Aaron Rodgers went about cleaning up his phone list and kept it to the “inner circle of the inner circle” !
And by doing so he accidentally (wink wink) deleted Brian’s phone number.

So both sides are right.

-2 points
stockholder's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:37 am

He never said," LOSE MY NUMBER".to Gute.

-2 points
croatpackfan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:53 am

Are you sure?

Sometimes you do not have to say or write that. It is enough to just block Brian Gutekunst number on his phone. Another way to say "Lose my number!".

1 points
PatrickGB's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:54 am

😉I was joking…sorta

2 points
marpag1's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:01 am

ARod, I've got your number
I need to make you mine
ARod don't change your number

3 points
jurp's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:45 am

Thanks for the earworm :(

1 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:04 am

yes he did.....just in a different way!

0 points
bottlefliper's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:33 am

On thing is for sure.......when people say the "truth lies in beetween" the liar always wins and thats what AR counts all the time. That the truth dies if he hates on "the media" and uses his "alternativ media" to spread "the truth".
And thats really what pisses me of that "good" always get killed with this "boothsiderism" and thats why AR comes away with it his whole life and other guys too. Shame on us, even more than on AR.....

1 points
RCPackerFan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:35 am

The liar doesn't always win. The truth eventually comes out and the Liar doesn't win.

0 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:08 am

the full truth doesn't always come out. AR is a Packer legacy & the Packers are going to be reluctant to trash him publicly when in just a few years his name will be put on the ring of honor, and introduced to the Packer Hall of Fame. If we really knew what has transpired over the years behind the scenes I don't think anyone would be supporting AR. When Murphy a few years ago stated "don't be the problem." When TT said "he is an interesting individual" screams a lot to me having worked in corporate management. People will see what they want to see and nothing will ever change their minds.

-1 points
Guam's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:22 am

"A lie can travel miles before the truth even gets its boots on."

The truth might eventually catch up, but lots of damage will have been done by then.

5 points
RCPackerFan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 10:15 am

That is some truth!

1 points
greengold's picture

March 28, 2023 at 10:33 am

Phenomenal. Thanks, Guam!!!

1 points
T7Steve's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:33 am

(Fantasy football letter)

To the Packers' GM:

Fix the coaching and improve the line of scrimmage on both sides of the ball.

Have a plan for every contingency.

Control what you can control. No point to worry about the stuff you can't control.

Direct your energy and time to the Packers future not the past.

5 points
T7Steve's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:33 am

Too early in the morning for this stuff to happen.

4 points
egbertsouse's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:34 am

The objective truth is closer to Gutey’s version than Rodgers’, I believe. Rodger’s’ “truth” involves magic mushrooms, getting engaged without telling your girlfriend, being immunized without vaccine, poison contrails, and sailing off the end of the earth. Gutey’s is merely spin.

2 points
stockholder's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:42 am

Pa Pa Smurf wouldn't agree.

-6 points
Coldworld's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:36 am

The best advice is to trust neither completely.

At this point the only things that matter is that Rodgers isn’t playing for the Packers again and that we should never have entered into the contract structure that enabled this situation.

Clearly the result was not a good or sustainable relationship in the eyes of one or both parties from the outset. That suggests that, in addition to the structure, there was a failure of basic assessment of the relationship and rationale for continuing it over and above the resulting performance on the field. That is unpardonable. The extension last year should never have happened and both parties are at fault for that, however the Packers leadership is paid to be competent at such decisions.

It really frustrates me that the structure prevents us knowing who called the shots over that extension clearly. Whoever did should face the consequences for it. In such situations, blame falls to the person who sits atop the pile, Murphy.

7 points
jurp's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:56 am

Wow. Pretty much sums everything up nicely.

-1 points
LambeauPlain's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:22 am

Croat, the last two sentences in the article:

"This is a complicated man and a complicated situation. Thank goodness it’s finally reaching its conclusion."

For the NYJ and NY Media and NYJ fans, it is just beginning.

6 points
croatpackfan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 10:08 am

I agree with your claim!

It will be interesting what they will get after few loses. Who will be guilty. Not his pal Hackett, not even Lazard. Who then?

That is why he did not want to go to 49ers. There he would not be able to throws a blame on others!

1 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:11 am

CW, I love this post & wholeheartedly agree! Someone's head should roll though GB doesn't operate like that. When TT's health was failing they covered for him even with the organization suffering rather than just replacing him.

3 points
croatpackfan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 10:13 am


Ted Thompson wanted to retire 2 years (2016) before he was allowed due to his overall health satuts. Mark Murphy was not allow that. He tried again in 207 and finally got that in 2018.

"We are not idiots" showed little respect and compasion with very ill person who was carrying Packers football operations on his back. Mark Murphy made this mess over heavy ill Ted Thompson. And when Ted Thompson finally was allowed to retire, he got all the strings in his hands. Just to make another huge mess. This all has his stamp on it!

2 points
MainePackFan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:38 am

One thing is obvious, there's no Love between these two. Umm..never mind : )

12 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:12 am

I don't think it is reserved just for Gutey but for everyone within the front office. You heard AR talk over and over how no one is left in the FO from when he was drafted. He made that a point! Most everyone of significance has flown out to meet with AR and it hasn't made a difference.

2 points
MainePackFan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:36 am

"Love" : )

1 points
Coldworld's picture

March 28, 2023 at 10:22 am

“There is always some madness in [L]ove. But there is also always some reason in madness.”

Friedrich Nietzsche (with apologies)

2 points
MainePackFan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 10:57 am

"Never apologize, mister, it’s a sign of weakness."

-John Wayne

: )

3 points
BirdDogUni's picture

March 28, 2023 at 06:38 pm

Speaking of John Wayne, he also said:

"Life is hard, it's even harder when you are stupid."

Seems fitting to point this out to some of the posters at CHTV...

*Not you of course MPF!

**I've been stupid, it's not fun, so I quit! ; )

0 points
MainePackFan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:08 pm

lol. No doubt there are some differing opinions in here Bird. Some I really enjoy, even if I disagree with the poster's point, I appreciate and respect how they made their argument. That's the vast majority.

There are some that I just roll my eyes and dismiss because the content lacks any kind of intellectual value. Those that your John Wayne quote refers to.

Then there are the handful of angry folks that really don't enjoy debate. They just want you to agree with what they say, or simply not comment on the holes in their arguments. When you do, they are left with only insults, not counterpoints. Thank God those are few and far between : )

Whenever you, Since '61 and RC post, I always take the time to read them because they are always reasonable. Overall CHTV is an awesome site which, frankly, I spend way too much time on ; )

0 points
NoNonsense's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:48 am

Yeah I think it's fairly obvious that for Rodgers he felt a sense that GB wanted to move on to Love in season last year when we were all but eliminated from the playoffs. That was the beginning of the end. Then came the Cowboys game and Christian Watsons coming out party and a mini winning streak that kept them from replacing him with Love because there was a chance to make the playoffs. When we didn't make the playoffs I think Rodgers thought it was over.

For GB it started when Rodgers didn't commit fully last off-season after they gave him the huge contract. They didn't give him that contract for one year, so they wanted him to stay but once the season went off the rails they wanted to see what they had in Love and few late wins kept them from pulling the trigger on that. Then came the Philly game where Love looked pretty good almost Deja vu with the Cowboys game for a young Rodgers giving GB confidence that he had finally made the jump. I think Rodgers could also see that Love was ready and he said as much.

I still think they would have kept and played Rodgers this year if he had answered those phone calls and committed 100 percent to this year but apparently Rodgers felt like they wanted to move on so he assumed they wanted to and was ready to retire. He didn't want to have that awkward conversation that's why he didn't respond to the calls. He was just gonna announce his retirement on the Pat McAfee show and that would be that.

Once the Jets hired Rodgers buddy Hackett and were obviously interested in a veteran QB, GB gave them a call and then gave them permission to talk directly with Rodgers. Thats when he decided he wanted to keep playing but only for the Jets. The darkness retreat changed nothing. He had to really feel wanted and the Jets have showed him that commitment with the signing of Hackett and then Lazard after he gave them his wishlist, which he denies but we know he at least mentioned some guys he wanted to play with.

I personally wouldn't doubt that the stall in negotiations is Rodgers telling the Jets not to give up too much for him. Especially not the 13th pick. That's his parting gift to Gutekunst for making him feel unwanted and for drafting Jordan Love in the first place. He wants the last laugh.

I just hope GB can get those 2 2nd round picks this year and whatever else they get is a bonus. I'd like to fully eat his cap hit this year and start to heal the salary cap for the future. Love may or may not be great but we have to see what he can do as starter before any other decisions are made about the future.

7 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:18 am

NoNonsense well said!

I will go on and state I believe there were several key points. AR knew Love looked very good and was ready combined with AR's poor 2022 performance and the Packers disappointing season. Aaron knew there was a chance he might not be the starting QB in 2023. As a player with AR's experience he just intuitively knew.

2 points
sjc28's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:52 am

Gutekunst and Murphy have mishandled this whole situation since Jordan Love was selected. They should have traded Rogers two years ago when they had the chance. Instead they extended his contract and gave him a boat load of money. Now 1 year later they don't want him and have no leverage due to his cap hit. What a mess.

2 points
sjc28's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:52 am

Gutekunst and Murphy have mishandled this whole situation since Jordan Love was selected. They should have traded Rogers two years ago when they had the chance. Instead they extended his contract and gave him a boat load of money. Now 1 year later they don't want him and have no leverage due to his cap hit. What a mess.

-1 points
PatrickGB's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:56 am

Hindsight is 20/20. Hopefully they learn from it.

2 points
MainePackFan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:05 am

They should have already learned that lesson, it's not their first rodeo.

6 points
PatrickGB's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:11 am

One would think.

4 points
BirdDogUni's picture

March 28, 2023 at 06:40 pm

Obviously, they didn't...


0 points
RCPackerFan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:36 am

Maine - I bought in to the fact that they learned from what happened 15 years ago and that was never going to happen again. Time is a flat circle for real.

4 points
MainePackFan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:59 am

Deja vu all over again right RC?

3 points
RCPackerFan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:25 am


It is crazy how eerily similar things have went with Favre to Rodgers.

3 points
Coldworld's picture

March 28, 2023 at 10:23 am

And who is the one senior leader knee deep in both?

2 points
LambeauPlain's picture

March 28, 2023 at 01:12 pm

Murphy's phone rings: "Hello Mark! Say, the Executive Committee is meeting in the Board Room. Can you join us? That would be great."

2 points
BirdDogUni's picture

March 28, 2023 at 06:41 pm

I wish...

2 points
BirdDogUni's picture

March 28, 2023 at 06:42 pm

Gutey has been here since the '90s... (He ought to know better, but alas, no, he doesn't.)

2 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

March 28, 2023 at 11:54 am

You see the same negative behaviors evolve generation from generation within families. This is essentially a learned behavior by AR. I also think with the power these QB's are given within the NFL this is going to be much more common. You are starting to see it over and over with QB's.

2 points
BirdDogUni's picture

March 28, 2023 at 06:55 pm

Until the owners, GMs, Coaches get fed up and start drafting a QB, playing him 5 years and letting him walk and draft another QB. It will come to that eventually, because nothing stays the same and if guys are going to pull stuff like AR12/Lamar/Russ, FOs are going to get fed up and react accordingly. I don't blame them.

Lamar is finding out his worth and I'm afraid when he goes back to the Ravens to play, it might be with hat in hand. If not, he can sit out and claim collusion, which it might be, but no way if I'm a GM am I giving up two 1st and guaranteeing him $250 million dollars. (And I like Lamar.) I think lots of GMs and Coaches like him, but giving up 2 - 1st and $250 million dollars isn't how you build a Super Bowl winner, IMO.

Had Brock Purdy not gotten hurt, many fan bases would be scouring late round QBs to see who the next Mr. Irrelevant would be. Some probably still are.

0 points
jannes bjornson's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:15 am

Remove them, asap.

2 points
TKWorldWide's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:55 am

1. You had me at “Mr. Tank Top”!
2. Does anyone on here remember Cow42? I think he had other “cow” variations as well, but all of them had that “Eeyore”. ‘Chicken Little” vibe.
3. Is the Worry Bus still in operation?

7 points
PatrickGB's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:59 am

I am past worrying. Now I just eat popcorn and watch the drama.

5 points
dobber's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:08 am

"Is the Worry Bus still in operation?"

It has jet engines now.

7 points
croatpackfan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:23 am

Good one dobber! Box of cookies for you...

2 points
RCPackerFan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:25 am

Who can forget Cow.

5 points
Tex49's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:27 am

I feel like Cow was like the dread pirate Roberts from princess bride, the mantle was passed on over the years. The original Cow felt like a reverse jinx in 2010 that fueled the packers superbowl run. After that it became a characture.

4 points
TKWorldWide's picture

March 29, 2023 at 07:10 am


1 points
BirdDogUni's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:00 am

Tbh - The idiocy we've witnessed from Murphy, Gutey, and Ball in the last installment of "How Stupid Can We Be?" has been astounding.

AR12 is by no means without fault, but the Three %'in Stooges have screwed this up to the point of no return and now it looks as though Gutey has screwed the pooch yet again, by opening his mouth yet again, at the wrong time, and letting Joe Douglas know he doesn't necessarily have to have a 1st round pick to trade AR12.

What's next? Drafting all defense again for the 15th year in a row?

-8 points
Coldworld's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:09 am

Yes, give Barry a chance!

What’s next maybe startling. I foresee either a radically different feel to this team once free of Rodgers or early regime change, top down, if it proves that he was the tape holding a mismanaged crock together. One way or another, this franchise is getting a profound enema.

Now that’s going to be interesting viewing, if maybe not great football initially. It is clearly overdue.

7 points
BirdDogUni's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:49 am

I just can't imagine how Mark Murphy and Brian Gutekunst still have jobs after the handling of this the last 4 - 5 years. It just seems looking back like they decided to do the exact opposite of what an intelligent President/GM would do.

The sad part is: It isn't over yet, and there is still time for them to be even more idiotic. SMH

1 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:24 am

On one hand I agree but on the other from TT to Mark Murphy everyone shares the same story about AR. He is difficult! My perception is that Aaron has been so difficult to work with the Packers have had to do some unorthodox things to accommodate AR. Meaning I think at times some of us are being unfair to the FO. Without knowing what has transpired I am not saying the FO is without fault. I believe AR has tried to hold the FO over a barrel and this outcome was inevitable. I saw this happening several years ago. Where the FO really screwed up in my mind is resigning AR last season, particularly with the opportunity to get so much in return for him. This potential trade last year provided the team the right justification for moving on & they blew it. As CW states it would be nice to know who ultimately made the decision to offer AR that rediculous contract knowing this might happen, and the team would suffer for it.

2 points
BirdDogUni's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:21 pm

OK, prove my point for me...

They all knew who AR12 was/is... They could've easily traded him away last year for two 1st round picks, 2 second round picks, plus players... (like a high end TE we haven't had, ever!)

Hackett would likely still be a HC... (If AR doesn't break his thumb.)

1. AR has a bit of a down year in '19 - Gutey's response, instead of trading him was to draft his replacement instead of moving up and getting him a decent weapon to combat the aging process.

2. Then, he has back-to-back MVP seasons, but we still can't get over the hump because Gutey still refuses to get him a viable #1 WR, even though DA is great, but not a true difference maker/HR threat.

3. Gutey trades away his #1 WR, (Glad he got what he got for DA.) Replaces his #1 WR with a #3 WR and drafts 3 rookies. When he could've traded AR12 for Kings Ransom and installed the QB he moved up in the draft to get... No, he decided to extend him to the stupidest contract possible.

4. AR12 has a crappy year, breaks a thumb, refuses to sit, defense sucks, and you wonder why AR12 can be a bit difficult? OK...

0 points
Untylu1968's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:11 am

When you get that trouble maker out, the rest of the turds will follow! We're about to get way younger, with a large uptick of enthusiasm and excitement for the upcoming season. Personally, I can't F-ing wait!!

0 points
Packerpasty's picture

March 28, 2023 at 11:16 am

and non of that enthusiasm and excitement will win many takes really good players and the Packers don't currently have that many...

1 points
LambeauPlain's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:43 am

So you really think Gutey "screwed the pooch" by "opening his mouth yet again" to blurt out Packer negotiating positions Douglas and the Jets did not already know...weeks ago?

I think many knew a 1st round pick was not a deal breaker weeks ago. Douglas most certainly did and all Gutey confirmed is they will keep is how they work...but after the draft EVERYTHING changes. Gutey has a plan B.

Douglas knows this too. And Gutey also confirmed what I believed, other teams have called but they have been just "loose conversations".

Douglas knows this! And after the draft, rich with prospects the Packers need (2nd rounders will do nicely!), Douglas knows he would have competition.

I think Douglas has more dog problems than does Gutey.

5 points
Coldworld's picture

March 28, 2023 at 10:33 am

I think this was a deliberate reset of the parameters in the public sphere. In publicly visible negotiations, ensuring that the other side doesn’t have free reign to shape perception and expectations is part of reputation management and can actually also feed back into actual negotiations by influencing the forces acting in the parties.

I would imagine that the message regarding pick expectations and on the inability to contact were pre-agreed PR and Gute was chosen to deliver it at the meeting when media attention was guaranteed in a national basis. Our Vice President of the Board (Murphy is President), Susan Finco, is owner and President of Leonard & Finco Public Relations. It’s not like they don’t have professional spinners.

2 points
bottlefliper's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:41 am

Compared to AR, who feels so sorry for himself all the time and likes to take low shoots the Packers FO are stong and smart heros, with values and moral. All things AR has no clue of.

What a digrace and not just for Packers Nation. With a "leader" like him you cant wining anything at all.

I would give someone an 1 rounder just for the sake to be able to let the kids watch the Pack again.

-4 points
BirdDogUni's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:31 pm

That bottle you flip, does it by any chance happen to be a bottle of crack? Fentanyl?

1 points
croatpackfan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:20 am

Knowing how good manipulator ACR is, I have no doubt that there is more truth in Brian Gutekunst words than in what ACR told. I have no problem to downplay any of theirs statements as I believe both side were exaggerating their positions and events. And I believe that ACR did not want to answer on Brian Gutekunst calls or text messages as we all know that, in light version, ACR do not like Brian Gutekunst. And I believe Mark Murphy gave the task to Brian to contact ACR. "We are not idiots" did not want to talk to ACR because he is offended by ACR presentation after he gave him that contract.

I'm also sure that there wasn't 100 calls/text messages from Brian, but something about ~20. That was enough for him to became pissed off and, w/o knowing where is ACR with his decision he really did his job - 1. if ACR decide to play for Packers, everything is set; 2. if ACR decide to retire, everything is set; 3. if ACR decide he wants trade, he search the market (to be prepared) for that opportunity. THAT IS THE GM's JOB!

Also, ACR said after the last that he might want to play if the situation fit what he want. Brian Gutekunst knew (as well as ACR) that is not possible to achieve related to salary caps issues Packers has.

I would also say that Brian Gutekunst showed through interview that he is bigger than ACR as he did not spit on him or comment any of his claims or his statements. He was not playing victim's game as ACR did on PMS. Nice job Brian!

0 points
bottlefliper's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:31 am

How good can he be, as everything its easy to see, for the people who are willing to look. Some will always to be to blind to see, for all the rest it was crystal clear since forever....
And yeah, that a big if not the biggest point.........Gutey does not play the victim, what was really strong and brave.

AR like to turn the reality around. Nr 1 in his playbook. The bad media, the bad frontoffice....look what they did to me. Poor Aaron. Is so hard for me.

In my book its 10 to 0 Packers and AR was weak and not smart either....

-2 points
LeotisHarris's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:35 am

I walked forty-seven miles of barbed wire, I got a cobra snake for a necktie
A brand new house on the road side, and it's a-made out of rattlesnake hide
Got a brand new chimney put on top, and it's a-made outta human skull
Come on take a little walk with me baby, and tell me ...

7 points
dobber's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:43 am

who do ya love!

Nothing like a little Thorogood and the Delaware Destroyers to pick things up.
That dude is 73 years, how'd we get here?

7 points
greengold's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:12 am

shakes head... idk... That's hard to fathom. All of it.

3 points
jannes bjornson's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:21 am

Ronnie Hawkins...

4 points
TKWorldWide's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:57 pm

I can never remember how to drink alone…can other folks join, or no?

1 points
greengold's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:08 am

Big Bad Bo Diddley!!! The original "Who Do You Love?"!!!

His 1956 recording of this classic still holds up. Quicksilver Messenger Service also did a fantastic cover. George Thorogood's cover is a nice, solid homage.

6 points
dobber's picture

March 28, 2023 at 02:15 pm

I've had it in my head all day, now.

5 points
Boothie8739's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:41 am

I think of Rodgers as the "immunizer"... and that says it all.

He was asked if he was vaccinated and replied that he was "immunized" implying vaccination. Why didn't he tell the truth? He wanted no part in the hassling that was being done about those who refused the vaccination.

Obviously, shading the truth is not foreign to Rodgers. He could have clarified the misunderstanding by people, but chose not to.

Rodgers: The Packers didn't talk to him after the end of season meeting.
Packers: We tried contacting him multiple times.

Both are true and correct. The first one smells like a rotting carp.

The Packers may or may not have left messages. I believe that they did and Aaron wanted to be gone and is executing a Tom Brady move.... except Brady did it with class and forthrightness.

Oh... and by the way, the phone can send as well as receive calls.

3 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:28 am

and oh yes.....the phone also has print outs of all outgoing & incoming calls, as well as text messages. There is no friggin way Gutey is not being honest. His ass would be in a sling! This is all on AR!

4 points
bottlefliper's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:29 am

He lies about everything..........since 10 years. He thinks he is so smart and come away with his shit. And he will and get paid even more and some will still believe him.
But he does not trust his receivers and the media makes things up and science is the enemy.

-1 points
Oppy's picture

March 28, 2023 at 10:19 pm

Finally, someone who understands how Rodgers manipulates and deceives the public, but does so in a way so he can claim "he never lied".

This is what I've been trying to show people for almost a decade.

Rodgers is a narcissistic child. He's perpetually playing a game of "I'm not touching you!!" while jabbing his finger in his little sister's face. He's the stumbling husband through the door at 2:30am professing to his wife that he only had 3 beers... which is true, but he also had 8 shots of crown.

'The Packers haven't talked to me since the end of season exit interview' probably isn't a lie, but it's probably a manipulation intended to lead people to believe something that isn't an accurate depiction of the truth. As Stevebooth points out, it's entirely possible that the Packers have been attempting to talk to Rodgers all offseason.. but if Rodgers ignores the emails and doesn't return the calls left on his voicemail, he's technically 'not lying' that the Packers haven't talked to him.. he's just letting you believe the Packers have ignored him.

Aaron Rodgers- he's a con man.. and unfortunately, a lot of Packers fans have been suckers for the last decade.

-1 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:42 am

While I always enjoy reading your column I feel this was maybe the worst you have written. The comment that the truth is somewhere in the middle is ridiculous.

Gutey is in a corporate setting and his ass & reputation is on the line. He reports to people above him who report to the Executive Committee. Gutey had better have proof of his attempts to communicate, or else! Furthermore, I am sure other people such as Murphy tried to reach out as well. Gutey obviously has to hold back from sharing everything being in a corporate position, and while in the middle of a trade. The Packers had Rodgers sign a 3-year contract and expected him to full fill his responsibilities...he didn't! Rodgers talks about honesty and transparency......yea right! There is a reason he is estranged from his family, and a reason he cannot stay in relationships.

6 points
greengold's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:02 am

Kudos to Cory for being able to start an epic, mountainous wildfire raging across 4 states with nothing but a static clingy shirt straight outta the dryer.

Here's my FU RODGERS MOCK 1.0... Straight in. No slop:

15. WR Quentin Johnston
45. EDGE Felix Anudike-Usomah
78. S JL Skinner
116. DT Moro Ojoma
149. OT Asim Richards
170. EDGE Antonio Moultrie
232 QB Stetson Bennett
235 TE Mason Fairchild
242 CB Tre'Vius Hodges-Tomlinson
256 CB Darius Rush

(Packers FO vending machines are now minus 1 bag of Taco Flavored Doritos)

"Oh, Aaron, I wanted to mention you've just been traded to the Commanders... Have fun with that."

"Look at the big brain on Aaron, forgetting to put a no-trade clause into his contract!"

This one's tight.

4 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:32 am

Aaahhh GreenGold....I am glad you have gotten on the Quentin Johnston bandwagon! :)

I will agree with you & others that Mingo looks pretty damn good as an alternative but do not see him falling to the 4th round. Not even close!

Johnston has been my #1 target from the beginning. Unfortunately I am convinced he is not available at #15. I thought maybe a 30-40% chance he is available at #13.

I do like Stetson Bennett who may be available in mid-rounds as the Packers need a good backup. One QB I watched closely at the Combine who stood out but no one is talking about is Dorian Thompson - Robinson. Haven't heard anything about him but he looked better than maybe even the top tiered QB's. Mock drafts don't show him drafted until late in draft. I'd think he might be a very good player to pick-up even if the Packers needed to use their 7th rounders to move up to get him in the 6th.

3 points
greengold's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:38 am

We'll see. NYJ, should they keep that pick, might want to go fuck themselves, with their new OC Hackett and WR Allen Lazard on board. They're not getting Rodgers. They're not getting Bakhtiari. They're not getting Runyan... but, they are getting egg on their faces.

Gutekunst: "Cough it up, the 13, or we shop R1s in this draft, for Aaron Rodgers of the NO NO TRADE CLAUSE. Right now MFs."


If Aaron doesn't like it, let him breech his contract... HIGH HEAT CHIN MUSIC!!!

1 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:42 am


Broderick Jones would be a hell of a player for the Packers. I believe my top OT if I had to choose.

2 points
greengold's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:50 am

If Quentin is not there, I take Broderick Jones running to the podium with the card, and 13 minutes left on the clock.

1 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

March 28, 2023 at 10:15 am

If the Packers could get Johnston I would not mind them also picking up Mingo later. That tandem would really look good with Doubs & Watson making the WR unit a powerhouse.

-1 points
Since'61's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:50 am

gg you are forgetting that Rodgers does not need a no trade clause. He can just retire which would invalidate any trade to a team that he does not want to play for.

We should also not forget the league's interest in this trade. Several months ago I posted that Rodgers is not just a player for the Packers. He is a player for the league. We should not mitigate the league's interest in Rodgers going to the Jets. NY is the league's largest TV market. It would serve the league very well from a TV ratings point of view to have Rodgers playing in multiple nationally televised games in the NY market.

The league is aware that Rodgers is a huge TV draw not only for his team but for all the FF players and gamblers throughout the country. They would love to have Rodgers in the NY TV market every week. The NY fans would be watching plus the Rodgers fans plus the FF players and the gamblers.

Due to the poor play of the Giants and Jets the NY market has been out of the national TV doubleheader games for most of the recent seasons. Rodgers provides the opportunity to bring the NY market back into those major nationally televised doubleheader and prime time games. Don't underestimate the league's interest in this trade. It has already been rumored that the league may step in to make this trade happen.
I think things will heat up as we get closer to the draft. In fact it might be done and Goodell would love to announce the trade during the upcoming NFL draft. My numerous sources in the consulting industry are picking up "chatter" on that very possibility. We'll see. Thanks, Since '61

8 points
greengold's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:54 am

Hey my brother! I'm not forgetting that.

GOOD! Retire.

I've said all along, the NFL wants this, so freaking bad. But, here we have the Jets chirping, saying they don't have to rush... All of this is of course expected, normal posturing & negotiations.

$$$$ The NFL has too much to lose by the Jets F-ing this up.

If the deal somehow goes sideways, I say we call them on their bluff.

Find another deal for draft day.

There's a 4 week window to pull that off.

If they don't get it done for the draft, AR will be dealt to another team post June 2nd. GB can open it up league-wide.

Since'61, I have no doubts you're getting that chatter. When nfldotcom released their recent mock draft a few days ago, the Jets #13 had become the Packers #13... That doesn't happen by accident.

All this stuff we're hearing is theater. The deal is done, and we're going to be giving up altogether AR, DB and JR. The Packers will get at a minimum the 13, 42 & 43 picks.

ps. Let's look at this another way. If the Jets refuse to give up the #13, the 42 and the 43, well then we will own the top of their drafts for the next 2 or 3 years. That's not sustainable, because those 2024 draft picks will be their only way to secure any players to fill need positions. Forcing GB to take lower picks in each round 2024/2025/2026 increases the number of picks overall - as they are worth far less points on the trade value chart. FA will be out of the question for them. Add to this, Quinnen Williams has yet to be signed. The Jets are not going to want to wait until after June 2nd. Neither will the NFL.

They all know that. That's why the deal will be done on Draft Day 1.

2 points
stockholder's picture

March 28, 2023 at 12:35 pm

Edge Felix Anudike - Usomah
Will go before 35.

3 points
greengold's picture

March 28, 2023 at 01:09 pm

Athlon has him going at 60. Sorry. I trust Athlon.

0 points
jannes bjornson's picture

March 28, 2023 at 10:37 pm

That is dinosaur digest. Watch the Games. Watch the Film.

0 points
Since'61's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:33 am

Corey first you have given us an article without any new information which takes us nowhere.

Secondly, your article asks the wrong question. The question should be who do you trust, The Packers or The Jets?

Rodgers is an asset. The issue is the price of the asset. If anything Rodgers wants to get this deal done and move on. It doesn't help him to get involved with the negotiations. Plus there is still time to get a deal done by the draft. If a deal doesn't happen by the draft then the Packers should be considering what is their worst case scenario if this deal never happens.

The Packers need to be considering what it will cost them to release Rodgers because by the end of the draft the Jets may have drafted another QB or they may have made a trade for Lamar Jackson during the trade. Who knows? But if the Packers are smart??? (which is highly questionable at this point) they should not be trusting the Jets especially with an owner like Woody Johnson. He's capable and incapable of anything and as a NYC and NYC area resident all of my life I've seen everything with him. Except for his price Rodgers is irrelevant in terms of the negotiations and that's how it should be. Like any player he is an asset in a protfolio with a price that needs to be agreed upon by the buying and selling parties. End of story.

If the Packers reach the point where they cannot unload Rodgers then releasing him may be the only way that they can begin to get out from under the huge cap hit which the created for themselves. They cannot bring Rodgers back to the team. What would they do, sit him? They can't do that since that would divide the team and make them look like bigger idiots than they already appear to be. Secondly Love would probably want out at that point.
Thirdly they will have blown their alleged brilliant plan of developing Love and trading Rodgers for a boatload of picks to rebuild with which would then be gone (poof!) at that point.

The Packers have until the draft but after that anything can happen. I am concerned that the Packers have realized that their plan for a boatload of picks is not going to happen and they are considering face saving measures. Bottom line was the failure actually happened last off season when they had their best opportunity to trade Rodgers. They chose to pass and here we are. Still a chance to resolve by the draft. If not it could get very ugly.

The question isn't who do you trust? The question is can the current Packers FO team get the Packers out of this mess they have created for themselves? I'm sticking with I don't think so? But time will tell. Thanks, Since '61

9 points
greengold's picture

March 28, 2023 at 10:26 am

This is so well stated, Since'61.

You know who I trust the most in this deal between the Jets and the Packers? Money. The NFL stands to make so much cash off of this, and every piece is already in place.

It's done. Aaron Rodgers will be a Jet. David Bakhtiari will be a Jet. Jon Runyan will be a Jet.

Gutekunst coming out and saying it doesn't have to be a first round pick is just chatter. The deal's not done... blah blah blah...

What are they going to say? "Yeah, it's over. We're all agreed to terms...???" No.

Theater. The NFL is building suspense for their ultimate circle jerk draft day release.

I find all of this to be very messy. On brand, and messy.

1 points
T7Steve's picture

March 28, 2023 at 10:30 am

Are you saying we've become what the Lions and Bears have been?

2 points
bottlefliper's picture

March 28, 2023 at 09:43 am

The immunizer at his best........its way easier to lie than to win any play off game.......of course. Go and ask Joe Rogan for advice

-6 points
Packerpasty's picture

March 28, 2023 at 11:19 am

Get over the juvenile hate and post something that adds to the discussion...

3 points
Since'61's picture

March 28, 2023 at 02:43 pm

Packerpasty it's easier to be juvenile. It takes actual thinking and work to be an adult. Thanks, Since '61

2 points
Coldworld's picture

March 28, 2023 at 04:14 pm

But does all that work pay off?

2 points
zerotolerance's picture

March 28, 2023 at 10:16 am

Mr. Tank Top. Looking at his armpits is a total turn-off. He is almost as disgusting as a certain former Packers QB.

-6 points
Dragon5's picture

March 28, 2023 at 10:31 am

Boils down to failed to provide necessary upgrades to foster Aaron's quest for a 2nd 'chip, while his supporting casts, including himself, failed to execute under duress with the numerous chances they had.

Jets have assembled the foundation that Aaron has been seeking all along...he jumps ship...if they win it (vindictive) Aaron doesn't have to say a word, just hold the trophy and smile for the cameras for the world to witness "I told you so." Part of me wants to make a case for defending the Packers given the ramifications of an elite QB's strain on the cap, but I can't given the poor choices made with tunnel vision signings, drafting, etc, and the org's passive aggressive comms. What was once the league's envy for a non-owner NFL franchise has pervasively identified itself as an annual clown show.

5 points
greengold's picture

March 28, 2023 at 10:40 am

This is perfectly stated as well, Dragon5.

Clown #1 is Mark Murphy, for whatever he was doing in driving our car into the ditch and hitting all the trees with that contract extension, rather than shipping AR off.

He should be sent PACKING by our BoD.

3 points
MainePackFan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 12:44 pm

Good post Dragon. Murphy and Gute have done themselves no favors. They could have stayed above the fray but they chose not to.

3 points
Spawny's picture

March 28, 2023 at 10:35 am

I swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth so help me Jack Nicholsen. "You can't handle the truth." So here is the truth according to Spawny.... Gutekunst stole Rodgers golf cart. He is holding it ransom for multiple picks.

2 points
Spawny's picture

March 28, 2023 at 10:43 am

Further truth according to Spawny.....
Rodgers spent a couple million on the Bucks to lure the owner's daughter. Murphy was sitting across the court from the couple. Murphy was licking his eyebrows. Rodgers got upset. Hey shit happens when a hot young woman is around.

-6 points
Spawny's picture

March 28, 2023 at 10:49 am

Final truth according to Spawny...

When Laflunk went to California bearing gifts he brought a bottle of mad dog 2020 with. Rodgers became incensed and told him "I drink Ripple you moron."
LaFlunk got even. "Fourth and goal. Screw Rodgers kick the field goal. Zadarius will stop them and make me look good."

-5 points
Spawny's picture

March 28, 2023 at 11:02 am

According to Spawny Packers post mortum....
"Murphy said what?"
"Gutey said what?"
"LaFlunk said what?"
"I'm gonna kill someone!"

Rodgers lifts the axe over his head and drops it on himself.

-7 points
Spawny's picture

March 28, 2023 at 11:06 am

I apologize for my recent tirades. The truth is that my dog Muttenchops made me write those comments.

I am demanding a minimum of 100 downvotes for this comment. Muttenchops only speaks about the SF Giants. Thank god baseball season is coming.

-7 points
Since'61's picture

March 28, 2023 at 11:31 am

Just read this on Apple News:

According to Yahoo, the framework of the deal currently looks like this: (No source was mentioned for this article so I'm considering this just another rumor at this point).

Jets get: Aaron Rodgers.
Packers get: 2023 second-round pick, conditional 2024 second-round pick -- the 2024 pick could become a first-rounder if the Jets hit "achievable team-performance escalators" during the 2023 season.
The sticking point right now is that the Jets want a safety valve added to the trade that would protect them if Rodgers only plays one season in New York. According to Yahoo, the Jets want the Packers to send them a 2025 draft pick in case Rodgers decides to retire after the 2023 season -- the Jets don't want to give up two picks for one season of Rodgers.

The reason the Jets are concerned about Rodgers potentially retiring is because he said on March 15 that he had been leaning toward retirement before going on his darkness retreat.

The Packers do not want to do this. They want a deal that does it include any predictions in the future.

For me the question is which 2025 pick? If I'm the Packers I would agree to the deal but specify that the 25 pick come from round 5 or later. I would take the Jets 2nd round pick and then trade down out of #15 for a later first round pick and another round 2 pick. That would give the Packers 4 picks from the first 64 players in the draft. The Packers need picks and it is looking like they are not going to get the Jets 1st round pick. Time to get this done and move on. If the Packers don't do this in time for the draft I don't know what they get for Rodgers after the draft. At least as far as dealing with the Jets is concerned.
Thanks, Since '61

3 points
RCPackerFan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 11:45 am

I saw that yesterday. i can't remember off the top of my head who said it but it was on twitter.

If that is the trade, I guess i'm ok with it. But I really want 2 picks this year in the draft. Give me both 2nd round picks this year.

3 points
BirdDogUni's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:55 pm

If that is in fact what transpires, Murphy and Gutey should be fired by the board the day after the draft, IMO.

2 points
jannes bjornson's picture

March 28, 2023 at 10:55 pm

Yes, the value is in round two. If they want to discount the future, then the 2024 pick should be the Jets' number one w/out conditional status.

2 points
stockholder's picture

March 28, 2023 at 11:49 am

And with Rodgers the QB.
The draft pick goes from 13 to 26.

1 points
Coldworld's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:00 pm

So not winning it all there either then?

1 points
BirdDogUni's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:05 pm

Their season ends with AR12 throwing to Lazard into double coverage with Wilson wide open... ; P

2 points
greengold's picture

March 28, 2023 at 12:09 pm

Hey Since, the Jets problem is Bakhtiari. He's going to be traded on June 2nd to the Jets in a commensurate deal. That will likely involve a 2024 pick.

I believe that NYJ OL is immensely substandard, and, what have they added there? Nothing. Yet. This tells me the Packers will be their source for time tested, scheme specific OL to protect their biggest investment, Aaron Rodgers.

Jets OGs in 2022 allowed the QB to be hit more often than 3 out of every 4 OGs in the NFL towards the end of their season. Their C, Connor McGovern's pressure rate was 4th highest among NFL Centers, and his sack-plus-hit rate was 5th highest in the NFL.

Both OTs George Fant's numbers were far below average in both categories as well. Duane Brown's numbers were solid.

In run blocking, their OL allowed their RBs to be hit at .72 yards before contact per attempt.

Jet's TEs Tyler Conklin and CJ Uzomah's blocking has been no help in either category.

Both OT Max Mitchell (2022 R4 - non-football injury - severe blood clots) and OT FA signing Cedric Ogbuehi (R1 2015) look like complete busts.

Out of 18 Offensive Linemen under contract with the Jets in 2022, 13 of those contracts were set to expire at season's end.

RT Mekhi Becton's return from his knee injury (avulsion fracture: fractured kneecap) is still a question mark.


Now, who in their right mind think's Aaron Rodgers would be perfectly fine walking into the huddle with that OL?

Of course AR's done all he could to bring a couple of his boys along for the ride. That costs draft capital.

My only question is how many players are involved from the Packers? I've been thinking it's going to be 3 all along. Is it possible we trade the Jets more? AR, DB, JR and... who?

It's going to be done, if it isn't already, and it will be the biggest blockbuster trade since Hershel Walker's trade to MIN.

1 points
TKWorldWide's picture

March 28, 2023 at 01:27 pm

If the Jets’ OG’s were REALLY OG’s, they’d have much better numbers, yo.

3 points
greengold's picture

March 28, 2023 at 01:32 pm

Godfreakingdammit! STOP!!!


I owe you a beer. That's the funniest thing I've seen on all of CHTV. EVER.

2 points
BirdDogUni's picture

March 28, 2023 at 11:34 pm

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, I beg to differ...

Stockholder's comments are often much more funny. (And sad all at the same time.)

1 points
Samson's picture

March 28, 2023 at 04:03 pm

I'm not sure Bakh is going anywhere....regardless.... the Jets even with both Bakh & AR will struggle to even be a playoff team in season 2023...Although every season is different, the Chiefs, Bills, Dolphins, Bengals & possibly even the Jags, Chargers & Steelers may have better teams. --- One thing is almost a given...the only way the Jets make the playoffs is as a wildcard.---IMHO---they won't win their division over the Bills or the Dolphins.

Woody J., AR & all Jets fans will be crying in their beer come next February.

3 points
BirdDogUni's picture

March 28, 2023 at 11:35 pm

Why we should have no conditional pick in the trade at all!

0 points
Since'61's picture

March 28, 2023 at 04:04 pm

gg I think/hope that it is done as well. I'm thinking that Goodell and the League want to squeeze out as much PR exposure out of this as possible with a big announcement during the draft in April. It's really their only national show until TCs and the pre-season so they will want to maintain the suspense until the national TV audience for the draft. The league needs to turn everything into a 3 ring circus and I doubt that this will be any different.

As for Bak I'm fine if the Packers send him along with Rodgers for the right price. A 2nd rounder would work for me. I really just want it done. It's been enough of a circus already.

I'm just looking forward to see which picks and players the Packers get back in return. Thanks, Since '61

1 points
greengold's picture

March 28, 2023 at 04:14 pm

Totally agree with you, Since'61. Totally.

I'm so confident that I threw this together for you, complete with those 3 beautiful picks the Jets say they will not give to us:

13 WR Quentin Johnston
15 RB Bijan Robinson
42 DT Calijah Kancey
43 S Ronnie Hickman
45 EDGE Felix Anudike-Uzomah
78 TE Luke Schoonmaker
116 OT Warren McClendon Jr.
149 DT Moro Ojomo
170 OT John Ojukwu
232 TE Mason Fairchild
235 EDGE Antonio Moultrie
242 QB Aidan O’Connell
256 DT Desjuan Johnson

That's not from a simulator. Just a studied, reasoned offering.

This bears 2 blue chip skill players, a dynamite Safety, two surprising talents at TE, two very solid OTs along with a nice versatile 5-Tech finish.

Bakhtiari began his career in GB as a rookie starting LT from R4. Let's do it again.

This will provide some stellar depth on our DL, which is currently quite lacking. It will also reduce any kind of need to rush Rashan Gary back into action, allowing proper recovery time without pressing him into action creating more problems.

Aidan O'Connell should fit nicely as a backup to Jordan Love.

I'm not buying the BS smokescreen. None of it appears to add up. How can the Jets cap handle the high picks they claim they won't give to GB while adding Rodgers and his buddies? Plus re-signing Quinnen Williams?

CA$H Money says it's done.

0 points
Since'61's picture

March 28, 2023 at 05:40 pm

Thank you gg. Looks like a great job. I appreciate the time that you have taken to put this together. I hope you're correct about the picks that the Packers will receive because they can use them.

I agree that I can't see the Jets re-signing Q. Williams. I don't know enough about their cap to know if they can sign their draft picks but I think they can work that out. Beyond that it's all anyone's guess.

I'm taking it one day at a time at this point and I'm not expecting to hear anything official about this deal until the NFL draft. I Maybe it happens sooner and that's fine with me. In the meantime I will be looking into the player's names you provided and try to learn about them to see how they will fit with the Packers. Can't wait for the CHTY guide to help me with that project. Stay well. Thanks, Since 61

1 points
greengold's picture

March 28, 2023 at 05:56 pm

Eh. I’m embarking on a brightness retreat for about a month.

That was pure fun for me, and I’d take that one in a heartbeat.

0 points
Leatherhead's picture

March 28, 2023 at 06:11 pm

I love your draft stuff, but I'm going to have to rain on the parade. As I've said elsewhere, unless the deal gets done by the draft, we won't get any compensation, but from a financial perspective it's better if we do it post June 1, which would mean we'll get no bonus picks this year.

ON The Bright Side.....

A year from now, we're going to have some real draft capital, not only from this trade, but from the comp picks we're going to get. In fact, we might actually have enough that we could trade up to get The One.

But for this year, I'm not doing any more simulations involving us getting anything for Rodgers.

-1 points
greengold's picture

March 28, 2023 at 06:31 pm

You think I’m giving up a six-pack of Pabst?

No way!!! LOL.

The extension Bakhtiari signed is immensely trade friendly, not “stay in GB for 3 more years,” friendly.

Runyan’s deal is up after this year. Attractive starting Guard AR trusts, but not irreplaceable. Hardly.

The Packers set themselves up to take that cap hit now, and barely squeak through the cap threshold, saving literally their last contract extensions/restructures to handle these added picks 13, 42, 43…

“Comp picks.”

1 points
Lphill's picture

March 28, 2023 at 11:35 am

there are two sides to every story then there's the truth.

4 points
stockholder's picture

March 28, 2023 at 11:52 am

Gute is the pathological liar!

-2 points
TKWorldWide's picture

March 28, 2023 at 01:28 pm

When a liar tells you he’s lying, do you believe him?

3 points
Jordan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 02:27 pm

Yeah but I was immunized.

-1 points
Oppy's picture

March 28, 2023 at 10:31 pm

You must be a real easy target for swindlers.

0 points
PackAttack4155's picture

March 28, 2023 at 11:41 am

We'll never know for certain exactly what the timeline was for the "he said, he said," drama, and it doesn't really matter. I trust that towards the end of April, there will be a draft, and in early September, the season starts. Just along for the ride.

2 points
stockholder's picture

March 28, 2023 at 12:29 pm

Can the press get the phones of both?
After all they got #4s.

0 points
Jordan's picture

March 28, 2023 at 02:32 pm

It’s official now. You’ve gone off the deep end.

-3 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

March 28, 2023 at 12:33 pm

For lovers of day time dramas - the Rodgers passive aggressive, petulant child character has been Oscar worthy. While contributing to his performance - has been the bungling and meddlesome Mark Murphy. I believe that Gutekunst has always been a reluctant actor in this tragic comedy. I shudder when I think what it has been like for Gutekunst to have worked in between and around these 2 donkeys - especially the last 3 years. He must hit the beer fridge as soon as he gets home - afterwards sitting in the dark and wonder about his career choices. Also Gutekunst now ghosting A.R. - a little taste of Rodgers own medicine? Nice.

4 points
greengold's picture

March 28, 2023 at 01:28 pm

OMG!!! No shit, Alberta!!!! Well put.

Gutekunst = a reluctant actor... that was truly brilliant. Chills.

And then you take it over the top with Gutekunst having to work "in between and around these 2 donkeys."


I give this 5 stars!!!!!!!!!!

3 points
BirdDogUni's picture

March 28, 2023 at 08:43 pm

The only problem I see with this reluctant actor scenario is it doesn't explain Gutey's drafting.

2018 - If Gutey wanted to get Rodgers a real weapon, he could've had Christian Kirk or James Washington instead of Josh Jackson.

Instead, he drafts J'Mon Moore (total Bust 4th rounder), JK SCOTT, P 5th round, MVS 5th round (turned out alright ; ) Equanimeous St. Brown 6th round (never amounted to much at all)

2019 - Instead of Darnell Savage we could've had Marquise Brown, N'Keal Harry, Deebo Samuel, A. J. Brown, Mecole Hardman...

Instead of Jace %'in Sternberger we could've had my favorite player in that draft, Terry McLaurin...

I was going to go on and on, but not worth it. Suffice it to say, Gutey could've given Rodgers weapons any time he wanted, he just decided not to, or prioritized defense, or just made bad choices... (J'Mon Moore - Jace %'in Sternberger!) SMH

1 points
jannes bjornson's picture

March 28, 2023 at 11:15 pm

His performance did not deserve a Contract extension. Rodgers carried these guys. LaFleur admitted as much this afternoon @ the desert retreat.

3 points
BirdDogUni's picture

March 28, 2023 at 11:47 pm

True. And AR12 couldn't carry us when we needed him to many times.

Glad it's almost over and we can get on with the draft, OTAs, discussing how bad Gutey %'ed up the draft, how we're going 4 - 13 next season, and when we'll extend Jordan Love. (Lol) JK.

I'm excited for Love to get his shot and I will be extremely interested in how AR12 does with Hackett and Jest...

0 points
Charvid's picture

March 28, 2023 at 02:21 pm

Let’s use this working definition of honesty…

“The total absence of the intent to deceive “

By that definition, I’m pretty sure neither party is being very honest.

2 points
StarrtoRodgers's picture

March 28, 2023 at 03:11 pm

"Who do you trust?"

Those with a proven history of winning.

Just based on hard facts, I would think we are going to experience a lot of losing.

I am a die hard Packer fan since the days of Starr and I will be following and watching and cheering every game as I have for nearly 60 years and I have seen a lot, including 21 of 23 years without the Packers in the playoffs from 1968 through 1991, so I have a lot of experience to draw from.

The last 4 seasons the Packers were 13-3, 13-3, and 13-4 and 3-1 when Aaron injured his thumb.

Just a year ago the Packers were coming off of 2 seasons where Aaron not only won 2 MVPs but led the entire NFL in Passer Rating, which as you know measures 4 variables - 1) Touchdown passes per pass attempt, 2) completion percentage, 3) yards per pass attempt and 4) interception percentage. Aaron's passer rating after 4 games last year was 97.5% which would have placed him 8th out of 32 starting QBS at the end of the season. And if you take out just 1 drop - for instance the 75 yard dropped touchdown pass against Minnesota on opening day and record it as a touchdown pass - his passer rating through those 4 games would have been 102.99 - that would have placed Aaron in a tie for 4th with Garoppolo - 4th out of 32 starting QBs - trailing only Brock Purdy (107.3), Tua (105.5) and Mahomes (105.2) at the end of the season. Aaron last year had to deal with 41 drops vs. only 15 drops in 2021. And if you look at Davante Adams catch percenage last year with Derek Carr - it was 55.6% vs. 72.8% with Aaron in 2021 and 77.2% in 2020. This shows how management can kill a team by ripping away its future NFL Hall of Fame Receiver and ripping away the Packers all time greatest quarterback.

The Packers have lost very little from the 2021-22 season - other than receivers, which was simply a consequence of the way Packer management tried to play hard ball with Davante Adams, not because of money or salary cap, as Davante's offer from the Raiders was less than the Packers offer.

The Packers keep Rodgers as the starter and they would likely be in the playoffs each year 2023-24, 2024-2025, 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 until the end of Aaron's 4 year contract at which point he would retire with no cap hit to the Packers.

As good as the current 2023-24 Packer team is, with Jordan Love as Packer starting quarterback - just based on observations to date and facts with regard to Jordan - it is hard to see the Packers making the playoffs more than once over those same 4 years.

Jordan (NFL draft pick #26, 2020) in 2019-2020 his last year in college football at Utah State, led all of college football in interceptions with 17. Led all of college football in interceptions!!! - not only the FBS where you find Georgia, Alabama, LSU, Clemson, Ohio State, Oklahoma, etc. but also the smaller school FCS where you find Trey Lance and our Christian Watson.

You do not find any of the top quarterbacks drafted in the NFL on this list of interception leaders.
You find find the top quarterbacks drafted in the NFL normally among the leaders in touchdown passes.

And in Jordan's (pick #26, 2020) last year, 2019-2020, the leader in touchdown passes for all of college football was Joe Burrow (pick #1, 2020) who threw 60 touchdown passes and Justin Fields (pick #11, 2021) who threw 41 touchdown passes and Sam Howell (pick #144, 2022) who threw 38 touchdown passes and Trevor Lawrence (pick #1, 2021) who threw 36 touchdown passes and Tua Tagovailoa (pick #5, 2020) who threw 33 touchdown passes and Jalen Hurts (pick #53, 2020) who threw 32 touchdown passes and Justin Herbert (pick #6, 2020) who threw 32 touchdown passes and Sam Ehlinger (pick 218, 2021) who threw 32 touchdown passes and Trey Lance (pick #3, 2021) who threw 28 touchdown passes.

Jordan threw just 20 touchdown passes vs. Jordan's all of college football leading 17 interceptions. By comparison, Trey Lance threw ZERO interceptions while throwing those 28 touchdown passes.
So I do have a fear from watching Jordan in the exhibition games and the Chief games - where the Chiefs knew a week in advance Jordan was starting and prepared - and past history - and the Lions and Eagles games too that ball protection is going to be a problem. We just were treated to the all time greatest when it comes to ball protection in Aaron. We were spoiled.

Jordan played just 2 full years a starter at Utah State - Jordan's year leading all of College football in interceptions was his last year in college football before the Packers drafted him. Drafted him before Jalen Hurts.

Jordan's college career career at Utah State- include:

a blow out 42 to 6 loss to Joe Burrow and LSU when Jordan threw 3 picks and Joe Burrow 5 TDs,

a loss to Josh Allen and Wyoming when Jordan threw 3 picks,

a loss to 22nd ranked Boise State and Brett Rypien (Super Bowl QB Mark Rypien's nephew) when Jordan was outplayed,

a loss to 11th ranked Michigan State when Jordan threw 2 picks and was out played by future Giants and Patriots undrafted Brian Lewerke

and Jodan's last game in the Frisco Bowl with the pick and loss to Kent State and Dustin Crum - undrafted QB signed by the Chiefs and now in the CFL.

Jordan looks better than his first exhibition games - all of which a group of Packer fans and I watch together - and we all agree that Jordan certainly is better than the disaster of Brett Hundley, 5th round 2015 Packer draft choice, that kept us out of the playoffs when Aaron went down in 2017.

But there is no reason to replace Aaron Rodgers with Jordan Love at this point, never mind trading Rodgers.

If you have a subscription to NFL Plus, watch the Chiefs (2021), Lions (2021) and Eagles (2022) using All 22/Coaches Film and you will see just what I and all my fellow Packer fans that watch with me see.

I think the 2023-2024 team is as good or better than the 13-4 2021-22 team - with the exception of Management's terrible mistake with Davante and now any loss of Aaron Rodgers. Losing Lazard was another mistake, but this Packer 2023-24 team with a good use of the 15th and 45th pick should go 13-4 again with Rodgers.

I think with Love 9-8 is possible, but as I wrote earlier I doubt we will be in the playoffs more than 1 in the next 4 years,

Whereas Rodgers in 2008 was 6th out of 32 starters in passer rating and threw 28 touchdowns and 13 interceptions and for over 4,000 yards in 16 games we shall see what Jordan does in 17 games. Should be much easier for Jordan as QBs are more protected than they were in 2008.

-5 points
Samson's picture

March 28, 2023 at 03:50 pm

We get like AR... His days in GB are over.... Time for all you die-hard AR people to transition to a new era...All you've done in your post is cherry pick to support your prognosis of the Pack...You're trying to predict the future with very little supportive evidence.... Simply put...GB hasn't been in a SB for over a decade....Time for a change.

2 points
Leatherhead's picture

March 28, 2023 at 04:11 pm

In his last two, must-win games, he's played poorly, going 37 for 56 and 430 yards , 1 TD, 1 Int. Passer rating of 87.65. 13 ppg average. And they were both at home. He didn't too much better in the two conference championship games.

I suppose we could give him a third, fourth, or fifth chance, but I'm not really seeing the point in doing that, especially when we've got a guy who might be better than the 2022 version of Aaron Rodgers.

2 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

March 28, 2023 at 04:29 pm

Your precis reminds me of the saying - “it's not personal–it's strictly business” - as the only reason necessary to have moved-on from Rodgers 1-2 years ago.

0 points
greengold's picture

March 28, 2023 at 05:40 pm

“It’s not you. It’s me…”


0 points
jont's picture

March 28, 2023 at 03:52 pm

Not to be too literal, but they're likely both telling the truth. Rodgers said that he wanted to talk "in the beginning of the offseason", and Gute said he "was looking forward to conversations with Aaron (during the decision making process)."

Why didn't Gute sit down in January? Why didn't Rodgers return a call last month? Neither is saying, and I haven't a clue. Many here have assigned blame, but that's not my thing.

I am far more interested in how the FO will prioritize the several weak spots in the roster and in how Love will do after he gets a few full, meaningful games in. FWIW, I expect a pretty competitive NFC North with the Pack fighting for a wild card spot in week 18.

1 points
Matt's picture

March 28, 2023 at 05:46 pm

With all the respect to Rodgers as a player, Gutekunst has the following arguments behind him:
1. The highest contract in history of the NFL,
2. Bringing Cobb back - this is fact which might be supported by other personal decisions we don't know. But leave Cobb alone as proven.
3. Accepting Rodgers' behaviour last 2 postseasons. Do not tell me that offseason is long so he didn't have to make clear decisions right away. Especially as reigning MVP. This is bs. If you are a leader, if you are considered by millions of people (and yourself) the best ever, the Legend, if you say that nobody bleed Green and Gold as you, you make the path for others. It's ok if you can't make your decision right away because of frustration, take few weeks off and make up your mind. The longer you wait the harder the job is for management, coaching staff and your teammates, so don't let it be months of waiting.
4. The whole realtion repairments took place. Rodgers was unsatisfied of how Packers were managed so Gutekunst (and probably not only) had multiple talks with him. It was at least giving him a hand, showing intentions and it could be much more but we'll never find out.

Rodgers' arguments I buy:
1. Drafting Love. OK, I understand it partially. It's sport, some even say it's business so why are you upset about the team making its decisions? Another day in the office, there is no single player more important than the team. Still, I can hear Rodgers here. There are players who react like this, there are some who wouldn't care much.

I will never buy the story about not contacting him, no transparence. Simple logic. It was Gutekunst saying Rodgers is a Packer for years to come and sitting in his office. He doesn't have to look for Rodgers in forests of Oregon. It's been 3 years since Rodgers is trying to expand his offseason as long as possible by leaving GB as first and coming back last minute. Everyone would lose his patience if it happens 3rd year in a row after getting the record contract and being publicly called as a QB1 for years to come. People want to make plans for personnel, draft, salary cap moves and schemes. People work in the office when Rodgers is having his trips. This year he entered the hole with a thought of retiring and went out feeling like a Jet which is pointless for me. You bleed Green and Gold, want to retire so retire don't move to NY.

1 points
Chrsa's picture

March 28, 2023 at 07:02 pm

Rodgers doesn’t want to retire this year. If he does retire this year he will have the HOF stage with Brady.

-1 points
StarrtoRodgers's picture

March 28, 2023 at 06:13 pm

"Bottom Line", "hasn't been in a superbowl for a decade", "lost last 2 must win games" - 5 drops in the Lions game alone in addition to playing with a broken thumb since week 5.

Spoiled and such lack of appreciation and so unrealistic - failure to grasp reality of the NFL and life.

Must be youth?

Have not lived life long enough and been a Packer fan long enough.

NFC Teams - Seasons in the playoffs since Aaron Rodgers became Packer QB in 2008:

1) Green Bay 11 (1 QB Rodgers 11)

2) Seattle 10 (2 different QBs - Hasselbeck 1 and Wilson 9)

3) Eagles 9 (several different QBs - McNabb 2, Vick 1, Foles 3, Josh McCown/Wentz 1, Hurts 2)

4) Saints 8 (1 QB Brees 8)

5) Vikings 7 (several different QBs - Tavaris Jackson 1, Favre 1, Joe Webb 1, Bridgewater 1, Keenum 1, Cousins 2)

6) 49ers 6 (several different QBs - Alex Smith 1, Colin Kaepernick 2, Garoppolo 2, Purdy 1)

7) Cowboys 6 (2 different QBs - Romo 2, Prescott 4)

8) Falcons 6 (1 QB Ryan 6)

9) Panthers 5 (2 different QBs - Delhomme 1, Newton 4)

10) Cardinals 5 (several different QBs - Warner 2, Stanton/Palmer/Lindley 1, Palmer 1, Murray 1)

11) Giants 4 (2 different QBs - Manning 3, Jones 1)

12) Rams 4 (2 different QBs - Goff 3, Stafford 1)

13) Commanders 3 (3 different QBs - Robert Griffin, Cousins, and Alex Smith)

14) Buccaneers 3 (1 QB Brady 3)

15) Lions 3 (1 QB Stafford 3)

16) Bears 3 (2 QBs Cutler 1, Trubisky 2)

I have posted above the number of years that NFC teams have reached the playoffs during Aaron Rodgers 15 years as Packer starting QB.

As you can see, no NFC team has had more seasons in which they were in the playoffs than the Packers with Rodgers over those 15 years.

The chief difference between the 15 other teams and the Packers is that Aaron Rodgers was the starting QB for the Packers and NOT for the other 15 NFC teams.

During those 15 years with Rodgers as Packer starting QB no NFC team has won more Superbowls than the Packers.

I presume that those Packer fans complaining about Aaron Rodgers - even though they have been treated to the playoffs more than any other NFC team's fans - because the Packers have won "only" 1 Superbowl are probably about 40 years old or younger because such lack of appreciation and failure to grasp reality would certainly not exist for those older, especially those born in the 1950s that received a glimpse of Starr's and the Packers greatness and then loyally lived and died with the Packers from 1968 through 1991, when the Packer fans only saw the playoffs 2 years - 1972 and strike shortened 1982.

We shall see how many of those RELATIVELY new Packer fans that COMPLAIN that the Packers with Rodgers as QB, have ONLY won 1 Super Bowl, despite being in the playoffs more than any other NFC team, in more NFC playoff games than any other team, and in more NFC championship games than any other NFC QB, are still around watching each Packer game to the bitter end each week after the Packers miss the playoff 3 years in a row, never mind 10 years in a row and 21 of 23.

I bet 95% of those complaining about Aaron Rodgers will be gone long before the Packers experience 3 missed playoff seasons in a row.

-1 points
Leatherhead's picture

March 29, 2023 at 12:06 pm

""""The chief difference between the 15 other teams and the Packers is that Aaron Rodgers was the starting QB for the Packers and NOT for the other 15 NFC teams.""""

'Alexa, what does a complete miss look like?

Let me fix this for you. "The chief difference between the 15 other teams and the Packers is the organization that consistently puts a good product on the field"

If you think that Rodgers would have had the career he's had if he'd been drafted by the Bears, or the Lions......we're going to have to disagree. In fact, your own data suggest that seven different NFC QBs make the playoffs every year, and at least 3 win a game. I think you should acknowledge that it's possible to make the playoffs, and win games, without Aaron Rodgers, because it's the truth.

1 points
Blockdoc's picture

March 28, 2023 at 06:18 pm

Just took a look at Rodgers career stats. I made a composite of his yearly stats. I took out the 3 years he sat, and the two years that were shortened by injury. This is his average season;

Season Pct Yds Int TD Rating
Avg 65.38 4193 7 33.9 104.25

These are the top 3 passing seasons from the Bears QB

Season Pct Yds Int TD Rating
1995 60.3 3838 10 29 93.5 Erik Kramer
2014 66 3812 18 28 88.6 Jay Cutler
2009 60.5 3666 26 27 76.8 Jay Cutler

We are going to miss Rodgers. 15 years of bringing us Joy on the field. Every single year was better than the top seasons in Bears history.

1 points
jont's picture

March 29, 2023 at 08:17 am

It's always good to see these stats, blockdoc.

Rodgers AVERAGE year is way, way better then the best of so many other QBs.

Lots of ragging on Rodgers around here this past year, and I'm not going use the word spoiled either but rather let's just say he's established a certain context which has set expectations at an usually high level.

It's good to get a reminder of this.

0 points
Leatherhead's picture

March 29, 2023 at 12:15 pm

Yes, but we're not replacing the HOFer, or the MVP, or the average year in his career. We are replacing the QB, who over his last 18 starts, has played poorly at times, gone 8-10, and lost both must-win games that ended the seasons. We're replacing the guy who's about to be 40. We're replacing the guy who is coming off his worst season as a starter.

Look, I was excited when an ESPN talking head thought Rodgers might fall all the way to the Packers if the 49ers didn't take him. I was ecstatic that we took him. I think he's a great QB. But that's not the guy we're replacing.

I think there's a very good chance that the Packer offense will score more points this year than it did last year. I'd bet a Pabst on it.

0 points
Leatherhead's picture

March 29, 2023 at 12:19 pm

Blockdoc, are you saying that Rodgers in 2022 was slightly better than the 2014 version of Jay Cutler, but not quite as good as the 1995 version of Erik Kramer?

Because it kind of looks that way to me.

-1 points
Chrsa's picture

March 29, 2023 at 12:25 pm

'85 Bears?

0 points
Spawny's picture

March 30, 2023 at 07:23 am

Muttenchops the slueth.

Dear Packers Fans, Yesterday my dog and I were having lunch at the Biltmore Resort. Imagine our surprise when B. Gutekunst sat down at the adjoining table. All of a sudden Muttenchops leaps up and starts humping Gutey's leg. I grab my dog and scold him. Muttenchops shows remorse but also smiles. Later in the hotel room Muttenchops jumps up and hands me Gutey's phone. So naturally being curious we check all the numbers on Gutey's phone. We did not find a single call to Aaron Rodgers, but we did find hundreds of calls to the following businesses.
#1 Jiggly Wiggly Young European Teens. 702 calls
#2 Wicked Uncle Earnies Fiddling About. 397 calls
#3 Bangkok Darkness Retreat. 1205 calls.

There you have it. The truth according to Muttenchops.

0 points