Confessions of a Polluted Mindset - A BIG STEP

The Weekly Packers Brain Drain from Jersey Al.

As we all expected, except for the haters who convinced themselves of a disaster of a season, the 2023 season has been a roller coaster. Losing to teams they should have beat handily and beating some teams you would have expected them to lose to. This past game against the Vikings was a major step in the development of this team. I'm careful to say "step" because there are still many more steps to be achieved. The Packers exorcised some demons by beating the Vikings at home in a game that really meant something. I know, I know, they all mean something, but this was close to playing in playoff pressure and they came out smelling like a rose. Sure, the Vikings lacked a real quarterback, but the quarterback didn't play on a defense the Packers put 33 points on. 

This week will, in all effect, be a playoff game. Lose and your season is over. Win and you get to experience the excitement of a real playoff game - something I would love for these young guns to get a taste of. Lose and you go home and we fans will have to listen to those insufferable and delusional Bears fans all offseason. Having said that, the Bears have found their way over the last half of their season. They're playing complimentary football and Justin Fields has played well enough to foment just a little bit of doubt that the Bears will draft a QB with the #1 pick. I think they would be crazy not to, but these are the Bears we're talking about. Anyway, on to my thoughts...

What happened?  - I knew nothing about Jalen Hall going into the game, so I believed what I read everywhere. I was told Jalen Hall was a real running threat, which was the one thing that held me back from betting the Packers to win. We all know how well (ok, NOT) the Packers handle running quarterbacks. I should have held my concern for this week, when it really could be an issue.

Admit you were wrong - I'm asking those of you who came on here telling everyone how Jordan Love was a bust, will never be an NFL QB and was a waste of a pick, to have the gumption to raise your hand,  leave a comment below and admit your error. I know who you all are - don't make me go pull the comments.

Tucker the Mean Mother*ker - You can finish the rest. The Packers need MORE Tucker Krafts on this team. Guys with the no mercy, take no prisoners attitude of a REAL football player. Guys who live for playing the game and playing it HARD. Fewer guys that are more concerned about their wardrobe, jewelry, brand and paychecks. I know it's not easy to find those guys, but if you expand your pool so measurables don't drive all your decisions, you'll be more successful at finding them. Anyway, I showed you Kraft's stiff arm in yesterday's "three plays..." post, how about some more evidence of Kraft's obsession with burying players? Here Danielle Hunter and Harrison Smith get to smell the turf close up.


Roll with it - This may be the most polluted thought of the year, but imagine if the Packers roll with Valentine and Ballentine and leave Jaire on the bench? I wouldn't necessarily be opposed, but I sincerely doubt they have the cohones to do it.

Playoffs - There is no doubt in my mind that if Aaron Jones had been healthy this season, the Packers would at a minimum be 10-6 and already have secured a spot in the playoffs. Remember those games against bad teams when the offense couldn't score? 

OL - I dogged the offensive line earlier in the season when they were pretty much a mess. Well, they've come a long way since, especially everyone's favorite whipping dog, Josh Myers. He's improved so much, I'm genuinely concerned about whether he plays on Sunday after getting hurt in garbage time against the Vikings. He did walk off on his own and after re-watching the play, I'm pretty sure the knee braces he wears saved him from a more serious injury.

Reed - Speaking of concern, it's crazy to say this about a rookie WR, but if Jayden Reed is out against the Bears, that's a MAJOR loss. I think I'd rather lose one of our starting OL or DL over losing Reed.

Shades of Jefferson - Watching Bo Melton in this game, he basically did to the Vikings what Justin Jefferson did to the Packers the first time they met. Melton was causing all kinds of blown assignments in the Vikings secondary and running totally free on multiple occasions. I'm not comparing the two players obviously, but what happened in those two games involving those two players is eerily similar.

Missing Hunter - Did Danielle Hunter play on Sunday? Zach Tom had a hell of a day. 





"Jersey Al" Bracco is the Editor-In-Chief, part owner and wearer of many hats for and He is also a recovering Mason Crosby truther.  Follow Al on twitter at @JerseyalGBP


26 points

Comments (234)

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NickPerry's picture

January 03, 2024 at 06:27 am

"Admit you were wrong - I'm asking those of you who came on here telling everyone how Jordan Love was a bust, will never be an NFL QB and was a waste of a pick, to have the gumption to raise your hand, leave a comment below and admit your error. I know who you all are - don't make me go pull the comments."


14 points
Untylu1968's picture

January 03, 2024 at 06:39 am

There should be a New Year top 10 for the most absurd comments posted about Love! There may just be some repeat offenders...

3 points
Savage57's picture

January 03, 2024 at 06:49 am

Gute knew What He had
There was A Certain thing
But He didn't let AR
Own the franchise
And That's why they played the game of Love

10 points
fthisJack's picture

January 03, 2024 at 07:04 am

WHO,WHO,WHO wrote the book of Love? I believe it was Gute.

1 points
JerseyAl's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:02 am

well done!

2 points
SoCalJim's picture

January 03, 2024 at 09:56 am

I was all wrong about my Packers’ 2023 season prediction. Here’s what I said back in May, 2023.

Schedule Breakdown: What will the Packers' 2023 record be?
By Rex.sheild May 12, 2023

May 12, 2023 at 07:55 pm
9-7-1. Go Pack, Go!

2 points
Savage57's picture

January 03, 2024 at 06:45 am

Any reasonable person knew the Jordan Love Project was going to be a test for him, the coaching staff and the rest of the team. They've all earned a high grade.

Jyree won't get what he deserves, a ticket out of town, because that would indict the selection and the 2nd contract. I don't see Packers brass doubling down on admitting two pretty big mistakes. But to his credit, he has acquitted himself well stepping into the supreme diva role on the team now that AR's moved east.

Kraft may end up giving Musgrave a run for the #1 TE job, and that's not the worst thing going forward since Musgrave has deftness of foot on par with Frankenstein's monster. Kraft is breaking the Packers long history of TE's falling to the turf if a defender waves a hand at their ankles, in the mold of Franks, FinMe, Lewis and now Musgrave.

2 points
Cheezehead72's picture

January 03, 2024 at 06:51 am

I agree that they will not move Alexander but for a different reason. It is not financially beneficial for them to move him. If they get a new DC next season Alexander's attitude might change. He likes to play man and he likes to be on the best WR. He has proven he can do that so give it to him.

7 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

January 03, 2024 at 12:47 pm

Attitude adjustment for JA if Mike Zimmer is the new DC?

4 points
Bitternotsour's picture

January 03, 2024 at 12:59 pm

yes. that's what i'm thinking.

2 points
HawkPacker's picture

January 03, 2024 at 05:41 pm

I would have no problem if Zimmer is our next DC.

0 points
croatpackfan's picture

January 03, 2024 at 07:07 am

Savage, Musgrave problems with running and catching throw simultaneously is coachable. I like Kraft more, bit I'm not prepared to rule out Luke at this moment. He can learn to do what I mention.

6 points
Savage57's picture

January 03, 2024 at 07:14 am

Let's hope so. I'd like to see that big body deliver some blows to DB's and LB's.

3 points
DoubleJ's picture

January 03, 2024 at 07:18 am

I think Musgrave will also keep improving as well. He needs to spend some time on leg day though. That said he is a huge threat down the middle of the field with his size/speed. Musgrave and Kraft can complement each other though and add more variety to the passing attack.

5 points
Untylu1968's picture

January 03, 2024 at 07:21 am

You're so right, croat! This instant gratification we thrust upon these rookies is crazy. Draft and develop is still a thing.

10 points
LambeauPlain's picture

January 03, 2024 at 07:31 am

Kraft is looking more in the mold Chewy in how he plays. Musgrave is more Paul Coffman.

It will be a lot of fun seeing them on the field together in 12 personnel with AJ, Reed and Watson/Doubs/Wicks/Heath/Melton during the Playoffs.

As for Alexander, he will benefit greatly after finishing his ample serving of humble pie and seeks redemption from a new DC.

4 points
dobber's picture

January 03, 2024 at 07:53 am

I think the Coffman analogy is apt, but he still could block...some. Musgrave has been game. He's got to figure out how to stay healthy. His college track record (and now rookie year) are showing that he's struggling to be available. It's hard to fault a guy for getting beat up with contact injuries (a lacerated kidney is no laughing matter), though.

5 points
DoubleJ's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:27 am

"He's got to figure out how to stay healthy. His college track record (and now rookie year) are showing that he's struggling to be available."

I wouldn't say that his NFL career is showing he is struggling to be available. He got a freak injury that could have happened to anyone. That is like holding it against Bak that he needed his appendix removed.

6 points
Untylu1968's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:17 am

Let's just keep Kraft away from the hot tubs! Chewy was the man!!

3 points
fthisJack's picture

January 03, 2024 at 07:39 am

Disagree with you Savage. Musgrave carried this team at the TE position for the first 10 games. 33 receptions for 341 yards mostly down the seam. He has size and speed and his stumbling is ok in my book after he catches a pass for 17 yards. That can be fixed so i don't like the Frankenstein comparison. It is totally uncalled for.

11 points
Savage57's picture

January 03, 2024 at 07:48 am

I stand by my claim.

Musgrave has limitations in his connectedness to the ground which we saw displayed with regularity early on. It may or may not be correctable.

As I said to Croat, I hope I'm wrong, but that doesn't alter the reality of how things stand at present.

-6 points
DoubleJ's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:30 am

If player A catches a pass for 20 yards and goes to the ground right away and player B catches a 5 yard pass and gets 15 YAC it is all the same. I personally would rather have the one that gets 20 right away without YAC as he is stressing the D more and opening the field for other players.

0 points
Tundraboy's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:18 pm

And it was said that Kraft needs a full year to adjust to the NFL or something to that effect. Be Thankful that the players have been given the opportunity year 1 to get experience.

3 points
fthisJack's picture

January 04, 2024 at 08:04 am

And it doesn't alter his stats 33 for 341 over 10 games. I don't think anyone can argue that he has had a very good rookie season and he will only get better as a blocker and with his footwork. As long as he runs his route, beats his defender, and catches the ball, what more do you want? I really don't understand your complaint.

2 points
dobber's picture

January 03, 2024 at 07:55 am

"Kraft is breaking the Packers long history of TE's falling to the turf if a defender waves a hand at their ankles, in the mold of Franks, FinMe, Lewis and now Musgrave"

You forgot Richard Rodgers.

I would be curious to see how--now that Love seems to have found his rhythm and is spreading the ball out among his pass-catchers--Musgrave would fit and produce. He's almost more Allan Lazard than Bob Tonyan. One scout likened him to Mike Gesicki, who is a pretty good pass-catcher but only a get-in-the-way blocker.

4 points
LambeauPlain's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:17 am

First half of the season, Kraft didn't see the field much because he was struggling in everything an NFL TE needs to correct routes, catch the ball and block. But Kraft honed his craft. He is justifying his day 2 draft selection.

Meanwhile, Musgrave could run the routes, get open, and catch the ball. I have confidence he too can sharpen the taught how to block better...a skill he was not asked to do much during HS and College.

Amazing to see the growth of these 2 rookies. More to follow.

8 points
Coldworld's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:34 am

I think it was as much the jump. He went from a small school to an NFL offense and needed to learn blocking technique as well.

It was also role and perhaps confidence. Kraft found his feet as a weapon, something he wasn’t with Musgrave out there. What we’ve seen is his quick feet and balance. Musgrave is more a straight line guy, but Kraft may prove much more versatile in terms of routes he runs well and thus usage.

As a blocker, he’s got a better physique at this point. Musgrave is tall and high cut. They will need to be used differently, but I could see Kraft playing more snaps in the long term as I think he’s going to be more versatile. That’s not to say I don’t think Musgrave can’t be a weapon, but it will be interesting to see how they combine both with the WR talent next year.

3 points
T7Steve's picture

January 03, 2024 at 09:34 am

Wouldn't you like to see them using Kraft in-line while Musgrave is in the slot? Think of the crossers and "legal" picks they could wreck defenses with.

I think it was you that I read first commenting on Musgrave in the slot but can't remember for sure. Especially if Reed is hurt and Musgrave can come back.

0 points
Coldworld's picture

January 03, 2024 at 03:17 pm

The interesting point though is who do you take off and how often? How do you work 2 TEs and Watson, Doubs, Reed, Wicks, even Heath and Melton into an offensive plan in a way that gives each a way to optimize the return? Assuming 1 RB, and no dedicated blocker at FB/HBack/TE, even with injuries, that’s a lot of talent sitting on any given play.

If Musgrave is in the slot, Reed isn’t. If Watson is playing, is Reed outside for Doubs or resting? Where’s Wicks? Is he on instead of Reed? It’s a great problem, it’s going to be fun to watch them find a solution, but it is going to be a challenge.

1 points
jannes bjornson's picture

January 03, 2024 at 09:36 am

Kraft is the better player. He knows the TE position. Musgrave will be a slot guy, or running the seam routes to pull safeties. They can be a good 1-2 punch. Kraft always had better footwork.

2 points
Vachio's picture

January 03, 2024 at 10:52 am

I was excited about the Kraft and Musgrave picks because of their different playing styles. Our 2 TE sets are going to be tough to defend for years to come.

5 points
Fubared's picture

January 03, 2024 at 12:32 pm

We should be asking, why did Kraft take a bench seat until we needed to use him? Why did Wyatt a first round pick last year barely play until the end of the season. Last why is Van Ness taking out of the game after he just got a sack and bench sat. Just WTF is going on unless LeFleur is hell bent to play favorites and guy taken in the draft ahead of others? There is some weird coaching shit going on on this team that is unexplainable.

-2 points
MainePackFan's picture

January 03, 2024 at 12:55 pm

Savage. I think you may be overreacting to a couple plays where he lost his balance . I'm not saying Musgrave is as agile as a cat, but I don't think he's a spastic clodhopper either. If he stays healthy he's going to be a bigtime weapon for us.

If he is able to go Sunday, it will be interesting to see he and Kraft on the field at the same time, now that they have gained some experience. Shades of the Belichick offense without the Hernandez baggage ; )

3 points
Cheezehead72's picture

January 03, 2024 at 06:48 am

I will admit that I was worried about the Love pick. But then after 30 years of great QB play almost all fans would be leery of the next QB. I also said that we need to let him prove what he got. I wanted the Packers to bench Rodgers last year after they did not trade him and he was not very effective. I was really excited about watching Love play this year.

Love has proven to me that he is a keeper for now. He is fun to watch and he is a gamer. I do not know yet if he will be as good as Favre or Rodgers but he has started the trip.

Yes all you doubters please stand up to be seen.

I will admit half way through the season I did not think the Packers would make the playoffs and I did not want them to because I thought they would get humiliated. After watching the second half I still do not expect them to win a playoff game but at least they should keep it close.

I love watching them beat the Vikings. Now beat the Bears and keep the streak going. I want Love to own the Bears.

12 points
dobber's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:36 am

"I will admit half way through the season I did not think the Packers would make the playoffs and I did not want them to because I thought they would get humiliated. "

They very well might...but reaching the playoffs and losing is still >> not making the playoffs at all and going home. That extra week of prep, the ratcheting up of intensity, the execution against high-level talent--I think that's all an important part of growth. For a young team that wasn't expected to do much, it's almost the college bowl season approach. The Packers are playing with house money at this stage, and none of the top NFC teams are really humming on all cylinders at this point. Get in there and see what happens.

10 points
Bitternotsour's picture

January 03, 2024 at 09:33 am

it also gives the team tangible goals and a thing to rally around. more than just a win. AND there's extra money, which is nice. Another great thing is the bonding of young players and belief in the mission.

4 points
MainePackFan's picture

January 03, 2024 at 01:31 pm

There are many players on this team that were part of the loss to the Lions in last years win or go home game. I've got an idea they don't want that bad taste in their mouth again.

The experience gained in this game for Jordan and this young offense can't be underestimated. Like you said dobber, they're playing with house money at this stage.

Right now, the world of expectations does not weigh heavy on their shoulders. Win or lose, no matter what happens in this game, we're all excited about the future. Just have fun, enjoy the moment, and let it rip!!!

Next year is when the pressure starts. We WILL have expectations : )

2 points
fthisJack's picture

January 05, 2024 at 08:24 am

This game will hinge on Joe Barry's defense. I don't have any confidense that will happen given that the Bears are on a roll. The Packer are seeing an NFL QB for the first time in 4 weeks. They will have to outscore the Bears.

0 points
Starrbrite's picture

January 03, 2024 at 05:55 pm

Yes—my sentiments too Dobby.

1 points
Vachio's picture

January 03, 2024 at 10:56 am

You know, I really wasn't. It was a crappy draft overall and there wasn't anyone available when we picked who was going to put the team over the top. Tee Higgins, maybe. I was personally high on Winfield but I knew he didn't meet the Packers historical metrics. That's really about it, though. Taking a QB with all the tools to mold into a future starter was the smart move.

3 points
Minniman's picture

January 03, 2024 at 12:30 pm

Love is demonstrating that he reads defenses very well, which is on par with Rodgers (and better than Favre).

He's also quickly developed a respect for the football (better ball placement reducing pick risk) - again, on par with Rodgers and better than Favre.

If the Packers fall over now, it will be because they ran out of ammunition (receivers), and NOT core team ability.

The positive signs for this team are locked in.

3 points
T7Steve's picture

January 03, 2024 at 06:53 am

I have to disagree with you Al, when you say, " Josh Myers. He's improved so much,". When they moved Hunter over him, he showed improvement in how far and fast he could back-peddle. PFF scored him around 37 for the game. 37!

Like Nick above, I'll be waiting. We know who they are too. Love's had an impressive season, even where stats are concerned. Saw an article yesterday that showed he already surpassed ALL Bears QBs in history for TDs in a season and other stuff.

Lets not let them sneak one from us at home.

15 points
LambeauPlain's picture

January 03, 2024 at 07:44 am

I rewatched the game and I did not see much to make me go Hmmmm when watching Myers. I do not know who is the weakest link on the line, Myers or Runyan now. It remains a debate in my mind who is. What is concerning is Stenovich declaring Myers is having is best season. Yikes.

If he can't go Sunday, I expect Stenovich will reinforce my concerns by moving Runyan to C and Rhyan to RG for the game.

The best move would be Tom to C and Nijman to RT. Doubt that will happen because if Tom played well at C and Nijman at RT, Stenovich, Butkus and MLF would have some explaining to do.

-1 points
Minniman's picture

January 03, 2024 at 12:43 pm

If the Packers draft an OT (or 2) high, then Zach Tom moving inside to C may well be the long term play for the Packers. Not sure, just a "polluted" thought. I'm all for having the best players available on the field, and the current vogue of DL stunting nowadays means that the C has to be high caliber.

2 points
Tundraboy's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:22 pm

I saw Myers blasted in one series, but the Team results speak for themselves. The line performed beyond expectations.

1 points
jvole's picture

January 03, 2024 at 06:53 am

In alternative universes, the Packers select Tee Higgins or Jonathan Taylor and win the Super Bowl. So who knows?

There is no denying Love has the talent, and the system backing him, to be very, very good. But similar to those dumping on Love / Gute at the beginning of this season (which I did not do), I think we need another year to see where Love ends up as a quarterback. Every NFL career is one Alex Smith-type injury from going sideways (God forbid), and people might start telling Love that he is a genius to such a degree that he thinks he is both a physician and pharmacist to the point of distraction......

-10 points
dobber's picture

January 03, 2024 at 07:49 am

I think you hit on the key idea that with Love it's a process...and it doesn't end this year. The arrow needs to keep pointing up and they need to make sure they don't just assume that he's going to carry this team: they need to keep improving that supporting cast.

I was never in the gung-ho Love camp, but I was never in the anti-Love camp. I was in the "he's sat the bench for three years--here's your shot--show what you've got" camp...and that the Packers needed to be brutally honest when they assessed whether or not Love can be the man or they need to look behind door #2 (actually, FIND that door #2). I think many of us were in that category.

As you say: you're always one injury away, so they also need to ask themselves (and be brutally honest) whether Sean Clifford can make this team go for 4-6 weeks in case of injury because even though most didn't have high expectations for this team in 2023, those expectations will be there in 2024.

2 points
Razer's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:35 am

...I was in the "he's sat the bench for three years--here's your shot--show what you've got" camp...

This is the most balanced approach to Jordan Love on this team. Unfortunately for Love he got caught in the Rodgers wake and the disappointment of heights not achieved.

2 points
Guam's picture

January 03, 2024 at 09:17 am

I did not like the Love pick at the time, but the dislike had nothing to do with Love. I wanted two more players to help Rodgers make one last push for a Super Bowl and by definition a backup QB wasn't going to be on the field helping that effort.

As for Love, I was in the same camp as Dobber, "here's your shot - show what you've got" while hoping Love could be the next great Packer QB. Love is proving Gute's choice right and as long as the ascension continues next year (and I think it will) the Packer are in great shape at QB.

Imagine what all the Bear's fans will be thinking when Love beats them on Sunday - how may QB's and GM's have the Bears been through while the Packers have had three QB's and three GM's???? Tough to be a Bear fan!

0 points
murf7777's picture

January 03, 2024 at 11:54 am

Com on Dobber, that's a cop out. How did you feel right after he was drafted? Either you liked it or you didn't.

1 points
MainePackFan's picture

January 03, 2024 at 02:10 pm

I definitely did not like it at the time. Frankly, I was shocked by it. I understood why they would draft him, but I thought it was a year or two early. I think it was well thought out Plan B for that draft. I could be wrong, but I think Jefferson was a longshot Plan A.

I wasn't as familiar with Cheesehead TV at the time. I'm curious what the reaction was in here at the time.

0 points
murf7777's picture

January 03, 2024 at 02:30 pm

The majority on this board was as well.....not many are willing to state it as per this thread! I'm one of those who feel you continue to use assets to find the man, like GM Wolf did most every year, even when you don't need one. That's because no franchise wins consistently without a Franchise type QB.

0 points
dobber's picture

January 03, 2024 at 06:41 pm

I really disliked the first three rounds of that draft.

0 points
murf7777's picture

January 04, 2024 at 07:24 am

Thank for being honest, nothing wrong with admitting something even if it ends up wrong. Most on this board were with you, they just don’t admit it.

0 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

January 04, 2024 at 09:53 am

Yup. I wrote that last Tuesday, adding that those first three picks doomed GB's super bowl chances. I still think it did.

0 points
Starrbrite's picture

January 03, 2024 at 06:02 pm

Same with me Dobby—I was never in the anti Love camp, but I wasn’t thrilled at drafting him @ #1.
I’ve grown to like him and I’m especially thrilled at his TD/Int ratio—he doesn’t make big mistakes.
Love’s footwork still looks different and I scratch my head at some of his throws, but dang, he continues to throw TD’s like he’s Johnny U.

0 points
LambeauPlain's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:02 am

So does Al have to pull your comments opposing Jordan Love's selection? You can admit you were wrong...many were.

Claiming the selection of Higgins or Taylor would have won a SB is a narrative and impossible to prove. Higgins and Taylor are not immune from Alex Smith sideways injuries either.

To forecast Love's character will take a left turn because he will quickly resort to hubris tells me you aren't a fan of Jordan Love yet.

He does not need another season to prove he was/is one of the best young QB's in the NFL this season...that foreshadows success in the future.

I liked the selection by Gutey and Jordan Love's hard work & character & performance since have reinforced the decision for me...especially during all the "physician and pharmacist" drama you refer to (Rodgers, right?) after his 2020 selection.

8 points
barutanseijin's picture

January 03, 2024 at 10:23 am

Besides, this franchise does not draft receivers in the first round. TT didn’t do it, Gutekunst doesn’t either. It wasn’t going to happen, Love or no Love.

3 points
jannes bjornson's picture

January 03, 2024 at 10:32 am

Well, he didn't draft any in rds two, or three either to help the offense on the SB quest.

-3 points
Minniman's picture

January 03, 2024 at 01:07 pm

Perhaps Gute's finally being vindicated with his selections over the past 2 drafts.


a) he didn't grade them as highly as Love
b) he evaluated that they were too similarly skilled
c) the WR roster was already packed with Rodgers' posse
d) he adjudged that what's the point of selecting players that Rodgers was going to ignore anyway!

1) Remember, Gute originally wanted the WR Aiyuk in the draft before Love, but got gazumped the pick before, so went to plan B
2) Rodgers' "Davante-vision" cost the Packers one playoff game
3) ST cost the Packers another

3 points
murf7777's picture

January 03, 2024 at 11:52 am

I loved the Love pick from the first day to today.

4 points
Starrbrite's picture

January 03, 2024 at 06:04 pm

Can’t disagree Lambeau

0 points
13TimeChamps's picture

January 03, 2024 at 09:11 am

Looking into my backward crystal ball:

Important drive in an important 2020 playoff game. 3rd and 8. Tee Higgins wide open just past the sticks to continue the drive late in the game. Rodgers sees Higgins and let's it fly...30 yards down field to a triple covered Davante Adams. Rodgers stands with his hands on his hips, shaking his head wondering what happened. Another playoff loss.
If only Higgins wasn't a rookie and had been able to earn Rodgers "trust". But they did get that elusive 1st round WR fans have been clamoring for.

Meanwhile, some other team drafts this kid out of Utah State named Love and wonder if they may found a hidden gem.

11 points
Bitternotsour's picture

January 03, 2024 at 09:40 am

wide open, ignored, because earlier in the year, higgins committed the sin of dropping a ball. instead Rodgers forces it to a triple covered adams and it's batted down. drafting new guys for Rodgers was a fools errand. Secret hand signals, checking out of the run play you anticipate that great rookie running back would bust open, well, sorry.

a man has got have a code.

2 points
NickPerry's picture

January 03, 2024 at 06:58 am

The Bears... I think the Bears will take Harrison Jr. with the first pick. That dude is about as "Bust Proof" as you can get. Then again it's the Bears and they could F**K it all up too.

Tucker Kraft.. I think everybody is really loving this guy. Hell, I'm not so sure he hasn't taken over the #1 TE spot even once Musgrave comes back 100% healthy. I really like Musgrave but did we ever see Musgrave take flight to jump over a CB? I can't recall it but I do remember him falling down after making the catch...A LOT!

Seriously though the Packers have finally made the TE position an actual strength on this team. I can't wait until next season and see them BOTH on the field together. Reed, Wicks, Doubs, Watson, and my new favorite Bo Melton to go along with Musgrave and Kraft...I see a NEW Sports Illustrated Cover coming very soon...Just like this one.

Alexander... So disappointed in Jarie Alexander. Not even a smidgen of remorse for his selfish boneheaded move at Carolina. Hopefully whoever the new DC will be can get this once promising player to shut his yack and start playing ball again. There's is NOTHING worse than a player who runs his mouth all the time and then does NOTHING to back it up on the field.

Reed... This is a totally different team when Reed is on the field. Remember when all the "Experts" said this was a reach and gave the Packers a "D" Grade for the pick. I'm curious about something. Who anointed these so called experts into experts?

No matter what happens Sunday this season is a HUGE success.

15 points
Savage57's picture

January 03, 2024 at 07:21 am

I was one of those people who was bummed watching the Packers gift Branch to the Lions, especially when Safety was a PON for the Pack in exchange for the picks to get Reed and Brooks.

Early on it didn't look anywhere as good as it does now. The Packers still need a safety but both of the players they took with that extra draft capital have shown out their rookie seasons.

8 points
DoubleJ's picture

January 03, 2024 at 07:45 am

I was never a big fan of Branch. I think that next year he will be exposed in coverage as OCs look through the tape from this year. He might be a heady player but he is still only an average athlete (5.27 RAS) for the position.

4 points
dobber's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:31 am

Branch is awfully good with the game in front of him, but you point out his limitations and they are real.

Branch didn't profile as what the Packers really need: a true, ball-hawking CF type. Savage had the testing numbers, but doesn't have those instincts...he's an undersized box S/slot defender and hasn't held up to the beating. I would argue that there are two places on the field where one really good player can make a big difference and really elevate the play of the whole unit: one is IOL and the second is S.

4 points
T7Steve's picture

January 03, 2024 at 07:23 am

Talking about Bo Melton reminds me that greengold pointed him out a season ago, hyped up about his speed and ability and wanting him to get a chance. Haven't heard from him since preseason, Hope he's ok. Maybe he just got sick of defending himself here.

5 points
Rarescope's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:38 am

I think he’s more of a draft guy but yeah it does seem odd for someone who posted as much as he does to not be around. I remember hearing a lot about Melton when he was picked up - Wes or Spoff did an article on him that I reread yesterday.

1 points
SoCalJim's picture

January 03, 2024 at 10:27 am

Greengold sure nailed it regarding Bo Melton, and I’m thrilled out it.

1 points
DoubleJ's picture

January 03, 2024 at 07:24 am

"Reed... This is a totally different team when Reed is on the field. Remember when all the "Experts" said this was a reach and gave the Packers a "D" Grade for the pick. I'm curious about something. Who anointed these so called experts into experts?"

Remember all the experts that wanted the Packers to draft JSN? Well through 16 weeks they have very similar stats with Reed being slightly better. Oh and he was picked 30 picks later. I personally would rather have LVN and Reed over JSN and Keion White. However, we will have to see how their careers end up to see if that was right.

6 points
dobber's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:23 am

"The Bears... I think the Bears will take Harrison Jr. with the first pick. "

I think that if the Bears DON'T draft a QB, they'll trade out of that spot and try to garner more capital for the future. After a couple stupid trades that cost them a lot of draft capital--that includes Fields--they've started to garner more picks and have the chance to continue to add high-end pieces. I think they'd be fools to burn the #1 pick on Harrison.

"Tucker Kraft.. I think everybody is really loving this guy."

It's a big jump up from SDSt to the NFL, and he seems to have grown into the part in all aspects of his job in a really short time. In all honesty, this team with a reputation for being soft needs a couple throwback guys to accelerate a culture change. The transition on this roster to the next window was fast-tracked by Love and his pass-catchers getting into sync quickly.

"Hopefully whoever the new DC will be can get this once promising player to shut his yack and start playing ball again. "

The Packers need to not just hire a scheme--which is what LaF said he was doing with Barry--but also a smart guy who knows how to command the defensive unit. Jaire's been paid, knows the Packers are tethered to his contract, and knows Barry is a lame duck. He's pushing the envelope because he can--he's being Spicoli and has just ordered pizza to eat on "our time." The Packers finally did something. He's damaging his own value. Both he and Stokes have a lot riding on this next DC hire.

"Reed... This is a totally different team when Reed is on the field."

I was one who questioned the Reed pick. His wasn't a terribly flashy name, although he had a good college career as a volume receiver. Part of the issue was that he didn't fit the Packers penchant for bigger WR, given what they'd lost in FA. Bottom line is, he's acclimated quickly and is already a really good football player. That catch-and-run TD Sunday night was absolute gold in showcasing his ability to get open, run in the open field, and his "want-it" at the end. Between Reed and Watson, the Packers have two guys who are difference makers...they just have to keep them on the field.

"No matter what happens Sunday this season is a HUGE success."

Realistically, I think this season had to be more about finding those pieces that were going to be key contributors in the next window for this team...especially at QB. I think they made tremendous headway there.

The perspectives on where this team would finish varied wildly, not just before the season but also during the season. The bar moved way up after the Saints game, then hit the floor as the Packers swooned, but has now picked back up. It would be a significant let-down (and a bad look for LaF to drop "must-win" finales in back-to-back years) if the Packers lost to the Bears, which tells you just how far expectations have moved.

5 points
calabasa's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:57 am

“Mr. Gutekunst…you dick!”

2 points
dobber's picture

January 03, 2024 at 09:36 am

I thought I'd eat pizza on OUR time!

-1 points
NickPerry's picture

January 04, 2024 at 05:55 am

"No matter what happens Sunday this season is a HUGE success."

"Realistically, I think this season had to be more about finding those pieces that were going to be key contributors in the next window for this team...especially at QB. I think they made tremendous headway there."

You stated EXACTLY WHY this season was a huge success. The Packers have found out a lot about several of these guys who will be part of the future. AND, some about others who will NOT.

1 points
RCPackerFan's picture

January 03, 2024 at 09:00 am

"The Bears... I think the Bears will take Harrison Jr. with the first pick."

I think the Bears trade down again. They would most likely get another haul for the pick. This is if they decide that Fields is the guy.

4 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

January 04, 2024 at 10:16 am

I think NE moves from #3 to #1. Chicago takes Harrison at #3 and moves up from #10 (their own pick) to #6 or #7 for LT Alt using the 2nd they also got from NE. Chicago gets a 3rd as well plus a first plus another pick in 2025. Maybe more.

1 points
Dragon5's picture

January 03, 2024 at 09:03 am

Gute no doubt had his best draft in '23...prior to was like throwing 7 darts and one or two stick. Musgrave was the greater reach in rd2 and I imagine need played a large role in that decision; while Wicks has been a phenomenal value relative to ADP, imagine if Gute had gone Rice & Reed rd 2.

1 points
murf7777's picture

January 03, 2024 at 11:57 am

That dude is about as "Bust Proof" as you can get. " Tell that to the Lions when they drafted 3 top 10 WR's back to back to back years. Only one of them materialized into value. Nothing is fool proof or certain in drafting.

3 points
GregC's picture

January 03, 2024 at 07:07 am

Interesting how nobody wants to talk about the defense after they play an excellent game. It would spoil the narrative. Fact is, the Joe Barry defense has had a lot of good games over the past few years, and they have even strung together several good games in a row at times. But you just never know when they are going to collapse.

I would love to see Jaire Alexander benched. The defense has been at its best this year with Valentine and Ballentine starting. Maybe they can compromise by playing Jaire sparingly or starting him but giving him the hook if he struggles. Let him sit on the bench and pout.

Of the Packers five divisional games this season, the road team has won every one, and none of them have been particularly close. The Packers need to change that pattern on Sunday.

-2 points
DoubleJ's picture

January 03, 2024 at 07:26 am

"Interesting how nobody wants to talk about the defense after they play an excellent game. It would spoil the narrative. Fact is, the Joe Barry defense has had a lot of good games over the past few years, and they have even strung together several good games in a row at times. But you just never know when they are going to collapse."

Plenty of people have given Barry credit for this game. The problem is for every game like this there are 5 like the Giants or Carolina. With him as the DC you never feel that any lead is big enough.

15 points
Coldworld's picture

January 03, 2024 at 07:52 am

The Vikings never got a run game going and had no passing game. Hall was overwhelmed from the outset and they never posed a threat. We rushed relatively well, but Hall could not take advantage of the spaces left open with his feet or arm. Jefferson and Addison were therefore non factors. Barry did blitz, to his credit, finally, but the lack of threat meant he didn’t retreat into playing off in the first half and that further helped the DBs. There was no threat and thus no test.

Minnesota are bad offensively post Cousins, but their choices greatly increased that on Sunday. The surprising anomaly was how badly Flores got it wrong in that game. We learned nothing about our D that anyone should rely on. To do so is to ignore how that game played out completely.

The same is true of the IOL, which was pretty awful, most notably a dreadful day from Myers with 6 pressures up the gut and a holding penalty. PFF rated him below 40. The willingness to abandon perspective when we win is staggering.

Yes, Love, Jones, Reed, Melton and Kraft all deserve praise but losing context on what the Vikings brought to the field is exactly the kind of reaction that excused Barry’s retention last year after 4 games against similarly impotent offenses. No, the IOL stunk, the D was largely given a free ride. Getting better starts with being honest. Let’s hope the professionals are better grounded.

3 points
GregC's picture

January 03, 2024 at 09:35 am

Your proportion is way off. That's why I've mostly given up trying to discuss Barry on this site. If you say anything other than that Barry is an absolute disaster, nobody wants to hear it. I agree with everyone that Barry should be replaced. He's average, and I want a better than average DC. But let's have some perspective. I watch other games, and I see soft coverages and defensive collapses ALL THE TIME. Did you see how easily the Lions marched down the field and scored a TD against the Cowboys at the end of that game? And this was against DC Dan Quinn, who lots of people think is in line for a head coaching job because of the great job he's done this season.

6 points
Bitternotsour's picture

January 03, 2024 at 09:54 am

I watched that Dallas game and thought - if this was Barry in the box he'd be crucified. Dallas, yes Dallas, played off coverage, kept everything in front of them, tried to keep guys in bounds, and drain the clock. Admittedly, Dallas lays the wood, much more than GB does, but the point is fair. Barry is a serial retread, but he's running the defense that Matt LaFleur hired him to run He runs it professionally. Our objections as fans are really better placed on LaFleur, this is the guy he hired, and it's the philosophy that he espouses.

That said, if Zimmer is available, he's an immediate upgrade.

1 points
fthisJack's picture

January 03, 2024 at 07:29 am

If Joe Barry's D plays another game like they did against a QBless Vikings team....I might think maybe we should hang onto this guy. He did the same thing last year came on strong at the end of the year to save his job. to going through this roller coaster defense again next year.

-5 points
dobber's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:51 am

I'll echo what was said above and that's that the roller-coaster of Joe Barry defensive performances points out that he's not the guy. In each of his seasons, Barry has had stretches of really gosh awful play and stretches where they look pretty decent--I'll point out how many times in the past we were saying that "the defense didn't lose this game" or "the defense gave the offense a chance to win". In the end, the aggregate stats end up looking pretty average.

But when his defense which is mostly veterans for multiple-game stretches still can't line up right...when it still messes up obvious coverages...when the players can't figure out what their responsibilities are...when it still doesn't highlight player skill sets--that says something about how it's being taught, planned, led, or called. That falls on Barry and his position coaches. The inconsistencies on the defensive side of the ball are particularly damning.

At this point, Barry is a poison pill: public sentiment is so lousy on him that if LaF keeps him, he's accelerating himself out the door. At this stage, Barry is likely (although it's not clear) in the last year of a 3-year deal and could be just unrenewed. It saves face somewhat relative to being canned.

4 points
LambeauPlain's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:38 am

Barry's defense was "excellent"? I don't agree with that, Greg.

They "seemed better" because the offense controlled the entire game with long, clock chewing scoring drives and kept the defense on the sidelines. The defense only had about 50 snaps to the offense's 70. Give Barry another 20 calls and I don't like the odds.

They "looked better" due to what Barry Ball must have to be complementary...turnovers. But any poor D looks good with multiple turnovers...and good defenses look great with them. But to rely on them to stop opposing offenses is dangerous...especially during playoffs.

They "performed better" because of a lost rookie purple QB and a fine performance by Ballentine, who was impressive. And Ballentine played a lot of man D...that is interesting. And Barry uncharacteristically pressured with more than 4 a few more times. These are defensive principles he has mostly ignored for 7 NFL seasons as DC.

The D has talent. They deserve coaching that uses it synergistically. That will never be Joe Barry.

8 points
dobber's picture

January 03, 2024 at 09:05 am

I agree: this has been a terrible unit in terms of turning the ball over this season. They did force two TOs, and the Packers were +1 overall for the game. The Packers scored 10 pts after TOs, but the one Packers TO turned into 7 points, though. Good defenses get off the field and give the offense good field position.

The defense looked better because this was one of their better 60 minutes of football. They were aggressive in their pass rush, they got off the field on 3rd down, they controlled the LOS, and they sacked Vikings QBs 4 times--they couldn't get to the QB against the Giants, TB, or Carolina, and those are not good pass-blocking units. In general, the defense did what it did v. the Lions and KC--they did a good job of winning their matchups. I thought they played with heart, and I think after last week we all questioned whether or not they'd show up this week.

3 points
GregC's picture

January 03, 2024 at 12:13 pm

The defense allowed 10 points, and 7 of them were due to a muffed punt deep in Packer territory. If that isn't excellent, what is? Yes the Vikings QBs were bad, but the pass rush was very real and did not allow the QBs to escape, as happened against the Giants. They got it right this time. Give them some credit. The coverage was good too. When the Vikings replaced their QB with one who has moved the ball well recently, they still couldn't do anything.

The turnovers were also big. You portray them as luck, at least when Joe Barry's defense gets them, but better defenses generate more turnovers. A legitimate criticism of this year's Packer defense is that it has been lacking in the turnover department. Well, this time they got a couple.

Attributing the defense's good performance to the offense is sheer denialism and another example of why it's futile to talk about Joe Barry on this site.

-1 points
CanPackFan's picture

January 03, 2024 at 12:06 pm

I agree wholeheartedly about Jaire! Let him sit and stew on the bench. We don't need a non-performing diva. We've just gotten rid of one diva. Let's not let another one take root?

On your Barry take, I can only say, "in a democracy, I will defend your right to be wrong everyday." After 3 seasons of dismal statistics, even a blind squirrel can find the odd nut. Barry has to go for this team to be CONSISTENT. After a good win, all the Barry lovers come out. The next game his soft, stupid schemes can just as easily come back. He is consistently inconsistent! At least if we can get 1 more good game out of him on Sunday, he can have a gentle dismissal in the off-season. I think this would be far more preferable to the inevitable call for tar and feathering if he plays typical Barry Ball and craps the bed on Sunday...

0 points
Fubared's picture

January 03, 2024 at 12:20 pm

First you cant give the pack d a lick of credit for some of the wins when the other teams QB was horsebleep to begin with. The Vikes QB was lost at sea and his replacement not much better. Had Cousins played, again he would have picked the Barry pass D apart and another Vikes win. Thus, it was the other teams that sucked that made our d look better then they are.

1 points
croatpackfan's picture

January 03, 2024 at 07:17 am

This was special addition of "Poluted Mindset" I ever read. Right on every point you touched. And, for a long time I have nothing to add or oppose to your thoughts.

But, I would like to point out that one of my favorite players from the 2023 draft, Karl Brooks, would be tomorrow a star on Packers D. Every game he produce at least one highlight play - this, last game with help of Kenny Clark he was first to react on strip sack and secure the fumble for Packers. I'm happy to see that!

9 points
DoubleJ's picture

January 03, 2024 at 07:28 am

I would like to see Brooks getting some snaps at DE/Edge. He played there in college, very well I might add, and could be an interesting change of pace. Most of the time you don't see 300+lbs DE/Edge players anymore. However, he could be a nice anchor in obvious running situations.

6 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:44 am

Yes! #99 J Ford is an obvious run stopper, he's never been called up from the PS and was an obvious choice against teams with a strong run game. LVN could be used inside. Last game we saw both #7 and 25 used in the blitz to good effect. SO much potential JB has been wasting ...

Another interesting comparison is Rashan Gary listed at #277, LVN 272, Wooden 273

3 points
Bitternotsour's picture

January 03, 2024 at 09:57 am

How is a guy who can't get off the practice squad an obvious run stopper? He's not even an obvious NFL player at this point.

1 points
Coldworld's picture

January 03, 2024 at 03:26 pm

Like Melton a couple of weeks ago? Rasheed Walker last year? I could go on. We don’t know. We do know that our coach doesn’t like to go heavy. Is that because neither Ford nor Slayton are any good or simply that we don’t like to go heavy?

1 points
Bitternotsour's picture

January 03, 2024 at 04:08 pm

I still don't like how Melton catches the ball. Until I see him snatch a ball out of the sky, I'll be fine with him on the practice squad behind Reed. He did find spaces though, and aside from a hard catch against the Vikings, he caught almost everything. That said, I didn't see anyone snatching him from our practice squad.

-1 points
jannes bjornson's picture

January 03, 2024 at 10:06 am

Brooks played hand-in-the-ground, four man front at Ball State. He is a true 4-3/4-2 DE. Change the defense to reflect the players skills.

0 points
Bearmeat's picture

January 03, 2024 at 07:18 am


The Rodgers-stan fanbois is the SAME crowd and the Favre fanbois 17 years ago. I wish most of them had stayed Jets or Vikings fans. They deserve each other. All this to say, they’ll never admit they were wrong. When they show up (and yes we all know who they are) I will needle them and will never stop until I hear some version of the words, Loud and clear. “I’m glad I was wrong. I am sorry for being such an obtuse prick.”

I, along with Oppy, was the first to say that 12 would not bring us to the promised land after 2014, and that we was a blooming toxic narcissist. I, along with Oppy. Was right. Run the table excluded (where he was just so physically dominant that it didn’t matter), Rodgers was THE problem with the Packers from 2015 on. He choked in 2020. He choked in 21. We weren’t good enough in 19 to be in the NFC CG. And he killed the entire team in 2022. It was time. (See what I did there). Past time.

This year, despite the up and down bumps, has been a joy as a Packers fan. I have my team back. It’s no longer hijacked by a lying dickhead. I was a big Love supporter. Loved the physical tools. And I do think MLF is a damn fine coach and should get a ton of credit for molding Love (along with Clements). The future is bright!

Regarding Jones - He’s 29. 29 year old RBs get hurt. 🤷🏼‍♂️

GPG Beat duh Bares on Sunday!

7 points
croatpackfan's picture

January 03, 2024 at 07:24 am

Hear, hear! Bearmeat.

Only thing I'm affraid for the last game in this season is that young team would become so high on themselves. Because they won so convincingly in Minnesota. That is something that coaches has to take the control of.

3 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:54 am

Croat, there's another concern: injuries. It would be amazing if the coaches actually led this team past mental mistakes like getting the big head. I see the players as this team's strength, and the coaching staff as the weakness. I used to consider Rich Bisaccia an exception to that, now I'm not so sure. Tom Clements certainly is. Evidence of that includes the bad footwork JL has developed in season playing behind a leaky O line; he's aware of it. And it's not spiraling out of control, even if it's not abruptly 100% fixed.

MLF certainly deserves credit for adjusting the offensive scheme to what JL can do, but that too is within the job description of OC, not HC.

5 points
stockholder's picture

January 03, 2024 at 07:40 am

Nobody is hiding under a rock.
#4 was a great QB. And #12 was too.
Both had thumb problems.
After 2014 the Defense changed.
DE s became LBs . The safeties weren't Collins.

-9 points
DoubleJ's picture

January 03, 2024 at 07:49 am

Dom Capers was the Packers DC from 2009-2017. During his entire time the DE's were OLB (now called Edge players) because he ran a 3-4 base that featured a lot of zone or fire blitzes. Capers D was well know to be very complex and worked best with veteran players. However, TT never wanted to spend money on FA so he was sending Capers a lot of rookies and 2nd year players (many of whom were UDFAs) to work with. In 2014 there were some more veterans on the team and that helped out a lot. Nick Collins got hurt in 2011 and was never on the Packers after the neck injury.

5 points
Bitternotsour's picture

January 03, 2024 at 10:08 am

Capers was one of the two most innovative defensive minds in football (along with Belichick), his shortcoming was not moving quickly enough to get Desmond Bishop on the field. The reality though is that no defense could sustain losing a future hall of famer at safety. I contend that losing Nick Collins cost the Packers two or more Superbowl's - they don't make guys like Nick Collins very often, and Ted could never find a suitable replacement. Insane speed, smart, incredible ball skills. God, he was amazing.

0 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

January 03, 2024 at 11:02 am

Nick Collins ran a 4.37 40. Eric Stokes, 4.24. I hope he comes back from injury 100%. I'm not sure he is yet? Yes he's played; if he's 100% physically he certainly is not in terms of playing football.

Smart and incredible ball skills get picked early. Gutey has tried to get bargains in late rounds via RAS and College performance a year removed due to injury. That strategy has worked to some extent, this draft it's time to use all those early round picks to fix weaknesses. He needs to have Mt Caleb, Telfort and Tenuta all evaluated in order to draft intelligently, and I think none of that is going to happen. Even including them there are only 7 O linemen we can expect to have back next season, Gutey needs to pick 3. I'd like to see them all on the interior, and picked early. Is any rookie OT going to play better than those 3 + Walker? That frees up Zach Tom to play C or RG.

We also need DBs. It would be great to know what we have in #31 Wilson. I'd also like to have Goodson and Nichols back. Can Gutey draft a RB better than them? ILB is also a need.

-1 points
ottscay's picture

January 03, 2024 at 10:02 am

I've also been optimistic about Love since we drafted him, but I admit I was much slower than Bearmeat to realize Rodgers diva-ness was out of control to the point that it was causing problems for the team. It wasn't until after McCarthy was fired and LaFleur was hired that I started realizing something might be amiss, and it wasn't until 2021 that I fully accepted it.

5 points
stockholder's picture

January 03, 2024 at 07:24 am

A big step or lack of QB?
If the Jets can’t win without Rodgers.
The vikings couldn’t win without Cousins.
Especially since the Packers defense
had a turmoil problem in the secondary.
It’s just not Alexander. ---But draft it RIGHT.

Ok- Jordan Love isn’t a Bust.
But Gutey was still wrong to draft him.
And that was the debate.
But miscalculations can turn into Blessings.
Especially when left with No other option.
Regardless; Rodgers must have taught him something.
And MLF did a great job helping him.

Reed does deserve praise. Even the OL.
But Tucker Kraft is everything Jordan Love needs.
Picking a second TE not only worked.
But it might be the most intelligent way to draft the 3rd rd.
( That 1st option doesn’t always turn out.)

Playoffs- The lions were the favorites.
Let's not get the confused.
Yes- Jones would have helped.
But Barry still is the DC.

-8 points
DoubleJ's picture

January 03, 2024 at 07:36 am

"Ok- Jordan Love isn’t a Bust.
But Gutey was still wrong to draft him.
And that was the debate.
But miscalculations can turn into Blessings.
Especially when left with No other option.
Regardless; Rodgers must have taught him something.
And MLF did a great job helping him."

Why was it still wrong to draft Love? Rodgers was 36 and coming off multiple sub par seasons (at least for himself). The 2020 draft had a lot of good QB talent and the best time to find a QB is when you don't need one. In many ways you could say that drafting a QB kicked Rodgers in the butt to play better. Plus had Love not been drafted then the Packers would be in a very bad QB situation right now. Also don't say that they would have won the SB because of Tee Higgins. We all know how much Rodgers hated throwing to rookie WRs.

10 points
stockholder's picture

January 03, 2024 at 07:45 am

Because the defense was shit.
And still is.
Rodgers was told shut -up about it.
You didn't need to draft a QB in RD. 1
Starr, Brady, Montana ????????

-14 points
DoubleJ's picture

January 03, 2024 at 07:58 am

Ironically the 2019 defense was actually average with a DVOA of 15th.

Sure you don't need to draft a QB in R1 to find a good one. However, once you get past R1 the QB quality drops VERY quickly as it is a premium position. For every R3 Joe Montana there are 100 Colt McCoy's. For every R6 Tom Brady there are 1000 Dan LeFevour's. Need I go on?

7 points
Coldworld's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:04 am

If you get a Franchise QB it’s a win, no matter how or the cost in picks. That’s a decade or more of a win. To say otherwise is daft.

Love isn’t a proven franchise QB yet, though he’s putting together one of the best ever seasons for a first year starter. However, he’s clearly already a genuine starter caliber QB and has the potential to be much more over the next decade and a half if he stays healthy. How many picks would most teams burn to get what he is now, let alone what he may be?

I wanted Jefferson in the worst way, but the reality is, if Love continues to play at this level, the Love pick will pay way more dividends and potentially for much longer. Actually, last Sunday should illustrate that nicely. Melton, a UDFA, plus Love made a difference while Jefferson was largely a bystander.

10 points
murf7777's picture

January 03, 2024 at 12:04 pm

Good comment and is why I'd rarely, if ever chastised the GM for drafting a QB....Wolf did it almost every draft and sometimes multiple during a draft, he was a wise GM. You draft them when you don't need them was Wolf's mantra. I applauded Gutey the day after in these posts. I also don't know if he will become "the man" and I think we won't know till after or during season 2, but that wouldn't change my opinion either way.

3 points
stockholder's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:07 pm

Gutey was lucky Love "came" to GB.
!n 1983 the Colts drafted John Elway.
He was traded to Denver.
He was considered one of the best
draft picks of All-Time. Top 4. & HOFer
Despite his first year. He beat us later in a Super-bowl.
We had Dickey. And Took Tim Lewis cb.
But espn stated the packers wanted Terry Kinard S.
The Giants later won. Rebuilding the DL and S.
Getting the right players means everything!

0 points
LeotisHarris's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:42 pm

Well, Love couldn't threaten to play MLB for the Yankees. In my dreams, Butler gets his helmet on the ball and Elway's helicopter spin ends in a fumble.

Tim Lewis has 19 interceptions in a career cut short by injury (three seasons). We had Johnny Gray and bald Mark Murphy as SS and FS, and Tom Flynn the next season. Kinnard played Safety for the Giants for 7 seasons, had 31 INTs. Did he tilt the field for the Giants Super Bowl win? ::shrug::

And, yeah, we had Dickey, Lofton, Jefferson, and Coffman. Lofton and Coffman had All-Pro seasons in 1983, as did Larry McCarren.

We had a lot of good players, and the 1985 Bears on the horizon. Tough days.

2 points
croatpackfan's picture

January 04, 2024 at 11:27 am

"Gutey was lucky Love "came" to GB. "

No - Brian was "love-ly" to pick Love: That has nothing to do with luck!

0 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

January 04, 2024 at 10:51 am

Correct. CW, you and I discussed this several times over the years. If Love is a franchise QB (something like 7th to 10th-best QB in the NFL), then Love is a good pick.

0 points
TXCHEESE's picture

January 03, 2024 at 09:05 am

Uhm Rodgers?

-1 points
bottlefliper's picture

January 03, 2024 at 09:16 am

this is funny, even for sh standarts. Mr. Ivermetin did never what someone told him. He would talk about all day if someone told him not to.
Go ask rogan what to do flatearther........sure he is on the list......

-4 points
JerseyAl's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:11 am

"Ok- Jordan Love isn’t a Bust.
But Gutey was still wrong to draft him."

And you're still wrong to think that. It was no different then drafting Rodgers when Favre was still the man. Also, I'm disappointed by your milk toast confession. Oh well.

15 points
LambeauPlain's picture

January 03, 2024 at 09:06 am

It is amazing how some cling to narratives even when known facts make them irrelevant.

I get the controversy over Love's first round selection with an MVP QB on the roster.

I also supported the selection of Rodgers with another MVP QB on the roster...and understood that controversy too.

Jordan Love, like Rodgers before him, is passing the initial tests. It is a long exam and we shall see. But enjoy it.

Shoot, I was opposed to the selection of Gary...but I got that one wrong. You know...facts. Enjoying I was wrong.

7 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

January 03, 2024 at 09:17 am

Al, you can't say the JL draft was no different than drafting AR. #4 had a team around him. AR did have an OL, not just a star LT. And he had a WR1. He did not have a WR2, as much as I loved Lazard and hoped for MVS to have a catch rate of better than 50%. He did not have a star TE, as much as I hoped to see Tonyan repeat his one great year. And while he had a double headed monster in the backfield, MLF made the same mistakes misusing them that he always has: forget #33 is on the team for half the game, run 28 into a wall 3x in a row. What's wrong with establishing the run and then sprinkling it in to keep the opposing defense at a disadvantage? Failing to get AR to a second SB includes MLF making OC mistakes like that because HC duties are too much for him to handle at the same time, AR12 choking in big moments and not being a good cold weather player, and SF beating GB in the weight room. This strength and conditioning staff has been bad for years.

-4 points
Bitternotsour's picture

January 03, 2024 at 10:15 am

oh noes, someone call a waaambulance

-4 points
jannes bjornson's picture

January 03, 2024 at 10:29 am

The difference was Rodgers rated as the top QB in the 2005 draft and San Francisco blowing their pick. Love was the best value on the board at #26. Would Gutedkunst have take Aiyuk there , or was Love his guy all along?

3 points
DoubleJ's picture

January 03, 2024 at 10:35 am

If Rodgers was ACTUALLY the highest rated QB in the 2005 NFL draft he would have gone #1 to the 49ers or WELL BEFORE the Packers picked at 24. Just because ESPN or some other site says someone is rated #1 that doesn't mean they are actually that way to NFL teams.

4 points
jannes bjornson's picture

January 03, 2024 at 10:59 am

No, he was the top rated guy. McCarthy was the OC, he wanted him. Mike Nolan wanted Smith and 49r Fans have been bitching ever since.

1 points
DoubleJ's picture

January 03, 2024 at 01:49 pm

No McCarthy wanted Smith and not Rodgers.
""Aaron's always had a chip on his shoulder with Mike," says Ryan Grant, the Packers' starting running back from 2007 to 2012. "The guy who ended up becoming your coach passed on you when he had a chance. Aaron was upset that Mike passed on him—that Mike actually verbally said that Alex Smith was a better quarterback.""

1 points
Leatherhead's picture

January 03, 2024 at 11:45 am

He was rated no lower than #2. SF thought Alex Smith was the best bet, and he had a long career in the NFL. No other team took a QB until we got Rodgers, and then the Redskins took Jason Campbell, another guy who had a decent, but undistinguished career. Anybody else you might have heard of was taken much later.

The night before the draft, this scout/talking head came on TV and said that it looks like Aaron Rodgers could fall all the way to Green Bay, based on the priorities of other teams.

Sure enough, WRs and RBs came flying off the board, and defensive players, and all of a sudden, we're looking at Rodgers, or Roddy White at WR. The organization followed Wolf's Advice "The biggest mistake you can make in the draft is to pass up a franchise QB."

Minnesota passed on Rodgers twice, taking Nate Williamson and Erasmus James, career AVs of 8-6. Detroit passed on him for a WR, Mike Williams. Chicago got a good RB, Cedric Benson, instead. IMO, this is one of the clearest examples of how the NFC North has worked since Wolf arrived, and it's one of the reasons we've won as many division titles as the rest of them together. We get the quarterback position right.

7 points
DoubleJ's picture

January 03, 2024 at 01:52 pm

I know that he was rated no lower than QB2. But as well all know QB2 obviously wasn't higher that a lot of players on other teams boards.

0 points
Coldworld's picture

January 03, 2024 at 03:33 pm

He was hurt by the Tedford “curse” as well as the fact that a lot of teams had desperate non QB needs or settled QBs (in their minds). Rodgers was a luxury pick too, in 2005 he didn’t look remotely ready to play. An ideal pick for McCarthy to work with behind Favre. By 2008 Rodgers’ technique was transformed.

0 points
croatpackfan's picture

January 04, 2024 at 11:38 am

"The difference was Rodgers rated as the top QB in the 2005 draft and San Francisco blowing their pick."

Jordan Love was also rated as 1st rounder! Go to (for example) You Tube and search for 2020 draft. He was consider as 4th best QB in the draft, because he was coming of small college. There was some draftniks consider him more talented than Joe Burrow, Josh Allen and Justin Herbert, but not enough experience to play immediately.

0 points
stockholder's picture

January 03, 2024 at 12:50 pm

No Al it isn't milk-
Look at why the cupboards were so bare !!.
And how Gute changed his drafting per Needs.
Needs that should have been taken before Love 2020.
Especially the Defensive side.
Had Love not worked out after Rodgers.
And those extra picks for Rodgers and Adams.
This team would have had the worst drafts in history.
Love was a pick to clean house.
And it still depends on how he pans out LONG TERM.

-4 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

January 04, 2024 at 11:17 am

Nonsense. GB was 10-6 in 2004. Favre contemplated retirement for a couple of the prior seasons. Cap was a mess and TT would let Rivera and Wahle walk. AR was in the conversation for going as high as #1. QB Jason Campbell, who went 25th, was not in that conversation.

2 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

January 03, 2024 at 09:05 am


"Why was it still wrong to draft Love?"

Because they SAID they were going all in on AR12. You can't do that and leave him with only a WR1 and pass on a historically great WR draft class. Gutey did not say he was intentionally foregoing the next 3 seasons of winning in order to develop the QB of the future, which is what happened. That combined HORRIBLY with the huge contract.

Now we have the QB of the future. Time to improve the O line for every possible reason, including keeping JL from getting injured.

1 points
bottlefliper's picture

January 03, 2024 at 09:20 am

Compared to Mr. Ivermetin, Love had nothing at WR and made them all great. Flateearth never could do that, he could not even use the weapon he had because of trust issues. What means never throw to someone besides his buddies and never throw a WR open.....

0 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

January 04, 2024 at 11:34 am

Nonsense. AR got Watson for 507 snaps in 2022; if Watson plays 61 snaps against the bears, Love will also get 507 snaps in 2023. Reed is better than any WR AR had in 2022. Lazard is a #3 with AR and without he rides the pine. Cobb was washed. Tonyan has 11 recs in 2023 vs. 53 recs in 2022. He is bad. Wicks is much better than Doubs was in 2022, and is better than 2023 Doubs as well, though Doubs at least improved in 2023. Musgrave is better than Tonyan, and so is Kraft.

0 points
croatpackfan's picture

January 04, 2024 at 11:43 am

Well 2020 WR group was different, isn't it TGR? And we are talking aout draft year when Jordan Love was drafted. Not about 2022.

0 points
DoubleJ's picture

January 03, 2024 at 09:32 am

They never said they were going all in on Rodgers in 2020, at least I don't remember them saying that. Not to mention Rodgers historically was never one to target rookie WRs. Therefore thinking that Tee Higgins or Michael Pittman would have magically made them win the NFCCG in 2020 is beyond crazy. MVS and Lazard were doing quite well against the Bucs in the game. The biggest factor was Bak being on IR and the OL not doing much for a lot of the game not the WRs. In 2021 the issue was again the OL being bad AND Rodgers only looking to Adams even when other people were wide open.

In many ways the team and franchise are better off anyways. Love looks like he can be a franchise QB which can easily mean 10+ years of competitive football. He is currently on a cheap contract and major pieces can be locked up for a long time.

5 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

January 03, 2024 at 11:14 am

Love isn't on a cheap contract now. The number $45MM is being thrown around, and so is signing him to that in May. I'm hoping he wants to win more than he wants to squeeze every dollar he can out of GB, and that really is the tradeoff. If he were to vocally settle for $20MM because that's a lot of money he might get other key players to follow suit, and have a dominant team that redeems the past 2 QBs only getting to the SB 3x.

That's what this is about. Hoisting the Lombardi in 2025 matches Rogers' career arc, having the team continue to improve from there means the Pack is back!

Until then I just hope the team that played in MN last Sunday shows up against Chicago ...

-4 points
Bitternotsour's picture

January 03, 2024 at 11:56 am

Love is on medium money but he's going to get paid. Fortunately, unlike Chicago and Minnesota, our skill positions on offense are all going to be on their first contracts. Those receivers won't get paid for three more years. The cap is getting under control. Zack Tom is underpaid. Bakh will either return, be traded, or retire. The fiscal house will return to order now that the ridiculous Rodgers contract is off the books.

3 points
murf7777's picture

January 03, 2024 at 12:22 pm

Yes, that would work great for the fans, but certainly not in his best interest. Who in their right mind would take a $25 M pay cut just to appease a fan base? Even if he did, it wouldn't guarantee a Hoisting of the Lombardi trophy. Far from it.

2 points
DoubleJ's picture

January 03, 2024 at 01:54 pm

Right now Love's cap his is less than $8M. Next year it will be around $10M. That is CHEAP for a QB. The contract he signs in the offseason might increase his 2024 cap hit but not to $45M.

0 points
croatpackfan's picture

January 04, 2024 at 11:48 am

MVS was the best Packers receiver in the NFCCG 2020. Davante was doubled and tripled and MVS has the most targets with more than 60% catch ratio. Different story is why FPQB never threw the ball to Allen Lazard who was 2 yards of the end zone on 1st and goal at the end of the game or why he did not try by himself, but forced the ball 3 times to Davante!

0 points
BAMABADGER's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:56 am

"Ok- Jordan Love isn’t a Bust.
But Gutey was still wrong to draft him."


7 points
Since'61's picture

January 03, 2024 at 07:31 am

Great article AL. I agree that the Packers should be at least 10-6 at this point. This offense needs both Reed and Jones on the field. They are the difference makers especially with Love playing the way he has played the last few weeks. Jones makes the OL look better. It looks like the offense will carry the Packers however far they go this season.

If they reach the playoffs and get their players back, specifically Watson, Wicks and hopefully Reed's injury is not serious the Packers could be the hot team going into the NFC playoffs.

The defense remains the concern because we never know when they will fold up. Carlson missing extra points does not help either as every point is crucial in a playoff game and as you correctly point out this week's game against the Bears is a playoff game.

As for Love the game is slowing down for him at the right time. I said from the beginning that we need to give him a time. He's making the most of it at this point. Go Pack Go! Thanks, Since '61

13 points
DoubleJ's picture

January 03, 2024 at 07:39 am

"This offense needs both Reed and Jones on the field. They are the difference makers especially with Love playing the way he has played the last few weeks. Jones makes the OL look better. It looks like the offense will carry the Packers however far they go this season."

I'd say that while Reed is very good, losing Watson was a HUGE loss in the 2 games after the Chiefs. Teams started playing the Packers WR differently knowing that it was less likely that they would be beat over the top. It took a couple weeks for the Packers to adjust and that is why the offense didn't flow as well.

3 points
Cheezehead72's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:02 am

Watson is not a HUGE loss because he is seldom on the field. The guy needs to figure out how to prevent soft muscle injuries and do it. I would love to see him on the field most of the time.

1 points
Coldworld's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:10 am

Watson is a big loss, but you are right, only if he can overcome those hamstrings and be healthy long enough to be a fixture.

As to Reed, yes, he will be a loss, but that’s exactly the role that Melton made his mark in when Reed wasn’t on the field. I think we can cover that relatively well as a result. What will be interesting in future is whether we can get both out there together productively, but for now, Melton is decent cover for Reed.

2 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

January 03, 2024 at 11:38 am

Melton is better used as a substitute for #9. All three are close to identical speed, with #80 being the fastest. Without #11 as our slot receiver, Wicks is still dangerous, and Grant DuBose is a great substitute for him when he's out. And there's still Doubs. And Heath. I think Simore Toure is #8, and hasn't been thrown to enough this season to heat up so that's not even fair to evaluate him. Although I'd be surprised to see him as a returner again.

-2 points
DoubleJ's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:48 am

I said many times that MVS was nearly as important to the 2020/2021 Packers as Adams was. When MVS was hurt, the offense suffered A LOT. Once Watson was hurt after the Chiefs' game the offense suffered A LOT. It took a couple weeks for the team to figure out what to do to help mitigate that loss. Watson is a player that opens up the entire field for everyone else. He MUST be accounted for on every play, usually with 2 people, as he can turn any play into a long TD.

0 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

January 03, 2024 at 11:41 am

DoubleJ, that's what I call "the MVS role." Bo Melton is the perfect substitute for #9 in that respect. You're right that MLF couldn't figure that out, and still hasn't. Stressing the opposing defense should be MLF's wheelhouse.

-1 points
DoubleJ's picture

January 03, 2024 at 01:57 pm

Melton is an OK substitute for Watson. However, the difference in size and acceleration is noticeable.

0 points
Coldworld's picture

January 03, 2024 at 03:51 pm

Watson had an incredible 10 yard split (1.46) , his burst is beyond exceptional. However Melton is still faster over 40. That tells us his top speed is higher. Melton is faster after 20 yards, which actually could compensate for size on go routes and helps if he’s in motion on crossers.

Melton has played outside much more than Reed. He’s also got a Good vertical. He can go get that ball. Is he a direct substitute? No. However, he’s perfectly capable of playing that role if needed. Pete Caroll used him almost exclusively outside in Seattle, where injuries probably led to his just being squeezed out in a tight competition.

0 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

January 03, 2024 at 10:43 am

Bo Melton is actually a tick faster than #9. He should be used in the MVS role just as #9 is when he's out due to injury. Having that as a constant presence in MLF's scheme would help JL10 tremendously! Notice that when 9 comes back after missing multiple games, JL misses him. That's because he's trying to connect with such a wide variety of targets. Even #11 has to stop and wait for the ball to get to him sometimes; that's not helping his availability. These 3 have almost identical speed. Before week 1 this roster actually had another WR with 4.3x speed, and before him there was a different one. I was hoping they'd keep 4 WRs who are that fast, they cut both of these other guys; but the #9 / 80 shift should add some "continuity," one of MLF's favorite words. Even though 80 is 5'11" and 9 is 6'4", Melton can be used to spread the opposing defense, forcing them to send their faster guy after him and making #11 a nightmare matchup.

Of course I hope #9 is at 100% Sunday. Another likely substitute is Grant DuBose for Wicks. Everybody else is unique, which can be effective but is also hard for any QB to maintain a connection with that many different route runners. All 8 WRs are great with Simore Toure probably #8. Now add #28 33 85 & 88 to the receiving core :)

2 points
Boneman's picture

January 03, 2024 at 07:53 am

You have to give Jordan Love and MLF a lot of credit. It is awesome rooting them on and it is bringing back memories of when we first starting realizing Rogers was good. I hope fervently that Love remains who he is and doesn't fall into the diva trap that JA has apparently fallen into. For some, working your way to the top is the whole enchilada and once you truly get paid it is time to start coasting. I've seen this in the business world and we see it too often in sports. In the meantime I'm going to enjoy the ride and root this team on. I really don't see anybody in the NFC we can't beat on a good day... Can we go on a run? Lets find out! GPG!

8 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

January 03, 2024 at 12:00 pm

Right now GB would face the Cowboys in the wildcard round. I'd love to be proven wrong by winning that game. GB can't compete with SF or Eagles, just got blown out by Tampon Bay, and would face a much tougher Detroit game. I think Detroit would be the easiest matchup, or maybe TB.

Before hoisting a Lombardi, GB also has to contend with the likes of Baltimore or two others that right now look like AFC juggernauts. This off-season is no time to re-sign dead weight like JB.

2025 is GB's earliest SB window, with next year maybe getting some playoff wins. Even one and done this year would be an amazing season ...


-2 points
packerbackerjim's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:00 am

The three-headed soap opera with AR, MLF and Gute was a realshit show. I backed Rodgers but the fatigue was undeniable. I couldn’t predict how Love’s career would turn out but was willing to give him a shot and I am now quite optimistic about the offense. Not in my wildest dreams would I have dared to hope for this. Wicks is one of the sneaky good receivers in a crowded WR room. A great problem to have: how many do you carry on the roster.
Al must have read my mind regarding the team winning games they weren’t “supposed to “ and lost games they shouldn’t have. A Bears team desperate to avenge Packer domination has me mildly concerned. The step to make the playoffs would tremendous boost to the trajectory of this team.

9 points
Coldworld's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:16 am

The Bears have improved in both sides of the ball. They can run and they’ve even been passing and their D has been pretty effective. They are in a wholly different place to the Vikings this time last week. From memory, the fact that they are 5 and 1 over the last 6 as opposed to 1 in 5 illustrates that.

Barry is going to have to stop Fields on the ground , to stop a between the tackles run game used heavily to set things up and trust his DBs to win one on one outside of shading to Moore.

5 points
calabasa's picture

January 03, 2024 at 09:06 am

Bears wins this season, in order:


Lions are the only good team there. I’m looking forward to Sunday.

2 points
dobber's picture

January 03, 2024 at 09:18 am

The Bears are good at spreading teams out laterally to create run lanes. Moore is a catch and run guy. I expect the Packers to throw a lot of zone coverage against the Bears this week to prevent the big play...that's going to be a mistake.

5 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

January 03, 2024 at 12:36 pm

Yes. Perfect strategy for the Viqueens, horrible for da Bares. Will JB play them both the same? If our D doesn't, that might lend some credibility to the speculation that JB was not calling at least some of the defensive plays last week.

SO much creativity could be used with this defensive roster to get after the QB!

0 points
LambeauPlain's picture

January 03, 2024 at 09:25 am

Yeah...this game has the feel of a track meet. Turnovers will tell a large part of the tale.

The Bears are playing with confidence and this is their "game of the season"....a statement game to go into the offseason with glass half full.

Jordan Love needs to become the new Landlord of the Bears.

5 points
jannes bjornson's picture

January 03, 2024 at 11:55 am

I believe the Bears were without a couple RBs the first go-round and have added Montez Sweat to attack the QBs.
Moore has been on fire. Can Savage show up as a free safety?

2 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

January 03, 2024 at 12:38 pm

Savage has actually played well this season. Is he at 100%? I think injuries might be the deciding factor in this one ...

1 points
dobber's picture

January 03, 2024 at 06:38 pm

Packers have 21 listed on the Wednesday injury report.

0 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

January 03, 2024 at 12:33 pm

PBJim, I'm going to engage in the foolish exercise of ranking our 8 WRs, which the team has not done. I'll also point out that #88 85 33 and 28 are all part of the receiving core, although 28 is probably out of that mix until next season.

If everyone were at 100% this might change, but if only #9 is less than 100% I say Reed is WR1 and Musgrave or Wicks should be who JL looks to next. Reed has gotten open more often than anybody else, and even without being looked at first has more targets, completions, and yards than anyone else on this team. Getting the ball out quickly by looking at him first is a great strategy!

Add Kraft, 33 and 28 to that mix, primarily as check downs with great YAC potential. 5 yard passes turning into 15 yard plays wins games as long as you're completing everything. If somebody told me Kraft can't rush I wouldn't believe it. This O with just 1 or 2 WRs on the field would be a juggernaut, assuming a solid O line.

#80 Bo Melton as a direct substitute for 9, with 86 Grant DuBose filling in when Wicks is injured both make sense, although they mess up my attempt at a neat ordering.

Doubs still hasn't been mentioned?!? He's next. Do we really need anybody else? Hell yes we do, I'm greedy and like this embarrassment of riches :)

The only ones left are Heath and Toure, so I call Toure #8. This is SERIOUS depth! How many can be kept on the PS without being poached? Is Heath our best Deebo Samuel imitator, or is that Wicks?

Beating da Bares is the more immediate concern, and not one to take lightly. JB needs to be able to beat BOTH the run and the pass

0 points
mrtundra's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:01 am

Jordan Love is our QB, now, and will be our QB for the next several years. Myers has been playing better the past few games, or so. I still will want to draft some OL help and look to FA, as well, in 2023. Zach Tom did have a great game. The "great" Viking defense was beaten back by MLF's game plan and our offense, in their home arena. Drinking Grape Crush after a beat down of a victory, over the overrated vikings. GO PACK, GO!!!

8 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

January 03, 2024 at 12:46 pm

Myers was flat out BEATEN at least 6x in this game. I'd love for Gutey to try to draft a better C than Zach Tom, then have all 3 compete for that position in TC. Yes, #50 was dominant in this game and has played GREAT at RT all season. Isn't he out of position and belongs on the interior? His football IQ would help so much at C .

At OT we have Walker at 6'6", Telfort 6'7", Tenuta 6'8", and Mt Caleb at 6'9". Between these 4 they can't hold down two spots? It's the interior where we have no depth.

-2 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:08 am

Al, I love your film analysis! Growing up in NJ, to me football means playing tackle in T-shirts and jeans, on asphalt. The stuff with the big rocks in it. You win the
game by having a RB who runs AT defenders to initiate contact until nobody's willing to try that again. When you have everybody running away from you, the game is over.

How many defenders did #28 send out of the KC game for being so foolish as to think they were going to tackle him? And here we see #85 playing with appropriate attitude. #58 does that too.

Man, I'd love to see #88, 85, 33, 28, and #9 when he's 100% healthy and HOT all on the field at the same time! Who's going to stop THAT? They're all dual threats who can both catch and run. Musgrave is probably the worst rusher of the bunch, and 9 is probably the worst blocker of these 5. He's still a good blocker. Easy variation to add Reed and lose a RB and/or TE.

As talk of Ja and Stokes returning popped up we discussed who should play. I still like the obvious solution of bringing them back in gradually, on a snap count. Throwing them right in the fire with 85% + of the snaps was an obvious mistake. And people want to commend any of our coaches?!? FUGGHETTABOUTIT. The sheer number of rookie mistakes by this coaching staff is a crime against football. Yes MLF has glimmers of brilliance - as an OC.

7 points
JerseyAl's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:15 am

Yes, I also played tackle football on asphalt and concrete when I was a kid. You learned to fall and keep your head from hitting the ground. To this day, I still have that skill.

6 points
JohnnyLogan's picture

January 03, 2024 at 11:43 am

Growing up in Milwaukee, we also played tackle on asphalt playgrounds. But we were smart enough to do it after a big snowstorm.

6 points
RCPackerFan's picture

January 03, 2024 at 11:24 am

"Man, I'd love to see #88, 85, 33, 28, and #9 when he's 100% healthy and HOT all on the field at the same time! Who's going to stop THAT?"

There are so many combo's I want to see when everyone is healthy.

Jones, Musgrave, Kraft, Watson, Reed.

Jones, Musgrave, Kraft, Watson, Wicks.

Jones, Musgrave, Watson, Reed, Wicks.

Jones, Musgrave, Watson, Reed, Doubs.

Jones, Watson, Reed, Wicks, Doubs.

Jones, Musgrave, Watson, Reed, Melton.

I honestly could go on and on. But there is 1 combination that I want to see on the field together at the same time, that I think would make our offense unstoppable. Jones and Watson. If we could get those 2 guys on the field together healthy, this offense will take another step. They have barely been on the field together this year. But with the way that Love is playing right now (just earning NFC offensive player of the week), and Jones fully healthy, if we had a fully healthy Watson, this offense would be more electric.

2 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

January 03, 2024 at 12:50 pm

Can even use 5 WRs simultaneously! Although Musgrave is more like a big WR to begin with.

0 points
RCPackerFan's picture

January 03, 2024 at 02:28 pm

absolutely! Also with Jones you can spread him out and he is almost like a WR.

0 points
Packer_Fan's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:13 am

So polluted comments:

TAke the offense. Played lousy earlier in the year. Love not playing so well, showing his inexperience. During the four game losing streak, the offense was struggling and Love was throwing interceptions, especially at. the end of the game. Yet they were close. I think I even made a comment here that keep playing Love through 12 games and if not better, try Gifford. Well Love and those young players kept getting better. And not just better, but one of the best offenses right now. I credit LaFluer a lot. And Love is our QB for the future.

Now defense. Early in the season they kept games close, but couldn't stop teams from scoring late. And the players are not so young like the offense. As the offense improved, the defense has not. What can you say? Barry plays a soft defense. TEams are figuring out how to beat them. Was the Viking game and aberration or the rule. Doubt it being a rule.

Offense going in the right direction, defense not so. Still we are at the cusp of the playoffs. Go pack.

4 points
LeotisHarris's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:37 am

Yes, the Bears have improved on both sides of the ball, but so have the Packers. I think we'll take care of business Sunday afternoon.

What frosts my biscuits at this point is those of us without YouTube TV or NFL Network will not be watching the game. The oldest rivalry in the NFL exclusively on streaming services; eff you, NFL, and your unmitigated greed.

7 points
calabasa's picture

January 03, 2024 at 09:10 am

I hate to say this is where it’s going Leotis- last week we had to figure out how to get my Browns-loving father-in-law an Amazon Prime trial in order to watch Thursday night football. Either do a YouTube TV free trial, or better yet go to your local Packer bar, milk a Dr Pepper for 3 hours and cheer em on with other Cheeseheads!

5 points
Razer's picture

January 03, 2024 at 09:58 am

I thought that Jim Nantz and Tony Romo were doing the game?

3 points
dobber's picture

January 03, 2024 at 10:43 am

It's a CBS national game in the late afternoon slot. Most of the country is getting it.

5 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

January 03, 2024 at 12:55 pm

I wonder if that includes Milwaukee broadcast stations?

No homo but I love Romo as an announcer. Since he was accused of still wanting to be a QB he's done this less, but when he gives his pre-snap reads it helps me SO much!

0 points
Spock's picture

January 03, 2024 at 01:15 pm

Heck, even I am getting this one (just checked my programming)! I think there were maybe less than half the Packer games I could watch here in Arizona. It's been a frustrating football season for me. I feel Leotis' pain, had to just listen to a LOT of games.

0 points
Houndog's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:47 am

OK, here I am, holding my right hand up above my head.
I don't think I ever called Love a bust, but I remember saying "he couldn't hit a pig in the ass with a scoop shovel" on a couple occasions. Mostly due to what I saw in those games.
I love his demeanor and poise, but remain concerned about his touch passing on both short and long routes. When he just "Rips It" he's as good as anyone out there, sometimes Amazing. I'm thinking (and hoping) that Clements can fix the 'Touch' issue and maybe give us three-in-a-row.
Love, for everything he is and is not, is a refreshing contrast the 'Rolling Eyes stare" we saw way too many times the past couple years.

9 points
LambeauPlain's picture

January 03, 2024 at 09:35 am

So you are saying he still has a chance....;-0

6 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

January 03, 2024 at 01:09 pm

My evaluation of JL10: his long passing is fine when he keeps all his cleats in the ground. Good footwork is not something he has to learn, he had it in TC. He's picked up bad footwork playing under pressure behind a leaky O line. He's also learned how to throw the ball away to avoid the sack. In Pittsburgh. He has slightly "happy feet," taking little hops for no good reason sometimes. In the off-season hopefully he can correct those bad habits.

EASY LAYUPS: I said this before TC, and it's still true. He needs a dominant O line, a run game he can lean on for about half the plays, and take the high probability plays until everything gels. He never got that, and it's a miracle he hasn't gotten hurt. He's not breaking fingers of everyone he throws to, so that's good. #33's reception rate probably looks bad this season but that's mostly due to JL missing him coming up short on his short throws. These NEED to be 100% completion rate. Ample targets at short distance with 2RBs, 2 TEs, and an exceptional slot receiver in #11.

I think this can be fixed. How? Oh Mr QB whisperer ...

I also want to see him stop trying to thread needles from a mile away. Add that in a little bit in his third year as a starter if everything is going THAT well. Yes, it worked a few times.

Another refinement to add is connecting with #9. He's fine on crossers when he can see the ball and run at the same time, but 9 needs to practice finding the ball on a go route. And JL needs to gel with his speed. Having 9 and 80 doing drills together, taking turns running deep routes full speed all off-season would be perfect ...

0 points
RCPackerFan's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:55 am

What happened? -
I would have thought that Hall was ready to be the guy based on the hype. I would have thought he would have been ready to be the starter, because why else would they have started him? But to be fair, they probably saw a Joe Barry defense that was allowing QB's to play really well and way better then they actually are. Clearly he was not ready to be the guy.

Admit you were wrong -
lol. good luck with that.

Tucker the Mean Mother*ker -
We do need more Krafts on the team. But more importantly he smashed down the 3rd round draft curse!

Roll with it -
Here is another thought. Have a competition in practice this week. The winner start sunday.

Playoffs -
This offense is just different with Jones in it. Just like its different when Watson is in it. What i'm looking forward to is someday hopefully we can have Jones and Watson on the field together. And not just those 2. I want to see our entire offense on the field together for once. Jones, Watson, Reed, Wicks, Doubs, Musgrave, Kraft, Melton. I want to see our entire arsenal released. But seriously. Jones, Watson, Reed, Wicks, Musgrave would be a pretty damn dynamic set.

OL -
The part about Myers is he will play 60 snaps. He will have 58 good to great snaps and 1-2 bad ones. So most people see the 1-2 and believe he is horrible. Myers has played really well overall. If Myers would not be able to play that would not be good for our offense. Hopefully he escaped a bad injury.

Reed -
The connection between Love and Reed is becoming special. And Reed is becoming the guy.

Shades of Jefferson -
Melton has serious speed. His route running appears to be really good as well. It is crazy to see what kind of jump he has taken these last few weeks. With all the WR's we have, who had Melton as the first to get 100 yards receiving this year.

Missing Hunter -
Tom is a stud! Hunter is a premiere pass rusher and he stoned him!

10 points
LambeauPlain's picture

January 03, 2024 at 09:47 am

"Myers has played really well overall."

Really? OL who play really well overall get votes for all pro. That's not going to happen.

I think you have your observation on him inflated, RC. I think he is serviceable half the time and a weak link liability for the balance of snaps. He's ok pass blocking but still gives up quick pressure up the middle. Run blocking he is timid. That surprises me, given his OSU days.

He just hasn't improved since his rookie year. You saw Jenkins, Tom, Nijman and Walker steadily improve. Myers hasn't and maybe the knee injury six games into his rookie years has affected him.

Gutey needs to upgrade the IOL this draft.

2 points
RCPackerFan's picture

January 03, 2024 at 10:05 am

Go back and watch his play, and watch the OG play next to him. Myers has suffered from the OG play next to him. When Jenkins got hurt they had Newman next to him. Lets face the facts, Newman is one of the worst OL in the league. When Jenkins came back it took him several games to get back to his normal self. He even admitted such. And the guy next to him on the right side has basically been demoted from his play. They should just go with Rhyan full time at this point.
There was a play that I remember from earlier in the year. Myers got crusthed for the play. But when you go and rewatch it, for whatever reason Runyan turned away from the gap to double team a guy that Tom had easily.

I'm not saying Myers is a pro bowl player right now. But he is playing way better then people want to give him credit for. And that isn't me talking. That is Mark Tauscher, that is Bryan Bulaga. I listen to those guys.

4 points
LambeauPlain's picture

January 03, 2024 at 11:25 am

I have watched him. I make it a point to watch the OL play when I take the time rewatch the game. There are too many plays where Myers whiffs on run blocks or gets a partial block and stops and watches the play.

I also watch Tom and Jenkins. They hunt to the whistle on run plays.

On pass blocking there are too many times the pressure is up the middle with Myers backpedaling. That can't happen.

Maybe Runyan's subpar year is due to the guy to his left, too. Goes both ways.

0 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

January 03, 2024 at 01:36 pm

I'll give Myers credit for improving as this season has gone on, which means as often as he was put on SKATES early in the season, there's been less of that. Why he wins some of his 1 on 1 matchups and loses others is most likely due to fundamentals. I'd like GB to have a coaching staff that MAKES SURE that's never a problem, first by great teaching, and next by benching players who don't follow directions. "Hold them accountable" means NOTHING if you never bench anyone, and I've never seen anyone benched except for the Runyan / Rhyan rotation. Even that should have been Rhyan starts and is only benched for poor play, weeks ago.

As much as I'm disappointed in coaches failing to bring the O line up to the standard for another consecutive season, it's still up to individual players to play their position. PFF grades aren't worth much, and Myers has run blocked well on some downs.

I hope Gutey drafts a C, and creates competition for the position between him, Myers, and Zach Tom. More importantly, evaluates well and chooses based on merit instead of favoritism. Benching Nijman was reverse favoritism, not merit based. After he stopped playing, he declined. I'm calling it, he's somewhere else next season. And playing very well or better. We still have 4 OTs not counting Zach Tom.

0 points
Lphill's picture

January 03, 2024 at 08:56 am

nobody wants to say it but we all know it , the Packers success this week depends on Joe Barry .

3 points
T7Steve's picture

January 03, 2024 at 10:01 am

I'm worried about special teams also. At this stage I'll go with LH and his fair catch rule.

2 points
LambeauPlain's picture

January 03, 2024 at 10:01 am

The best Packer Defense will be Love leading the Offense on long clock chewing scoring drives and keeping the D on the sidelines....for the rest of this season, that is.

Next year I hope we will have a DC who takes the full measure of the individual strengths on the team...and designs the team and scheme to be far greater than its parts.

9 points
Bitternotsour's picture

January 03, 2024 at 10:33 am

That's on LaFleur. Barry is running the defensive philosophy that MLF wants him to run. Barry is an errand boy.

1 points
LambeauPlain's picture

January 03, 2024 at 11:46 am

No, what's on MLF is hiring and letting Barry run his defense for 3 years of futility even with constant infusion of talent. MLF doesn't coach D or STs.

I don't believe he demands exact scheme's from his coordinators. If he does, given the performance of D and STs since he has been HC, then the Packers have bigger issues.

He is more like McCarthy who let Capers run his D and is doing the same with Quinn in Dallas.

I seriously doubt he demands Barry coach laughable run defense and prevent (the win) D. After all, before he hired his buddy Joe, he almost landed Leonard who is not in the same D zip code philosophically compared to Barry.

I have no doubt MLF abhors having to fire people. It isn't fun, but it is necessary to improve the team's performance. What has been MLF's most important and/or consequential decision since 2019 with personnel moves (players or coaches)? I don't see many. He's very much status quo.

1 points
RCPackerFan's picture

January 03, 2024 at 11:07 am

I'd say its on the players. If the front can dominate the LOS, it will matter more then what the coach calls for plays.

And its on Love and the offense. They have to put up points. If they play like they did last week, they win easily.

1 points
CanPackFan's picture

January 03, 2024 at 12:20 pm

You hit the nail on the head Lp! Barry is the X-factor. If he can be competent for 1 more game, we can get in. But if he thinks the heat is off him and returns to Barry Ball, we're doomed! And let our 2 rookie corners start this game and leave headcase Jaire to stew on the bench. He doesn't deserve to play unless there is an injury. GPG

0 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

January 03, 2024 at 01:41 pm

Lphill -

unless JB really wasn't calling the defensive plays last week and won't again this week.

I can hope for that, right? I mean #25 is the hungriest player on the team, and I want to see him blitz MORE! #7 needs to play aggressively too, what a night and day difference!

0 points
pantz_bURp's picture

January 03, 2024 at 09:01 am

I am enjoying this season as much as the Xmas I received my 1965 Sears Space Liner Deluxe. Yes, me liking the trojectory of this team.

Hey bar keep, another oat soda and you mind if I plug-in the jukebox? I gotta hear, You Dropped the Bomb on Me by the Gap Band.

Oh, you got any more pretzels n mustard or beer nutz left?

Life is good, in the moment...

Pantzy meeting you here

3 points
Bitternotsour's picture

January 03, 2024 at 10:35 am

did that bike have a built in light in the frame? wow.

1 points
pantz_bURp's picture

January 03, 2024 at 11:47 am

Yep, it did. It was a 24" that I still tried to ride even after my growth spurt (vertical and horizontal).

0 points
Bitternotsour's picture

January 03, 2024 at 11:58 am

space age. looked like a pontiac

2 points
HarryHodag's picture

January 03, 2024 at 09:01 am

As I was watching the latest misstep by His Darkness regarding Jimmy Kimmel I can now identify that giant sound of relief over Green Bay that came from 1265 Lombardi Avenue. One of the things about telling a 'joke' is that it has to be identified as a joke. Good luck, AR.(snicker).

The Bears: in a weird way I've been pulling for the Bears like I did the Lions. (I will never pull for the Vikings no matter how bad they are). I want the Bears-Packers rivalry to be the key one in the NFL. The only way that happens is if the Bears improve as they are doing. Many of you don't remember the 60's rivalry, or maybe the 80's when Bears-Packers games were all out wars. I want a Packers win on Sunday. The Bears need to make a decision before draft day on Justin Fields. Look for a number of teams to line up for his services if Chicago tries, yet again, for the next great one. If Fields played behind the 49'ers offensive line Brock Purdy would be the backup.

The future is looking brighter in Green Bay as a young squad of hungry players begin to work together. 2024 could be a great year.

6 points
pantz_bURp's picture

January 03, 2024 at 09:11 am

It seems as much as we all need oxygen, #8 needs attention.

Oh be you #8. I want to concentrate on the Packers and the team. That is why I am enjoying this season so is like being handed a mute button with #8 in NY.

That is the power of choice. One can delegate their attention to what they want and disregard the white noise. Hey, why you all treating my posts like a fly-by state? :)

Yours till the end,


1 points
TXCHEESE's picture

January 03, 2024 at 09:12 am

What I like about Love, is his calmness. When he gets lined up, he looks more like he's about to roll a bowling ball down the alley, than he is about to take a snap. Love that!

10 points
CanPackFan's picture

January 03, 2024 at 02:49 pm

You mean u didn't like the AR facial expressions after a bad play? You didn't it like that AR wanted to throw to his buddies vs the open man?

But you'd rather have Love's calmness? SO WOULD I! GPG

-1 points
Bitternotsour's picture

January 03, 2024 at 09:22 am

You start out praising Aaron Jones, and then this? " Fewer guys that are more concerned about their wardrobe, jewelry, brand and paychecks." So, you are feeling strongly both ways? Showtime 33, sombreros, bling.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but drafting the biggest fastest guys is generally considered good business, you spend countless hours slobbering over the combine and 3 cone drills. Kraft had great measurables, so did Gary, what exactly are you not liking about our drafts.

0 points
Dragon5's picture

January 03, 2024 at 09:32 am

It's not easy to have your father taken away via suicide at age 14, but Jordan has overcome that dark moment in his life with humble, hard work (traits of a 4 life path). I wonder to what degree during the eval process Gute envisioned Jordan utilizing that traumatic moment to aspire to be something great. Peeps born on the 2nd usually have a knack for diplomacy to boot...for a QB of an NFL franchise, that's a tall order to fill and (year 1 accuracy issues be damned) he's done a fine job of maintaining focus in his leadership role; he appears on his way to securing franchise QB status.

8 points
Razer's picture

January 03, 2024 at 09:50 am

The pressure on this young man must be crazy. I love the way he carries himself and the calm that he brings to offense. Tempered by fire

5 points
Razer's picture

January 03, 2024 at 09:46 am

It is good to have promise and hope. That is what I see with this young Packers team. Got to say that Matt Lafleur is changing my mind. Yeah, I don't like the Joe Barry hiring but Matt is not taking shit from anybody. The Jaire Alexander suspension showed me something. Unfortunately, CB1s time in Green Bay may be over. Hard to have a head like that on the team. May be the next Zadarius Smith. Who does stuff like that.

As I said, Matt LaFleur is coaching the heck out of this puppies. As Bearmeat said, it is fun to watch this fresh Packers squad - even with the mistakes. Beating the crap out of the Vikings was sweet. I won't get too high on that win as the Vikes don't have a QB or a run game. Our defense is still a big liability and needs to be fixed. Firing Joe Barry may not be the solution. We have lived with this for 3 or 4 DCs. High drafting CBs and Edge rushers may have to give way to better safety and D-linemen selection. We are soft.

Overall, this is more than I expected for a rebuild year. Go Packers

3 points
EnemyTerritory's picture

January 03, 2024 at 10:17 am

Hand up here. When the Love pick was announced I went ballistic. Not so much that a QB was drafted but rather when in the draft. I still believe that another WR target for the former guy might have produced another Super Bowl appearance. Gutey could have traded future draft assets to trade back to get Love. Nonetheless the rear view mirror shows this to be a solid pick. I still believe 25 is the year the team becomes a real contender. Year three of most of the WR and TE corps, hopefully year two of the new DC and a solidified OLine.

5 points
ottscay's picture

January 03, 2024 at 10:18 am

While watching Love handle adversity with an even keel, and consistently move through his progressions rapidly, my daughter coined the term "quarterback brain", which I think perfectly encapsulates why I've been impressed with Love all year, even during the offensive doldrum games - he has the mental makeup and the physical tools, and with Clements coaching him I feel hopeful that his excellent second half play is not a chance aberration.

4 points
CanPackFan's picture

January 03, 2024 at 11:04 am

The subject of allowing Jaire to play this week reminds me of a song/saying, "Dance with the girl you took to the dance". So, gender issue aside, Ballantine played so well against MINN, how can u even think of putting Jaire in? I don't care if he makes $63mil this season, he doesn't DESERVE to be in this critical game!

You're bang on right Al, it would take some cajonnes to leave him on the bench. Not a lot, but some. The Packers put their best D effort of the year on display last week. Why would any idiot(s) decide to put Jaire in for this game? Well, I guess we know who this coach(es) might be?

This team needs to see that prima-donna headcases shouldn't start over hard working guys that are hungry and performing! How many interceptions has Jaire gotten this year? Yes, less than Ballantine. Who played well in their last game? Jaire has a disaster in Carolina. Ballantine was great against the Vikes! You'd think it would be case closed? But maybe not in Barry Land or in the marshmallow LaFleur bakery?

If Jaire has any football sense left between his ears, he should be scared for his job after watching Ballantine and Valentine perform against the Vikes. But I'm not sure? He should get down on his injured knees (everything else in him is injured, why not his knees?) and assure Barry he will play his guts out if he wants to see the field on Sunday. Even then, I would still leave him on the bench until his hunger to play outweighs his ego and stupidity.

We've shown him the money. Now it's far past the time for him to deliver. GPG

2 points
RCPackerFan's picture

January 03, 2024 at 11:30 am

"he should be scared for his job after watching Ballantine and Valentine perform against the Vikes."

Legit question. How good were Ballentine and Valentine, and how much was more based on the QB's they played? I don't have the All 22, so I can't watch every plays to see how they looked every down.
I know Ballentine had the interception, but it was on a poor throw behind the WR that ricocheted up. It was a great play by him, but bad throw by the QB. And there were several other misses. Ballentine did have some good contested breakups.

But that brings me back to my original question. Did they play really well, or was it more based on the poor QB play that made them look better?

1 points
Bitternotsour's picture

January 03, 2024 at 12:13 pm

If Jaire were healthy this would be a non-issue. He's not healthy. He shouldn't be playing. They should hold him out til the playoffs or at least until he's 90%. Letting him play simply because he can get his uniform on is doing the team no favors.

When Jaire is healthy he's top 5 in the league. We need that guy back. That's yet another reason moving on from Barry is key. They need to hire someone who can inspire Jaire to become his best self again, and to embrace a scheme that utilizes his unique skills.

0 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

January 03, 2024 at 02:15 pm

Now THAT is something I can agree with wholeheartedly.

0 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

January 03, 2024 at 02:13 pm


I'd almost agree with all that. Some positions including CB don't have to be all or nothing in a game. Bringing injured players back on a snap count is pretty standard. Why that was violated with both Ja and Stokes or who made that mistake I do not know.

0 points
JohnnyLogan's picture

January 03, 2024 at 12:16 pm

I'm not sure if I'm one of those you're referring to, Al, who need to come out with some sort of mea culpa, but I did criticize Love at various points during the year. I was happy with Gute picking him, and I strongly favored trading Rodgers to Denver. I wanted to give Love a chance, But once Love became the starter, I became disenchanted. All the early scouting reports were popping up in my head: accuracy issues, an interception machine, and when he constantly was underthrowing the deep ball, I also questioned his arm strength. Now?... I'm saying there's a chance. He's calm in the pocket, has a strong arm, and looks like a legit NFL QB. 30 TDs in a first year as a starter is sensational. I'm a fan. Would I pay to give him a long-term contract?...... I'd like another year to evaluate. Why?... even in the Viking game, he missed easy throws, but he did come back with some beauts. The main reason I'd want to wait another year is... Daniel Jones. Giants went all in, and it came up snake eyes. Simply hoping Love takes the next step is only that, hope. As it stands now, he'll likely get his contract. And I won't be upset, I'll be filled with hope.

2 points
JerseyAl's picture

January 03, 2024 at 03:53 pm

No, I also had criticisms during the year, I'm talking about those that declared him a bust before he even got a chance to play some games. Or those that declared it a wasted pick on draft night. People forming opinions without any real evidence.

3 points
Fubared's picture

January 03, 2024 at 12:27 pm

Your right and wrong Al. First for me I didnt think Love was a bust but I pegged him as just average. Any team can have average but if your goal is the playoffs and a super bowl, average doesnt cut it.
Second, Jairre is a bust considering what was expected of him and the play he has produced. He is a mal content like Campbell who may want out of dodge aka Douglas.
Third anyone who thought this was a playoff team pre season was using optimism over reality. The pass d was not improved, you had an unknown at QB and our vaunted receivers hadnt shown much in their first year and the new guys hadnt shown anything yet so why wouldn't some of us think 6 or 7 wins this year versus those who thought 10 or 11 wins. The later is hope not reality.
I keep saying, 32 teams get to draft each year and many also get players and improve not just the packers. Some teams get rid of deadwood players who dont produce and others dont. This team is reluctant to admit mistakes like
Stokes, Watson. Those two are just taking up space imo.

PS: I actually think Love is playing way better then in college. Perhaps he learned to avoid mistakes of the past or the game caught up to him and he has more thinking time but this is not the Love from college who was so so and tossed a lot of picks. He surprised me and a lot of other people.

-4 points
Bitternotsour's picture

January 03, 2024 at 12:39 pm

Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is a team that is on the verge of being a playoff team. Mistakes like Stokes and Watson?

You stubbornly are wrong about just about everything, but do please double down.

6 wins. Nice police work there.

4 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

January 03, 2024 at 02:19 pm

Payne you want to get rid of two of the 3 fastest players on the team.

That's a recipe for losing.

3 points
golfpacker1's picture

January 03, 2024 at 12:58 pm

Does anyone think the reason we drafted Myers over the obvious best center in the draft from Oklahoma was left handed vs right handed? I don't know how many lefty centers there are in the NFL, or if Rodgers had any input on that decision. Would we draft another center this year? Delmar Glaze-Maryland might work and he can play all over the line too.

Jones is the "straw that stirs the drink" running back for GB when he is healthy. He is also very expensive again this year. I am hoping he reupps again for less money, otherwise he is probably very tradeable for maybe a 3rd rounder.

Everyone loves Kraft and we should. I honestly liked him better than the Notre Dame guy.

Al, there is an interesting RB at Krafts alma mater, SDSU. Isaiah Davis is his name and he is a Braelon Allen clone that we could probably draft with a 7th rounder. He could easily be a Dillon replacement if we can't resign him cheap. If Jones can't be retained. Marshawn Lloyd-USC, could be an early 3rd round pick and we won't skip a beat. Draft those 2 and RB is rebuilt. If not Lloyd, Ray Davis could be a day 3 steal.

Since Watson is hurt alot, and is not a WR1 yet, a very interesting player is Johnny Wilson-Florida State. Although my favorite WR is Xavier Leggette-South Carolina and he would be our WR1 if we picked him in the 2nd round. Wilson is a really close second because of his versatility. Wilson is in the same mold as the Giants Darrin Waller when the Raiders picked him. He is 6'7-235lbs, and runs 4.4 40. He would be a game changing weapon for GB as he could be WR and also be an unstoppable TE.

1 points
Bitternotsour's picture

January 03, 2024 at 02:35 pm

I love the "obviously best" designation, because of course you can always tell these things...

2 points
golfpacker1's picture

January 04, 2024 at 11:43 am

Yeah well if I see someone rated the best center on 90% of the player rating services, I probably would say he is the "Obvious Best Center". And he has also made 2 all pro teams and our guy has made none, Great to disagree, but keep your snide comment to yourself next time.

0 points
JohnnyLogan's picture

January 04, 2024 at 07:33 pm

99% of the rankings. That still rankles.

0 points
Minniman's picture

January 03, 2024 at 01:15 pm

Whilst we are lauding Love for winning NFC Offensive Player of the Week....... and in the same theme of not being too hasty to judge booms and busts.

Shout-out to Rasul "the ghoul" Douglas for winning AFC Defensive Player of the Week.

He that the Packers picked up off the Cards practice squad.

Sure, it would have been great to see him retained, but I understand the economics of it.

7 points
golfpacker1's picture

January 03, 2024 at 01:44 pm

GB is lucky to have an uber talented, shutdown corner in Alexander. But unluckily he is also another in a huge group of pro athletes that have great talent but also have 10 cent heads. Meaning they shoot themseves and their teams in the foot all too often. Alexander can take the other teams WR1 completely out of the game, which would be great this weekend against Chicago. If D J Moore is a non factor this weekend, beating Chicago becomes a much better outcome for GB. It's really sad to waste supreme talent in any sport, especially when a team commits so much cap space as GB has with Alexander. Is it too much to expect a fair return for investment? If he doesn't come around, at the very least he could get us a first round pick in return for trading him. Shutdown corners are always in demand so he would be a hot commodity and easy to move.

We might need to spend 3 picks on Safety and CB this year. At Safety Nubin-Minn or Bulock-USC would be great 2nd round picks and immediate starters for us. I also like later pick, ball-hawk Safety Tykee Smith-Georgia. Day 3 CB picks I like are Kyree Jackson-Oregon and Zy Alexander-LSU.

Other replacement player picks-
Darius Robinson-Edge-Missouri to replace Preston Smith
Junior Colson-LB-Michigan to replace Devondre Campbell
We also can probably trade these players for something.

Maybe the most important pick is to replace David Bahktiari. After we beat the Bears, we will be picking around 20, and the 3 best OTs will be long gone. I like Jordan Morgan-Arizona and he will probably last until mid 2nd round. Maybe a trade back would be in order, to the early 2nd while picking up at least another 2nd. That would give us four 2nds to pick Nubin, Morgan, Legette. and D Robinson. if that flew we would have 4 new, talented, younger, cheaper, starters.

I also like 3rd day sleeper OT pick Walter Rouse-Nebaska and Stanford 5 year starter.

By the way Al, realistically, it was pretty cheap for what we had to give up to move up for Love. And it is looking like the steal of that draft. Lets steal some more this year.

1 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

January 03, 2024 at 02:29 pm

Trade Ja and it costs $24MM in dead cap. Let's hope he comes back 100%.

We have 7 O linemen returning next season, Gutey needs to spend three early picks there. I'd like to see them all on the interior. We have 4 OTs in Walker Tenuta Telfort Mt Caleb. Could any rookie OT play better?

1 points
Leatherhead's picture

January 03, 2024 at 05:50 pm

We'll replace Runyan with Rhyan and our starting Oline, if everybody is healthy, is Walker-Jenkins-Meyers-Rhyan-Tom. Not only is this a not-real-strong starting group, IMO, but there is nobody else....other than Newman....who has ever taken a snap in the NFL.

We have 5 picks in the first 90 or so, and I think we should get two Oline starters. Protect Love and give him time and I think we'll have a very good offense in Green Bay next year. Replace Dillon/Jones with younger, cheaper rookies in the draft. Braelon Allen and Jonathan Brooks? And it's all do-able, thanks to Gutekunst's ability to get more picks.

Take the best defender in the first round, as usual, and then show up on Day 2 getting two blockers and two RBs, and we'll have a 30 ppg offense next year.

1 points
LLCHESTY's picture

January 03, 2024 at 06:46 pm

I like Kinchens more than Nubin or Bullock but they need to come away with one of them IMO. Tykee Smith played 90% of his snaps as the slot defender but if they don't resign Nixon he or Barron from Texas would be good picks to fill that spot.

They need to look for players that can get their hands on some balls. 7 team interceptions on the year is ridiculously bad.

1 points
Swisch's picture

January 03, 2024 at 06:42 pm

An old guy like me who tends to ramble might tell a young guy on the Packers to seize the opportunity to participate in any and every NFL game possible.
When it's a momentous game against the rival Bears on the last day of the regular season, and for a trip to the playoffs, allow that to be extra motivation to be dedicated on and off the field in preparation for this Sunday.
To excel individually to the best of one's ability, and to be a part of a significant team achievement, is not something to be taken lightly today -- or else it will be regretted tomorrow.
Make the most of it, guys.
Play hard and smart; savor the moment and have some fun. These all go together for success and satisfaction.

0 points
Starrbrite's picture

January 03, 2024 at 06:53 pm

So Al, et al, want to“expose” those who weren’t previously in love, with Love—big deal—go for it!Anyone else on this site (writers included) miss on a prediction that a player might be good/bad?
A very silly and sanctimonious threat imo. An opinion is what it is; and it’s not like those of us who weren’t thrilled with Love as a #1 pick were sharing nuclear launch codes with the enemy.
No one cared when I said Kraft was a great pick. Sometimes we’re right and sometimes we’re wrong.
Someone asked who anoints the “experts”. IMO, most of them/us are self-anointed.
Go Packers—-and go Jordan Love!
I didn’t believe you would be this good, this early.

-2 points
JerseyAl's picture

January 03, 2024 at 07:19 pm

Sanctimonious threat? It's the self-anointed experts I want to expose. Those that declare a player a bust or a wasted pick before he even plays in the NFL. As if they know. And I'm curious to see who are self-aware enough to raise their hand and admit their folly. For the most part, many of them have been absent today.

1 points
Starrbrite's picture

January 03, 2024 at 07:57 pm

Al, my phone won’t load all the comments, so I can’t reply directly to your reply. I do like that you read the comments by us posters — I salute you for this…and your articles always generate great discussion.
I’m still not sure I can agree that it matters much if a person believed Love was a bust or otherwise —Colin Cowerd only recently said he was wrong about Love; and he a so-called expert.
I was never anti-Love, but I didn’t like him as a #1—believed we might have gotten him later.
Anyway, he’s becoming a star and my hats off to you/y’all who predicted this.
Go Packers—Go Love…and Go JerseyAl.

2 points