Cory's Corner: The Packers Need To Draft...

The NFL draft is finally here. After squawking about college prospects since February in Indy, we are finally ready to see who the Packers are going to take as we enter the next chapter of Green Bay success. 

We all know the most important aspect of this scouting department continues to be versatility. Finding guys that play several positions well is something that this team really hangs their hat on. “We’re looking for well-rounded guys who can fit in any scheme and play multiple positions,” said Packers general manager Brian Gutekunst.

The Packers have five picks in the top 100, which means that Gutekunst can sit back and watch it all unfold right in front of him. He’s going to smile awfully wide if six quarterbacks are gone by the time the Packers are on the board at 25. “I think we’re in a pretty good space to move or just sit and pick,” Gutekunst said. 

If the Packers are going to move up in the first round, it’s Graham Barton. He has played left tackle and is projected to move to center — which doesn’t add up if Zach Tom is going to try on a gold jacket if he plays center. Cooper DeJean is the guy that Green Bay needs to take if the Packers stand pat at 25. He can just about anywhere in the defensive backfield and he also returned punts. “He can do both,” said Gutekunst. “He’s very versatile that way.”

After that, Cooper Beebe might be the most sought after offensive lineman that doesn’t go in the first round. The Kansas State standout started at both tackle positions and many think he’s going to be a guard as a pro. He could be a solid tackle at the next level and would be a perfect fill-in for Tom when he slides over to center. 

After that, the Packers must address the void of Aaron Jones. The 5-foot-9, 220-pound USC running back MarShawn Lloyd is perfect. He can run between the tackles, catch the ball in space and he does it all with lightning 4.46 speed. 

Finally, the fourth pick the Packers need to make is Clemson’s Jeremiah Trotter Jr. He had 29.5 tackles for loss and 13 sacks in the last two seasons. His high-energy play actually reminds me of Ray Lewis. And anytime you have a chance to draft someone that reminds people of Lewis, you have to draft him immediately.






Cory Jennerjohn is a graduate from UW-Oshkosh and has been in sports media for over 15 years. He was a co-host on "Clubhouse Live" and has also done various radio and TV work as well. He has written for newspapers, magazines and websites. He currently is a columnist for CHTV and also does various podcasts. He recently earned his Masters degree from the University of Iowa. He can be found on Twitter: @Coryjennerjohn


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3 points

Comments (121)

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KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

April 23, 2024 at 06:30 am

Yes, the draft is a favorite time of the year. Gutey will hopefully kill it once again! Wouldn't it be nice to bring a Lombardi trophy home with the 2025 draft in Green Bay?

3 points
Cheezehead72's picture

April 23, 2024 at 06:33 am

When I first started reading about Barton I liked him but then I found out that he is not very strong for an OL. I would not move up to get him unless the coaches know they can make him stronger. I can go along with DeJean at 25. I am interested in Beebe as a guard. He is strong and good size. He will be a good back up at tackle. Llyod could be good. I do not like Trotter. Trotter is too small.

4 points
TKWorldWide's picture

April 23, 2024 at 07:43 am

Of the many attributes a player has, (or lacks) I think strength is one of the most realistic ones that can be improved, but it takes a little time.
In the last few years I’ve come to think that tackling skill might be a difficult one to improve on at the NFL level, for two reasons. First, very little live practice. Second, I gotta assume (and I accept the risk therein) that almost every single ballcarrier up in the big league is stronger, faster, and quicker than the vast majority of college ballcarriers. Side note: if GB picks a guy who’s been “inconsistent” at tackling, I’ll be right there next to all of you hoping they can “coach him up”!

2 points
dobber's picture

April 23, 2024 at 07:56 am

Upper body strength matters, but so does anchor and drive in the lower body. Probably every bit as much. My limited reading on Barton implies this is one of his strengths.

Anchor is one of my strengths...Anchor Steam, Anchor Porter...

5 points
Coldworld's picture

April 23, 2024 at 09:09 am

This is the season for draft crushes and loathings. Much of which prove to be built on thin air. This draft even more so because we’ve no idea what they think of the OL depth and no more idea about what Hafley wants ideally on D and what he thinks of most of the pieces we have.

I can see about 10 to 15 players many would be happy with at 25 that are likely to be there, never mind the might be there types. I might not like them as much as some or think they fit us as well as others, but they are still good players or high upside prospects.

Let’s just get on with it. See how it falls and expect the indignation caterwauling that some deeply annually. I just hope we get good ones. If my preferences are included, that’s nice, if not it’s called why and what does that tell us?

If I’m still waiting for a pick on Friday, I’m not likely shocked, and perhaps quite happy. Hopefully this time next week I at least understand who we took and have a better insight as to what Hafley’s D will be and what we thought of our holdovers.

1 points
Bitternotsour's picture

April 23, 2024 at 09:21 am

once the picks are made, perhaps, the strategy will emerge. i tend to think it isn't very complicated, the packers take players with a view toward long-term development. seldom is it plug and play. there haven't been all that many BJ Raji's or Clay Matthews types.

people seem to crave that "one piece". i'd argue that those people are doing it wrong.

2 points
TKWorldWide's picture

April 23, 2024 at 09:10 am

As do swimsuit and talent!

4 points
LLCHESTY's picture

April 23, 2024 at 09:33 am

I love Anchor Steam, unfortunately you can no longer get it in the Midwest. They contracted their shipping radius for some reason. Visited the brewery a few years back.

1 points
Bitternotsour's picture

April 23, 2024 at 04:31 pm

They went out of business

0 points
jannes bjornson's picture

April 23, 2024 at 11:52 am

Beebe at #25 is not a far reach. He will not make it to #41. Jarrett Kingston from USC may not get past the third Rd with his 32 reps at 225lbs and power punch. Limmer is the center with power and movement skills. The long OTs with power are Sua and Patrick Paul from Houston . Zach Frazier may be the best center and probably goes Rd two. If he wastes a #25 on Barton, think Spriggs, or John Michaels.

2 points
stockholder's picture

April 23, 2024 at 06:36 am

If the packers are going to move up-??
Forget Barton! He isn't a Left Tackle.
And why move Tom?
There are too many issues with any OL.

So if DeJean is the No Brainer.
Why not go after him??

If center is the problem-
Powers-Johnson must be taken.
Even Zak Frazier is a alternative.

And then there is your choice of LBs.
A move that is for the the undersized.?

And No way does a RB need to be taken
When you have holes elsewhere.

Being Foolish with draft capitol is a terrible

6 points
TKWorldWide's picture

April 23, 2024 at 07:59 am

I think some of the scenarios (including, but not limited to moving Tom) could very well be BG blowing smoke. (Or vape).
I’d really love to know if GB considers themselves “set” at tackle with 50 but especially with 63. Suffice to say, they’ve got options that we’ve already discussed on the O-line.

Around this time every year I try to remind myself to keep an open mind re: their picks. To be fair, even one year after the draft can be too soon to judge.

We also need to remember that a good number of these “hot prospects” (chosen by GB or any other team) will bust. I know it sounds stupid NOW, but when the NYJ selected Zach Wilson a couple years ago, he was held in high regard. (Naturally, WE all thought he’d stink, but that’s because we’re so much smarter than everyone else!😉)

Lastly, especially when it comes to need vs value, I use the Michael Jordan example, (I know its 🍎 🍊 🏀 , and 🏈) which is “You don’t pass on Michael Jordan because you don’t NEED a guard!”
As always, GPG!

4 points
LeotisHarris's picture

April 23, 2024 at 08:26 am

All solid points, and the image of Gute vaping is priceless.

4 points
TKWorldWide's picture

April 23, 2024 at 09:02 am


0 points
Untylu1968's picture

April 23, 2024 at 11:45 am

One thing that 63 has going for him, that every single draft pick doesn't, he's proven he can play left tackle in the NFL. Who's to say that he just doesn't keep improving? Pick a tackle for depth and a G/C to replace. My guess, we don't pick o-line until our third selection...

3 points
dobber's picture

April 23, 2024 at 08:01 am

"There are too many issues with any OL."

We've dissected pretty much every top-100 (based on draftniks) player ad the point that any of them will simultaneously be a let-down AND a missed opportunity at whatever point the Packers pick. We have some favorites and some "hell-no!" picks, but there are a lot of guys who represent real opportunities, and many for whom we've shit on but would be great values if they get taken a round later than the DIC espouses.

It's time for the draft to happen. We're all getting pretty punch-drunk over the retread storylines.

Have a beer, settle in, and get ready for NFL Christmas.

3 points
TKWorldWide's picture

April 23, 2024 at 09:03 am

After I retired, I volunteered to give tours at the local ad nauseum, but the patrons HATED it. So I re-retired.

1 points
dobber's picture

April 23, 2024 at 09:11 am

Retired at 30. Wow! ;)

1 points
TKWorldWide's picture

April 23, 2024 at 02:36 pm

Well, when you work as hard as I did, you wear out pretty fast!

1 points
stockholder's picture

April 23, 2024 at 10:33 am

I don't think anyone has over dissected.
The nauseam is wondering what Gute will do.
Of course that conflicts with are draft crushes.
So lets throw out BPA and value.
And concentration on what the packers Needs are.
Do you want a player that can win now ,but fade later.
Or a player that can be a building block?
I have my brick ready and a back-up Tv.

3 points
jannes bjornson's picture

April 23, 2024 at 12:21 pm

I am reviewing my Game Theory textbooks to winnow a trend for this guy. I don't believe GMs are as naive as some draftniks and, or Fans regarding some of these boat anchor linemen projected to rd one after two years of sustaining Injuries. If Kool-Aid is close he may move up for him, maybe DeJean? Hafley is yapping about press/man cover guys. I've been vetting these guys to control WRs and have the mass to stop a running back.
I believe Gutey has seen enough of the arm tacklers and whiffs from DBs in the Playoffs. Year Seven, boys and girls. We're not on a Ten Year Plan like Chairman Mao.

2 points
jannes bjornson's picture

April 23, 2024 at 12:52 pm

When do you propose for the Final Mocks Deadline??

0 points
TKWorldWide's picture

April 23, 2024 at 02:37 pm

I’m doing mine next Monday morning.

2 points
LLCHESTY's picture

April 23, 2024 at 09:36 am

Why would you want the Packers to draft a 79 year old basketball player? Frazier won two championships with the Knicks but that was in the '70s.

2 points
stockholder's picture

April 23, 2024 at 09:46 am

Zak not walt.

So if Frazier gets picked-

Will you do your best impersonation
of Howard Cosell -
Down goes Frazier ? Or
Howard Cosell Quotes
Sports is the toy department of human life. ...
The ultimate victory in competition is derived from the inner satisfaction of knowing that you have done your best and that you have gotten the most out of what you had to give. ...
What's right isn't always popular.

4 points
LLCHESTY's picture

April 23, 2024 at 03:09 pm

So you switched it and still couldn't spell his name right?🙄

Zach Frazier

1 points
stockholder's picture

April 23, 2024 at 04:30 pm

Just for you, my spelling bee champ.

0 points
mnbadger's picture

April 23, 2024 at 12:38 pm

Don't forget that Frazier also rocked the original Puma "Clydes" while playing with Reed, Barnett, Monroe, DeBusschre, Bill Bradley, Jerry Lucas and had Phil Jackson and Mike Reardon coming off the bench.
All coached by Red Holtzman.
My point is you have to look good first, then get a bunch of good players and coaches around you to win championships!

4 points
jannes bjornson's picture

April 23, 2024 at 12:46 pm

After watching the so-called, "two-man" offenses the past couple days of NBA Playoffs, you reminded us all of the Golden years of Team Play.

3 points
Duhawk_47's picture

April 24, 2024 at 05:26 pm

I'm starting to feel like we are on the same team, which is quite nice!

0 points
NickPerry's picture

April 23, 2024 at 06:44 am

The Packers have 11 picks, 5 in the first 3 rounds or 91 picks. Do the Packers even have 11 spots on the roster for that much new talent? Not just that, but you also have to remember the Packers ability to find those UDFA who end up making the roster each year too.

Everybody, myself included, looks at the first 5 picks. But as we all know the Packers ALWAYS seems to find those 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th round STEALS! From Wolf, to Ted, to Gute, they've all been able to find those gems.

I'll be watching closely, waiting for that word TRADE to flash across my screen and the Packers name attached to the trade. With that much trade ammunition my hope is Gute goes and GETS his guy. For me it's Dejean. Mims and Guyton scare the hell out of me. Mims may have a RAS score, but he also has only started 8 games it was IIRC.

Everybody always points to that 2017 Saints draft where they absolutely nailed the first 6 selections. It won't be much longer until people mention the 2023 draft haul by Gutey and the Packers in the same breath. Lets hope 2024 nets similar results!

7 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

April 23, 2024 at 07:07 am

Hey Nick,
Agree about the draft capital and those extra picks gives Gutey opportunity to move up a little here and there to get his guy. I would like an OL in round 1 but if there is a player they really like move up 3 or 4 spots and make sure you get him.

However, I am more inclined to think if Gutey does not stand pat at 25 he is more likely to drop back late round 1 and pick up an extra 3rd. If this happens he probably is drafting an OL as there is a lot of versatile talent at OL into early round 2. Then in 2nd round move back up into early 2nd round and use some of that extra draft capital to get a player they really want such as a LB, S, or CB.

1 points
dobber's picture

April 23, 2024 at 07:43 am

There's a transcript of a pre-draft interview with Gute on JSOnline today...nothing really all that new, but he says re: 11 picks...

"“With more at-bats, you have more chances for hits. There’s never enough. I don’t ever subscribe to the thought process, ‘Hey, we’ve got a pretty good team. These guys might not have a chance to make the team.’ I’ve talked a lot about competition in every room and how much that accelerates the growth of your football team. I think that’s the best way for your team to move forward.

"To me, there’s just never enough. You never have enough ammunition to build your room so there’s significant competition in every room.

“We have 11 right now. I’d love to end up with 13, 14 or more. I would never shy away from that.”

Not sure if it's behind a paywall, but the rest of the interview is here:

I tend to agree. To say that there's not room for 11 to make the roster is a backward-looking mindset. I would also disagree on whether there are spots for 11 picks just based on attrition from 2023, alone. It's looking at what this team did in 2023 and attributing roster spots--especially in those bottom 15-20 spots--to replacement level (and below) guys on past performance and not based on earning them in 2024.

7 points
UdderApocowlipse's picture

April 23, 2024 at 08:22 am

If you don't read the newspaper you're uninformed. If you read it you're misinformed.

7 points
Coldworld's picture

April 23, 2024 at 09:48 am

“In the first place, God made idiots. That was for practice. Then he made draft experts”

Mark Twain. (Ok, he said “school boards”.)

2 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

April 23, 2024 at 11:49 am


So true!

0 points
Coldworld's picture

April 23, 2024 at 08:25 am

We have 19 unfilled roster spots as of today. 72 signed players and 91 spots with the international pathway exception. The one certainty is we will fill them with either draft picks or UDFA/SFA.

How well we fill them will go a long way to defining the depth on this roster and the future upside residing on our eventual roster and PS. 53 plus 16 is 69 players. I guarantee that some of the current 72 won’t be among them and shouldn’t be. Plenty of room. One of the less watertight myths of this off season.

5 points
LambeauPlain's picture

April 23, 2024 at 08:57 am

Agree Dobber: Competition raises all boats in Lake Packer. If you are not getting better, you are getting worse.

And agree CW: With the expanded Practice Squad spots and more options elevating them to the Game Day Actives, most draftees not making the 53 will be odds on favorites to make the PS. Packers tapped into the PS early and often last season.

So more draft selections increases effectiveness, and also improves efficiency...on both the Active and Practice Squad rosters.

(Let me guess who your draft crush is, Dobber....Kool Aid McKinstry?)

2 points
dobber's picture

April 23, 2024 at 09:08 am

For the first time in a couple years, I can say that I honestly don't have a draft crush this year...mostly because I've been so late in getting into my own "research" on draft prospects.

My initial thoughts on McKinstry are that he'd be a good pick at 25 because he'd match value and need, and 'Bama DBs generally translate to the NFL well. I don't often find myself wowed by DBs, though. It seems like you can find players at CB up and down the draft.

I love power football, though, so I usually gravitate toward trench players and 5-techs...and Powers-Johnson is fun to watch. I'd be shocked if the Packers took him at 25.

3 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

April 23, 2024 at 12:16 pm

Somehow you expressed your thoughts entirely as if writing for me. I too do not have a draft crush this year mostly because of my hectic schedule with multiple business start-ups. I also generally do not get excited about CBs and prefer the Smashmouth guys in the trenches or at LB/Edge. Who wouldn't like to have a Ray Lewis type?

I believe RC stated he feels/believes the Packers should draft 3 OL and I too am in agreement and have been all offseason. Believe Gutey needs to take multiple swings to get the depth correct and hopefully gets one starter this year on the OL. The absolute one thing keeping the offense from being unstoppable is better OL play with depth and a very good RB in the mode of Brooks, Wright, Benson, or someone like Allen (someone of this caliber anyway). I would like to see Gutey take two LBs one most likely in round 2 and another possibly in round 3 and if not in round 3 than in round 5. They need help at the LB position with some depth.

1 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

April 23, 2024 at 01:24 pm

From High School on - I have been generally prone to "crushes." This Draft has been no different for me - with Tyrone Tracey Jr. (RB) and Qwan'tez Stiggers (CB).

1 points
RCPackerFan's picture

April 23, 2024 at 08:09 am

" Do the Packers even have 11 spots on the roster for that much"

I believe so. Also this time of year you need to bring in as much talent as possible. You never know what will happen with injuries and whatnot.

They lost 3 OL this offseason. I really would to lose Newman also.
Right now they honestly could use 3 OL added to the room. 2 for sure, but they really could go 3.

They have 5 DL. 3 Edge players that we know we can count on. But switching to a new look defense also means that Hafley may want a different look for the front. Also Clark and Slaton are in their final years of their deals. With Enagbare most likely out for a while they have 3 Edge players that got a lot of snaps. Cox didn't get much playing time, and they may look to upgrade over him. They may look to find players more specific to what Hafley wants.

They need at least 1 LB, and possibly a couple. They have Walker, McDuffie, Wislon and Welch. They honestly need 2 players added to this room IMO.

CB, last year they traded away Douglas. They have Alexander, Nixon and Valentine. Hopefully Stokes can come back strong, but they can't count on that. They could use 1-2 here.

S, They have McKinney and after that a lot of questions. They may look at add a couple to this group.

Besides these positions, I think they could use another RB, and they may want another QB, or WR or TE.

To me you don't do the roster planning now. You bring in as many young players as possible and you let the roster stuff sort itself out later.

0 points
dobber's picture

April 23, 2024 at 08:43 am

"To me you don't do the roster planning now. You bring in as many young players as possible and you let the roster stuff sort itself out later."

Doing the roster planning now is akin to deciding on Christmas Eve morning what ugly sweater you're going to wear on Dec. 26 based on wrapped packages under the tree.

The span from OTAs and Jun 1 cuts to the middle of camp is all about assessing and filling holes. I shake my head when people say: take an X in round 1, then a Y in round 2....because forcing an organic and evolving entity like the draft--especially based on our poor-to-moderately informed postions-- into a box that way is how you miss opportunities.

0 points
RCPackerFan's picture

April 23, 2024 at 11:29 am

And here i was thinking the ugly sweater was picked out months in advance lol.

The draft is really about building the team. This is the cheapest and best way to build a team. And one of the best ways to really build a team is to hit on the mid to late round picks. Finding the Wicks and Brooks in the 5/6th round area can change a team.

But also having extra swings at the plate can be a good thing. My old HS baseball coach always made us take the first pitch. NO matter what the pitch was we were not supposed to swing. I absolutely hated it. My opinion was that I would much rather have 3 swings then 2. They hit the first pitch, that leaves us with 2 swings.
Well I view the draft the same way. I would much rather have more swings. Especially later in the draft. You can really find some hidden gems.

Think about how the Packers got Wicks and Brooks last year. They traded pick 45 to the Lions at 48. They then traded back from 48-50. By trading down 2 times and 5 slots they picked up picks 159 and 179. Trading down 5 spots, they took Reed, and got Wicks and Brooks. Can't say enough about how impressive that haul was.

1 points
TKWorldWide's picture

April 23, 2024 at 02:42 pm

Weird, but I can never wear an ugly sweater. As soon as I put it on, it looks freaking AWESOME.

1 points
Starrbrite's picture

April 23, 2024 at 08:14 pm

Yep—DeJean for me too.

0 points
Turophile's picture

April 23, 2024 at 07:16 am

You could do worse than:

1/25 C/G/OT Graham Barton
2/41 DT Kris Jenkins
2/58 ILB Junior Colson
3/89 S Jaden Hicks
3/91 outside CB Renardo Green
4/126 slot CB Jarrian Jones
5/169 RB Isaac Guerendo or Dylan Laube

3 points
DoubleJ's picture

April 23, 2024 at 07:56 am

How about something like this:

58. Kris Jenkins DT Michigan
67. Cole Bishop S Utah
84. Kiran Amegadjie OT Yale
88. Chris Braswell EDGE Alabama
100. T'Vondre Sweat DT Texas
113. Jaylen Wright RB Tennessee
114. Khyree Jackson CB Oregon
121. Jaylan Ford LB Texas
129. Hunter Nourzad OC Penn State
169. Kitan Oladapo S Oregon State
202. Myles Cole EDGE Texas Tech
212. Myles Harden CB South Dakota
236. Mark Perry S TCU
245. Anim Dankwah OT Howard
255. Devin Leary QB Kentucky
2025 DEN 1st
2025 TB 3rd

0 points
Turophile's picture

April 23, 2024 at 09:09 am

Love Amegadjie, hate Sweat......

0 points
dobber's picture

April 23, 2024 at 09:13 am

"hate Sweat.."

This is why I moved back north after living in Georgia for the better part of decade.

3 points
DoubleJ's picture

April 23, 2024 at 09:16 am

Sweat is an a-hole and a possible problem, however, at pick 100 the value was there. With Sweat and Jenkins in the middle of the D it will be like the Vikings 2005-2010 with Pat Williams and Kevin Williams in the middle. No one ran on them and the middle of the Packers run D has been horrific and this could fix that.

2 points
gsd3's picture

April 23, 2024 at 07:17 am

Beebe isn't a tackle. Should be a good starting caliber guard though. Trotter doesn't hit any of the packers thresholds. Tom's not moving.

0 points
LambeauPlain's picture

April 23, 2024 at 07:24 am

Cooper DeJean, Edge Cooper, Cooper Beebe in the 1st and 2nd rounds would make 2024 quite the cool coup and co-opt the early draft confab.

OK...I will show myself out (I do like all 3 prospects, though).

4 points
Untylu1968's picture

April 23, 2024 at 07:39 am

It'd sound similar to the old days of KUUUUUHN at Lambeau. I can hear it now,COOOOOP!!

1 points
dobber's picture

April 23, 2024 at 07:48 am

Brings back memories of the early-80s Brewers.

2 points
dobber's picture

April 23, 2024 at 08:23 am

The "All-Cooper" team!

I'll say this: Cooper Beebe has gotten a lot of love around here, and maybe a little later on day 2 he represents good value, but I think the Packers drafting him might signal a shift in OL philosophy. It's not often that the Packers take an IOL-only prospect on day 1 or 2 (who isn't a C). He's pretty much a power IOL, and doesn't scout as a G who can move the way the Packers like to run their offense. Hell, if you're going that direction, take Powers-Johnson and look for a power-guard to play next to him.

2 points
Turophile's picture

April 23, 2024 at 09:13 am

Powers-Johnson and Beebe would certainly indicate a shift. Add OT Amegadjie and you have the making of what could well be the best line in the NFL by some distance.

0 points
DoubleJ's picture

April 23, 2024 at 09:35 am

Amegadjie is someone I hope the Packers draft. He is very athletic and basically prototypical OT sized. He also played G at Yale so he offers 4 position versatility.

0 points
jannes bjornson's picture

April 23, 2024 at 12:38 pm

Trending with bigger guys to plug and go with Jenkins, Myers and Rhyan for the upset.

0 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

April 23, 2024 at 12:20 pm

You either have too much time on your hands or your employer has no idea what you do during the day. :)

1 points
dobber's picture

April 23, 2024 at 01:12 pm

I think you've just profiled about 90% of the posters here! ;)

1 points
Starrbrite's picture

April 23, 2024 at 08:20 pm

Exactly Lambeau—my sentiments too.

0 points
PackEyedOptimist's picture

April 23, 2024 at 07:26 am

So, I was thinking to myself this morning, "With a new DC who wants to play aggressively, what if Gute tries to give him "hair on fire" players to make him happy?"

So I compiled a list of the top Most-Tasmanian-Devil/Hair-on-fire defensive players in this draft (IMHO) . They are the following:

1. Jer'Zhan Newton DT Illinois
2. Edgerrin Cooper LB Texas A&M
3. Kool-Aid McKinstry CB Alabama
4. Braden Fiske DT Florida St.
5. Calen Bullock S USC
6. Mike Sainristil CB Michigan
7. Chop Robinson DE Penn St.

25 Newton, 41 Cooper, 58 Fiske, 88 Bullock, 91 Sainistril (if they all fell there) would be HELLA fun to watch, and would completely change everyone's opinion of the Packer's defense. They aren't the BEST players necessarily, but they all chew nails!

And hey, OL picked at 126, (Bortoloni? Limmer? Foster?) 168, (Rouse? Wallace?) and 203 (Crum? Lee? Pearl?) might be just fine, to provide competition and backup our five starters.

1 points
PackEyedOptimist's picture

April 23, 2024 at 07:33 am

While creating that list, I also made a list of "focused" players who are also high energy, but more controlled. It included the following:
Byron Murphy DT
Payton Wilson LB
Junior Colson LB
Cole Bishop S
Ruke Orhorhoro DT
Cedric Gray LB
Javon Bullard S

A Murphy, Wilson, Colson, Bishop, Bullard draft would also be transformative to our defense.

-1 points
stockholder's picture

April 23, 2024 at 07:35 am

I really like the 3 through 7.
But the first two don't fit then.

2 points
PackEyedOptimist's picture

April 23, 2024 at 09:57 am

Newton is the most “Taz” of the entire draft. I’d hate to have to face him as an offensive lineman.

1 points
jannes bjornson's picture

April 23, 2024 at 01:01 pm

The " Taz" Cornerback is Q. Mitchell and he's going with a high pick.

0 points
PackEyedOptimist's picture

April 23, 2024 at 02:06 pm

I agree that he’s another one, but I believe we have zero shot at getting him, so I didn’t put him on the list.

0 points
GregC's picture

April 23, 2024 at 08:24 am

Not sure Kool-Aid belongs on that list. I've heard that he's not very enthusiastic about defending the run. I also read somewhere that he doesn't like practice and relies more on his talent than on effort. I don't remember where I read that.

1 points
Coldworld's picture

April 23, 2024 at 09:18 am

Be aware there’s a lot of guff flying this time of year, good and bad, some deliberate, some simply erroneous perception and some fantasy that gains credibility by repetition. That’s what scouts are for and why they talk not only to players but coaches and others.

0 points
Bitternotsour's picture

April 23, 2024 at 11:27 am

GregC is referring to his personal conversations with Kool Aid's teammates and coaches of course. You aren't implying that he's "hearing things" anecdotally are you?

0 points
GregC's picture

April 23, 2024 at 11:30 am

Yeah, this is an area where the teams know a lot more than we do, and they know if the sources of the info are trustworthy. I hope this is not true about Kool-Aid, as he looks like one of our most likely options in the first round.

0 points
jannes bjornson's picture

April 23, 2024 at 01:06 pm

You can watch Alabama every weekend during the College season to get your read. . You're not far off on this guy. Some are moving him to round two, but he and Arnold are generally not shy about coming up to engage the runner; otherwise, Saban, would not start them.

0 points
stockholder's picture

April 23, 2024 at 09:54 am

The only negative is his foot.
He might have run faster.

0 points
jannes bjornson's picture

April 23, 2024 at 01:15 pm

Both 'Bama' guys in the 4.47 range. He carries the frame needed for the Big Leagues at 196 lbs. Saban said he could play safety.

0 points
PackEyedOptimist's picture

April 23, 2024 at 09:55 am

That’s not what I see on tape.

0 points
TKWorldWide's picture

April 23, 2024 at 02:45 pm

Word has it none of Kool-Aid’s teammates attended his birthday party.

4 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

April 23, 2024 at 12:27 pm

Your description of playing like your hair is on fire scares me. Do you go back far enough to remember when the Packers drafted an LB (gawd, I am terrible with how many years something took place) 'about 10 years ago' and they always described he played like his hair was on fire? He turned out to be terrible and never amounted to anything.

0 points
jannes bjornson's picture

April 23, 2024 at 01:24 pm

Carl Bradford. Not the sharpest knife on the tree...

2 points
PackEyedOptimist's picture

April 23, 2024 at 02:11 pm

Or maybe Ty Summers?

0 points
TKWorldWide's picture

April 23, 2024 at 02:46 pm

I extinctly remember Bradford being described that way, and was very disappointed he never made it.

1 points
LLCHESTY's picture

April 23, 2024 at 03:18 pm

Don't go extinct, you're so young!

2 points
T7Steve's picture

April 23, 2024 at 07:51 am

Capable of many, master of none.

I like adaptability and being able to play multiple positions (especially on O-line), but if there's someone exceptional at one position (above the rest) they need to get him if they can. Let the depth projects try moving around and get your starters dialed in at one place and the best be working together by playing in one place.

2 points
mnbadger's picture

April 23, 2024 at 12:44 pm

thank you, we need more experts and less jack of all trades.

3 points
RCPackerFan's picture

April 23, 2024 at 07:52 am

Currently GB has 11 picks. I could see them moving around, but I don't think they are going to take a big swing giving up a ton of picks. I think they want to keep as many of the 5 top 100 as possible. I could see them trading up 5 or so picks to get a guy they are targeting. For reference according to the trade charts if they trade 5 picks they would have to give up their 2nd 3rd round pick (#91 overall), and they would get back pick 195. If they wanted to move up 3 spots they would be looking to give up their 4th round pick and likely a 6th.
Here is another thought though. They could take the 25th pick and give up pick 91 to move up 5 spots. Or they could combine their 44 and 91 overall picks and that would get them to pick 31. So they could move up 5 picks with the 1st round or they could pair up 2 picks and move up 13 spots back into the 1st round. They would then have 2 in the first, and 1 in each of the 2nd and 3rd rounds.

I know some people say that they don't need the 11 picks, and that they should trade up to get rid of some of those picks. I don't really fall in that group. 5 of their picks I consider premium picks. They have 1-4th, 1-5th, and then 2 in each of the 6/7th rounds.
To me I like having extra 6/7th round picks because that is where having more swings at the plate can unearth some hidden gems. In 2022 they had 4-7th round picks. Their 3rd 7th round pick they used on Rasheed Walker. If they have 1 in the 7th they probably don't have him.

Forward to this draft. This is what I'm hoping they come out of this draft with. (in no particular order)

1 RB. I want them to add a shifty/speedier type of RB. Someone that can have an impact in the passing game and can make people miss. There are some options that I think would compliment Jacobs.
2 OL. I really feel they need to add at least 2 OL. They need another OT, and an interior guy.
1/2 DL/Edge. I don't really know what Haffley wants for his front, but with switching to more of a 43 he may want a different type of DL or Edge player. They could use another Edge player with Enagbare most likely to miss the majority of the season.
1 LB. They need at least 1 Off the ball LB. I think this is probably 1 of the 2 biggest needs right now. I could see them adding a couple.
1 CB. I feel like they will be adding at least 1 if not 2. Whether they look at add a slot or boundary CB I think they need to add to the room. Also I think they will want to find someone that fits what Hafley wants from the CB position.
1 S. LB is one of the biggest needs I believe S is the other. They already upgraded with McKinney. But now they need to find someone that could play next to him. I like Johnson, but I feel like they need a bigger talent to put back there.

I would not be surprised if they looked to add another QB mid to late rounds. Gutey talked about adding to the position. I would not be surprised if they looked to add another TE, possibly an HB type of player. I do think LaFleur likes the HB position in his offense, and they don't really have a guy for that role.

0 points
dobber's picture

April 23, 2024 at 08:31 am

"Currently GB has 11 picks. I could see them moving around, but I don't think they are going to take a big swing giving up a ton of picks. "

A couple of the 'whispers' sites I've looked at indicate that the Packers are not actively making inroads to move up. It might change if a guy they really like--that they figured there was no way they'd get a crack at-- lasts into a pick range that's too good to pass up (unforeseen opportunity). Sometimes you bite the hook there. I've also read that there have been preliminary trade-down talks with teams that would move the Packers into latter round 1 or early day 2.

I'm moving more toward Barton as a good fit and a "Packer guy," and wouldn't be surprised if they call his name on Thursday night...if he's there. DeJean seems to be a popular pick among Packer fans, and even though he tested really well my guess is it didn't change his standing with GMs very much. He creates opportunities in the secondary with his physicality, and ability to cover and project to a couple different roles. I'm sticking with my earlier projection: the Packers will make 5 picks on day1 and 2 and come away with 1 DB, 2 OL, and 2 LB. I'm guessing they'll pick 4 OL overall.

0 points
Bitternotsour's picture

April 23, 2024 at 08:53 am

So much overthinking. The Packers have a first round grade on X (the quantity of X being those who might conceivably be available at 25). There is no "the guy". There are guys. There are scenarios. There is no guy.

I suggest a nice indica - lie back and let the draft come to you. Remember, if you wait, you get two marshmallows.

1 points
dobber's picture

April 23, 2024 at 09:15 am

I repeatedly tell my 14-year-old that she's a "one marshmallow when she could have 5" kid with two "I'd wait for 1.5 marshmallows over the 1" parents.

2 points
LambeauPlain's picture

April 23, 2024 at 09:10 am

Gutey always sound confident pre-draft. And this year it may be, with all the QBs and WRs likely to go in the 1st round, he sees several top prospects on his board to be in his neighborhood at #25. DB & OL should drop into his lap...and continue in the 2nd.

2 points
dobber's picture

April 23, 2024 at 09:16 am

"DB & OL should drop into his lap...and continue in the 2nd."

That's my hope.

Would be nice if a somewhat-desperate team picking late in round 1 offered to overpay to move up a couple spots. Would be nice to have all those options when the clock starts ticking.

2 points
RCPackerFan's picture

April 23, 2024 at 10:13 am

If 6 QB's go before pick 25, that would really help GB out. If 5-6 WR's go before 25. That helps GB.

I don't think 6 QB's go before 25, but you never know. I could see 6 WR's though. CBS Sports has 7 WR's in the top 31.

2 points
TKWorldWide's picture

April 23, 2024 at 07:01 pm

For some reason, the selection of EJ Manuel in the first round at QB was my biggest shocker while watching the draft live.
I’d love for 2 or 3 more of those before pick 25!

0 points
RCPackerFan's picture

April 23, 2024 at 09:19 am

I could see them moving up, but I think they may look to do more of a move with the 2nd or 3rd round picks where they are getting a little more bang for their buck kind of thing. Unless a player in the first round starts falling, that they covet, I don't know if they will be looking to trade up.

I honestly could see GB looking to trade down. If they traded down to pick 31, they would get back pick 94 in return. That would then mean they would have 6 picks in the first 3 rounds and 6 in the top 94.
If they can add 6 premium picks to this roster, that could really put this team to another level, not only this year but for the future.

I wonder with Barton and GB. He is a do it all kind of guy. The Packers love those guys. But do they want one in the first round? They got Jenkins in the 2nd round and Tom in the 4th. Also I don't know if GB views him as an interior guy, and if they do, do they view that as a premium position?

I can see Dejean as the guy. He is versatile and could do a lot in the secondary.

I think they keep the 5 picks, but wouldn't be surprised if they moved around a bit with them. I could see them potentially trading back, and then trading up with 2nd/3rd round. I could see Gutey, Guteying this draft.

How would you like this move.
Trade back 5 spots get the 94 pick.
Take picks 88 and 94 and trade up to pick 60. So at the end of the day they would have 1-1st. 3-2nds, 1-3rd.

0 points
dobber's picture

April 23, 2024 at 09:30 am

"I honestly could see GB looking to trade down. If they traded down to pick 31, they would get back pick 94 in return.'

The idea of a potential trade-down with so much talent at OL is appealing...and I like the idea of staying in round 1 if only because the 5th-year option is a nice tool to have.

1 points
Coldworld's picture

April 23, 2024 at 09:45 am

The 5th year is nice but it’s not as nice as often thought. If a player doesn’t live up to their pick it’s typically not taken up. If they exceed it it’s usually superseded. At best it gives another year to think about it if teams aren’t sure if a big second contract is needed. Typically that’s an augury that the odds are it isn’t unless it’s an injury muddied decision. At best it should be a very minor consideration in deciding how to get the best overall value from a draft.

1 points
RCPackerFan's picture

April 23, 2024 at 11:34 am

It does give the team more options and flexibility. Definitely nice to have options.

Depending on the how the board falls and what teams do, if they could get an extra pick by trading back to round 2, vs staying in round 1 I'd be ok with that. Just depends on how it all unfolds.

0 points
EricTorkelson's picture

April 23, 2024 at 09:39 am

If the tackles are gone ( Barton not included ) ... And the Packers are sticking to there board IMHO
the picks at 25 could/would be between Cooper DeJean, Darius Robinson, Jackson Power Johnson, Byron Murphy II
I would take any of the four.... One Tackle who may fall is JC Latham ... played High School FB in my area some scouts question his
awareness, leading to many pressures and inconsistent play ...
Finally lots of talk about moving Z Tom to center ? Does he have the mass to move DT or nose gaurds out of there gaps ?
Lets see what Josh Myers does this year he has the size is tough and gets a little nasty, lets leave Tom alone or move him to
the Left tackle if Mims or someone of that caliber drops into the Packers lap.

1 points
Leatherhead's picture

April 23, 2024 at 09:49 am

Five points:

First, I keep reading that Barton is not a tackle, he's not strong, he doesn't move his feet well, etc. etc. It almost makes me forget that he was a 2nd team All-American OT last year at Left Tackle. By definition, that would mean he was considered no worse than the 3rd or 4th best tackle in the country. Right now, the Packers have no decent backups at any position, and so the first pulled muscle, the first sprained ankle, is going to put a guy on the field that isn't very good. Barton solves that. Maybe he's not a Pro-Bowl OT, but he could certainly line up there for a series or a game or two and hold the fort.

Second, I distinctly recall an article on this site that mentioned Cooper Beebe as a guy who doesn't meet traditional Packer measures. Sure,we could end up getting him, but I think it's more likely that we won't.

Third, way too much focus on defense, IMO. We were the #10 scoring defense. We hired a (better?) DC, replaced Savage with McKinney, and it's likely we'll get more games out of Alexander (and Stokes) than last year. It's also possible that second year men Wooden and Brooks and VanNess will have improved. On paper, if we draft a replacement for Campbell, we should be in business.

Fourth, I'd be really surprised if we drafted a DL. We have our line: Gary, Wyatt, Clark, VanNess, backed up by Smith, Slaton, Wooden and Brooks. I wouldn't be interested in cutting any of those guys to make room for another DL, and I don't think the Packers will be either.

Fifth, we have an abundance of FA veteran safeties available, and I think we'll probably get one, because I can't imagine we're planning on a Super Bowl run while a rookie safety learns his job. We'll draft one, probably on Day Two, but he won't be expected to start.

I'm still hoping for a small trade down or two to get extra Day Two picks, or early 4th round. But if we can't, I'd be totally happy with DeJean, King Sua, Junior Colson, Van Pran, and Kam Kinchens.

1 points
dobber's picture

April 23, 2024 at 10:46 am

"First, I keep reading that Barton is not a tackle"

We were saying the same thing about Tom when he was drafted--he was going to need to move inside. I think Barton is every bit the player Tom is. Knowing what you know now, would you invest a late 1 on Tom?

"Third, way too much focus on defense, IMO."

I think it reflects the uncertainty in the fan base about the transition to Hafley's defense and the lack of depth at S, LB, and to some degree at CB. OL is the biggest issue going into this draft, IMO. A good OL makes everything go on the offensive side, and while the starters are decent, there's no depth and the future is foggy.

"Fourth, I'd be really surprised if we drafted a DL."

I think there will be at least one in the mix somewhere. It's hard to imagine 10 or more picks without a single DL popping in there. I wouldn't be surprised if it's a late round PS-bound guy, though.

"Fifth, we have an abundance of FA veteran safeties available, and I think we'll probably get one"

Agreed: there are always box safeties available. Heady safeties who can run and cover are an entirely different matter.

-1 points
T7Steve's picture

April 23, 2024 at 11:13 am

The Packers always draft at least one D-line player. Just like they "USED" to always draft O-line players, last year being the exception.

0 points
Leatherhead's picture

April 23, 2024 at 11:52 am

Right now, we have Gary, Van Ness, Wyatt, and Clark....four first round picks.

The guys behind them: Slaton, Wooden, Brooks, Smith, are all good enough to start for quite a few teams. Smith is a lot of money...a $14M cap hit...but he's a dead cap hit of over $19M. IOW, it costs us more money to cut him than it does to play him, and a team would only do that if they didn't want the guy on their team.

On the 53, assuming a 25-25 split, you could carry 10 DBs, 6 LBs, and 9 DL. Then you could dress 9 DBs, 5LBs, and 7DL.

Even if he's a Top 100 pick, any DL we'd draft would have a hard time cracking the top 7 , and that would necessitate cutting (or trading) a player we already have and like. Why?

If he's a 7th rounder we want to put on practice squad to replace Jon Ford, I suppose. Ford has been on the PS at minimum wage for two years. His contract this year is entirely salary, meaning he has to make the team to get paid $900K.

All along this leadup to the draft I see these DL being touted by people, and many of them are really good players. It just strikes me as being more like wanting a shiny object as opposed to being part of a plan. Our current DL situation is very strong, and there are other fish to fry.

2 points
LLCHESTY's picture

April 23, 2024 at 03:26 pm

"Even if he's a Top 100 pick, any DL we'd draft would have a hard time cracking the top 7 , and that would necessitate cutting (or trading) a player we already have and like. Why?"

Because you don't settle for good when great is available. Especially with the big guys. Slaton's snaps will probably be cut in half this year and he might have value to a 3-4 team dealing with injuries. If they can draft a good run defender with more pass rush upside it's a no brainier.

1 points
TKWorldWide's picture

April 23, 2024 at 07:07 pm

If a Mean Joe Greene is on the board, I think GB would somehow find room for him.
Even though I’m way too young to know who he is.

0 points
EricTorkelson's picture

April 23, 2024 at 09:12 pm

Dude ... you really belong on Tic Tok

0 points
LambeauPlain's picture

April 23, 2024 at 04:05 pm

I agree with your analysis, LH. DL on Day 3? Sure.

The first two days focus on top prospects that will be plentiful at OL, DB, and LB...I would add RB as a dark horse over DL unless a very highly rated prospect drops.

This roster is not that far away. BPA is always a great draft board strategy...BPA at positions of need is even greater.

Gutey will continue to follow this strategy...especially for this draft. It truly funnels into BPA at positions of need.

1 points
Leatherhead's picture

April 23, 2024 at 12:18 pm

I wanted to address our "lack of depth at S and CB and LB". We have 3 safeties under contract today, McKinney, Anderson, and Gilbert. I strongly believe that we'll add a FA soon and we'll draft one on Day 2.

For example, if we add Rudy Ford and Kam Kinchens to the safety room, it makes it less of a concern, doesn't it?

Similarly at CB, where we have Alexander, Stokes, and Nixon being backed up by Valentine, Rochell , and Ballantine. You add one guy as insurance against Alexander or Stokes missing a bunch of time, and that CB unit looks pretty good to me.

At LB, Walker and McDuffie will be fine, but we need at least 5 LBs active if we're going to play a lot of 4-3. Our uncertainty would be less if we knew what these guys like Cox are going to bring.

The defensive starters are largely set. Most of the backups are set. I don't think there's any real reason for all the concern.

0 points
LLCHESTY's picture

April 23, 2024 at 03:27 pm

Anthony Johnson Jr?

1 points
Packers0808's picture

April 23, 2024 at 10:23 am

You know who the Packers will draft, the best person available at they are drafting in their estimation!

2 points
dobber's picture

April 23, 2024 at 10:54 am

...and probably someone we don't see coming!

1 points
Leatherhead's picture

April 23, 2024 at 12:02 pm

Then that would be a QB, like Bo Nix, or another WR (because another WR is always the answer)??

Unless it's a QB, you draft the guy that you think can help YOUR team the most over the next 4 or 5 years. Obviously, that's going to depend on what you're holding already.

0 points
Bitternotsour's picture

April 23, 2024 at 12:25 pm

I'm totally there on Bo Nix at 25 - just for entertainment sake. There'd be explosions on TV, and this particular board would be a source of rising global temperatures, ice caps would literally melt.

3 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

April 23, 2024 at 12:39 pm

Agree but you have to acknowledge that pretty much happens every single draft season because of all the mock draft simulators and fans believe how each player is rated and how trades are so favorable in the simulators. Plus most fans do not know the medical background of current Packer players, or when contracts will be up. This draft will be no different though unless Cooper is drafted at Safety many will be upset.

For me, the drafting of someone like Nix would certainly raise my eyebrows but I wouldn't get overly upset because I know Gutey has something well thought out with a plan. I'd be more okay but I need to hear Gutey's press conference explaining why he did what he did.

0 points
Leatherhead's picture

April 23, 2024 at 01:20 pm

You know, a year ago, this board was overflowing with people who didn't think the Packers Front Office knew what they were doing. We were going back to the 80s. We were in Cap Hell. You heard the phrases like "dumpster fire" and "clown show". People were "incompetent". The HC needed to be fired. Etc. Etc. Etc.

Now, we have people talking about well thought out plans.

What a difference a year makes.

-1 points
dobber's picture

April 23, 2024 at 01:22 pm

" Plus most fans do not know the medical background of current Packer players, or when contracts will be up."

These are the parts that we--and the DIC--don't necessarily take into account because we (and they) aren't privy to the discussions that go on behind closed doors. Managing a roster isn't just a 2024 thing. Who can you pay? Who are you paying too much? How much can you rely on X staying healthy? Can your count on player X who flashed to keep it up? Can they count on Player Y who was drafted last year to be ready to step in and play? How do players fit with new coordinators?

"For me, the drafting of someone like Nix would certainly raise my eyebrows"

This... place... would...blow...up!

0 points
TKWorldWide's picture

April 23, 2024 at 07:09 pm

Shhhhhh! C’mon now; it’s cloak and dagger time!

0 points
Ferrari-Driver's picture

April 23, 2024 at 11:17 am

If we move up in the draft, I would think that a starting offensive lineman would be a good target or one of the top corner backs. Both are premium positions who are involved in a lot of plays. What I expect is that Green Bay is going to come out of this draft with a number of very good football players and I'm anxious for the game to start this Thursday.

5 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

April 23, 2024 at 12:47 pm

Thinking that the Draft is the ultimate board game for fans - seeing who can match their GMs board (the Master Board) - as closely as possible - while accumulating the greatest number of (in-game) draft value points. With higher the correct draft pick - the greater number of points (much like the Rich Hill Trade Value Chart). In playing the GB Draft Board Game - there are a number of assumptions, patterns, tendencies and variables that any fan/gamer should be familiar with in order to approximate the Master Board. Also that fan/gamer should have a working assessment of the team's draft needs and prioritization plan. However, so much knowledge and intel is required that it is practically impossible for any player to gain a perfect score. Much like the Donkey Kong perfect game. So good luck to us all! We will need it.

2 points
mnbadger's picture

April 23, 2024 at 12:56 pm

Fire up the Roma-Spider Turbo F-D, and let's get this this thing started!
I'm looking forward to the days ahead when I can stop reading idiots like me talk about college players we should or shouldn't pick and start reading the work of idiots like me talk about the college players we actually took!
Go Get'm Gutey!

3 points
TKWorldWide's picture

April 23, 2024 at 07:12 pm

You appear to have a very firm grip on the situation!

2 points
golfpacker1's picture

April 23, 2024 at 02:34 pm

I always have the same question with drafting Barton @ #25. Since he will only fill in @ OT and will 95% play OG, Is he a better OG than Beebe-OG/OT or Frazier-OC/OG, who we can get with a trade back? I would be way more inclined to spend the tradeback from #25, which will be between 26 &40, using those first picks on Beebe & Frazier. Or Powers-Johnson & Beebe. Or Beebe & Suamataia with Limmer later.

No to Trotter, he is a 3rd tier LB and we can't afford a miss @ LB in the draft.

Turn 1 pick into 2 or 3. Gutey's press conference says he likes the idea.

The tradeback gets another 3rd at least where we pick a top Safety.

I would bet we can get one of Gray, Colson, or Wallace @ #58 to #75 even moving back.

There will still be a great group of CBs available @ #88.

And half of the Top 10 RBs will be available from #91 to #121. Tradeback get more 4ths & 5ths & 6ths

0 points
Travis72's picture

April 24, 2024 at 03:49 pm

Hard no on Dejean. He can't play man to man just like all DBS from Iowa. Probably a good safety but not in the first round. I like Kool Aide at 25 because he is a proven man to man corner against top Wrs or trade back. Lots of really good players will be available at 25.

0 points